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    Wednesday, October 24, 2018

    LPT: Watch tutorial videos once through without copying every line of code learn programming

    LPT: Watch tutorial videos once through without copying every line of code learn programming

    LPT: Watch tutorial videos once through without copying every line of code

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 08:43 AM PDT

    I used to watch tutorials and pause them every 10 seconds to copy a new line of code. It's almost as if I wasn't fully understanding the code, and instead I was just copying it.

    Now I watch a tutorial once through without copying anything. Just listening. Then I try to write the code that I remember and see how far I get before watching it a second time.

    I feel as if I learn a lot more this way. Thought I would share.

    submitted by /u/boxboy97
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    Finally I completed my school assignment from 11 years ago.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 09:39 AM PDT

    Yeah, 11 years ago, I was learning C in my programming Class. I was given this assignment to swap two arrays, element by element using pointers.

    I didn't do the assignment, I copied it from my friend and I submitted it, I barely passed that class. Since then, I have been just doing that, either copying assignments or just not doing it. I went on to graduate and work as Software QA.

    I want to get into programming now for two reasons 1: money is good, 2: It stimulates me mentally. My QA job is menial and brain dead. So I am teaching myself C++ again, after learning about pointers today, I finished my assignment from 11 years ago. I swapped two arrays using pointers :) without cheating, by myself! Not a big thing for seasoned programmers, but I feel really good!!

    tldr; I had cheated on my programming assignment from 11 years ago. Never became a programmer because of that.Learning programming again, and I finished the same assignment without cheating this time!

    submitted by /u/Dexteroid
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    Just had my first Junior Dev technical interview. Thought I'd share my experience.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 04:18 PM PDT

    I just had my first technical interview for a C#/.NET Junior Developer position, and I think it's worthwhile to document my experience for anyone else out there in the same position.

    First off, I'm not a C# developer. I'm a JS developer. I don't have a CS degree and most of my professional work has been personal clients and small jobs I've done for local businesses. However, the reality that I've not worked professionally on a team means that there are gaps in my knowledge and skillset that can only reasonably be filled by starting as a junior dev and ease into the office environment. I've been applying a bunch lately, and have been getting crickets, so I was suprised to hear back about .NET junior dev position, but I'm not arguing with good news. I mean, I think that C# would be a boon to add to my stack, and help balance out some shortcomings I have with strongly-typed languages. Syntactically, it would be a smoother move than Java, so it seems worth a shot.

    A week ago, I had an initial phone interview with the company's founder, who was a very nice, salesman-y guy. I'm a little better with communication than the norm for developers, due to my background in sales, so after chatting for awhile, we hit it off and I felt like I answered his general/personal questions without much trouble.

    I had asked him if the fact that I didn't have a background in C# was a problem, and he said that they're not too concerned considering the first month would be mainly training to get me up to speed. To them, it's my understanding of programming as a whole that mattered most. He explained that if they decided to move forward with me, they'd contact me again for an over-the-phone technical interview with the lead architect, focusing on general questions and questions related to my stack, which would be then proceeded by an in-person interview/meet-and-greet. Two days later I was contacted, and we scheduled the technical interview for today.

    I'm not exaggerating when I say that I have been studying every day for the past two years. Some days for just an hour, and others 3-5, but I'm keeping on top of learning and that's what's important. I ramped it up a good bit the past month or so, but have been straight cramming for 10 hours every day for the past couple weeks. Programming is weird, because no matter how many times you think you know a concept, if someone asks you to explain it in simple terms (or complex terms for that matter) you'll find yourself looking at the documentation and second guessing everything you know.

    I imagined the interview could be one of two scenarios:

    1. The first guy lied and when I get on the phone he'll ask for me to hop into some shared IDE and ask me to code some stuff.
    2. These will be very rudimentary Junior Dev questions ("explain what a _____ is") and there will be a big coding challenge during the in-person interview.

    Better to be over-prepared than under-prepared, so I spent the past week doing tons of algorithms per day and explaining all aspects of JS and web development out loud to myself using analogies and simple terms. "What is a closure?" "Explain prototypal inheritance." "What is the difference between var, let, and const?" "What's the Event Loop?" "Describe the process of an API call" "How would you write an SQL SELECT statement?"

    Like all results, it was the third, unforeseen scenario:


    Three to four very low-level questions.


