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    Thursday, October 25, 2018

    Windows workflow Ask Programming

    Windows workflow Ask Programming

    Windows workflow

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 10:02 PM PDT

    I'd like to make an automatic process that receives image files, does a simple image analysis (find the statistics in a region of interest), makes a database of the results, and generates a report to send by email.

    This would be running on a windows server. I already have a utility up and running that receives the image files and places them in a directory.

    I have used bash and MATLAB to do something similar before, and I have not done much else programming wise. I have used mySQL databases before. I was thinking python could probably do everything, but I have never done anything in python (and not sure how to run it on windows), otherwise I'm sure I could string MATLAB and something else together- maybe even MATLAB alone.

    I don't need to make this elegant- I just want it to work and hopefully not need much maintenance. I also would prefer to do it using free tools- I do have access to MATLAB and probably some database software. Just looking for general advice on what tools I should look into and pitfalls to avoid.

    submitted by /u/roosseevelt
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    Need help looking at source code?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:35 PM PDT

    Was wondering if somebody could help me with some source code I am having trouble with

    submitted by /u/Unixbar
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    Scanning Evaluations to PDF then into an Excel Sheet

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 02:24 PM PDT

    Hello r/AskProgramming, I currently am tasked with manually entering evaluations into an excel sheet then once I am done entering all the evaluations, I scan them into a pdf.

    What I am wondering if there is a way in which I scan these evaluations and have them automatically entered into an excel sheet.

    Where would I even start with this project? I have a feeling that python might be a decent start but I have no idea how one would start with this!

    Thank you,


    submitted by /u/Timo823
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    Is there any viable way to be self-employed with programming?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 05:00 AM PDT

    I've never been a big fan of working for others. I have a full-time (non cs related) job that I'm working now on top of going to school part time and I hate it. I don't hate it because the job itself is awful. I just hate giving 40+ hours of my week away to someone else. Sure better pay improves the situation, but regardless of pay I could never see myself enjoying this lifestyle.

    I know you're probably thinking "Well that's life, get used to it." and you're right. But is there anyway to pursue a independent work with the right knowledge? Web development seems over saturated and nearly impossible to break into as a freelancer. I've been developing mobile apps with ad revenue but those haven't been successful and that market is just as saturated if not more so than web dev is. Most other programming task seem to be sold to the lowest bidder on freelancer and other similar sites which is usually some guy/girl from india willing for work for below minimum wage.

    What other avenues are there to take? Are there any? Am I just condemned to work a 9-5 for the rest of my life?

    submitted by /u/Math-Code-Love
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    Help decipher this timestamp syntax

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 04:53 PM PDT

    I'm downloading data with RETS (Real Estate Transaction Standard). One of the fields is a timestamp with SQL name of timestamp_sql. This result is a date syntax which I have never seen before.

    The format is XX:YY.0 and both XX and YY can go up to 60.

    Picture example of the syntax

    What does XX and YY stand for in this timestamp? Minutes and seconds?

    submitted by /u/Valachio
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    permutation in SML

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 10:08 AM PDT

    I am trying to write a function that that takes in a single integer and returns the permutation for that int. (Permu should be of type int -> int list list.) For example, permu(2) should output [[1,2],[2,1]].

    In the assignment instructions it says to write a helper function interleave which must be a higher order function (of type (int * int list)->int list list). For example interleave(4,[1,2,3]) outputs [[4,1,2,3],[1,4,2,3],[1,2,4,3],[1,2,3,4]]

    I have been using this example

    fun interleave n [] = [[n]]

    | interleave n (x::xs) =

    (n::x::xs)::(List.map(fn l => x::l) (interleave n xs));

    fun permu nil = [[]]

    | permu (x::xs) =

    List.concat( List.map (fn l => interleave x l) (permute xs));


    but it only works with lists. I have no idea how to change the code so that it would take in an int and generates the permutation. Any help/guidance would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/wissam1218
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    Question about Github

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 02:49 PM PDT

    Still learning the ins and outs of git/github, past the basic push/pull/commit. One thing I'm wondering though is lets say I have a local copy of a repo that I've cloned. One day I make a commit to it. The next day I make another commit and push to my github repo. On Github, in the coding contributions display on my profile, will it only update for the 2nd day or will it update for the first day as well.

    tl;dr if i make two commits on separate days but push them on the same day, do i get 1 (dark?) green square or two (light) green squares?

    submitted by /u/Haond
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    Simple Android Program

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 02:30 PM PDT

    Hello. I know C# and C++. And I want to code a very simple (a few buttons and a timer) program to android. I already know how to do it on a computer but I've never done anything on Android. Can I use the languages that I know? Should I learn a new one? Where do I even start?

    Thanks for your help

    submitted by /u/asya_su
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    How does programming for linux compare to programming for windows?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 01:49 PM PDT

    Hey, i recently switched completely to linux and started using python here and there.

    Today i was wondering how programs on linux work compared to windows.
    With programs in don't mean (python) scripts, i mean full desktop applications like vscode, gimp, firefox etc.

    In windows, when i wrote a C# WinForms program for example, (simply put) the compiler took the source code and gave me one executable file (.exe) which i could then execute.

