• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 14, 2018

    I made a sandbox, in browser, 2d, platformer game

    I made a sandbox, in browser, 2d, platformer game

    I made a sandbox, in browser, 2d, platformer game

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 01:48 AM PDT

    I was greatly inspired by Mario maker of course, but also: Megaman, Metroid, SuperMeatBoy, I wanna be the boshy.

    It is coded with the great framework: Phaser.

    You can create your own levels and share it with the community.

    It contains some crazy difficulty levels :)

    Open beta is released, TRAILER:


    submitted by /u/KosmoonStudio
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    Animations and transforms for the libRocket HTML/CSS-like GUI library. Juice up your menus!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 09:19 AM PDT

    Hello, long-time lurker here! I just wanted to share some of my recent changes to the libRocket GUI library. In case you don't already know, libRocket is a HTML/CSS-like approach for game GUIs with simple integration into any renderer backend, mainly for C++ development. It's quite convenient, unfortunately, development seems to have been abandoned some time ago.

    As I've been using this library for my own game, I've been making several improvements to the library along the way. A few pull requests to the original library is also included. Most notably, some of the new features are:

    • Animations and transitions
    • Transforms (with animation / interpolation support)
    • Various smaller improvements

    You can find my fork of the library here, with full code and additional description:


    The animations and transforms are very powerful for juicing up your GUI. Simple, static elements seems so boring now. Here are some simple examples (run the library's animation sample):


    Also, here is the in-development main menu of the game I'm working on:


    Perhaps you noticed some slight parallaxing going on with the menu elements? Here, the effect is more visible, demonstrating the 3d transform:


    I'm glad if somebody finds this useful. Perhaps you find some inspiration for juicing up your own menus. If you have any feedback to share regarding the library, my current menus as shown, or anything else, I'd like to hear it all. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/k-mouse
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    What are some useful or interesting scholarly papers on game design or development, particularly those related to FPS design?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 04:57 AM PDT

    For a class (as well as just for the sake of learning), I'm trying to find examples of scholarly papers on game design and development. In particular, I'm trying to find some that are available in full-text, free, and can be related to development of an FPS game.


    submitted by /u/MilitaryParakeet
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    Best solution if in multiplayer one player loses connection?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 07:59 AM PDT

    What would be the best solution in a game of quiz?

    1. The second player automatically wins, and the disconnected one loses?

    2. Game ends, no player gets penalties or rewards?

    3. The disconnected player doesn't get penalties, the socond one has to play until the end (and can still lose if he doesn't get more points than the player 2 before he got disconnected?

    4. Any other solutions?

    submitted by /u/phantomeye
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    Has Steamworks a new marketing stats page?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 04:08 AM PDT

    I just stumbled across a seemingly new tab in the marketing view of my game which I haven't seen before:


    I couldn't find any more information about a new feature in the official docs or elsewhere. From the description on that page:

    BETA Your product receives visibility on the Steam platform beyond normal store traffic. This includes impressions through friend notifications in the Steam client, visits to your product's Community Hub, views of a user's profile where they showcase their favorite game, etc. Not every impression in this category leads to a store page visit for your product.

    We're still building out this stat collection, so the data you see here is not a complete representation of your product's visibility.

    In my case, I see a table with a graph representing (very low) numbers for "Steam Client - Friend Is In-Game Notification". The implications of the data is not very clear to me yet but I thought I would let you know.

    EDIT: Image

    submitted by /u/glock_m
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    Any good guides to 2D level design?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 08:48 AM PDT

    Preferably no deep ties to engines or implementations, and ideally not rocket science/super-complex stuff. Just the basics, how to make a level that doesn't cause players to cringe and run away, etc.


    submitted by /u/EpicDaNoob
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    Can't do assets, worth even keep going?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 07:55 AM PDT

    I started learning unity just few days ago and it feels fun. But when starting to actually do something, i can't do assets. I can't even draw a simple stick figure that looks decent. Is is worth it to learn that on the side of actual coding? I chose 2d because i heard 3d models are even harder, but even 2d is too hard for me to do.

    submitted by /u/epicfam60
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    New to Reddit

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 10:58 AM PDT

    hello to all I just want to say hi to all the people on Reddit. This is the first time I'm on Reddit so I just want to intro just my self.

