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    Thursday, October 25, 2018

    For the first time in 15 years, I'm happy and I owe it all to programming learn programming

    For the first time in 15 years, I'm happy and I owe it all to programming learn programming

    For the first time in 15 years, I'm happy and I owe it all to programming

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 09:35 PM PDT

    I'm bipolar, extremely bipolar (and addicted to methadone) and I take Sodium, Lithium, Depakot, Respridone, and some other pills. I think it started 15 years ago, when I was 10, although I was diagnosed at 15, a year after my father died due to Ritalin addiction. I always wanted to be a Computer Engineer but I failed at the concours exam and was demoted to studying English literature. That was 6 years ago. I dropped out, twice, and now I'm studying French literature. I tried learning programming at 17, 18, 20, 22, 23 to no avail but after spending 2 months in the mental hospital, and adjusting my pills, I finally stopped raging, beating up my mom and siblings, throwing the watercooler at the carpet, tearing up the Holy Book, etc. But I wasn't happy. I finally stopped going to college, fuck French lit, and now I'm learning C++ and doing Code Wars challenges. Can't say that I'm unhappy. In fact, I'm extremely happy. It might be the late-night Methadone binge but I'm very happy. All thanks to programming.

    Sorry if it was off-topic, I just wanted the world to know.

    submitted by /u/Lithy_Eum
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    What are a list of JavaScript topics you should know before applying for a entry level web developer role?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 05:17 PM PDT

    Basically I want to know how much should I know before trying to get a job as a entry level web developer? Even if it's not specific to JavaScript, what are basic things I should know? If this is the wrong place to post this sorry.

    submitted by /u/CodeCrazyAquile
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    Need some beginner friendly projects on Github.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 04:16 AM PDT

    I need to learn and optionally contribute to some beginner friendly projects in Github. I'm interested in windows app development using c# or c++.

    submitted by /u/ijsankar
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    Thank you

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:47 AM PDT

    Just wanted to say thanks for the resources provided in the "Places to Start" area of the Welcome message on this sub. It helped me get over a hump. Good on you all.

    submitted by /u/penguinelee
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    Coding is fundamentally a bunch of if statements

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 12:06 AM PDT

    I know this is a tired topic, but I can't find a discussion online about it.

    Anyway, I have come to rationalize the proposition stated in the title, but I'm also sure that there is something I'm not seeing that would render the proposition inaccurate.

    The very core of programing languages is a sequence of statements to produce a certain outcome if a certain condition is met, and higher order functions are simply consolidated if statements in a specified order.

    I suppose AND and OR statements would also be two fundamental necessary statements along with IF.

    In other words, everything in programing can be distilled to IF, AND and OR, but no further.

    How wrong am I?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_TECHNO_GRRL
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    Best online coding bootcamp?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:40 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    For the last year, I've felt like I've been sitting at a crossroads on what I want to do with my life. I've switched around a lot on what I want to do for a living. It's been a huge struggle, but over the last couple of weeks, I've really been looking into coding and web development. My boyfriend and I moved back to his hometown at the beginning of October. We went to a job fair to see what companies were in the area and to get our resumes out there. One of the vendors at this job fair was a local coding bootcamp. We signed up for an information session and went last week. It really opened my eyes.

    It's been weighing on me ever since and I'm heavily considering signing up for one. I started self-teaching yesterday through Codecademy and freeCodeCamp. I've gone through all of the HTML lessons on both sites and I'm a decent way through the CSS lessons for both, as well. I'm nervous that I'm going to get overwhelmed and not progress past a certain point. For that reason alone, I'm heavily considering signing up for an online bootcamp. I haven't felt this motivated to learn something and stick with it in a very long time. I'm so excited to see where this takes me. Before I make a decision though, I want to get some answers from this subreddit since everyone seems helpful and knowledgeable. I'm sure these questions are posted on a regular basis, so I apologize.

    If I decide to go forth and sign up for a bootcamp, what online programs do you recommend and which ones should be avoided? If I decide to go the route of self-teaching, what are some tips to help me along the way? What are some other helpful coding sites in general?

    Thank you to anyone who answers!

    submitted by /u/crescentrolls90
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    Competitive Programming Usefulness?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 06:15 PM PDT

    So right now I've been doing a lot of USACO and stuff, but I'm not sure exactly how useful it will be in the future if I want to try and work at a startup or something. Sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything

    submitted by /u/StormFalcon32
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    Is 1 hour a day of code enough?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 07:00 PM PDT

    Just wondering if 1 hour a day is enough (outside of class). I'm currently a Computer Science major in uni, and have a goal of 1 hour a day outside of class. I have C++ class twice a week for 3 hours those days. I have enough energy some days to put in more than an hour, but how would you say progress would go with just an hour?

    submitted by /u/AutumnSail
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    Let's share our github profile so we can see what each of us are upto.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 11:50 PM PDT

    This subreddit has helped me a ton while learning programming. Although this is my first time posting here, I have been lurking for quite a while. Thanks for the awesome inspiring as well as educational posts that are posted here and the awesome community is always ready to help and motivate each other.

