Building a 3D game engine capable of running the original DOOM with C/C++ and OpenGL: Tutorial 001 |
- Building a 3D game engine capable of running the original DOOM with C/C++ and OpenGL: Tutorial 001
- We made an Indie Game Showcase Site - Looking for feedback
- HumbleBundle Unity Bundle
- I created an app to compare dither algorithms, but it ended up working pretty well to turn photos into pixel art. Thought some folks here might appreciate it
- I wrote a blog post about Marble It Up!, my new Switch game, and how it came to be.
- Level Design - How do you do it?
- What I found making my game
- Advice needed on locomotion/animation system
- Blender 2.8: New Features & Fixes
- Which engine should I use for an economy game?
- Advice? Social Media creation and management for a commercial game.
- What do I need to do to get into app store top charts? How many downloads/other metrics
- Adding scripts in game
- Any resources for Directors / Managers in Gamedev?
- A question about Unity and Steam integration.
- Is this actually really that important to worry about cross-platform programming if only 3.5% of Steam users use an OS different than Windows?
- Ensuring a fixed aspect ratio
- Negative World Log #37: The Postmortem
- The Cell Structure: How Supercell Turned the Traditional Org-Chart Upside Down
- Issues with face textures
- Gameheads showcases Oakland's young game development talent
Building a 3D game engine capable of running the original DOOM with C/C++ and OpenGL: Tutorial 001 Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:11 AM PDT I've finally managed to finish my very first tutorial on how to create a 3D game engine capable of running the original DOOM. There is so much ground to cover, but I bit the bullet and decided to start with this. It begins by discussing the WAD file format, variables/memory layout, and how to begin processing it. [link] [comments] |
We made an Indie Game Showcase Site - Looking for feedback Posted: 04 Sep 2018 04:08 AM PDT Hi everyone! I post here quite a bit so hopefully it's ok to ask for some feedback outside of the usual thread on something we've been working on in my company: Indie Ninja. Our main project is an online set of tools for developers to manage the marketing/business side of releasing a game, but that's not done yet, so in our spare time, we've also been working on a showcase site for indie games. We were initially going to create a standard 'Here's some indie game news' style blog, but felt there was so many out there that we couldn't really add much. We've tried to create something for gamers that helps them quickly find new games: Either something already out or new games in development. We tried to make things as visual as possible, but also have some element of curation and subjective information about each game. We're aiming for something in-between a traditional blog like RPS and a store page, but with more pertinent information rather than just marketing material. We're working on a recommendation engine, and features like the TV section where you can watch uninterrupted trailers for games uploaded. Creating accounts is not necessary, but if you do, you can also like or dislike games and see your history, which informs recommendations. We're up for just about any feedback, but a few specific questions: How does it feel / look / run on your device? Do you think the site does a good job of making it easy to find new games? Do you think the sort of questions we try to answer on the game pages are helpful to aid purchase decisions? Are there any obvious missing features / things to improve? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:03 AM PDT |
Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:03 AM PDT |
I wrote a blog post about Marble It Up!, my new Switch game, and how it came to be. Posted: 03 Sep 2018 04:02 PM PDT |
Level Design - How do you do it? Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:18 AM PDT Hi! I'm been developing games for a few years now and until know I was able to drift from Level design due to the nature of my games (most of them are procedural generated). I wanted to get out of the RNG gods hands and decided to tackle a platformer and with it world building and actual level design. I've read a few books on Level Design and saw a bunch of GDC talks on the subject where I learnt the basics and the options that we can follow but today I opened up my Unity level designer selected a platform and didn't really knew where to put it XD. My questions to all of you are: Just a few questions to get it starting, btw as everything in game development I'm well aware that I need to try stuff out and repeat until I have something that looks and feels good, still having some pointers always helps ;) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Sep 2018 01:41 PM PDT I'm a student in the Uk and recently released a mobile game I've been working on for a while (would love any feedback!) and thought I would give a list of free software I used and things I found out while making my game. I hope this can help anybody looking to make something similar! I used the unity game engine. Game(In google play store): I can only afford to develop of google play on windows so a lot of this might not apply to developing on/for apple. I also didn't use Linux so some of the software my not work on Linux base OS'. Cool Free StuffThings I used to make the game without spending money! FontsMade by google, can use all the fonts on here in commercial projects without worrying about dealing with rights and payment e.c.t 1000's of