    I'm a game developer that is working on my first big project A HORROR GAME.

    I'm hoping that you love horror games just as much as I do and I hope you will support me in my development. I will try my best to keep everyone up to date with the development.

    if you want to learn more about the project just ask and I will happily replay to all.

    submitted by /u/RaptorInkStudio
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    Chat with CrossCode's lead developer and composer

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 02:41 AM PDT

    Character Creation System and how to know if it's viable and/or balanced

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 04:05 AM PDT

    Hello there. I have a probably not so easy question about building a viable and balanced character system.

    [Backstory: I'm trying to build a Character System for a project of mine, which is actually a not a video game but a novel, but because reasons I thought it would be fun to try and make it work as objectively as possible, with formulas that can be derived to know exactly or with an acceptable margin of error what the statistics are supposed to be at every time. This is in part to avoid falling in temptation and abusing plot armor and other deus ex machina mechanics which would cheapen the result too much.]

    The system I'm building is very heavily inspired by Bethesda's Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series, because I don't play a lot of games and these two have the best system that I know of. It has eight primary attributes, which basically are the standard SPECIAL plus an additional attribute that controls everything that has to do with TES-like magic. There are secondary statistics derived by the ''SPECIAL'' points for stuff like health, magic, carry weight, a pool of perks directly dependent on the SPECIAL points like in Fallout 4, but there are also a number of primary skills like in the older games (for example, a single skill for all melee), each has a subset of secondary skills (more specific, like a one handed, two handed, energy blades ecc) which would advance like the skills in Skyrim, the more you use them the more advanced they become, and a pool of secondary perks which depend on a combination of SPECIALS, primary and secondary skills. There are also Traits and a wide number of enchantments and modifiers that can be applied to your equipment and provide both bonus and malus. As a last remark, experience points are not awarded by specific actions like in Fallout, but more of a Practice Makes Perfect style like The Elder Scrolls. This is all to allow extremely personalized character builds.

    I have sketched some very basic formulas that would let all these aspects to be linked to one another and grow in a balanced way, but I can't figure out the amount of ''experience'' each level (both specific skills levels and the player character overall level) should need to make progression fun, as in not a grinding chore but not even allowing characters to become too OP too soon. I'm kinda stuck here because without it I can't figure out the exact level structure and requirements for perks, objects and magic stuff that are a huge point in leveling up. How do you determine these things while developing games?

    I know I probably got too involved in detailing it, but I'd like to try and make it work as best as I can now, before giving up and simplify it.

    Now, I'm still at a fairly early stage and I haven't bothered yet making up names for any of the aspects, as everything is subject to change and I'm merely testing the waters, throwing everything at the system and seeing what sticks, what works and what must be cut. I also know about coding, a grand total of 0. I repeat, the system is not meant to be used in a game, not anytime soon at least, so I'm not asking for people to code for me or anything of the sort. Just some heads up, some advice from personal experience in the field, both in the programming side itself or if you know more in depth how these game engine specifically handles this situation, or I don't know, anything that might sound useful?

    If you need any more information about the system or the formula I cooked up just ask, I didn't include too much specific details to not overload the post but if they are needed I'll gladly add them.

    Thank you all in advance.

    submitted by /u/otakushinjikun
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    Some ECS Utility Scripts

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 02:52 AM PDT

    Is there any resource here for collabing on games?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 09:29 AM PDT

    Let's say I was decent at making music for games, or writing a story.
    Is there anywhere on reddit or elsewhere to collab with other people?
    I'm new to posting here so if there's somewhere obvious that flew over my head, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/darkowin
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    Character creation

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 12:07 PM PDT

    Confused about asset licenses

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 11:12 AM PDT

    I found a sprite sheet on open game art that I would like to use, but the license is confusing me.

