autoplay videos and popout video overlays need to die. web developers |
- autoplay videos and popout video overlays need to die.
- Can react.js devs, who have worked on real life apps, share their bundle size and initial load time? Thanks.
- Is Ruby on Rails a dirty word now?
- Is building your OWN projects really the best way to learn? I'm tired of all these tutorials
- Does having a non-traditional TLD affect my website’s SEO ranking? Eg. vs
- Finalizing plans to deploy my Django app on a VPS - Ansible vs Docker vs Manual - Did my research, but am still confused about a few key points
- How do companies generally limit the amount of data requests sent by users (e.g. preventing a user from submitting data to a contact form 500 times or something like that)
- The time a project manager declared "No more libraries!"
- A complete guide to image optimisation in the Web
- Have you had to work with developers who abstract and complicate everything for no reason?
- Interesting take on billing clients: Monthly Payment Plan. Has anyone done this before? Thoughts?
- Learn how to make sites like squarespace
- Freelancing tool to get more clients
- Why every backend course deploys on Heroku? Do you know any resource that covers the actual real-world deployment process?
- A better alternative to storing HTML in the database?
- Designer + Developer Workflow
- I have not been in web development for more than a decade, but I have been requested to put in a proposal and I'd like to hear some suggestions on which direction I should head.
- Proven serverless stack providers and possible caveats you should know about while building a serverless app.
- Best practice to create paginations
- Required and most promising skills? And freelancing beginner questions
- CSS3 in 30 Days - YouTube
- What has focus?
- Any possible way for pure HTML/CSS language selection?
- Trying to create a "request" helper in a functional way using javascript, how can it be improved?
autoplay videos and popout video overlays need to die. Posted: 08 Oct 2018 11:05 PM PDT I can't be the only person goddamn infuriated by this shit. I definitely can't be the only "some kind of flavor of web developer/designer" who hates it, and I can just imagine the gnashing of teeth as the decision maker ignores the advice to not poke their users with hot irons and "no go ahead and make it auto play and don't add a persistent option to opt out of that and oh, have the video follow them if they scroll past it to actually read the text they came for in the first place." A big part of whether I find a site helpful is Gold tier: Doesn't auto play videos. At all. Silver tier: does it the one time and you hit the checkbox for "this is annoying and why would you do this stoooop" and it doesn't do it ever again and "UGH WHHHHHY" tier is auto play and that's the way it is. DIE. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Oct 2018 02:26 PM PDT | ||
Is Ruby on Rails a dirty word now? Posted: 09 Oct 2018 10:04 AM PDT I work for a staffing agency and have a number of clients needing help finding RoR devs, but my team and I are having absolutely no luck at all finding devs interested in working in Ruby. And the candidates we speak with that are currently working in Ruby are only interested in getting out of it.. I am hoping yall can help provide insight as to why RoR has fallen off so quickly. [link] [comments] | ||
Is building your OWN projects really the best way to learn? I'm tired of all these tutorials Posted: 09 Oct 2018 02:08 PM PDT After being recently let go from my first web dev job, I have decided I need a pretty serious javascript knowledge overhaul. The basics I am fine with, and I do have some decent projects under my portfolio. Some from tutorials, some from working with some other developers for fun. But I still feel like my knowledge base is SERIOUSLY lacking. In terms of approaching a problem, to coming up with a solutions, trying out that solution, and recycling. I have done enough javascript tutorials where I feel like building something by watching someone else do it won't do me much good. Do you think that the best way to learn is by building your own unique project? Would love to hear some peoples experience with this. [link] [comments] | ||
Does having a non-traditional TLD affect my website’s SEO ranking? Eg. vs Posted: 09 Oct 2018 12:29 PM PDT There's tons of unique TLDs on Namecheap. Is there any real reason to use .com .org .net instead of .xyz .pink .ninja? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Oct 2018 10:32 AM PDT Hello everyone. I am about to finish up my Django web application and I need to start making plans about how to deploy. I have a VPS and all I need is Linux + nginx + Python 3 + gunicorn + PostgreSQL + git. I know how to setup my VPS manually and it works, but I'd strongly prefer at least some sort of automation. The problem is that I'm not sure where the exact differences lie. I want to keep everything as simple/KISS as possible. I have only ONE single machine/VPS. This is my understanding: Ansible is used to install a server from absolute scratch. Meaning I reset my VPS and start Ansible on my local machine and Ansible will set everything up on the server, meaning install and configure my firewall/nginx/postgres/Python/etc. I can even automate Ansible to pull my Django github code, start the servers, etc... Docker is sort of like this but less basic. Meaning I have to at least install Docker on the VPS and setup my users, install and configure the firewall (ufw) manually, etc. Same with SSH keys and minor other things. My questions:
