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    Friday, October 26, 2018

    CompSci Weekend SuperThread (October 26, 2018) Computer Science

    CompSci Weekend SuperThread (October 26, 2018) Computer Science

    CompSci Weekend SuperThread (October 26, 2018)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 06:05 PM PDT

    /r/compsci strives to be the best online community for computer scientists. We moderate posts to keep things on topic.

    This Weekend SuperThread provides a discussion area for posts that might be off-topic normally. Anything Goes: post your questions, ideas, requests for help, musings, or whatever comes to mind as comments in this thread.


    • If you're looking to answer questions, sort by new comments.
    • If you're looking for answers, sort by top comment.
    • Upvote a question you've answered for visibility.
    • Downvoting is discouraged. Save it for discourteous content only.


    • It's not truly "Anything Goes". Please follow Reddiquette and use common sense.
    • Homework help questions are discouraged.
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How could I go about making my own network protocol separate from TCP/UDP and testing it?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 04:56 PM PDT


    I've been researching TCP for University and noticed some alterations I could make to improve the efficiency of the protocol when in use in LAN environments. However I'm unsure if there's any software that'd let me start to let me play around concepts like this, or if there exists a way to send custom packets.

    There may be an obvious answer but it's late, I'm tired and feel a bit stuck.

    Many thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/DootLord
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    Prims Algo - how do we know it wont lead to optimal sub-behaviour, but suboptimal overall behaviour

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 08:39 AM PDT

    In prims algorithm, how do we know that taking the shortest 'legal' edge (lets call it…e1), wont lead us to having to take a longer than needed edge (…e4) later on, because due to taking e1, another edge that is shorter to e4 (lets call it e2) would now result in a cycle.

    Example I've been thinking of: Lets say there are two nodes left to add to our supernode. Edges we can take: e1 < e2 < e3 < e4. If we take e1: e2 and e3 will cause cycles but e4 will not. And so our next step after taking e1 is taking e4 If we take e2, we can then take e3 and we have ourselves a MST.

    Is there a property of graphs that I am not thinking off. Is there an inductive solution that I am glossing over?

    submitted by /u/noam_compsci
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    What data structures and algorithms are used in compilers?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 12:24 AM PDT

    Can someone please help me understand constructive induction?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 03:18 PM PDT

    How do we visualize a graph from this problem?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2018 07:04 PM PDT


    So from the above diagram, we can move either right or down. So a binary tree is built that way. It's written `"If we had intermingled common nodes across different branches, we would have got a graph instead"` I am unable to visualize how a graph can be formed out of this. Will it be a matrix with only 2 columns? Please help

    Source: [https://loveforprogramming.quora.com/Backtracking-Memoization-Dynamic-Programming][2]

    submitted by /u/kiramonchan
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