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    Monday, October 22, 2018

    Advise for a newbie with high expectations Ask Programming

    Advise for a newbie with high expectations Ask Programming

    Advise for a newbie with high expectations

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:10 PM PDT

    Hello i am new to coding but i really want to get serious with it because i want to be a computer engineer. The problem is i dont know where to start. I tried html and css but i think that those are just for website development and i want to see more real coding. I am thinking about starting python but at the same time i have a really good idea for a website that i really want to develop now but i dont have the tools because i dont know how to program. So what do you think, i continue learning html css and javascript (started 2 weeks ago) or i start with python?

    submitted by /u/Deloquito
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    Can someone tell what is wrong with my program to determine if the triangle is a right triangle?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 04:09 PM PDT

    import java.util.*;

    public class RightTriangle


    public static void main (String []args)


    Scanner reader = new Scanner (System.in);


    double s1=0,s2=0,s3=0,max=0,squaredMax=0, leg1=0,leg2=0, squaredLeg1=0, squaredLeg2=0, rightOfHyp=0;


    System.out.println("Please enter the first side of the triangle");

    s1 = reader.nextDouble();

    System.out.println("Please enter the second side of the triangle");

    s2 = reader.nextDouble();

    System.out.println("Please enter the third side of the triangle");

    s3 = reader.nextDouble();


    max = Math.max(Math.max(s1,s2),s3);

    if (max==s3)





    if (max==s2)





    if (max==s1)





    squaredMax = Math.pow(max,2);

    squaredLeg1 = Math.pow(leg1,2);

    squaredLeg2 = Math.pow(leg2,2);

    rightOfHyp=squaredLeg1 + squaredLeg2;

    if (squaredMax==rightOfHyp)

    System.out.println("The triangle with the side lengths given is a right triangle");


    System.out.println("The triangle with the side lengths given is not a right triangle");



    submitted by /u/DetectiveToast
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    What's the best way to monitor Google Drive for file changes and launch a Windows shell script on change?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 08:06 PM PDT

    I want to launch a shell script on my local Windows machine any time a new file is uploaded to Google Drive, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it without burning through Drive API quota. For my situation, the Drive will have thousands of files spread across hundreds of sub-directories, so it's not reasonable to use something like Google Scripts to constantly scan all the Drive contents for changes. I also can't use the Drive desktop client or Drive File Stream because I have several terabytes of data on the Google Drive and can't store that much locally.

    What I'm trying to do is monitor for file changes, launch a Windows script that downloads the file, modifies it, and uploads the new file back to G Drive, deleting the old one. I've thought about the different ways this could be done and I'm coming up short. For example, I considered monitoring via Google Script, sending changes via JSON to Windows, then having Windows do it's thing. However, Googling for the many scripts people have written to monitor Drive folders led me to the conclusion that the only way to do so is to scan an entire directory or the entire drive every single time.

    Drive File Stream seems like a good option since I can let Windows take care of everything, but I'm not sure if File Stream deletes the local cache after upload completes. If it doesn't I'd constantly have to clear it manually. I tested this with a few large files and it looked like it wasn't clearing the cache after upload, so unless it clears after some arbitrary amount of time passes since the file was accessed, that wouldn't work either.

    Could you guys help me out in how to approach this problem and maybe a few pointers in getting started?

    FWIW, here are two scripts I found that monitor Drive folders: lwbuck01/Google-Drive-Folder-Monitor-for-Google-Apps-Script and bboltn/GoogleDriveNotify

    Edit: I didn't Google well enough it seems. I found this which seems to do what I need. Now I just need to figure out how to interact with that API via just a powershell script instead of one of the languages with examples provided on that page.

    submitted by /u/mdcd4u2c
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    How can I get a script to copy text from one Drive sheet to a local csv sheet?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:53 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get a bot to copy things from my Drive directory of roms to a plain sheet (csv) so I can map out all my games properly. Basically, the roms are all in their normal weird tag names, and I'm trying to create a csv sheet where they have their tag names, as well as their normal game names, which I'm trying to import from Google.

    Thanks in advance.

