Big 4 Discussion - October 24, 2018 CS Career Questions |
- Big 4 Discussion - October 24, 2018
- Daily Chat Thread - October 24, 2018
- Cisco to aggresively hire in the next year
- How do you stay motivated after receiving dream job
- Finance companies vs. software companies
- Recruiter gave me a verbal offer but reneged on it 3 days later, saying the initial offer was not to be taken as final.
- Am I just in a job search No Man’s Land as an industry hire with <1 year of experience?
- why the disparity in job requirements between big tech companies and everyone else?
- Asked company for week to accept offer, then company pressures for decision the next day
- Where do the senior engineers disappear to (from junior to senior)?
- comprehensive refresher for mid-level developer?
- Getting a offer rescinded due to a misdemeanor [Question]
- Alaska airlines engineering culture
- Can I start a career in CS/SWE with a degree in mathematics?
- Front-end making want to quit job.
- Research during Full Time
- How/where do you find housing for summer internships?
- Capital One or Qualtrics Internship?
- Why does it seem impossible to make 100k as a Software Engineer?
- Dropbox Entry Level
- Should I Be Getting Paid?
- opinions on IMC
- Salary expectations with 1 year experience in Boston
- Airbnb, MongoDB, or Bloomberg for a software engineering internship
- Well known company name with less interesting work, or less know company with really interesting work.
- My manager said that the next promotion I would be in line for would be in 2 to 5 years. Does this mean it's time to seriously consider leaving this company?
- Internship Offers Decision Advice
Big 4 Discussion - October 24, 2018 Posted: 24 Oct 2018 12:06 AM PDT Please use this thread to have discussions about the Big 4 and questions related to the Big 4, such as which one offers the best doggy benefits, or how many companies are in the Big 4 really? Posts focusing solely on Big 4 created outside of this thread will probably be removed. Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk. This thread is posted each Sunday and Wednesday at midnight PST. Previous Big 4 Discussion threads can be found here. [link] [comments] |
Daily Chat Thread - October 24, 2018 Posted: 24 Oct 2018 12:06 AM PDT Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk. This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here. [link] [comments] |
Cisco to aggresively hire in the next year Posted: 24 Oct 2018 09:32 AM PDT Just a heads up: Cisco is about to start an aggressive hiring campaign in the next year. The company has done well this year, beating earnings and increasing acquisitions. Cisco is looking to reinforce it's workforce with younger hires and are tossing boatloads of money into training. [link] [comments] |
How do you stay motivated after receiving dream job Posted: 24 Oct 2018 03:23 PM PDT Don't want this to be a humble brag post; serious question. Background: I'm a student who has been grinding leetcode, personal projects, GPA, ect all in hopes of achieving my dream internship, and eventually job. I think I wanted this to be able to brag to my parents (never been too financially well off) and make them really proud of me. Well, I finally landed my dream internship, and it feels the polar opposite of everything I imagined. My parents have been kind of sucking up to me now that they know my internship pays more than their jobs combined. I wanted to make them proud, not have them treat me differently; it now feels like nothing they say to me is genuine, and there's a bit of resentment as they think that I think that now that I landed this, I'm in some way better than them. I haven't bragged to them at all or anything, merely just told them I got the job and then I told them I would be able to help pay for college and pay them back. Furthermore, I don't feel interested in my coursework anymore; I have no desire to continue the leetcode grind anymore, and all my personal projects are getting no love anymore. I think I was doing all these things not because I truly enjoyed them, but all in hopes of achieving that 'dream' job. I haven't even begun it yet, but I feel absolutely no motivation to continue grinding and improving my skills. Is this normal? How do people break out of this, or is it a short gap where you feel this until you start going back to normal? Should I quit CS? Thanks, and sorry if this feels like a humble brag. [link] [comments] |
Finance companies vs. software companies Posted: 24 Oct 2018 06:02 PM PDT I'm a junior at a top 10 university (overall) and top 15-20 for CS. I've been applying everywhere for software internships, but I've noticed that I've gotten very few replies from software companies but a seemingly opposite reaction from finance companies. For instance, Citadel/Two Sigma/DE Shaw all offered me to come on site (for software positions), but Facebook/Amazon/Uber haven't replied to my applications or straight up rejected me without any interviews at all. I'm curious if 1) it's less prestigious/competitive to work at the above finance companies than i.e. the Big 4, and 2) if software companies tend to look for different things on resumes than finance companies? I'm not sure why I'm seemingly not passing the resume screen on software companies, and am wondering if there's anything I can do to make my resume more appealing for software companies. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Oct 2018 10:23 PM PDT Why the hell did he give me the false hope for 3 days? I had made up my mind and was quite happy with it. The new numbers he gave me are lower at first glance, but when you do the math with the equity, math and bonus, it makes for about a 15% lowering from the initial offer. I was aware of shady recruitment practices and prepared for negotiation but now I'm not sure what to do. He's simply not willing to give my initial offer back and now that I've been shown those numbers, anything lower is seeming unfair. EDIT. Thanks for the responses everyone. I'd rather not name the company, they're one of the big bay area companies. I'm going to push for the original offer. [link] [comments] |
