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    Friday, August 17, 2018

    Resources for almost all languages/frameworks learn programming

    Resources for almost all languages/frameworks learn programming

    Resources for almost all languages/frameworks

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 05:54 AM PDT

    u/ByMykel posted a link to this great resource in a comment on another post. Posting it here for anyone who didn't see it:


    submitted by /u/MangoKango
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    Some interview questions I just had

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 10:13 AM PDT

    Just had an interview with the state for a programmer assistant position.

    They asked the following questions


    what is overload/override in java?

    why is string final?

    can you pass a non static variable to a static variable ?


    what is virtual?

    what is template?

    how can you tell if a linked list has an end (that it doesn't go in a loop)?


    what is the difference between procedural programming and object orientated programming?

    write a binary search algorithm.

    how can you find the middle of a linked list by going through the list once?

    Thought for some of you it might be beneficial to check it out. I don't think I studied my data structures enough, even though these are relatively easy questions :(.

    submitted by /u/Alces_
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    How can I learn object oriented design?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 01:48 PM PDT

    As someone with a computer engineering degreee, I have spent a portion of my undergrad learining programming including OOP in languages like C++ and Java. However, I feel like when it comes to making projects of my own I struggle with the design aspect such as how to set up my classes, what should be inherited, etc. Basically how to apply the OOP concepts that I've learned to make my own projects from scratch is something I find difficult. Are there some highly recommended resources out there to learn this topic?

    submitted by /u/94dreamin
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    Help with Programming!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 10:44 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm currently learning C and I was going pretty good (mainly because I've learned Python before) but now I'm having some trouble with pointers. They were not present in Python so they're completely new for me. I'm especially having trouble with character arrays and using pointers to functions. If someone can either explain them in simple language, or suggest a website/book etc. I'll be really grateful. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/IntellectualPeople
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    Which python framework would you bet for the future?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 08:33 PM PDT

    I have seen several python frameworks that seem to be (or have potential to be) better than the great python frameworks... What disadvantage would in for example bet on the Vibora instead of django and/or flask?

    Taking advantage of the post, what do you think of the Python Trio library? In many comments I have seen that it seems to be better made than the Asyncio library.

    I'm new to Python, yet I intend to learn these technologies in the future. But I like to use something for its potential, not just for the job market, so if, for example, some of these new technologies are better than the ones most used, I prefer to use the new ones.

    submitted by /u/marcosdeveloper
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    Need help choosing language for a simple game

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 12:00 AM PDT

    Hey, I have some experience in C#, Angular, AspNet and Php. I already made a simple Ludo game with friends but its terribly codded (we have same stuff on front end and back end, javascript calculates moves, extremely large files). We wrote the game using just pure Js and Php, and we want to rewrite it using a proper language.

    We were thinking about using Angular/React with NodeJs/AspNet, but we aren't experienced enough to know whats best.
    What will be in app:

    1. Board, dice, turns
    2. Users can submit questions and play piece can only move when question is answered correctly
    3. Online multiplayer support
    4. Users with scoreboard

    That is actually pretty much it: current version is here

    We would like to have a working version without multiplayer support within two weeks as its intended for use in schools and we all got jobs during summer so we didn't have time to work on it.

    submitted by /u/FieryAnt
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    Python Training in Hyderabad | Best Python Institute | Python Course

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:30 PM PDT

    Sieve Software is the well know training institute that provides enhanced Python training in Ameerpet, Hyderabad with best Python programming learning. Here the programming language course structure is built by professionals with hard core programming experience for accelerating high level Python scripting skills. The students acquires high level python skills as it provides real time hands on training with industry relevant python projects which helps to elevate their skills to the next level.

    submitted by /u/sievetraining
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    Is it worth exposing yourself to a plethora of languages?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 06:58 PM PDT

    I keep seeing all of these posts like "I learned these 5 languages this summer, what should I do next?" And I can't relate to that at all. I honestly can't see how that's even beneficial when creating a "developer mindset".