    The sheet:https://opengameart.org/content/locomalitos-labbaye-des-morts

    I have no idea what the license means, can I use these assets and still sell my game? Is there any other catches?

    submitted by /u/NimNom123
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    Are (MMO)RPGs Dead?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 11:08 AM PDT

    I have an idea for an RPG, which is a bit different from the 'regular' RPGs (different class/combat systems...). The thing is, I've noticed that especially fantasy RPGs are kinda dying out. Would it be worth the trouble creating one, or should I target more 'modern' games (i.e. The Division, Watch_Dogs)?

    submitted by /u/Pixel_Err0r
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    Capes - Best route?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 11:04 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    I'm looking for your ideas/best practices when it comes to creating a cape for a character. Preferably I'd like it to have basic physics or movement without being too unperformant in a low poly game.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/LifeofVertigo
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    Workflow for adding hitbox data to sprite sheets

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 10:59 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am working on a 2D action game that requires hitboxes of different size and location on each frame of animation. Currently I am just hardcoding the size and position of rectangles on each frame. While this is doable, it is a little tedious, because I sort of have to guess and check that my rectangles are of a good size/in the right place. Does anyone have a streamlined way of combining a sprite sheet and hitbox info?

    For reference I am using Monogame and the Nez framework.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/hershicon
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    Best bet to make money by starting a software development business?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 10:20 AM PDT

    hello. I would like to know what's the best bet to make money by starting a software development business while earning at least the same as a 9-5 software developer employee?

    And no, I'm not an investor. I am a junior mobile developer and I was thinking about starting a game development company. However, I was put off from this idea as hours of googling led me to the following conclusion: "Do NOT start a game development business, if money is a priority." I wouldn't go into details, but it turned out that one needs to produce a hit so he can earn a comparative salary to other software development fields, and producing hit means chance of winning a lottery while investing insane amount of work. Now do the math.

    submitted by /u/JohnTheHorrible
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    Game Design : Art

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 11:55 PM PDT

    Hello, I am just trying to make a game as a hobby, but I do not know how to make art. I can handle music and programming, but not art.

    So, I was thinking to learn some pixel art, or low poly art, but I do not know where to start.

    Could anyone help me???

    submitted by /u/UndertaleWithMath
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    Does anyone know of a simple but good 3d face maker tool?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 12:43 AM PDT

    Basically, I'm looking for an easy way to make a wide variety of character portraits. It would be nice to have a tool to make faces using sliders like RPG character creation, but with the ability to export the model and material. I've searched around and seen some possible candidates (mostly expensive), but people around here often know about awesome tools I've never heard of, so just asking. A cheap/free solution would be fantastic.

    submitted by /u/joblo642
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    Can anyon explain this algorithm to me?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 02:51 AM PDT

    Image File Size in Unity and their Impact on Start Up Time on Android

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 10:30 PM PDT

    Oldschool 16x16 tile RPG resolution question

    Posted: 14 Oct 2018 03:09 AM PDT

    I'm making a browser-based RPG with 16x16 tiles. The problem is, my gamemap is way too small for modern monitors. My 1980x1080 monitor can pretty much see the entire map already and the player is miniscule. What are some ways to solve this? Should I make my tileart bigger? I tried scaling with the camera (using the Phaser 3 game engine), and the tiles became glitchy.

    Edit: Solved it by scaling the camera, and then adding spacing between the tiles in my tileset to prevent tile bleeding.

    submitted by /u/SkereWukong
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    Soundtrack Sunday #263 - New Mixes

    Posted: 13 Oct 2018 08:20 PM PDT

    Post music and sounds that you've been working on throughout this week (or last (or whenever, really)). Feel free to give as much constructive feedback as you can, and enjoy yourselves!

    Basic Guidelines:

    • Do not link to a page selling music. We are not your target audience.
    • Do not link to a page selling a game you're working on. We are not your target audience.
    • It is highly recommended that you use SoundCloud to host and share your music.

    As a general rule, if someone takes the time to give feedback on something of yours, it's a nice idea to try to reciprocate.

    If you've never posted here before, then don't sweat it. New composers of any skill level are always welcome!

    Previous Soundtrack Sundays

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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