    How can I carry this through? In sequence, I just need text to be copied and pasted in the new sheet, and for the script to find the game's name on Google and paste it in the csv sheet right next to the original tag name.

    submitted by /u/RonBurgundyNot
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    Help making a bluetooth controller for RC car?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:46 PM PDT

    Im a junior in college and have been tasked with creating an app that must control an RC car over bluetooth for one of my classes. I have bought an Adafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE and have spent nearly 24 hours in the last 3 days trying to figure out where to even begin and I cannot use the official Bluefruit app to control the car.

    For some explanation, the car will be using a skid steer control layout, I have modeled the layout im an trying to achieve: https://imgur.com/iQ8qBeM The idea here is that the user can use two thumbs to slide up and down each side to control each track's speed, this is done by sending the y-values of the thumb positions. The flip button will flip the left and right controls incase the vehicle flips.

    The source code for the official Bluefruit app is open source but is a bit too complex for me to break down and understand. (For background on my experience, the closest I have come to making a UI was a button that made a smily face smile in python.)

    I have found other options more my speed such as a guide using the MIT App Inventor, and while this gave me a product the closest to my vision, it didnt allow the thumbs to control each side at the same time and I couldnt figure out how to adapt it to controlling speed rather than the LED.

    It would be rather easy to just scrap this idea and go with a directional pad, but I want to see this to fruition. Do you have any idea where to start or advice on the easiest way to accomplish this? I appreciate any feedback :)

    submitted by /u/OUmSKILLS
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    What are some main differences between Python and C/C++?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 05:36 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm thinking about learning Python but want to have an idea how different is Python compare to C/C++, apart from the syntax of course.

    And is it harder or easier to code, compare to C/C++?

    submitted by /u/vitsensei
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    What is something you do consistently that makes you a better programmer?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 12:09 AM PDT

    Need help split and strip ( python)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 02:03 PM PDT

    Hello i have a text file ill give you some example of the lines in it :

    animal / humans / food

    sports / cars / music

    So heres what i have to do, i have to read the text files and with the function .slip('/') put each list into a big one:

    example of what it should return me : [['animal', 'humans', 'food'],
    ['sports', 'cars', 'music'],]

    So i have to also use the function .strip() to remove the \n

    heres what i have :

    def obtenir_evenements():
    fd = open('evenements.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig')
    lines = fd.readlines()
    evenements = [ ]

    for line in lignes:
    evenements += [ligne.split('/')]

    return evenements

    what my returns looks like is : [['animal', 'humans', 'food\n'],
    ['sports', 'cars', 'music'\n],]

    so i have to remove the \n with .strip()

    how do i do that ? Im also not sure if i should use a while loop and use fd.readline() instead ?

    thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/gaspachiodan
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    Dropdown (select) showing only the beginning and the rest is behind of other div element

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:55 PM PDT

    Here is an image to illustrate the problem .

    From that image:

    -The black box is the "div.main" --The red box is the "div.header" --The grey box is the "div.list" (populated with <a> elements that represent the items) 

    When i click to open the dropdown only the beginning is showing and the rest doesn't appears. If i increase the height of its parent (the div.header) the rest of the dropdown appears but this affects the rest of the html elements.

    How can i make the dropdown appear over all elements and independently of its parent height ?

    submitted by /u/Don-g9
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    Which language do you prefer to solve coding contest problems?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:43 AM PDT

    Usually I get confused on which language do I solve this problem. I basically know JS, java, python. Which is the Best language to solve contest problems and also to know about data structures and algorithms?

    submitted by /u/9thcoder
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    What markdown to html converters come well recommended?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:25 PM PDT

    I am looking for a command line markdown-to-html or one that comes as a PHP Library and is compatible with StackOverflow markdown or Github Markdown.

    What are the available options and their pros and cons?

    submitted by /u/vfclists
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    FastReport based application: is it possible to call an external DLL?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 12:28 PM PDT

    Hello, people.

    I hope to be in the right place for this question.

    Where I work, some of our partners, gave us a report engine based on FastReport 5.

    This report engine is much better than the strange thing VFP 9 has, and we're studying this thing to sell it to other customers.

    Here the question:

    With this project: DLLExport I made a DLL which I can call it in other programs which don't support native .NET Dlls.