Sorry for the many questions, but I really need to figure out which way is the best way and since I am just a hobbyist (with a non-IT job) I need to use my free-time efficiently and not learn 10 different things that I might not need. That's where I need your (professional) experience. Thanks a lot in advance for your help. I hope this is of interest to others as well! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Oct 2018 07:05 AM PDT I want to do something like this in Firebase, but I'm not sure how it's normally done. I know how to limit the amount of characters sent in a form's data fields, but want to theoretically be able limit the amount of requests sent by any given user. [link] [comments] | ||
The time a project manager declared "No more libraries!" Posted: 09 Oct 2018 02:52 PM PDT This was about 4 years ago, when I worked for a project manager who had no concept of web development, but believed people were modular. The shop I worked at did custom Wordpress website solutions, with varying amounts of functionality and custom design based on clients' needs, etc. Sales rarely checked with dev before promising functionality, and the project manager rarely checked with dev before assigning hours for developing said functionality. Needless to say, it was a bit of a mess. He did not want to trust the judgement of his poor developers, often stating to both the designers on the team and the developers on the team that he understood their jobs just by 'standing and watching over their shoulders'. I tried to once argue with him that a well-developed, well-designed responsive website would have at most two break-points. He felt that it should be 12 break-points. The pinnacle of his stupidity arrived one day when he held a company meeting and declared that he noticed me and the other dev often used jquery and several wordpress plugins(him thinking a javascript library and a wordpress plugin are the same thing is funny in itself). He then declared that our devs should be 'smart enough' to not need to 'copy other people's work' and 'develop custom solutions every time'. He then showed a slide in his presentation that said "No More Libraries!". Me and the other dev in the shop rolled our eyes, talked to the owner, and kept using jquery and wordpress plugins. [link] [comments] | ||
A complete guide to image optimisation in the Web Posted: 08 Oct 2018 11:22 PM PDT
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Have you had to work with developers who abstract and complicate everything for no reason? Posted: 09 Oct 2018 07:51 AM PDT I'm sitting here reverse engineering someone's Express implementation and slowly realizing it's not actually doing anything, I started wondering what others have dealt with. This isn't the first time I've had to do something like this and its by far not the worst, but it's still frustrating. Has anyone been able to successfully fix these sorts of problems? How do you even approach it? It seems to happen more often than not with "senior" level developers. Even though I'm a senior too, I'm not sure how to even begin to approach this sort of thinking. [link] [comments] | ||
Interesting take on billing clients: Monthly Payment Plan. Has anyone done this before? Thoughts? Posted: 09 Oct 2018 12:14 PM PDT What are your preferred ways of billing or selling services to clients when it comes to basic websites? It seems to me that the answer to an age old question "How much should I charge" On average tends to be $1200-$1500 for a basic word-press website, and more than $5000 for a more substantial website such as a magazine, news or seller. Regardless of how you price it, we always come to the conclusion that no matter how promising a client sounds, only focusing on the ones willing to pay the right price are worth while in terms of stress. I'm currently trying to figure out ways to maximize earnings and while I agree with the above statement, I have helped wonderful clients who where close, or just had a dirt simple concept and an easy project, but did not have anywhere near that amount to spend. Since I would rather rake in on monthly recurring bills from reselling the hosting on all my clients, I take those jobs anyway and charge them what they can afford, sometimes its $400 - $600, and even $200 for that elderly lady who wants a website to post pictures of her bird, It depends, but I strive for clients if they are low maintenance and easy to work with and I'm willing to work cheap if that means I can get their monthly host bill each month and never hear from them again for a year (Yes this does happen if you cherry pick the right people) Considering that, I had the thought about a payment plan, because I have the ability to issue an ADDITIONAL set amount of money on top of the hosting bill that has a time limit, then reverts back to just the single hosting charge once complete. Has anyone ever successfully taken a small job for a decent client with a payment plan in order to get more money in the long run that they otherwise would not have been able to pay up front? I'm thinking that you could double the earnings considering a payment plan, for example, If your client is 100% strapped but can work with $300, I feel like you should be able to bump that to $600 with a payment plan and they would go for it because its not all up front. [link] [comments] | ||