    So my questions:

    Is learning a single programming language over a longer period of time (a year or so), more or less beneficial than exposing yourself to a handful of languages at a much shorter timescale?

    From my understanding, learning to program is more about learning many techniques rather than trying many tools. Is this mindset correct, or good to have?

    Every time I've learned a language it's been from using a new technology and developing on it over periods of a year or more. Should I be exposing myself to different tool sets rather than waiting for a potential need to come?

    submitted by /u/NACHO_DINO
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    Automating PDF downloads from website that publishes at random

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 02:12 PM PDT

    Completely new to this--any help, guidance, direction would help--I've searched the web and can't find this specific automation (if it's possible).

    I read appeals court opinions that are posted publicly to the court's website. There is no pattern to when they are posted or how many are posted at a time. They are posted in PDF format, in a list, with the newest at the top.

    To help me remember to read these and to keep track of which ones I've read, I'd like to automate the download of new cases and then have that PDF emailed to so that it sits unopened until I've read it. Is that even possible? Any thoughts?

    Here is one of the sites: http://www.armfor.uscourts.gov/newcaaf/opinions/2017OctTerm.htm
    It does have an RSS feed available, but there are other courts that don't.

    submitted by /u/importantlyearnest
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    HackerRank 2018 Developer Skills Report

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 01:16 PM PDT


    This is a really neat article with lots of data showing what kids of things employers are hiring for, how the demographics of coders differ, and a lot more.

    submitted by /u/bellamira
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    Tips For Staying Motivated

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:36 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. I wanted to post this for anyone who is struggling with their motivation levels, especially if you're teaching yourself to program on the side/in addition to other schoolwork.

    We've all been there. Maybe you decided to start learning to program so you can switch careers, learning a new language or working on a project that sounded worthwhile. Then you start to feel different. Your energy levels just aren't the same anymore when you think about what you're working on, and you find it harder and harder to dedicate time to it during the day.

    This state of being is something I'm very familiar with it, and it has killed off side projects entirely in the past. It resurfaced again last week and I've been finding myself thinking about why it happens and how to stop it. Below you'll find a list of things that have personally lead to severe lack of motivation (or loss altogether) and some things you can try if you face them yourself.

    #1 Deep down, you feel overwhelmed. When you think about the things left to do before you're satisfied with progress, you can't help but feel discouraged.

    • Sit down and think about what it is you're trying to accomplish. It could be that you feel so overwhelmed because you are trying to take on too much at once and it is weighing you down rather than helping. If this is the case, consider refocusing your task. This could mean reducing the size and scope of a project, changing the goals related to how much progress you want to make with a new language in a given time frame, etc.

    #2 When thinking about your personal project, you realize... it sucks. For you at least. It's just sounding more boring by the minute.

    • This could be the opposite of the first problem. Maybe the scope of your task is too small! Consider refactoring it to include more things, or see if you can merge the work you've done/skills you've obtained into a new and more interesting venture.

    #3 You've been working as hard as you can, but progress is just so slow. No matter what you do, the next milestone seems too far away and it takes forever to get there. The more you think about it, the more you wish you could somehow learn/work faster or spend more hours in the day on it.

    • What could be happening here is that you haven't properly split up your task. For example, if you are writing a complex program, you should have a very clear way of splitting it up. This way you can work on smaller parts until completion and feel accomplished every time a piece of the program is done and working. When you feel yourself losing motivation, you can do things like say "Well, I've finished system a, b, and c, maybe I'll focus on e tomorrow. That sounds fun." It's no longer just one project: it's several mini projects you can tackle independently and which together form the whole.

    #4 You're really interested in the project you're working on, but you're having mixed feelings lately. You start to wonder if you should just bail on it and do something else.

    • These mixed feelings might be caused by subtle doubts about the project's usefulness. Maybe you're really interested in it, but you also want to make sure it's not a waste of time when something else would be better for you. This is really common for larger projects that take much more time to complete since you need to stay focused for so long. You should take a small break and really think about why it is you started the project, and where you're hoping it leads you. If you decided to write a website from scratch because you really want to learn HTML/JavaScript/PHP to help you get a job in web development, then think about whether the website you're making is a good way to gain those skills. Plus, if you think back to the project's origins, you might remember what it was that inspired you in the first place. But, if you find that it just really isn't a good project for you anymore, realize that it's ok to step away. Who knows? You might come back later.