    So, let's share our github profiles, follow each other and see what kind of projects each of us are working on. Small or Big projects, you will get huge dose of motivation if you know that people are following your work, creating issues are recommeding some features. Let's do it.

    Here's mine: https://github.com/anuphunt

    submitted by /u/toborrmmai
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    Full Stack React Folder Structure Question

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 05:45 PM PDT

    I have done separate node and react projects. For my next project I want to do a full stack project with create-react-app. I was looking at folder structures and I have seen suggested to make it two projects with the same root directory like this example. https://github.com/esausilva/example-create-react-app-express

    It just seems strange to have two package.jsons and two node modules. For example, If I wanted to install axios to use on front and back would I install it in both node modules? Is that best practice? I found this example where it is one project. Is it because they do not use create-react-app? https://github.com/crsandeep/simple-react-full-stack

    The main things I want to know; is making it two projects ok even if a person did not use create-react-app? Is the two project structure that share a root directory common in the industry or only when create-react-app is used?

    submitted by /u/davis30b
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    I need help making a tool for transferring old data to a new database

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 09:46 PM PDT

    Hello, I have an old database with people's data. I want to filter out the data I don't want by requirement and keep only the data of interest, and move the data to a new database.

    I want to use JAVA for this. I don't need any front-end stuff, as it is only for myself mostly. What is the simplest way to do this? Do I need frameworks or just JAVA?

    A tutorial on this sort of thing would be very helpful. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lihanou
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    Any reviews for the Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence online course track?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 09:17 PM PDT

    Hi, I came across this course on Microsoft which seems to offer a great deal of details on Machine Learning and AI, along with project building, and it's FREE!

    Has anyone taken this course, any reviews for this? Is it worth it?

    The link is this https://academy.microsoft.com/en-us/tracks/artificial-intelligence/

    submitted by /u/johnwick76
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    Learning C - need explanation on a piece of code

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 12:14 AM PDT

    Hi guys! So I'm going through CS50 lectures, and I'm stuck on the first assignment- pennies.

    Here is the solved problem :


    I understand everything but the last block of code. Could someone explain to me this part (like in pseudocode) :

    // total sum of pennies

    long long total = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)


    total += pennies; pennies *= 2; 


    double dollar = (double)total / 100;


    submitted by /u/KrcaviusMaximus
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    Free Udemy Courses List | Get Top Paid Courses in Free of Cost

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 12:12 AM PDT

    Here is the List of Paid Programming Courses in FREE of Cost

    • JavaScript and ES6 Challenges - Do you know JavaScript? ENROLL NOW
    • JavaScript Variables Lifecycles ENROLL NOW
    • Rapid HTML5 Training | Quick Start in 2018 ENROLL NOW
    • Introduction to Design Patterns in Ruby ENROLL NOW
    • LEE's Web Hacking (Cross Site Scripting , SQL Injection) ENROLL NOW
    • CSS For Smart People ENROLL NOW
    • How to succeed in a Data Privacy & Protection Career (GDPR) ENROLL NOW
    • Algorithms & Big O – 101 Basics Course: CRUSH The Interview! ENROLL NOW
    • Programming C: Struktur Data untuk Pemula ENROLL NOW
    • Your First Steps from Programmer to Software Architect ENROLL NOW
    • Introduction to TDD in C# ENROLL NOW
    • 'C' Interview Questions ENROLL NOW

    All New Udemy Programming Courses (Daily Update)

    submitted by /u/shahnawaz1994
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    Is there a 101 on android debugging?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 12:12 AM PDT

    I am reading through the docs but theyre not very thorough. Is there some tutorial that focuses specifically on debugging?

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    Save data without a file?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 12:11 AM PDT

    I've been asking myself recently if it is possible to save data to the program itself, like configs or straight up text. It's probably impossible but I didn't found answers on Google. So my questions are:

    1.) is it possible to do?

    2.) if it is how to do it

    I'm curious and want to try it just for the heck of it.

    submitted by /u/C2H5COOH
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    [Bit shifting]

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 12:10 AM PDT

    Why is 1<<20 = 1 MB?

    Isn't a byte = 8 bits?