Learn how to make sites like squarespace Posted: 09 Oct 2018 03:51 PM PDT Im a beginner, know the basics of html, css, and JavaScript but never really made a site. I love their designs and want to learn how. [link] [comments] | ||
Freelancing tool to get more clients Posted: 09 Oct 2018 11:58 AM PDT As a freelancer and having worked as a hiring manager for a company that hires a lot of web developers, the thing potential clients want to see the most is what you can do based on what you have done. Portfolios are a freelancers bread and butter. They are what may make a potential client choose you over another developer or vice versa. Because clients always ask to see what I have done, I created a simple web tool that allows you to upload projects and then generates a link you can share with potential clients to link to all of your past or current work. The site is still in progress but I was just wondering if this is a tool anyone here would be interested in. You can also use it to see what other people are working on and get ideas if your having trouble coming up with a design or layout for a site you are working on. Also the most viewed site of each week is featured on the homepage so I figure it's a good way for you all to promote the sites you are working on and get recognition from other developers and potential clients. If you would like to check it out or give it a try please checkout SitezLink . I appreciate all comments and constructive feedback. Also sorry for the self promotion. I know thats frowned upon, but i just want to get peoples opinions on this to know if its something you all think I should develop further or if you dont think you would use it. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Oct 2018 04:14 AM PDT Hi to everyone, Junior but almost mid webdev here, in search for long awaited answers. As a full-stack Javascript webdev now (MERN stack) I was liking how, in front-end side, I was developing with little to nothing knowledge about how the server-side processes work. But now that I have learned Node.js I have a single but big problem: nobody covers how to deploy apps on a private server. I can understand that it is a very complex topic, and I am pretty sure that a lot of people are missing out that piece of work in their development process. Maybe because every server needs a particular configuration, or maybe I don't know. I am using Ubuntu on DigitalOcean, and also I am developing an app for a client over another Ubuntu server. I mean, I can understand that maybe, probably, I don't know, Heroku is more simple to use and it makes the deployment process a topic that doesn't need to be understood. But I actually do! So far I don't know how to properly configure environment variables between development and production, both locally and on the server, I don't know what are the best practices, I don't know how to properly configure the server to host my front-end part and my back-end part, how it needs to be served by the webserver (Nginx in this case, but also Node/Express is so what's this? ), really, I have did something that kind-of works by following this-or-that tutorial but nothing that I am confident with. And I don't like working with workarounds, especially when security is on stake and when I lose so much time on deployment process. /rant off I really need a resource that covers everything that is needed to properly deploy an application, where I should put my front-end part, how does it communicate with the back-end over the server, what are the possible solutions related on the scenarios; it's crazy that we have so much resources on programming languages but little to none when it comes to deployment processes and practices. [link] [comments] | ||
A better alternative to storing HTML in the database? Posted: 08 Oct 2018 11:49 PM PDT On some occasions I want to maintain the formatting of a certain piece of text, so I'm saving the HTML tags in the DB as well. Not sure if this is so terrible, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to put presentation logic in the Database. So an alternative would be to store it as Markdown, but that's basically the same as storing HTML. Any other ways to do this? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Oct 2018 02:47 PM PDT
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Posted: 09 Oct 2018 01:29 PM PDT I'll make a long story short. The basic requirements I'm looking for are as follows:
That obviously narrows it down quite a bit already. I used to use Wordpress many moons ago, and it was frowned upon back then. Google tells me that in 2018, Wordpress still seems to be one of the top dogs. Honestly, I think Wordpress got a lot of bad press because people who didn't know how to run websites would make Wordpress itself look bad (not securing their sites properly, then journalists making the accusation that "Wordpress is insecure", which it was not if you took proper care). What are the thoughts of wordpress nowadays? I also used CodeIgniter way back when, when MVC started becoming popular. Is it still popular? I tried to give Symfony 1 (or 2?) a whirl, but it was much more complex than CI, and is more of a framework than a ready-to-go CMS, which CI wasn't really a CMS either, not trying to make the argument it was. I guess I'm looking for a "really good CMS with the ability to sell crap". Does this mean I'll have to use something like Symfony and roll my own CMS? Thanks for listening to the ramblings of an old man out of touch with todays web technology. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Oct 2018 01:20 PM PDT
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Best practice to create paginations Posted: 09 Oct 2018 01:13 PM PDT Is it better to query all results and send to front end or query only the needed results per page? If the latter is better, aren't you querying for the total number of results anyways to get the total number of pages? [link] [comments] | ||
Required and most promising skills? And freelancing beginner questions Posted: 09 Oct 2018 01:09 PM PDT Hey guys, I study Computer Science in Germany and for the last few month I got into Web Development and previous to that I did Android Development. I would like to start freelancing to make some money on the side. My current skills are: Angular 6, Firebase, Ionic and a little Node.js & Express and tensorflow. As I said I don't have a lot of experience. I have build some applications like: a web calendar app, a handwriting numbers recognizer and a fitness app. I'm currently cleaning up these projects and create a portfolio. Are there skills I should have that I haven't listed yet? What skills do you recommend to learn that are very requested at the moment and show big potential for the future? What jobs do you think I could get? I realize people are not going to hire a unexperienced guy for a big complicated job but I'm also not very interested in just creating basic websites with something like wordpress. I mean if I get well payed offers I will do it because it should be quite easy setting up some theme but its not something that is a lot of fun to me. I'm also getting into machine learning but I'm not comfortable offer services in this area. Also do you think it would help me to charge a low hourly rate? Most experienced developers in germany seem to charge between 50-100$, I'm willing to charge anything above 20$ per hour as starting (probably less depending on the job). But I think potential client may discouraged by a too low price? Any opinions are appreciated! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Oct 2018 12:48 PM PDT
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Posted: 09 Oct 2018 05:58 AM PDT
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Any possible way for pure HTML/CSS language selection? Posted: 09 Oct 2018 08:07 AM PDT Hey guys, I've been trying to figure out a way to add language selection for a fairly simple website. I thought I remembered finding something years ago about CSS allowing the replacement of text for different text, but I'm most certainly remembering it wrong and/or it involved more than just CSS. I don't need anything fancy at all and would prefer the site to only use HTML/CSS if at all possible. Any solution I find are for non-functional drop-down menu or involve JavaScript. My assumption is I would just need to use a subdomain for the translated version and put a link to the subdomain pages on each respective page, or duplicate the pages, translate them, and give them a different/translated URL. I was wondering if anyone had a better solution. [link] [comments] | ||
Trying to create a "request" helper in a functional way using javascript, how can it be improved? Posted: 09 Oct 2018 11:50 AM PDT Some info to start, what I am trying to do is a kind of "request" service/function/whatever that will be used to build a request before actually sending it to the API. This is very specific to an old REST api we are integrating against. What i want to be able to do is something like this: and the "concept code" I've done so far is this: (see codepen here if that is easier) What this will allow me to do is do something like: In this case it would just log out "{"name":["Michael","Adam"]}" but in reality a request would be fired of with those parameters correctly put into the request via querystring in the URI or whatever. Now this works, and it feels relatively good. But i am really green when it comes to the functional programming paradigm so I am probably doing something totally idiotic. I know that none of the functions are pure in themselves, but since state needs to be shared between functions I cant really find a way to do it without storing it outside the functions. Anything obvious that i could fix/change/think about? [link] [comments] |
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