    #5 You're having mixed feelings, but about Computer Science/programming in general, not just any one project. Is this stuff really for you? Is it really useful?

    • These are important doubts to have. It can be a really tough process to build the skills you need to succeed in the professional world, so it's normal for these to creep in as things get tougher. Ask yourself the following: Am I having fun studying this stuff? Is it fulfilling to me at the end of the day? If I stepped away and did something else, would I feel like I had abandoned an important part of myself? Is programming fun or is it more of a chore I have to do to get the computer to do cool things? Now, for the second part: yes, this stuff is very useful. For everyone who is passionate about this area of technology, you will find that you can apply your skills in surprising ways.

    #6 You're starting to feel worn-down. You have several projects going, and you sometimes work on a couple of them in the same day. It's all interesting stuff, and you're confused as to why you're feeling this way.

    • Remember that major context switches are actually an expensive operation in your brain. Trying to move too quickly and keep tabs on several projects at once might do more to wear you out in the short-term than be beneficial in the long-term. Try narrowing your focus if you feel this way. Either put a couple of projects on hold, or spend more time really putting some work into one project before you hop over to one of your other ones. Instead of switching between multiple projects in one day, make a good amount of progress on one during a given week, then focus on another one the next week. This way you avoid stretching your attention too thin and allow yourself the time to make a dent in one area before working on another. Making a lot of progress before switching will boost your confidence and morale at the same time.

    I hope this helps! These are things I've noticed as being reasons that were sapping my motivation in the past, and identifying them has really helped to prevent me from losing all focus and desire to keep working in my spare time.

    submitted by /u/KTStephano
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    Looking for confirmation and a push in the right direction for json/regex project

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:35 PM PDT

    Im attempting to learn how to build a plugin for firefox legacy addon downthemall! Anti-container (a exstension to downthemall!) to do this I've started learning how to use regular expressions and json but I'm beginning to doubt if I can create the plugin that I want...

    The plugin would have to grab all of the images off a url


    Which has about 10 or so thumb nail images on it and when clicked they all lead to full sized images inside with urls that look like this.


    Id like my plugin to be able to grab those full images but l don't know if this is even possible any more, there are no guides for my issue on the wikipage so while I can follow their directions and make plugins like the ones in their examples (they dont do any thing) I'm pretty much confused about how to proceed or If I even can.

    Edit:I'm using a FF legacy browser in order to run DTA the latest version of FF wont work with it.

    submitted by /u/Linuxuser9
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    Managing a dev team of yourself.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 04:00 PM PDT

    Quick background:

    Self-taught developer 2 years into the journey. I'm looking to mix solo learning with the best practices I've learned.

    More background:

    I'm taking on a project bigger than anything I've done solo before, so I want to play every role in the realization of my idea. I'll use Jenkins for CI/CD which will tie into some vagrant box(es) for automated testing and deployment onto a production linode server. I just discovered the atlassian starter license so I'll use Jira and Confluence (love Confluence) to organize my thoughts with GitHub in the mix for SCM and community interaction. I'm really excited!

    The point:

    I can't help but wondering how much is too much when it comes to solo DevOps? Is this plan overkill? Is it not enough? I'm going to learn a lot from this excursion, but I'm actually really curious about what everyone thinks. What works for you? What're some of the most important lessons you've learned?

    Thanks for reading and sharing!

    submitted by /u/Bigbrass
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    How do you learn big new topics on the job?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:16 PM PDT

    When I was unemployed, I could dive into Gradle or Python for a few weeks and come away with a big unit of new knowledge. I learn way more at my job using just-in-time, pull-based learning, but I have not managed to sit down and learn very big topics like Spring.

