• Breaking News

    Monday, October 1, 2018

    Breaking into academia from industry - good professional record at tech giant, no undergrad research experience Computer Science

    Breaking into academia from industry - good professional record at tech giant, no undergrad research experience Computer Science

    Breaking into academia from industry - good professional record at tech giant, no undergrad research experience

    Posted: 01 Oct 2018 12:37 AM PDT


    I was interested in getting back into school. I currently work at one of (Google/Amazon/Microsoft ) as a software engineer in a group of machine learning data science types - mostly I do software stuff to bring machine learning models into production and not so much science stuff. Previously I worked at my company's cloud computing division for a couple of years. As an undergrad I did well, getting A's in all of my Math and CS courses, but I did no research in an academic setting. I went to an OK engineering school you probably never heard of.

    I can get letters of reccomendation from managers at big name corporate divisions like our company's cloud computing org and my current machine learning org, but nothing from professors. I do not have experence doing original research, just software development. The work entailed design, research on technologies, becoming an expert in technologies that are poorly documented and written by different parts of the company. I have been promoted for technical excellence and professional interpersonal skills. I would like to study machine learning.

    Will it be possible to get into a decent graduate program from such a background? I am only interested in attending if I can secure funding, since I dont believe in paying for school when I could be making money in industry.

    submitted by /u/ptsd_kid_a
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    Are literature review papers worth publishing

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 04:54 AM PDT

    I am a senior computer science undergraduate student working on a literature review paper for my bachelor thesis. I was wondering if publishing such a paper actually holds any value. Also, is there a difference between a literature review paper and a literature survey paper?

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/krishamehta
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    Need an idea for a Hackathon

    Posted: 30 Sep 2018 09:17 AM PDT

    Hey! I'm going to be attending my first Hackathon in one month and I have no idea on what to build. What I want to do is code some piece of software. I mostly there for the experience as I am a first year computer science major. Any ideas? Any topics I can explore where I can use code to solve a problem?

    submitted by /u/techsavvynerd91
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