• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 25, 2018

    Why don't more docs have the option to have a dark theme like the Docker docs? web developers

    Why don't more docs have the option to have a dark theme like the Docker docs? web developers

    Why don't more docs have the option to have a dark theme like the Docker docs?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 08:41 AM PDT

    Paul Miller — Using dark mode in CSS with MacOS Mojave

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 06:51 AM PDT

    Is it a web developers job to know “how to build” versus “what do build”?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 11:06 PM PDT

    Pardon me if this doesn't make much sense, but as someone self learning, I keep on hitting this mental wall. It seems to me, after looking through popular tutorials, videos and posts on Reddit, that most web developers focus on learning how to use framework and write code, but not so much on how to build x.

    Is this because every app or job is unique to said client or company, and you will learn how to build that app when the time comes? Because when I started to teach myself web dev, I noticed that most tutorials and topics focused on learning a specific framework, but not how to build x.

    I am curious as to why there isn't much discussion or focus on specific types of application design, and instead more so on the tech stack and languages used.

    submitted by /u/ToyTronic
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    Playing Mortal Kombat with TensorFlow.js. Transfer learning and data augmentation

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 10:05 AM PDT

    Learning Front-End Development in 3 months

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 07:01 AM PDT

    I work a regular 9am - 5pm office job with zero benefits (i.e. no OT, paid holidays, health insurance, etc.) Although the job covers my bills and expenses, I'm only able to save approx. $200 month. (This is living on a relatively tight budget of $100wk for food/groceries, which I usually exceed.) I have over 20k in credit card debt (including medical bills) and I'm barely making a dent paying the $400+ minimum credit card payment per month.

    The work I do is shallow and unfulfilling. I'm fully aware that I'm squandering my potential sitting at this desk job with no real room for growth. Instead of remaining stagnant and complacent, I wake up every weekday morning at 4am to research business ideas I can start and to teach myself Front-End Development. (Side note: I have found that I work optimally during the mornings before work as opposed to the evenings where my energy levels are depleted.) Even on Saturdays I lock myself in a quiet study room at the library for 3-4 hours to continue my education. But its not enough.

    Currently I'm utilizing resources such as: Shay Howe's HTML/CSS book, Udemy tutorials, Team Treehouse and other websites for learning. I'm making progress when it comes to coding, but its not at the pace I prefer.

    I am a 32yr male who's been living alone for 12 years in South Florida. All my true friends/family live in my home state of Pennsylvania. In lieu of repeating another New Year of barely scraping by and accumulating more debt, I am considering something drastic. My thoughts are: selling my furniture and car, ending my apartment lease (30 day written notice required), and flying back to Pennsylvania to live with my mother rent-free.

    I would still be responsible for at least $1,200 of my own expenses sans rent, internet, electric, etc. After doing some realistic calculations, I determined I can sustain myself without a job/income flow for little over 3 months. My objective is to lock myself in a room at my mother's house and aggressively utilize the time I would ordinarily devote to a day job, towards learning Front-End Development and building a web portfolio.

    The reason for this verbose post is I wanted to ask this community what your thoughts are. Do you think its feasible to get a proficient handle in HTML/CSS/JavaScript within 3 months of studying 8+ hours per day? Ideally before my savings deplete, I would like to be able to start a career in web development or be able to work remotely.

    If after 3 months I'm still not confident or hireable skillset-wise, I would inevitably need to procure some BS job in the meantime while in Pennsylvania to sustain me while continuing to learn, yet with less expenses than I would have living on my own in Florida.

    Hopefully this isn't just a pipe dream. I understand this is a risky move since I would be essentially uprooting my life. It's placing all my bets on my ability to be self-disciplined enough to focus, learn, and create as much as possible within a window. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/MuyGalan
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    About to Graduate College..

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 11:20 AM PDT

    So I should be graduating next December with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer and Information Science and a minor in WGS. I really like HTML and CSS and JS, and I'm wondering what the job market is like for people like me.

    I'm nervous that I won't be able to find a job doing what I like/feel comfortable in. I've found that I'm not too fond of backend/logistics/etc, and I'd much rather be working on websites/webapps.