great fonts brill for web stuff too! A large library of free fonts many under the open fonts licence IDE This might not be the best for this purpose but if you want a good, quick editor Notepad++ is great. Not quite as feature full as VS but if you don't really use them features you may be better off with the speed of Notepad++ I've also found VS Code to be a great pretty quick editor, also open source. Run by MS so should get a solid backing for the foreseeable future. Art A vector graphics program with a lot of great features. Brill export to PNG e.c.t. Good for any files you need to slightly edit as you can save the vector and keep exporting to different png files. An unfortunate name but a great piece of software. A brill free alternative to photoshop, not quite as feature full but one the upside, not adobe! Similar to GIMP but a bit less of a learning curve. Good for quick alterations but doesn't quite have the same kick as GIMP. Audio The king of open source audio editing. An awesome piece of software with a hell of a lot of functionality. Great for basically anything audio. Video Professional grade video editing software with a free version! Surprisingly user friendly although it has limited export options available on the free version. Ok hear me out. So windows does have inbuilt video editing software, but it's in the photos app… I don't know either. It's pretty basic but it does have a lovely feature for removing black bars on a video, great for vertical mobile videos/recordings. Animation If you want to make any pre-rendered animations open toonz is a brilliant frame by frame animator. 3D Modelling I didn't end up using any 3D models in my game but when I do need some blender is the best! A great (unbelievably free!) bit of kit. Icons A great tool that will convert an image into the correct size of logos on the google play store, can save you some time in image editors. Things I learntThese might just be because I'm a tad dumb. Setting up IAP and cloud saving is a painI wanted IAP in my game as well as cloud saving. I did this via google play and unity's IAP interface. What I didn't know was that you need to have you app in Beta stage to have any of that work. I spent a LONG time trying to get things that could never work to work so be ready to deal with difficulty with these. Also beware that there may be issues if you change your keystore as that and the IAP are linked. GitHub won't push while unity is openPretty specific and it might just be me but if you have any issues pushing to github with unity, try closing unity. I spent too long trying to figure that one out. Documentation mattersI had to leave the code for a week at one point and I came back to it without any comments on it. It took quite a while to figure out how the thing worked. If you want your code to be anyway maintainable (you do!). You need to add comments. Spreadsheets are greatI had a few cases, such as adding IAP's, where it was way easier to learn some basic spreadsheet formulas and have that generate some code that write it all out or use some complex REGEX command. It's also way easier to go back to a spreadsheet and add a row than deal with some complex code you've wrote a while back. Reddit is kinder than StackOverflowStackoverflow is great but rather…protective. I've found that if I have an issue and want a nice detailed answer (and not to have my question 20 times for putting 'thanks' in it! I'm not bitter…) reddit is far better. The last bit's the hardestI'm sure everyone's done it(I have WAY to many times) but it's very easy to get bored when your project is like 90% done and go to a different more interesting(new) project. Not a good idea, just push through and get it done. Feels good to finish a project, successful or not! Hope this was helpful, and I'd love any feedback on the app (good or bad)! Thanks, Ed. [link] [comments] |
Advice needed on locomotion/animation system Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:39 AM PDT Hey guys, So ive been doing a project for a while and have finally come to a fun but challenging part of my project, I want to tackle locomotion. I did previously follow Virtus's FPS tutorial and had myself a SWAT character that could move around in all directions, strafe, crouch and sprint etc. This was great and has taught me a lot. Yesterday I got myself an open world animation bundle to learn from which gives me some animations to play with as I previously followed a tutorial for a basic vault/climb animation but most of these animations are root motion. Now I like root motion its really visually neat but im not sure its always so functional, for example in a game lets say you are trying to peek around a cover in third person and not show your body, with root motion surely it would be extremely fiddly to position the body perfectly in the cover but very close to the edge to look around, but equally I also read here on r/gamedev that its almost impossible to do a good vault system without root motion so you could always turn it on/off. Im happy to tackle this with both root and non root but was just wondering if others can chip in with their knowlege id really appreciate some thoughts. For example how does a game like PUBG tackle this, its made in Unreal engine 4 and has a movement system that feels fluid and I dont think its root motion? But it also has one of the best vault systems ive ever seen its super clean so is that root motion, in that case are they toggling between it?? Thanks for the read and thanks to anyone who chips in! Joe [link] [comments] |