    The technical interview:

    He introduced himself and quickly revealed himself to be a pretty nice guy, but much more blunt than the salesman-y dude. Said the salesman guy probably oversold some stuff and that while there would be training, I'd be getting to work pretty quickly. Asked a few questions about why I like programming, and why I want to work for them. He commented that my portfolio was impressive, but my resume was not, which is a weird, off-the-cuff remark if you ask me. I asked if he'd provide feedback for the interview and he said he normally doesn't, but if I didn't get the job to contact him in two weeks and he'd provide it. He then explained that the technical aspect would involve him asking me three questions (there were actually four) that would help him gauge my knowledge and experience with programming. For each of the questions, I was free to answer in any language I feel comfortable with.

    • What is the difference between a class and a struct in C++?

    I have only coded in C++ once and that was for a guitar effects pedal. I can tell you what a class is, but I'm not sure what a struct is. I told him my understanding of this and asked if they used C++ often, and that I'd be interested to learn more.

    • What is a pointer and how is it used in C++?

    I've never once run into a situation where I've needed this knowledge, but as I understand it, it is a variable that references a memory address.

    • What is the difference between MVC and MVVM and give examples.

    I knew this because I've worked with Rails and Vue, so I had an example of each and explained their structure. He said my explanation was "correct but rambly". :/

    • Explain what a bubble sort is and how to implement it.

    I knew this one, but my not having a bachelors in CS was showing when I started talking about time complexity.

    Considering I wasn't fluent with any of the questions, I felt pretty dumb about the time he asked if I had any questions for him. At one point he asked me if I had any interest in getting any certifications, and I said that if the company would support my pursuit of that, I'd happily do so. He said that I'm definitely a developer in his book but missing a lot of knowledge provided by experience working in a company environment and grad school, but that it's a junior developer position and that's pretty common. He said that I'm the only one who even made it to the technical interview and that I have the "programmer sway" (whatever that means). They'd let me know in a few days.

    Feeling preeeeetty on the fence about how to feel, but despite them repeatedly saying they liked me, I'm leaning towards "I'm not gonna get the job". I think being blind-sided by the questions really kicked me in the confidence (however fake it originally was), so I'm going to take a day or two off to relax, considering nothing I crammed in the past few weeks was relevant to any one of the questions. Regardless, I'll shake it off and get back to applying. In a few days (yeah, probably not) or a few more months, just like all of you, I'll be a developer. We can do this!

    submitted by /u/backsliders
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    As someone learning C++, I found this guys youtube channel very helpful as he does intermediate projects and explains the steps (link in description, not my account)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 09:30 AM PDT

    Flowgorithm Assignment Help

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 11:33 PM PDT

    I have an assignment that was due about 2 hours ago, but I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. It's an assignment using Flowgorithm, and the objective is this:

    Design a program that computes pay for employees. Allow a user to continuously input employees' names until an appropriate sentinel value is entered. Also input each employee's hourly wage and hours worked. Compute each employee's gross pay (hours times rate), withholding tax percentage (based on Table 6-4), withholding tax amount, and net pay (gross pay minus withholding tax). Display all the results for each employee. After the last employee has been entered, display the sum of all the hours worked, the total gross payroll, the total withholding for all employees, and the total net payroll.

    Weekly Gross Pay ($)

    0.00 – 300.00

    300.01 – 550.00

    550.01 – 800.00

    800.01 – up.

    Withholding Percent (%)





    I have the program mostly mapped out based on what I worked on with some classmates, however, I made a mistake somewhere, and can't figure out why some of the values in my first while loop won't initialize. I'm just a complete n00b in the programming world, as this is my first programming class ever, so if possible, please ELI5. Hopefully the pseudocode stays formatted like I have it to make it easier to read. If not, I'll edit it.

    Pseudocode below.