    Its daunting and I'd just like some insight.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/paesh1997
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    Mobile site looks nothing like desktop and not even sure how to explain it

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 10:04 AM PDT

    So i will try my best to explain.

    my website looks fine on desktop, even when i inspect as a phone. but when i actually upload online and check from my phone it radically different.

    yes i use the

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">


    my navbar(text and background color) fades in with the background color of the page even though they have different colors. it also isent on the same line, which could be because i have 2 divs for my navbar but it has always worked before. the background color(linear gradient) is also not been applied. it still has the one i used before.

    i have made quite a few websites in school and never had any major issues with phones. and this isent even thats its not responsive, it just doesnt apply the things i give it.

    made with html, css and just included some bootstrap today but the navbar is made with css. not sure if relevant.

    does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?

    submitted by /u/Gaia_Knight2600
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    Should i use vue/nuxt for website

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 11:28 AM PDT

    Is it worth it to use vue or nuxt js for website For eg, a coffee shop website or a local business website?

    Or even my portfolio which is made using html css and jquery now i have no idea how to migrate it to nuxtjs

    submitted by /u/hariztek
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    How do you deal with build failures?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:54 AM PDT

    Hey r/webdev! I'm Carmine, a researcher at the University of Zurich interested in supporting developers working with CI/CD.

    Among the benefits provided by Continuous Integration (CI), an increased team productivity and release frequency are perceived as the main advantages. However, changes that contain defects or that suffer from a poor-quality can lead to build failures that stop a team from delivering. Previous work found that developers spend on average one hour to fix build breaks!

    In our group at the University of Zurich (Switzerland), we are developing new strategies to provide developers with the right assistance to solve build failures faster and more efficiently. To achieve this, we first need to understand the state of practice from real developers and we would like to learn about your personal experience with build failures in this survey.

    I would really appreciate if you could find the time to fill out the following survey to help me in my research.

    Filling out the survey will take you about 7min. Please note that participating in the questionnaire is completely anonymous, but we will publish the anonymized answers as part of a scientific publication.

    If you have any questions about the questionnaire or our research, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Best regards,

    Carmine Vassallo

    Doctoral Student at University of Zurich, Switzerland

    submitted by /u/mrcarasus
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    How to create an infinitely looping animated slideshow gallery?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 12:30 PM PDT

    Just past the halfway point of this page on apple's website there is an example of what I am referring to where there are three sliders showing movies and tv shows that are moving at slightly different speeds.

    Are there any scripts that accomplish this easily?

    submitted by /u/meals6
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    (Beginner) How to structure your project?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 03:07 AM PDT

    I learned (learning) HTML and CSS, and I am confused how to put these two together to create a simple project?

    How to name my folders and add assets to it so that it's easy to refer to? For example if I have a three page site Home, About and Contact, can I create a folder structure as follows:

    1) CSS - Add css stylesheet to this folder

    2) Images - Add images to this folder

    3) Root folder - index.html, contact.html and about.html

    Is this the correct way of doing things? Also with respect to CSS, do I create a new css file for every page? For example there might be elements which are present on one page but not on the other, so does it make sense to create a global stylesheet, and then create separate stylesheets for each individual page, and then add both the global and individual stylesheet to the site's head tags?

    I feel I am complicating the process by overthinking, and perhaps I can just write inline CSS using style tags within the <head></head> for each page?

    submitted by /u/7didnteat9
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    What is the best way to connect two servers (both using JSP tech) to access information stored in one of them?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 03:58 PM PDT

    In a "computer system" there are two web servers that manage independent applications, both using JSP technology. There is a necessity to have access from server A to information stored in server B. In case of interconnection with:

    1. Invocation of a data access service with GET/POST of an URL.
    2. Definition and use of Web services.
    3. Direct integration in Java, with Java RMI.

    Which would be the best solution? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them?

    submitted by /u/stayphocused
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    Here's the response I was about to write to a company I applied to about their PSD to Webpage skills test instead of actually doing the test.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 03:49 PM PDT

    Here's what I was going to write back:

    I looked at the provided Photoshop document and I know this is probably not the case but is this test one of those trick question type of things? The web is a highly dynamic environment and having a timed test where a developer is expected to create a pixel-perfect, dynamic, and responsive website from a two-dimensional, static, fixed-width document with no accompanying specifications or the ability to discuss questions with the designer is asking a lot. There are too many assumptions that a developer would be forced to make and without being provided with better details to address responsive and dynamic changes, you're only setting your developers up to be discouraged.

    I hope that is the response you are really looking for because otherwise, it would be a shot in the dark for me to make those aforementioned guesses and hope that I was making the right ones.