Blender 2.8: New Features & Fixes Posted: 04 Sep 2018 12:32 PM PDT |
Which engine should I use for an economy game? Posted: 04 Sep 2018 12:26 PM PDT I'm designing a mobile multiplayer economy simulation game which users can buy and sell things to each other and to npcs. Whole game consists of windows or tabs like a "Football Manager" or like "Ogame". So this game needs zero physics, just a bunch of buttons and information panels. And I have a few questions, 1- Which engine should I use or do I even need an engine? I want to state that I want to create it both for android and ios. Should I just go with Unity or do I have a good alternative? 2- What should I do for networking? Networking part freaks me out a little bit. Before I've made a multiplayer topdown shooter with PVE elements but I let "Photon Networking" library to do all the networking. But for this game server needs to keep all the user information and behave as a NPC by buying stuff from players. I'm a bit outsider to this topic. By the way I have worked with some APIs and I have a little bit of experience with JSON. That would be great if you would give me a few advice. [link] [comments] |
Advice? Social Media creation and management for a commercial game. Posted: 04 Sep 2018 12:19 PM PDT So, I've come to a point in development where I should create a social media account for it. I plan to create a kickstarter in a few months so an account this early should be good, I think. Any advice on how to operate it or anything else would be fantastic. Articles and research material would also be great (I'm doing personal research as well but in case someone has some gold in their inventory). Alongside general advice (all is welcome) I do have some questions (more may be added later).
Any advice, including pointing me somewhere else, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time! [link] [comments] |
What do I need to do to get into app store top charts? How many downloads/other metrics Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:49 AM PDT So I am doing research and I was wondering what is needed to get into the top charts. Lets assume we are going for the #1 spot, I know there are tons of metrics that are factored in however I'm not 100% confident on what those metrics are. So my questions are
Also if anyone has any personal experiences on getting to the top charts or even top 100 or even 200 in app store it would be greatly appreciated. What did your numbers look like? How costly was user acquisition? If any was done. Appreciate the feedback. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2018 05:28 AM PDT Hey guys, i'm currently wondering : - how adding scripts (for IA comportment) in a game. I'm making a custom engine (think pixel-art, zelda-like) with C++ and SDL2 - what language use for it. I'm a bit more familiar with Python, but it seems people use LUA for it [link] [comments] |
Any resources for Directors / Managers in Gamedev? Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:25 AM PDT Me and a group of friends are going to start a project and I was chosen to be the Project Manager, Lead, Director and/or Producer. I have no experience managing teams. We decided that I would be the Lead because I'm the oldest and have the most experience, that is experience in SW development not GameDev. We are seven people in total and we are doing this in our spare time just for the learning experience, we are not expecting any money. Are there any books or resources in how to manage a small team of game developers? [link] [comments] |
A question about Unity and Steam integration. Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:16 AM PDT Hello, so today i've spent most of my day reading how steamworks and unity work together and there are some things that are still unclear to me and i've done a lot of searching so you guys are basically my last hope of a clear answer. I got the part where how integrating steam works and you put our appID and test you game on steam but you get your appID after you register a firm and pay the publishing price and set up a store page, i also got the part where you can use the default appID(480) to test but its unclear to me if everyone is using this id how does valve know each project from one another thats beeing tested on this id and can i use this id to test functions as cloud saving, steams server and client communications etc. In other words is this id meant for testing and what functions can i test on it, because i want to develop my game and have steam support from the beggining instead of trying to figure out how to integrate steam on a finished product if that makes sense. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:01 AM PDT Is this actually really that important to worry about cross-platform programming if only 3.5% of Steam users use an OS different than Windows? Windows 10: 60.62% Windows 7: 29.17% Mac OSX: 2.87% Linux: 0.59% [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Sep 2018 01:22 AM PDT |
Negative World Log #37: The Postmortem Posted: 04 Sep 2018 04:03 AM PDT |
The Cell Structure: How Supercell Turned the Traditional Org-Chart Upside Down Posted: 04 Sep 2018 09:58 AM PDT |
Posted: 04 Sep 2018 05:46 AM PDT Been making game ready 3D models for a while now, simple rapper face meshes for Second Life, GTA, ect. I've always been trash at making face textures though, anybody got any pointers on how to make one out of images? [link] [comments] |
Gameheads showcases Oakland's young game development talent Posted: 04 Sep 2018 09:21 AM PDT |
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