    Function Main Declare String employeeName Declare Integer hoursWorked Declare Real hourlyWage, grossPay, taxWithheld, netPay Declare Integer totalHours Declare Real totalGross, totalTax, totalNet Declare Integer index Declare Integer quit Assign quit = 999 Assign totalGross = 0 Assign totalHours = 0 Assign totalTax = 0 Assign totalNet = 0 Declare Integer SIZE Assign SIZE = 499 Declare Real Array weeklyGrossRate[SIZE] Assign weeklyGrossRate[0] = 0 Assign weeklyGrossRate[1] = 300.01 Assign weeklyGrossRate[2] = 550.01 Assign weeklyGrossRate[3] = 800.01 Declare Real Array taxWithheldPercentage[SIZE] Assign taxWithheldPercentage[0] = 0.10 Assign taxWithheldPercentage[1] = 0.13 Assign taxWithheldPercentage[2] = 0.16 Assign taxWithheldPercentage[3] = 0.20 Output "Enter an employee's name, or enter " & quit & " to quit. " Input employeeName While employeeName != "999" Output "Enter " & employeeName &"'s hourly wage." Input hourlyWage Output "Enter " & employeeName &"'s total hours worked this week." Input hoursWorked Output "Enter an employee's name, or enter " & quit & " to quit. " Input employeeName Assign grossPay = hourlyWage * hoursWorked Assign totalHours = totalHours + hoursWorked Assign totalGross = totalGross + grossPay Assign index = SIZE - 1 While grossPay < weeklyGrossRate[index] Assign index = index - 1 End Assign taxWithheld = grossPay + weeklyGrossRate[index] Assign totaTax = totalTax + taxWithheld Assign netPay = grossPay - taxWithheld Assign totalNet = totalNet + netPay Output "Enter an employee's name, or enter " & quit & " to stop." End Output "The total hours worked is: " & totalHours & "The total gross amount paid out is: " & totalGross & "The total tax that was withheld is: " & totalTax & "The total net amount is: " & totalNet End 

    submitted by /u/ChugNorris4678
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    Inserting Rows into a CSV file.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 12:40 AM PDT

    What this code does is scrapes data from a specific url and inserts it to a CSV file. The problem is I can't figure out how to separate each word to the next column. All the data in the row variable is stuck in the first column. Is there a way to place each word in separate columns?

    I'm using Python 3 and BeautifulSoup4.

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

    import requests

    import csv

    url = 'https://riimsweb.co.tulare.ca.us/riimsweb/Asp/ORDocNameList.asp?SET=1&name=lopez%20manuel%20v&DateBegin=01/01/1900&DateEnd=10/23/2018&Book=&Page=&SortBy=NAME&DocType='

    source = requests.get(url).text

    soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'lxml')

    #<--------------------csv writer-------------------->

    csv_file = open('lopezManuelV.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8')

    csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file)

    csv_writer.writerow(['Name','Name Type', 'Document Number', 'AP Number', 'Document Title', 'document Date', 'Book/Page'])

    for tr in soup.find_all('tr', valign='TOP'):

    `td = tr.find_all('td')` `# Maybe the change is below here??` `row = [i.text for i in td]` `print(row)` 



    submitted by /u/Jehovahswetnips
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    Scraping posts off public Facebook pages

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 12:16 AM PDT

    So, ever since the functionality of Facebook's Graph API became heavily restricted, has anyone been able to scrape data off Facebook pages? Ideally, one that doesn't really involve using a browser automation tool and an HTML parser. Or, is that the only way to go about it in 2018?

    submitted by /u/Oblivion8080
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    LabEx: Online Linux Desktop with Programming Tutorials

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 11:59 PM PDT

    LabEx: Redefine Online Coding Education

    What is LabEx

    Tons of people want to get started on coding, but most of them don't know how to do it.

    Once being a beginner myself, I've tried a lot of ways. When I code after reading a part of a book, I'd forgot what the book said; when I code after watching a teaching video, I might forgot what the video was about either.

    Am I being too dumb, or, just not learning the right way?

    Most people give up easily in the start, thinking they are not good at this. But hey, maybe you need a better learning strategy.

    For students, the knowledge taught in school are theoretical and fundamental, and all the projects you work on are just assigned by teachers. Lacking real practices to test out the theory, students fail to generate their own insights. When they are looking for jobs, practical ability is what the employers want.

    Computer science is a practical subject. Coding and doing experiments by yourself is an essential part in the learning process.

    Let me introduce you our revolutionary product: LabEx. Built by a group of young coding lunatics, LabEx is not like any other online education resources. We are dedicated to simulating a real-world environment for users to learn and practice. We do this because we are firm believers in the theory of learning by doing, and Project-based Learning. So instead of giving video tutorials, LabEx gives real-time environment. Our virtual environment is based on Linux distro, which is a god-like OS for entry-level programmers to master.

    What is Different

    More Efficient than Learning with Video

    Learning by watching videos take A LOT of time. What's more, it's hard to tell how much you have learnt from the video.