Am I just in a job search No Man’s Land as an industry hire with <1 year of experience? Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:17 PM PDT I feel like I should start this post with a disclaimer that I'm not talking about any particular tech company in this post, just companies that pay top level salaries. I started my first job out of college about 5 months ago. I work at a small company in the southeast, and I never really put much thought into the university recruiting process at bigger companies. If a company didn't happen to be recruiting on my campus, it didn't occur to me to try to apply to them. When I started browsing this sub after starting my job, that was the first time I realized developers my age on the west coast at big companies are earning 2 or 3 times as much money to do more or less the same thing as I do. My job is fine. It's just fine. It would be so easy to stay here and never challenge myself and be content with mediocrity. But when I look at the difference between earning $70k here and maybe working my way up to 6 figures in the next few years, versus the starting and mid-career compensation at a major tech company, it seems like I've skipped out on an absolutely life-changing amount of money to be here, and that's unacceptable to me. Essentially, I've chosen to forego *millions* of dollars for the privilege of living somewhere I don't particularly like. This seems like a catastrophic mistake, and it feels like I'm majorly off-course to having a career I'm okay with. I'm at a loss for how to proceed. I've started doing Leetcode problems and I don't think I would have any trouble passing the coding and behavioral questions, but I just can't even get the attention of the people I want to work for. I'm not a new graduate or an intern, so I can't take advantage of the robust college-to-industry pipeline that these companies have built. I'm not an experienced industry hire with 2+ years of experience ready to apply for senior roles. So it's not really surprising to me that I've received no positive responses from the dozens of applications I've sent in the past few months for new grad and mid-level roles at these kinds of places. Is it just something about MY approach specifically (cold applying to their career pages), or is there just no realistic pathway to getting hired at a top company as a candidate with only 6-12 months of industry experience? I hate the idea of sucking it up here for another 6-18 months. That's going to veer into "CSCQ is not your therapist" territory, but it's just such a crushing feeling to try to build a life in this new city when I've become obsessed with the idea of leaving it for somewhere better. I feel like I'm wasting my time right now by showing up to work in the morning, and I don't know how to get my career back on a course that's acceptable to me. [link] [comments] |
why the disparity in job requirements between big tech companies and everyone else? Posted: 24 Oct 2018 07:12 AM PDT I've noticed that big tech companies focus primarily on data structures and logic puzzle questions but don't require a laundry list of languages, frameworks, and years of experience, but everyone else does. For instance, you can not get a job locally as a java programmer unless you have like 5-10 years professional java experience and know 20 different other technologies. why is this? [link] [comments] |
Asked company for week to accept offer, then company pressures for decision the next day Posted: 24 Oct 2018 02:08 PM PDT Within the last month, I have been interviewing at a number of different companies, and as of yesterday, I have finally received my first offer as an entry level developer. Since I had been interviewing with multiple companies, I asked if I could have a week to hear back from other companies to decide on their offer. The recruiter agreed in email. The recruiter has emailed me today asking me about my position with the company, and if I am leaning towards accepting the company's offer or not. The recruiter needs my response by tomorrow morning, saying that my response will effect how the team moves forward. What does this mean and how do I proceed? [link] [comments] |
Where do the senior engineers disappear to (from junior to senior)? Posted: 24 Oct 2018 11:41 AM PDT Im an entry level struggling for a job right now. I find the job process to be extremely unfair, however thats another discussion Ive heard life gets exponentially better as you progress through years of experience from first job to second to by the time youre 5 years of experience in, you have most doors open to you, and theres a huge demand for senior engineers, why is this so? Anecdotally I have 15-20 friends who all graduated from a bay area university (SCU), none of them were competetive enough to get anything in a big N. They pretty much all have the same story, they applied after 1 year at cisco to a bunch of Big N's and every single one is now working for a big N only 1-1.5 years later. More importantly, I asked them about the positions they applied for (A bunch were asking for 5 + years of experience) How did this happen? Is the senior market that devoid of engineers that companies like Apple and Google are willing to pay guys with only 1 year of experience at the 5 year level? What happened to all the juniors? Did someone eat them? Did aliens take them? [link] [comments] |
comprehensive refresher for mid-level developer? Posted: 24 Oct 2018 11:47 AM PDT Hi all, I'm a midlevel developer and occasionally (more often than I'd like, really) work with proprietary tools/tech. In light of the recent article on the tech person committing suicide I thought it might be a good idea to do a "refresh" of my skills. What's the best guide(s) and/or syllabus for what a mid-level person should know? I'm OK with going through all of the college stuff again as the main point of this exercise is to make sure I'm familiar with both all of the things I should know and how to do a deeper dive if necessary. I guess you'd say the goal here is to make sure the "unknown unknowns" just become "unknowns" and the "unknowns" become knowns. [link] [comments] |