    I know many of you will probably tell me to suck it up and it was just a test to prove that I could recreate it at that one fixed-width (1600px). It really shouldn't be a big deal, but I've worked several places now and I'm tired of this expectation that is put on us developers that designers don't have to worry about the dynamic nature of the web and leave it up to us to figure it out and make it "pixel perfect". I think it just unfairly leaves us with way too many things to guess about and opens us up to criticism from bosses when we make the wrong guesses. And I think it's also frustrating to simply be given this one file and nothing else. No fonts are passed along, no style guide, no branding guide, no concern for accessibility, no chance to have a discussion with the designer. The designer in this situation doesn't ever have to come to terms with style choices that they didn't think through. It makes it so much harder to fill in all those missing details that way.

    I've decided that I'm not actually going to send this response, but I wanted to know if any of you felt the same way.

    submitted by /u/SilasOtoko
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    Free software and privacy friendly alternative to Google Analytics?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:23 PM PDT

    I'd like to add some basic tracking to my personal website. I mention Google Analytics because it's the only one I've used with my limited experience. Ideally it is something that respects visitors' privacy. I don't need location data, for example. I think I just need the number of visitors over a timeframe and which pages. Unique visits would also be good, but I think that starts infringing on privacy?

    submitted by /u/ares623
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    How to make scroll based animation

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 10:41 AM PDT

    How to make a scroll controlled animation like this one https://www.apple.com/iphone-xr/

    submitted by /u/the_anonymous_friend
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    Why would you use static site generators (HUGO, Jekyll) rather than static html or cached dynamic content?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:21 PM PDT

    So I''m trying to understand why people would use HUGO/Jekyll or other static content generators over just either plain HTML/CSS/JS or a cached dynamic site (Like workPress Cache for example).. I'm trying to undertand the issue they help solve?

    submitted by /u/abrandis
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    Simplest way to verify clients domain ownership?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 02:22 PM PDT

    I'm working on an application where I'll need to verify that my client/customer owns the domain they say they do. Some of these clients will probably be less technically adept. Is the simplest pattern for this adding a DNS record? Perhaps adding a code snippet to the page?

    Is there any Node packages to help facilitate this on my end?

    submitted by /u/DasBeasto
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    A js transducers-like implementation using generators and ES8

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 01:04 PM PDT

    How to Use Repository Pattern with Active Record— Ruby on Rails Development

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 06:58 AM PDT

    Allowing a user to mark-up text (highlights and underlines), but not otherwise edit?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:02 AM PDT

    So, I'm thinking one way to do this would be using something like TinyMCE in-line and tweaking its functionality, but i'm wondering if there's perhaps another simpler or more lightweight solution that I might be missing?

    Basically I'm looking for what it sounds like: a way to have static text on page that the user cannot edit, except for allowing them to highlight (with different colors), underline the text, or to remove the markups.

    submitted by /u/JustinRandoh
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    Online Equipment Booking system?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 12:21 PM PDT

    Wondering if anyone has heard of an affordable equipement booking system?

    Ideally it would work as follows: 1. User is displayed available equipment for check out 2. User selects equipment and adds to a "cart" 3. User inputs requested dates, email, reason for reservation 4. System checks if equipment is available during that timeframe 5. Admin receives request, confirms or denies it 6. Original user is sent confirmation, reservation marked as confirmed 7. Ideally staff could then mark when an item is taken and returned, and status shows item location (i.e. in office, on site, etc) on item pages.

    Basically we are an academic department and have cameras and other electronics that students and instructors can check out for use, and we want an organized way of doing it where users can view and make reservations from wherever.

    submitted by /u/nickposs
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    Freelancing business resources?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 12:12 PM PDT

    Hello, I've been learning a lot about web development on the coding side and am trying too gain clients for freelance work, but I feel like I'm lacking on the side of presenting and selling my skills and explaining properly the benefits that having a website and other services like SEO and social media marketing could give.

    My question is if anyone here has any knowledge of online courses or resources that help with not the coding side of web development but the actual sales strategies, pricing, ect business side of actually trying too land the clients in the first place.

    I appreciate any pointers you guys can give me.

    submitted by /u/Sylinic
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    Which domain registrars and hosting services are best known for standing against legal threats and intimidation?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 11:55 AM PDT

    I had an idea to build a website that may contain controversial content. It may annoy some organisations that may try to send "Cease-and-Desist" letters or file suits, mainly regarding copyrights issues, but I don't believe they could have a winning case.

    Which domain-name registrars and hosting services are best known for protecting their customers and will not shut down my website due to "legal intimidation"?

    I know that this question is subjective. Please add historical examples if you have, i.e. torrents websites, protecting political activists, etc.


    submitted by /u/unickname
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