    More Powerful than Online Compiling

    LabEx environment is more than just an online compiler. On website like Codecademy, you can only do basic coding exercises like Python and JavaScript. But what if you want to build a complete Web/application project? LabEx is the right spot. Besides, LabEx offers many complex courses and exercises, including Cloud Computing, Big Data, Machine Learning, Linux, Information Security, etc.

    Professional Courses by IT Professionals

    Ok, now we have this cool virtual environment, but it's not enough. Various professional courses made by IT professionals are also our unique values.

    Teacher Squad

    Teachers on LabEx are experts from companies like Intel, IBM, Sun, Tencent, Huawei, etc. They offer professional courses for programmers for all levels, from beginners to masters.

    Learning Path

    "Hey, I'm new to coding, where should I start?"

    No worries, we have set Learning Paths for beginners. All you should do is to learn courses by following the path, from entry level to advanced level. In the beginning, you will learn the fundamentals of a language, and in the end, you will build a big project with the language you learned.

    Courses Ecosystem

    Based on the powerful virtual environment, LabEx are dedicated to offer courses of more fields to users of more fields. Currently, we have Linux, Java, C, C++, Python, Big Data, Machine Learning, etc. Each field has courses of different levels, so that users of different fundamentals can all have an adventure.

    Student's Lab on the Cloud

    Most universities let students install their own Linux system to practice and complete homework, but whether it is Linux and Windows dual-system environment, or a virtual machine, the process is way too overwhelming for beginners.

    Another route some schools choose is to install Linux, related stacks and purchase training software which is exceedingly expensive or resource intensive, not to mention the following system maintenance and any other sorts of potential issues that might arise in the future.

    With LabEx, this problem is easily solved. You can have your own Linux lab on a web page, without going all the way to the school lab, or configuring virtual machine on your computer. LabEx offers a lab on the cloud within the distance of just one click.

    LabEx has redefined online coding education, now, redefine who you are.

    submitted by /u/brycehu24
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    Luhn's check digit (java)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 07:48 PM PDT

    Hi! Our assignment is to use luhn's algorithm to find the check digit or last digit of an account number. I pretty much did all of the coding but there's just a bit of an error. I used a while loop and it seems like the algorithm is changing for the second input and so on. But for the first input, the calculation is correct. I am going crazy and I hope you guys could help me figure out the problem. Here's my work so far:import java.util.Scanner;

    public class luhns


    public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);

    String num = "";

    int otherDigitsSum = 0;

    int everyOtherSum = 0;

    while (! num.toUpperCase().equals("END")){

    System.out.println("\nEnter your account number");

    num = kb.next();

    for (int i = num.length()-1; i>=0; i = i-2){

    int b = Character.getNumericValue(num.charAt(i));

    b = b*2;

    if (b > 9){

    b = b-9;


    everyOtherSum += b;


    for (int i = num.length()-2; i >= 0; i = i-2){

    int a = Character.getNumericValue(num.charAt(i));

    otherDigitsSum += a;


    int total = otherDigitsSum + everyOtherSum;

    int x = (total * 9) % 10;

    System.out.println("The last number is: " + x +

    "\nYour complete account number is: " + num + x);




    submitted by /u/kiellaptrc
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    Help with learning recursion

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 10:44 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I had an assignment where I needed to reverse a list recursively in python. I thought about it for a long time and was stumped where to start. I knew I needed to add the last letter in the list and then re-call the function, but that was about it.

    After going through stackoverflow, I found a solution that goes along this:

    def reverse(list):

    if len(list) == 1:

    return list

    return list[-1:] + reverse(list[:-1])

    Can someone please explain it simply to me? I'm pretty sure I understand it, but I would love to hear better explanations. Also, I really wanted to be able to write this function without looking up anything. I'm ashamed at myself for failing and I'm hoping any of you can give me advice on where to start, how to start, and to get better at recursion. I don't want to be looking up answers, but actually learning so I feel really bad for looking online for help.


    submitted by /u/imtooop
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    SQL and R crash course for job.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 10:06 AM PDT

    I recently applied for a data analytics job and I have had two interviews with them. They say that programming experience isn't necessary but I want to show initiative before the final interview in two weeks.

    I come from a finance background but I have some experience with programming (VBA, R, and a little SQL) but most of it is self-taught, and honestly, enough to get by at work or from undergrad.