    I'm a bit confused on the difference between the megabyte, and the mebibyte, and why in languages like C we use the latter...


    submitted by /u/emergenthoughts
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    How to search for link in reddit

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 12:01 AM PDT

    How does the chrome extension such as AlientTube search reddit to see the subreddits a youtube video has been posted to?

    I know you can do https://reddit.com/<the youtube video url> and it will give you the results. However, I am looking for a json api of sorts so I don't have to parse the html results myself.

    submitted by /u/silentcon
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    In-practice Application of Function Pointers, Especially as Parameters?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 11:59 PM PDT

    Let's assume we have this code:

    int mainFunc(const *int)

    int (*ptrFunc)(const *int)

    ptrFunc = mainFunc;

    cout << ptrFunc(i);

    What's the use? What drives a programmer to use ptrFunc() instead of mainFunc()?


    decltype (mainFunc) ptrFunc2;

    int bubbaFet(int i, ptrFunc2);

    Why did I just pass a function pointer as a parameter? Also, how do I utilize it within the function definition?

    Thanks for your kind replies dear guru.

    submitted by /u/Lithy_Eum
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    Which web development framework to learn first , Vue or React or Angular? Newbie Question

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:00 PM PDT

    An automation test engineer here , I work on selenium(Java) and Protractor. I am thinking of reskilling or learning web development , I see that there are whole lot of frameworks for js that one can use and each one of them offers one thing better than the other , could you guys point me out to which one to learn first ? And please let me know of some beginner projects that I can work on in web development.

    TLDR; suggest good beginner web development projects and which JS framework to start learning.

    Thanks folks

    submitted by /u/thelazytester
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    How can you properly analyze a piece of code for small mistakes so you aren't digging yourself into a hole?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 04:55 AM PDT

    I'm learning javascript. A few days ago, I was writing a basic switch statement which adds 1 to a variable (count) each time a specific number was fed into the function.

    Instead of using count ++ to add 1, I was trying to use count + 1. Idk why. Without realizing that I made that mistake initially, I went through a rigorous process of checking why my switch statement wasn't working, looking up other examples of Switch statements, changing my switch statement structure multiple times, etc. It was annoying. Finally, towards the very end of my bug testing, I decided to check if count + 1 was correct, and lo and behold it was fucking me over the whole time.

    How can I avoid things like this? I have a really hard time memorizing tiny details like that, especially when learning so many new things about javascript every day. I guess it's just a practice makes perfect thing. I'm serious about not copying code directly after I see it in a tutorial (I keep logs of what I learn and build challenges to re-create what I've learned the next day), but I'd appreciate any tips if you have them.

    submitted by /u/aaronmarsden
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    macros explanations

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 11:30 PM PDT

    i want explanation for these points in macros i didnt understand why macro play as text subsuation also i want to understand how could it make actions less repetitve picture not of code! also i checked youtube videos and i have seen that is plays like a function or a variable so how can it differ from them

    submitted by /u/angelafra
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    how to "start" this function Vs re-writing it (a function that displays all different combination of two digits between 00 and 99) (sry, had to dlt last post as editing fucked up format and added html tags??)

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 11:20 PM PDT

    Create a function that displays all different combination of two digits between 00 and 99, listed by ascending order.

    • Here's the expected output :

    $>./a.out | cat -e

    00 01, 00 02, 00 03, 00 04, 00 05, ..., 00 99, 01 02, ..., 97 99, 98 99$>

    • Here's how it should be prototyped :

    void ft_print_comb2(void);

    here's what i have... i need help "starting" the function as written like this... or i'll have to re-write using different logic.

    either way thank you for checking it out! :)

    #include <stdio.h>

    void print_comb2(void)


    char a;

    char b;

    char c;

    char d;

    a = '0';

    b = '0';

    c = '0';

    d = '1';

    while(a != c && b != d) // can't since a and c are initially at 0 but is there a way to "bypass" this initial step




    putchar(' ');




    if(d == '9')



    d = '0';


    if(c == '9')



    c = '0';


    if(b == '9')



    b = '0';




    int main() {


    return 0;


    submitted by /u/darkmagikarp
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    Multithreading in OpenCV?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2018 11:18 PM PDT

    I tried looking for this online but there appears to be no easy to use library for multithreading in opencv. Has anyone here got experience with multithreading in opencv? I looked into the tbb library but it only runs a for loop in parallel. I simply want to offload the execution of an entire function of a separate thread. That seems to be possible in normal C++, however, the problem is that the return type of my function is a Mat type which is incompatible with auto. If anyone has suggestions on how to run two functions in parallel that return an opencv Mat, then please let me know.

    submitted by /u/zimmer550king
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