• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 26, 2018

    Chrome 70: "Product updates based on your feedback" web developers

    Chrome 70: "Product updates based on your feedback" web developers

    Chrome 70: "Product updates based on your feedback"

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 02:29 AM PDT

    NASA's website for their open source build-it-yourself rover is insanely cool

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 11:00 AM PDT

    I made a vertical ghost clown slider thingy in the spirit of Halloween fast approaching.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 10:54 AM PDT

    Do You Really Know CORS?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 12:30 PM PDT

    Webfaction “has joined forces with “GoDaddy

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 06:06 AM PDT

    I received this email this morning:

    They say there's strength in numbers.

    That's why we're happy to tell you that WebFaction has joined forces with GoDaddy.

    From now on, you'll have the brawn of both brands in your corner.

    So, you can count on access to ever-bolder products, upper-echelon service, and an even brighter future for your business.

    In the coming days you'll start to see the GoDaddy logo appearing in a few areas of the WebFaction website and in your control panel.

    Of course, we know that not everyone likes change, but don't panic. The aim of this process is to get you one step closer to unstoppable. Nothing we do will slow you down.

    And if you need a little extra peace of mind, you can garner some from the fact that the GoDaddy group is trusted by more than 17 million customers around the world.

    We'll be sure to keep you up to date with the process, filling you in on further changes and ensuring you're the first to know about improvements to products.

    Until then, best regards from the new supercharged WebFaction and GoDaddy team.

    Bye Webfaction. It's been fun,

    submitted by /u/hmhrex
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    I feel like my knowledge growth has halted after I got familiar with a couple of technologies yet I still don't feel completely confident in my skill.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 02:38 PM PDT

    Lately I feel like I have gotten too familiar (but not too good) with the programming langues and technologies I use.

    For example, I mostly use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Laravel and MySQL. When I started server side programming, I used pure PHP without any web frameworks, however, I quickly noticed that my code begun looking like pasta bolognese from all the HTML and PHP code mixture. Then I got into the Laravel framework and that made my code so much clear thanks to the blade template engine, controllers and views.

    Sadly, even though I use objects on a daily basis thanks to Laravel and its models, I'm not completely sure that I've fully grasped the OOP concept and that I would be able to do everything I'm doing right now if I weren't using Laravel. Essentially it means that if a recruiter were to ask me if I feel proficient in using OOP, I'd feel like I'm lying if I were to say yes.

    Also Laravel's Eloquent ORM makes query building so easy that I'm starting to feel like I'm forgetting how to build MySQL queries using pure MySQL (not the simplest ones like select/update/delete/insert but I've definitely forgotten how to use joins).

    I understand that it is good to know and understand some of the most popular design patterns, however, when I read about them, I just don't know when and how would I use them in my applications.

    My end goal is to be able to start working as a web developer in a couple of months but I just don't feel like I'm ready (knowledge wise).

    Do you people have tips, recommendations, books or materials that would help me continue my knowledge growth?

    submitted by /u/Bozhidar95
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    [VueJS Question] How would I include these files into a component and have them work?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 02:18 PM PDT

    Putting adverts on a web game

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 12:50 PM PDT


    I am currently working on a HTML5 web game (you can check it out here: HEX BOIS). I am looking to put some ads on the login page and maybe another small overlay one on the game - just to help pay for the server and domain costs.

    I was looking around providers (adsense, media.net etc) but they all have strict content policies and don't allow sites like mine where all the content is JS. Do any of you have any recommendations for ad providers that would serve sites like mine?

    Thank you very much in advance!

    submitted by /u/SmallSoftOwl
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    I'm about to give up...

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 09:07 AM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    First of all I apologise if this seems to be inconvenient, inappropriate or not suitable for this subreddit. I'm looking for help about my career and and asking about posibilites.

    I'll expose briefly my story and ask for some opinions at the end:

    • I'm a front-end developer with 9+ years of experience, who lives in a country in Latin america.

    • Got involved when I was 14 with HTML in 1999. The good old years where everything was so simple and the design was a tables nightmare.