    Any good resources to better understand these languages over the next 2 weeks?

    submitted by /u/jat275
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    Array finding largest element

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 10:27 PM PDT

    Lets say n is size, cache is trying to represent the maximum value and it needs to be a recursive function. I'm totally off on this code, can someone guide me a little?

    if(n > 1) {

    cache = list[0];

    if(cache < list[n-1]) {

    cache = list[n-1];

    maximum(list, n-1);


    else {

    printf("the largest value in the array is: %d\n", cache);

    return cache;




    submitted by /u/beatsbyse
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    Python script for true key toggle (hold).

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 10:23 PM PDT

    This is what I want. It's simple and yet somehow hard to find the solution to. I can make a rapid fire key code, a keyup and keydown code (which is only good for one execution), but I cannot figure out how to do this yet it seems like it would be so simple (i.e. AHK scripting):

    if (key) is hit then hold (key) if (same key) is hit again then release (key) - goto start

    import time import pyautogui def hold_key(key, hold_time): start = time.time() while time.time() - start < hold_time: pyautogui.keyDown(key) hold_key('m', 15) 

    That code is the last I've messed with, all it does is press m for 15 seconds and kill off the script. It repeats m. I need the script to not die, either.

    I need the m key to toggle holding m when I've tapped it once - it holds m down until I hit m again, then it stops - but the script is still active to do it again.

    I don't know why I'm struggling with this. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Promagnum
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    Auto-Compiling (say, every five seconds) in Visual Studio? (failed example included)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 10:22 PM PDT

    I found this at some point, it is in my tasks.json file:

    "command": "var clientState = new ClientState(client); clientState.Task = Task.Run(() => ProcessClientAsync(client));",

    I am not sure if this is supposed to do what I am expecting. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/EntropicalGetaway
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    Luhn Algorithm

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 06:02 PM PDT

    hey. I'm new to programming and for an assignment and we have to use Luhns Algorithm. now I have everything to working but I'm having troubles multiplying every second digit then subtracting 9 in my first for loop. Any tips? (Using bluej)

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class LuhnSave2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

    System.out.println("Enter an Account Number");

    String accountNumber;

    int a;

    int b;

    int sum = 0;

    int sum2 = 0;

    String digits;

    int finalSum = 0;

    while (keyboard.hasNext()){

    accountNumber = keyboard.next();

    if (accountNumber.equals("END")){

    System.out.println("End of File");



    for (a = accountNumber.length()-1; a>=0; a-=2){

    sum = sum + Character.getNumericValue(accountNumber.charAt(a));






    System.out.println(" ");

    for (b = accountNumber.length()-2; b>=0; b-=2){

    if(Character.isDigit(accountNumber.charAt(b)) ){

    sum2 = sum2 + Character.getNumericValue(accountNumber.charAt(b));




    System.out.println(" ");



    finalSum = sum + sum2;


    if (finalSum % 10 == 0){



    else {



    finalSum = 0;

    sum = 0;

    sum2 = 0;

    System.out.println("Enter an Account Number");




    submitted by /u/XxCortzxX
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    Struggling with while loops in java

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 09:42 PM PDT

    I am currently learning loops in java and am having trouble with while loops in java. I understand the concept of them, but when writing my own I am unable to do so because of one thing - my while loops always are missing the part at the end that changes in order to break out of the loop.

    For example, I found this code online:

    while (value != 0);

     { value = in.nextInt(); if (value != 0) { amount = rate * value; System.out.println("Value in GBP is: " + value); } else { System.out.println("Goodbye!"); } 

    I understand that the loop is missing something to change value so that it can break out of the loop, as right now value is remaining the same and creating an infinite loop. However, my mind cannot make the jump to HOW to change value so that it can break the loop.

    I hope this makes sense, but if not, I understand and will try to clarify as needed. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/orochimary
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    Recommended textbooks for learning algorithms / data structures

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 09:39 PM PDT

    Finishing my first year learning computer science at community college. Now that I have a chance to compare what I'm learning in class with the dabbling I did previously with online programming tutorials I've noticed that most online tutorials don't go much past the basics for whichever language they are using.

    Can anyone recommend particularly good textbooks or even other online sources for learning more advanced concepts like data structures and algorithms? My data structures class is using the book by Malik; but I feel his writing style is unnecessarily obtuse at times.

    submitted by /u/LittleLegendLiu
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    Was/is there ever a way to make marquees random?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 09:28 PM PDT

    For the past two weeks or so I've been working on a recreation of what Twitter looked like in 2007. As a fun little addition, I decided to allow HTML/CSS in bios, and with that power one of my beta testers discovered that you can make a bouncing marquee that behaves like a DVD Screensaver you can see his version in his bio here. I decided to tweak his code a bit and put an actual DVD screensaver in my bio. As fun as it is, I quickly discovered it's not really random. It kind of ruins the fun when you know where it's gonna go.