    I feel like big topics really require the time to do some tutorials and learning projects, but I'm too excited about all the day-to-day stuff I'm learning ("here's how to transform flat files with Goanywhere! Here's how to blame a file in Sourcetree!") and never get to the big stuff.

    Part of it is that I'm not interested in writing new code, really, so I'm never working on a new web page or project that needs Spring. I get way more excited about learning some old proprietary code that nobody understands and making it work better.

    But following my interest is hurting my career. My boss said I can't move up until I learn Spring. That was a month ago. I've worked late nights on all kinds of things that seemed to be low hanging fruit and useful right away, but never Spring.

    submitted by /u/xsvbbcc
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    [Intermediate] How to design a carrom game?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:16 PM PDT

    I was asked this question recently. The programming language does not matter, but what would be your design decisions.

    You are given a carrom board where state is the position of all pieces. The turn(position, velocity) function takes in the position and velocity of the striker as the user releases it. It should return/update the state of the board after all pieces stop moving.

    You are allowed to abstract away the nitty-gritties.

    submitted by /u/ninja_bhajiya
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    What are things to know for getting your first Android/iOE developer job?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 04:41 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I just finished my Cert. Program at school and I'm now in the process of looking for a job. I was lucky enough to hear back from one of my applications within an hour or so of sending it out. They asked for some sample code and I soon realized all I had were projects from school.

    I plan on working on some small projects more to display the kind of code and comments I can write, but I'm curious as to what I should be able to accomplish as someone that's looking for a junior dev position. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/sargentTACO
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    Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Flow State from Positive Psychology. And how we can use it to learn programming more efficient.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 10:32 PM PDT

    We've all been there. In the state of flow. Where time flies by as we discover new concepts, solve logical puzzles, discover a new angle for an old problem. This might have been related to programming, gaming, reading, working out, a conversation or another activity where you gain some sort of learning experience from the things you are doing.

    The State of Flow Is a really simple concept. You work less efficient if you are either a) Bored b) Anxious If the problems you are trying to solve are either too easy(bored) or way too hard (Anxious). You are out of the flow state.

    As a self-learning programming student. I find the "flow state" ESSENTIAL for learning. I don't know how many times I've been too anxious to really learn, because of the skill gap between the problems I've tried solving and my own knowledge are too far from one another. This leads to negative thoughts where I doubt my skills, and I use my mental capacity on negatives, instead of positives. The same goes for solving too easy problems. If you are bored when learning how to program you might need to increase the difficulty of the problem you are solving.

    Hope you guys liked the read and got something out of it!

    Picture for visual presentation of the state of FLOW: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joao_Cunha10/publication/260037278/figure/fig2/AS:339743180115970@1458012494262/Flow-Theory-schematic-representation-Csikszentmihaly-1990-74-Cziksentmihalyi-1990.png

    If you want further reading: https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/mihaly-csikszentmihalyi-father-of-flow/

    submitted by /u/BennyBerserk
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    Is this excessive comment?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 06:16 PM PDT

    //overloaded assignment operator const Heap<T>& operator=(const Heap<T>& rhs); //used in insert, and deleteAt to stay as Heap int bubbleUp(int emptyIndex, Element<T> e); //used in deleteTop, and deleteAt to stay as Heap void trickleDown(int currIndex, Element<T> r); //used in deleteTop to delete twin element in twin Heap void deleteAt(int index); //used in deleteMin and deleteMax of MinMaxHeap class T deleteTop(); //used in copy constructor and overloaded assignment operator void copyHeap(const Heap<T>& other); //check if we are currently at the top level of a heap bool isCeiling(int index){return index/2 == 0;} //check if we are currently at the bottom level of a heap bool isFloor(int index){return index*2 > m_size;} //update twin element of a twin heap when current heap //is modified void updateTwinIndex(int index); //member variables int m_capacity; int m_size; Element<T>* m_array;//array of Element object Heap* m_twin;//pointer to twin heap //function pointer to static function that //distinguishes Min Heap from Max Heap and vice versa typename FunctionPtr<T>::compare_op m_compare; *****************************************************How about this?************************************** //copy constructor of a Heap object //pre: other templated Heap object to be used // to construct a new Heap object ///post: new deep copy of Heap<T> other template <typename T> Heap<T>::Heap(const Heap<T>& other) : m_capacity(other.m_capacity), m_size(other.m_size), m_compare(other.m_compare), m_twin(NULL) { copyHeap(other); } //overload assignment operator of a heap //pre: Heap object to be assigned. // templated Heap object for assigning. //post: Heap object that is assigned is a // deep copy of Heap<T> rhs template <typename T> const Heap<T>& Heap<T>::operator=(const Heap<T>& rhs){ //checks for self assignment if (this == &rhs){ return rhs; } this->~Heap(); //update member variables m_capacity = rhs.m_capacity; m_size = rhs.m_size; m_compare = rhs.m_compare; copyHeap(rhs); } // I'm a beginner, so I don't know how much comment is enough. Is this too much? I want to comment professionally, so should I reduce the amount of comment? 
    submitted by /u/TechNoob1997
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    How do I create a automated BOT to do things for me. What should I learn?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 06:02 PM PDT