    • Tried to study two times in the university with two careers: Electronic Engineering, left after a bad academic result caused by the non friendly policies of the teachers. Industrial Design, was a dead end and didn't want to continue.

    • Worked as a developer for various companies, with mixed results. I got fired from a couple of main companies in my city. One due "bad communication", even when was good technically and I was on charge of the training of the new staff. The other one due by "lack of technical skills" caused of placing me in a wrong project, totally aside of my skillset.

    • After that I cannot get any job, seems like everybody is alerted about me and I'm being disqualified in almost every process, even before any answer from they.

    • I've been done various applications for remote jobs outside my country, obviously without any result. As a freelancer I can't compete doing "free" jobs only to be ignored, there's a lot of people who do the same cheaper and in half time.

    • I consider myself good at it, I've been put much effort to keep up at new technologies. I can prove my skills and proficency, and compared to my colleagues i'm at their level.

    • Unfortunately the industry in my town is too niche, it's usual for the companies poach people from another companies. I cannot get any new oportunity due this, the reputation weights more, no matter how much time passed or how many skills could I learned.

    • I acknowledge all my mistakes, but I consider that everybody should have the oportunity of redemption.

    • Basically front end development is the only thing I know to do.

    • I'm married and I cannot move to another city or country.

    • UPDATE: All my life I have suffered from anxiety disorder, I know this could lead to discrimination and bad judgement, but I put more effort to my work to compensate it.


    What would be your advice for my situation?

    If there's no more chances for me, In what other areas not related with development could I work?

    Thanks for your time and your kindly answers.

    submitted by /u/altbrian
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    Will my UX design degree be of use when getting hired for webdev?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 10:24 AM PDT

    I study UX design, 4 years degree.

    But I'm doing a dev internship.

    I think I like front end web development more than UX.

    Will my UX degree help me land a frontend job?

    submitted by /u/xynaxia
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    Seeking Webdev Mentorship (or English/Dev Skills Exchange)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 01:02 PM PDT

    Hi Developers!

    I am a lady who recently took the plunge to go from my fancy desk job to the world of webdev in Boston. I got so pumped by the entrepreneurial tech scene here that I knew it was meant for me to join in! I was hoping someone might mentor me as I navigate the hiring process, development of a portfolio, and improving as efficiently as possible, and establishing a solid friendship.

    Language Exchange Option

    I am a tech writer, Ivy league stem grad, and former Harvard hospital employee. I would be happy to get someone to highly advanced English fluency. I have edited scholarship essays for Ivy League grad and professional students for a number of years and would love to share those skills with someone willing to learn.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/neonpuppy617
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    Framework question

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 12:37 PM PDT

    Hey all, not sure of this is the right place to ask this, so if there's a better subreddit please let me know. I'm a beginner/

    I'm an audio designer who wants to start hosting content on my own personal site for people to download rather than using third party sites (ie soundsnap.com) . While I could always create a simple where it could keep a static selection of sounds, I'm aiming for a streamlined search and play/download só I can tag certain sounds, and whatnot like the sites I currently host on. The only issue is that might be way past my web Dev knowledge and time I have to make this.

    I was looking at perhaps using a hacky Tumblr site on my domain as the framework for uploading and tagging sounds for people to browse, but I've been running into some walls. Is there another service or framework that I can use to help accomplish this? I'm not too proud to not result to using those visual web builders if I have to.

    submitted by /u/Please-Grab-A-Sprite
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    The Solo JavaScript Developer Challenging Google and Facebook

    Posted: 25 Sep 2018 08:10 PM PDT

    A framework for web performance

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 07:22 AM PDT

    A comparison of Server Side Rendering in React and Angular applications

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 10:24 AM PDT

    How to Build a Low-tech Website?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 05:24 AM PDT

    How to Scrape Interactive Geospatial Data - bellingcat

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 09:06 AM PDT

    What mouse do you use and would you recommend it?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 09:04 AM PDT

    Best ACH payment alternative to Stripe/Plaid for small businesses?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 12:45 PM PDT

    Hey all, I'm working on setting up a new ACH payment system for a small client. They'd previously been using Dwolla, which is changing their services as part of a rebranding. I initially set up a stripe solution for them, but the microdeposit method isn't really feasible for their customers, and Plaid's $500+/month almost made it more worth it to just drop ACH and accept credit cards.