Getting a offer rescinded due to a misdemeanor [Question] Posted: 24 Oct 2018 10:00 AM PDT When I was in high school I got hit with a Class C Misdemeanor charge on my record over 8 years ago now. Recently I got a job offer at a relatively big company and throughout the process I was never asked about my background check. When I got an offer in I was told a bc would take place let the HR manager know about something I know has shown up on background checks in the past. They said it shouldn't be a big deal, and I was still able to sign the offer sheet and stuff but I am now concerned about making living arrangements in that city if it happens to backfire. They let me know that the background check won't be processed until 2 weeks before my start date so degree information comes back valid. My credit and driving record are clean and I did not lie throughout the process as far as degree information and everything else. What are the chances the offer gets taken away at this point now they are aware of everything and everything is still on the table? Do you think I should go ahead and look for housing in the city without concern of them pulling the offer at the last minute? Edit: this isn't government, finance or medical either as I know those are more strict fields I've avoided applying there. [link] [comments] |
Alaska airlines engineering culture Posted: 24 Oct 2018 02:33 PM PDT Anyone have any experience or heard anything about engineering at Alaska airlines? Heard they use mob programming (3-5 software engineerings with one computer all working collaboratively on the same project) and was wondering if anyone had any experience with that. [link] [comments] |
Can I start a career in CS/SWE with a degree in mathematics? Posted: 24 Oct 2018 02:35 PM PDT I'm currently enrolled in a decent state school pursuing a dual degree in mathematics and computer science. On this path I am expected to graduate spring 2020. Recently, I am dealing with the death of my best friend and hate most everything about school and want to get out. I could probably finish my math degree this year if I stopped taking CS classes. However, I want to go into software engineering. Do you think I'd be able to find a job? I'm proficient in Java, C, Ruby, and OCaml. I am taking algorithms right now. [link] [comments] |
Front-end making want to quit job. Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:01 PM PDT Basically this small 5 developer company I joined after college doesn't have any decent front-end (html+css mainly) people and as a grad, I have been basically force to do it all. I was taught bootstrap in school and Im getting better at it I guess. However, that is not where my passion is so to speak. I'm a backend kind of guy by heart and doing front-end is hurting my spirit. I'm afraid that I'll be given all the front-end styling stuff in the future once I get even better at it. My boss kind of knows too but since I'm the only one capable... For those wondering, I would say Im just as good if not better at backend. Honestly, I wouldn't mind as much if the pay was better but it is not (well well below standard... wanted experience at the time). Would literally do backend for fun and hang myself doing front-end type of feel. Do I suck it up? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2018 07:48 PM PDT How likely is it that you can do research and publish research papers for a company, given that you don't have a PhD or Masters and are not doing anything computational tough (not Machine Learning or Blockchain, but more front-end development)? [link] [comments] |
How/where do you find housing for summer internships? Posted: 24 Oct 2018 07:28 PM PDT What sites and services do you guys use for finding short term furnished (at least with a bed) housing? Not sure if I should post this in r/csmajors. [link] [comments] |
Capital One or Qualtrics Internship? Posted: 24 Oct 2018 09:53 AM PDT I'm deciding between the two right now, which would you choose if given the option and why? I've heard both good and (some) bad things for both so I'm a bit confused, and there isn't a clear choice to me immediately, although I suppose I'm leaning towards Qualtrics. Capital One would be in Virginia (near DC), Qualtrics would be in Seattle. Any advice would be very helpful! [link] [comments] |
Why does it seem impossible to make 100k as a Software Engineer? Posted: 24 Oct 2018 06:55 PM PDT Hello, so before anyone says "100k is a lot of money" yes it is. The thing I have a problem with is I live in New York City and a 100k is much here compared to the average city in the United States. I've only been in the industry for a year but I've heard all my other friends working at Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc making the 120k+ and I'm barely scraping 80k in New York City and it seems impossible to find a job that pays that high here in NYC. What am I doing wrong? I graduated from a top 50 state school in Computer Science with a 3.3+ GPA and I had multiple internships with big name companies (not tech) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2018 03:19 PM PDT Hi, I was wondering what r/CSCareerQuestions thought about Dropbox and their long term growth? I am currently interviewing for their new grad PM position (along with a few other places like Microsoft, Oath, etc) and was wondering if people thought it would be a good place to start their career. There are a few other companies like Lyft and Yahoo that I will also be interviewing for in a few weeks, but likely wouldn't make it all the way to final rounds by the time I'd have to respond to any offers [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2018 02:52 PM PDT Hey r/cscareerquestions I had a quick question. I went to an interview today with a investment firm that invest into start ups, mainly tech. I interviewed for a Software Dev role and it went pretty well. They said for the next part of the interview process I had 2 weeks to create a website and submit it to them. They will then pick the top 3 best websites and offer those interviewees employment.I mentioned this to one of my friends in the field and he asked "Are they paying you?". I was confused because I didn't even think about the time commitment I am putting in designing this website and that I should be compensated for it. So my question is, should I be getting paid for this? Is it normal for companies to do that? Also, Is it too late for me to contact the company and ask what kind of compensation I will be receiving for my time? I'm about to be a fresh graduate so I am still learning how the industry works. I assumed my compensation would be becoming a potential employee. What are your guys thoughts? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:50 PM PDT I've recently received an offer for a new grad software engineer position at IMC in Chicago. Trying to decide between this and an Amazon offer. My main concern is that IMC isn't as big of a name as a Amazon is which might set me up poorly for my next job -- is this an actual concern? I'd appreciate it if anyone who has worked at IMC can comment on their experience. [link] [comments] |
Salary expectations with 1 year experience in Boston Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:50 PM PDT I currently have 10 months of experience as a developer. What type of salary can I expect to get with 1 year of experience in Boston? I have a masters in CS. I'm currently making 90k in the metrowest area (1 hr outside Boston). I'm expecting that my salary should be close to 100k after I get my raise at the end of the year. Can I get 110 in Salary? More? [link] [comments] |
Airbnb, MongoDB, or Bloomberg for a software engineering internship Posted: 24 Oct 2018 12:01 PM PDT I have gotten very lucky and received an internship offer from Airbnb, MongoDB, and Bloomberg. I have read pretty much every past post on Reddit mentioning these three companies and everything on Glassdoor but I have been having trouble comparing them. I have not interned at a major tech company before. The compensation is relatively similar at all of these. All these companies look really cool and interesting to work at and that's why I'm having so much trouble deciding. There are three things I'm really considering right now: NYC vs. SF -- I intend to end up in NYC after graduation (from NY and most of my family is here) but I would be willing to try SF for a summer. MongoDB and Bloomberg are NYC, Airbnb is SF. Prestige -- I know Airbnb is top on the west coast but I am unsure if MongoDB and Bloomberg are comparable in NYC. Ideally I want to have a strong name on my resume in the case that I don't go back and apply for jobs again the following year. My interests -- I am very interested in distributed systems, distributed storage, and cloud. MongoDB seems to align with this pretty well. How do the others align? I would appreciate if past interns at any these companies would comment on their experience and their thoughts, and what they chose if they were in a similar situation/why they made that choice. Also, if people from industry see this post and have thoughts on prestige, I would certainly appreciate the comments. This is my first post here and I read the rules but sorry if I did not follow something. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:43 PM PDT Hi everybody, I'm a student in Canada and I have been very fortunate to receive 2 offers for internships for the coming year. One is at a medium sized some-what Canadian known pension plan, where i will be using deep learning. The other is for a very well known international financial firm at their Canadian offices, that you would probably all recognize, however the role has some ml but its mostly data warehousing/bi/business analysis. The work at the less known firm is much more interesting, however is it worth me taking the bigger companies offer? Especially if my end goal is to end up in NY/Boston in the fintech scene, will the big name be a more eye catching name on my resume to help pass initial screens? Thanks in advance for the advice! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2018 08:20 PM PDT Just turned from Associate Soft Eng to Software Engineer. With the next milestone s far away, I don't see if I have enough motivation to work hard tbh. What do you guys suggest? [link] [comments] |
Internship Offers Decision Advice Posted: 24 Oct 2018 04:13 PM PDT Hello So I just wanted a second opinion on my decision hoping to ease my worry a little. I got two offers that I am considering which have quite different lengths and pay. One offers a typical 3 month internship with above average pay and the other is at least a year long internship with below average pay. If I went with the higher paying one I would definitely end up making way more money then the lower paying one. Especially due to I would work other jobs while I'm not at the 3 month internship. The thing is that the main thing I want out of the internships is experience with real world development. I think I want to go with the year long one due to I hope that would give me the most exposure. It still would be more money than I am currently making at my student job so that's not a problem. What I'm worried about is my decision rides on the assumption that both companies will teach me at the same rate. In other words I'm not sure if maybe the three month one would teach me more than the other company would in a year. It sounds like the lower paying one is a lot of writing tests, debugging, and some development. I don't really know how much of what I'll get. While the higher paying one you work in a group of interns on a random project they throw at you. This is my first internship so I know even if it ends up not being what I want at the very least I have something on my resume to open doors for future internships. Any opinions or experiences that you can offer I would appreciate it. Thank you. [link] [comments] |
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