    How does this all work in linux and is there something comparable for linux?

    submitted by /u/LeadingProfit0
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    Having separate codes in separate git branches.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:22 AM PDT

    I have two branches Viz: master and demo. Most of my work is done on the demo branch, until after testing before it's merged to master and pushed to production.

    Now, say I made some changes on demo, and I want to checkout master; is there any way my work on demo can remain there, without coming to master until I categorically merge?

    submitted by /u/hash200
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    How does it work accessing a premium feature of a web app by having a special Serial?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 01:47 AM PDT

    I need to allow only paid users to access our web app, and im thinking about two ways: selling login or login + Serial. But how do they work? Any other options or frameworks that do this?

    submitted by /u/Don-g9
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    ASP.net: downloading a file from a server on the network

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 11:19 AM PDT

    Ok so on a dynamically generated page I need to do some updates to there is

    html.AppendFormat("<td align='Center'><a class='main' href='" & FilePath & "type=ann' target='_blank'>{0}</a></td>", Client.Name)

    FilePath being for me


    when the link is clicked on a box pops up that says

    Cannot file [file path] make sure the path or internet address is correct.

    I know the file exists I have the link wraped in a file.exists to only show if that file does exist. And I have opened it before myself just a few minutes ago. It just wont work in the browser.

    submitted by /u/meeheecaan
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    Looking to work with Google Ad's API as a first time developer. Where should I start?!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 03:33 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    So I'm looking to work with the Google Ads' API to build some custom dashboards. According to their API doc, https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/first-api-call

    I'll need to know how to work with one of these programming languages. JAVA, .NET, PYTHON, PHP, PERL, RUBY

    So I'm thinking of taking a PT course so I can at least start having conversations with developers. Would you recon I pick one of those languages above and start with the basics? Am I even asking the right question?


    submitted by /u/bikies
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    Internship Problem-solving question - Find the number of subarrays with an odd sum - time issue

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 10:52 AM PDT

    This question was one of the three questions asked today at a internship coding test. Student clearing test(& other rounds) were offered internship with stipend of around $1500 per month, so give it a try.

    You will be given an array your task is to find the number of subarrays whose sum is odd.


    • First line contains testcase
    • Second line contains N - length of array
    • array elements - A[i]


    • number of sub-array with odd sum


    1<= t<=100

    1<= N <= 100,000

    1<= A[i] <=10^9





    1 2 3



    Time - 1 sec

    My code

    1. for i in range(int(input())):
    2. n = int(input())
    3. arr = list(map(int, input().split()))
    4. result = 0
    5. for k in range(n):
    6. odd = even = 0
    7. for b in arr:
    8. if b % 2 == 0:
    9. even += 1
    10. else:
    11. temp = even
    12. even = odd
    13. odd = temp + 1
    14. result += odd
    15. print(result)

    Suggest and explain a algorithm that fits the time and constraints.

    PS: My code failed, it was hard to find/create algorithm that can keep up with constraints and perform operation within time.

    submitted by /u/diablo_fester
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    x86 Assembly Language

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 10:38 AM PDT

    x86 Assembly Language program to solve simultaneous equations?

    submitted by /u/mwangianthony
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    Question of random outputs in C

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:56 AM PDT

    I was given an assignment:

    • Print 20 sets of 3 random numbers
    • One set must contain all different numbers

    My code

    I've made sure to assign a different variable on the first, second, and third output of each set and used srand with time to randomize it even further.

    But I'm worried. Isn't there a chance that one of my variables (say x and z) come up with 4 and 4 in the same set. How would I prevent that?

    submitted by /u/TheRogueTemplar
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    Noob question: how hard is this to decrypt?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 05:13 AM PDT

    message is a byte array and key is an integer.

    iterate following N times:

    you take the message array and linearly fit it into a d-dimensional array, so that out-of-bounds cells shift the row to next dimension. linearly add a layer of clamped simplex noise to all cells by their coordinate in the box, with seed being the key * N.

    then 2x2x...2 section of the box is rotated by 90 degrees from corner, followed by 3x3x...3, and so on until all of the box is rotated.

    linearly transform the box into a new one-dimensional byte array. continue iterating or output the array.

    As you can see, everything is reverseable but output should be really scrambled up. Are there flaws in this process?

    submitted by /u/Jabutosama
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    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 03:32 AM PDT

    I want to join a Java course that focuses mainly on Java obviously. I want to be a front end dev though. Is that even a good start?

    submitted by /u/huffin71
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    (Homework Help, C++) Looping

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 10:57 PM PDT

    An integer value is enlightened if (and only if) the rightmost digit is equal to the number of times that 0 appears in the number (i.e., to the right of the highest non-zero digit). For example, the numbers 1002 is enlightened because it has 2 0's and the rightmost digit is 2, and 430551 is enlightened because it has one 0 and the rightmost digit is 1.

    Write a program that inputs two non-negative integer values, representing a range of numbers to test for enlightenment. Your program should output all enlightened numbers in this range, and also a count of how many numbers were found. Your program should allow the user to test as many ranges as desired.

    submitted by /u/Imjahaziel
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