    Does anyone have suggestions for an ACH payment system that covers authorization and doesn't require microdeposits? I've looked through the general gambit of Paypal, Braintree, etc as well as smaller ones posted all over producthunt, but it's really not my area and I think it's more efficient to just reach out. Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/TheSmitto
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    Turning Google AMP off question

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 12:42 PM PDT

    I have a website that I hired a company to setup AMP on a couple of years ago or so. They set it up in a subdomain, so pages are amp.domainname.com. They charge a fee of $100 per month for "licensing, hosting, and support." Their fees are going up, and I'm ready to leave. The problem is, I don't know how to continue creating the AMP pages. I've used a WordPress AMP plugin for other sites in the past, but they don't create an amp.domainname.com structure - they just append an amp parameter on the end of the URL.

    Anyway, I'm not sure how to get out of this, as I don't know what to do about AMP once I cut ties. Any advice? Or recommendations on someone trustworthy to contact?

    submitted by /u/gotapileofsand
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    Lightweight editor recommendation to complement Jetbrains IDEs?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 12:33 PM PDT

    I'm a big fan of Jetbrains tools for programming projects. However, their IDEs are rather resource heavy, and are project-based, which makes them a poor fit for text editing or making small changes to one-off files. I've used Sublime Text for this purpose for years, but it's always bugged me that I don't have consistent keyboard shortcuts between Jetbrains and Sublime. I've done some work to remap Sublime to match Jetbrains, but I have yet to find a complete key mapping to this end.

    Curious if anyone else has found a better lightweight editor to be a complement to Jetbrains IDEs.

    submitted by /u/broken-man
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    Linux or Mac?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 04:04 PM PDT

    So I currently have a early 2013 retina MacBook Pro which had a loose key... I tried popping it out and fixing it which I popped out successfully and I noticed the "nipple"(rubber piece below the key) fell off.. so I went to Apple to get it fixed and they told me it's going to cost $339 for a repair because they have to change the whole uppercase.. WTF.. I found a keyboard online for $40 and found someone to repair for $100 which I'm hoping he's going to be able to successfully do. With that said.. I'm over this whole Mac ecosystem BS because of this.. what are the pros and cons of development using Linux vs Mac? I get the whole safari and Mac apps but I use React and learning React Native now... so opinions please.

    submitted by /u/brooklynturk
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    A step by step guide to monitoring the competition with the Chrome UX Report

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 12:00 PM PDT

    [Help] Am i scraping this site the right way?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2018 03:42 PM PDT

    I would like to scrape a website's sub domains. let's say 20 of them. Every sub domain have several pages so I'm going to be making a lot of requests.

    I have never done something like this. My scraping habits are usually limited to a couple of pages, so i'm not sure hoy to do it respecting the site.

    here's what I have: An array of links of every sub domain i wanna scrape, and a forEach() applied to that array.

    i'm using node and x-ray to do the job:

     const Xray = require('x-ray') const x = Xray({ filters: { trim: function (value) { return typeof value === 'string' ? value.trim() : value } } }).throttle(1, '1s').delay('1s', '3s') const mongoose = require('mongoose') const Article = require('./models/article.model') const links = ['https://www.page.com/subdomain_1/archives', 'https://www.page.com/subdomain_2/archives', 'https://www.page.com/subdomain_3/archives', etc] const scraping_page = () => { links.forEach((link) => { //Here goes the scraping logic and saving of the data } } module.exports = scraping_page 

    here's my question: Is this a good way to do it? forEach() doesn't wait for one process to finish before jumping to the next, right?

    even with the throttle and the delay, i'm not sure if i'm sending too many requests to the site.

    is there any standardized or semi-standardized way of doing this?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/ImtheDr
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