    So I would like to learn how people create bots. For example, it should do something like this: imagine playing a game and you have to wait hours until the quest is finished the bot will start the next one for you or if you want to buy a product on ebay and you want to snipe that last bid but have computer do it for you, how are those bots working? Or shopping online for a nice limited shirt and have it add to cart and checkout for me. Are there any good tutorials? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/closerthanyouthinkk
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    loading array from a string [Node JS]

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 09:29 PM PDT

    i'm trying to load an array from a string and i can't figure out a way to do it correctly. My input is received as a string. i need to be able to walk the list. am i stuck using a regex or is there a easier way

    var input = '-31.956583,115.8417331,35.154776869,136.922130814';

    var cords = [input];


    submitted by /u/brook_nise
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    CS50 Question

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 09:15 PM PDT

    I've heard endless praise from everyone that CS50 is a great place to start. My current job wants me to learn C# and I was wondering if I could do all the problem sets in C#. Or if you guys have any other recommendations. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/TheLegendJosh
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    Wrote a quick little primer to Pointers in C

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:32 AM PDT

    Had some notes I took a while back about pointers and decided to compile them into an easy to read little primer on pointers in the hopes that someone else finds it helpful. I tried to be as simple and to the point as possible.


    This is by no means exhaustive in exposing the power pointers give you, as this is supposed to just give you good intuition to reading and writing code which makes use of them.

    Hope someone found this useful.

    Let me know what you think. I'm thinking of writing some more of these little 'primers'.

    submitted by /u/AWilliams17
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    17yo learning

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 05:19 PM PDT

    I'm Khalil, 17yo Started learning programming last year, I've learned some basic web languages, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, and switching to PYTHON

    if someone can help me or I can contact him, I'll be so grateful

    submitted by /u/korosensei17
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    How to Run the Spring Security Sample Applications?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 08:54 PM PDT

    I've cloned the spring-security project and am trying to figure out how to run the sample applications. There seems to be no references in the code to ports or web application servers, so I assume it's hidden somewhere in the build process. I've found this tutorial but do not have nor care to install "Spring Tool Suite". Anyone have experience running the sample applications or should I just look for another tutorial on the web?

    submitted by /u/BorderCollieFlour
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    Making my first non-trivial Android App

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 04:48 PM PDT

    Hi, all. I've been learning to program via Android Java development for a few months, and I feel I've pushed tutorials to their limit and need to throw myself in the fire and struggle over something of my own with stackoverflow and documentation. My vision is a location-based chat app that anchors real-time chat rooms to a location provided by the Google Places API (Place Picker?).

    I've been building upon a Whatsapp clone I made in a Udemy tutorial so I already have a rudimentary database and auth system set up through Firebase as well as a one-to-one chat activity.

    Any advice as I set off to create this? Any things I need to consider or preferred reference materials on the components I mentioned besides their documentation? Appreciate any advice that might save me time down the road.

    submitted by /u/publicNME777
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