    I admit this is a very stupid question, and I know marquee tags aren't used anymore. But is there a way to make marquee tags random? Would there be a way, maybe with jQuery, to make the marquee start in a random place everytime?

    submitted by /u/IoI_xD
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    Scanning arrays

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 09:23 PM PDT

    This is a program to prompt the user to enter the array length and fill those arrays with elements also determined by the user. I am not getting the right output can someone help?

    int main() {

    int n=0,i=0;

    int arr[n];

    printf("Enter the size of the array:\n");

    scanf("%d", &n);

    //printf("The size of array is: %d\n",n);

    for(i=0;i<n;i++) {

    printf("Enter element #%d ",i+1);



    for(i=0;i<n;i++) {

    printf("%d ", arr[i]);


    return 0;


    submitted by /u/beatsbyse
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    I want to learn coding in the sense of cyber security. Where do I even start.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 05:18 PM PDT

    Hello. Im a 17 year old male high school student with way to much extra time. As I love computers and am fascinated by cyber security. Where should I start? I would prefer free courses as I am a little low on funds at the moment. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BigBoyRaptor
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    Coding A Halloween Themed Card Game In Plain JavaScript

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 08:50 AM PDT


    In this tutorial I teach how to code a Halloween themed card matching game. This tutorial emphasizes the object-oriented design pattern and demonstrates how it is useful. It also explains how to create a basic shuffle algorithm JavaScript based off of the Fisher-Yates Shuffle algorithm. This tutorial assumes that you understand basic JavaScript and are ready for beginner-intermediate level JavaScript application development. I hope this tutorial benefits you and also gets you excited for the upcoming holiday!

    • Port.exe
    submitted by /u/portexe
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    How do I go about creating a simple website using pure html and css?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 02:35 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I've just started learning html and css and I'm trying to create a simple website like this: https://imgur.com/a/GHTlhd4

    I want the design to be responsive but I don't know which method is the best or most efficient to use in this case (floats, grid, flexbox etc.) Could you guys give me some tips or ideas on how to get started?

    submitted by /u/mryoloface
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    Is there an app for it? (Kiosk app?)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 07:46 PM PDT

    Here is what I'm trying to do. Any direction would be greatly appreciated:

    I'm working on opening a brick and mortar store. This brick and mortar store also has an online store. Instead of having my brands and products displayed behind a glass showcase, they will be hidden from plain site.

    There will be 8 work stations with different types of products. Instead of having the products present, there will be an Ipad at each station.

    The website for the store will have real reviews of each product, prices, etc. Let's say I have 24 brands with 3 on each Ipad.

    The customer walks up to the station that is labeled (so the customer knows what station to go to) and can research every brand at each work station.

    I was thinking that maybe......the Ipads use an app that only allows the Ipad to go to certain urls on the website.

    The Ipad will need to display a set of buttons that makes navigation easy. And it needs a button "Home" that can be activated after each person is done with the station, or pressed to start a new session.

    I'm not sure how good I explained it so I will use a shoe store as an example.

    Lets say I am opening a shoe store (for ease of explanation).

    This shoe store has a website where there are real user reviews. One station is labeled "Basketball shoes". One is labeled "Hiking shoes", and so on.

    A person walks up to the Ipad at the station labeled "Basketball shoes" and has a "Home" screen that has 4 options (Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Under Armour). They click on "Nike" and are shown all the shoes that Nike offers for basketball (with real reviews). This way they can find real user reviews, prices, etc.

    I will also have 3 Ipads that contain all the brands for people that want to browse many brands/styles at one. This also doubles as a resource for my employees to help out customers.

    It would be cool if the customer could swipe a club card and leave reviews as well. If there is a swiper at each station then the customer could even check out at each station and pick up their purchase at the front counter.

    I'm guessing I'm not the first person to think of this idea so I'm guessing there is already some sort of software that does these simple tasks without the need for hiring programmers.

    Thanks in advance. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/SomaCBD
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    How would you improve coursera?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 03:51 PM PDT

    Hi everyone Im trying to get ideas flowing for a presentation about coursera and I was wondering how would you improve the platform. What tools would you add or improve on a tool to make it better?

    submitted by /u/visualexstasy
    [link] [comments]

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