    I tried with VFP 9 with DECLARE DLL and everything work as expected (but for VFP I use the excellent wwDotnetBridge)

    Here's the question: In fast report I made a code like this from an example I found online

    function MyGetTickCount: Longint; external 'GetTickCount@kernel32.dll stdcall'; procedure MySleep(Milliseconds: Cardinal); external 'Sleep@kernel32.dll stdcall'; begin FileName := IntToStr(MyGetTickCount); MySleep(10); end. 

    the problem when I try to run the report I got the error: 'BEGIN' expected .

    Is the PascalScript of FastReport limited and cannot import external DLLS?

    I'll hear the guys who made this stuff next week, but I'm pretty curious ...

    EDIT: grammar and words...

    submitted by /u/LuciferSam86
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    Modulus Uses

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 11:49 AM PDT

    I am studying computing at secondary school, and i can't for the life of me think of any practical uses for the modulus pre-defined function.

    submitted by /u/ProjectPorky
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    What's your favourite naming scheme?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:40 AM PDT

    We are nearing the first release of a project I'm in charge of, and I'll get to name all the releases.

    I'm debating what naming scheme to use (insert relevant xkcd comic) and I'm looking for suggestions.

    What are your favourites?

    submitted by /u/DaBeechees
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    Blockchain coding language - preference?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 10:48 AM PDT

    Good afternoon all. In my research, the common languages used for custom blockchain development is between Solidity, Simplicity, Rholang and Python.

    Can anyone recommend one of these (or another ive missed) for any specific reason? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/shermski4
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    I need a name for my app: any tips? where can i find inspiration?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 02:13 AM PDT

    Analyzing Windows audio stream to send data to LED controller

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:20 AM PDT

    So, I have an ESP8266 WiFi controller attached to an MSGEQ7 audio analyzer chip. When I connect an audio cable to this setup, I get a sort of equalizer LED show which is nice.

    I recently learned about WebSockets and after a bit of work, now my ESP8266 is able to broadcast the frequency data from the audio chip, which I was able to make into a simple visualizer in my web browser.

    Audio source --> MSGEQ7 (audio freq analysis) --> ESP8266 --> LED strip


    Now that I've got the data flowing one way (ESP8266 -> computer), I want to do the opposite direction. that is, I want to run audio analysis on my computer and transmit the values to the ESP8266 in order to display on the LEDs. So:

    How do I analyze the audio stream on my own computer? Can I use the same analyzer to broadcast the values as a simple string over WebSockets? I'm hoping this can be done without too much esoteric voodoo. Basically, say if I was listening to a song in VLC media player, I want a program on my computer to run frequency analysis on what I'm listening to, and broadcast a string to the ESP8266 which will accordingly light up the LED strip.

    submitted by /u/Boloar
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    column-count and grid properties are rendering invisible content (HTML, CSS)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 02:29 AM PDT

    I have a strange problem that I can't figure out. I am trying to create a masonry style grid by using this Pen: https://codepen.io/andybarefoot/pen/QMeZda

    I will, of course, be changing the content, but for now, when I copy the exact code from that Pen into my site and try a preview on Chrome or Safari, the grid is completely empty.

    BUT here's the strange thing: I can still scroll on the page. It's as if all the information is there but it's being hidden by something. Also, if I remove the .grid class from the CSS, it works great (except for the obvious problem that the content is only 1 column wide). It would seem that the .grid class is breaking everything and I can't for the life of me work out why!

    It isn't just this particular Pen, either; I've tried two or three over the last 24 hours that utilise different methods such as CSS column-count and as soon as I add that code, boom, everything disappears!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/RelevantOpposite
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    Do you do a man page?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 05:07 AM PDT

    git makes it so easy to expand help with :

    $ git commit -h usage: git commit [<options>] [--] <pathspec>... -q, --quiet suppress summary after successful commit -v, --verbose show diff in commit message template Commit message options yada, yada $ git commit --help GIT-COMMIT(1) Git Manual GIT-COMMIT(1) NAME git-commit - Record changes to the repository SYNOPSIS yada, yada 

    It's just nice

    (And if you have a StackOverflow tag, then --help-tag would be awesome)

    submitted by /u/jalanb
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