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    Thursday, August 16, 2018

    How can you get people to accept the idea that automated testing scales better than manual testing? Ask Programming

    How can you get people to accept the idea that automated testing scales better than manual testing? Ask Programming

    How can you get people to accept the idea that automated testing scales better than manual testing?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:56 PM PDT

    Most of my team's time is spent firefighting, or I spend most of my evenings, and weekends building out automation in my spare time to help us fight fires - in my opinion, manual testing does not scale, but, I don't know how to convince others that it does not scale.

    For example, regression testing is nearly impossible if you rely solely on manual testing on the basis that you need to independently test out each feature in isolation as well as how it interacts with other features.

    That is, if you have 100 features that have to be manually tested, you will have to test all 100 features before you can release the 101st feature. Then, you will have to manually test 101 features before you can release the 102nd feature, and so on, and so forth.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/bpp256r1
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    Error when running Unreal Editor

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 05:55 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm taking the unreal engine developer course on udemy and when I try to launch I get "A Feature Level 5 video card is required to run the editor." error message.

    Is there anything I can do to continue the course? Is there a way to install an older version of Unreal Engine so I can at least continue learning, upgrading my computer is not an option.

    submitted by /u/craiggerz12
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    Is there a to find every link to a specific url.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 05:39 PM PDT

    Lets say I have a url "www.xyz.com"

    Is there a place where I can put that url and it spits out every link to that url . So like every reddit post that has that url, every facebook and forum post that has it.

    Like any public place where that url has been posted. Even if it is obscured. Like every possible way "www.xyz.com" can be reached with a single click.

    Googling "www.xyz.com" isn't helpful at all.

    Also if this is the wrong subreddit to ask this, please guide me to the correct one.

    This is for a website that I do not own.

    submitted by /u/natantantan
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    How would you implement a multitree?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 03:59 PM PDT

    I have several linked lists of nodes which I want to join together. They can differ in start or end node, but they have some nodes in common in the middle at which I'd like to join them. How would you go about implementing this data structure? I thought about cutting it up into two trees at the ends that are connected with a linked list, but that seems unelegant. Please see the diagram for claification

    submitted by /u/WaltherOfTraitors
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    Should i implement nodeJs in this project?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 08:22 AM PDT

    I need to choose a back-end technology for our project. For better understanding, here is the main workflow:

    The user will make analysis from a video, grabbing key points (text annotations, including numbers/quantitative data) from it. And after that, the server will process the input data and that data is retrieved to frontend to be shown in charts and other representational data. THe user can manipulate wich data can be retrieved (so one request can be very light and other can be heavy). The main purpose is for the user to get insight with the data represented in charts. It relies a lot in data (both input and output).

    I want to implement nodeJs but i'm not sure...

    Currently the video is not being handling on our server (it comes from a third-party), what we do is just the "analytic part" but if in the future we implement the video in our server, would nodeJs still be a good choice?

    I've read a lot about the topic, but i can't see in which of the following this project fits:

    nodeJs Good use cases:

    • Real time applications.
    • Node.js is a good choice for applications that have to process a high volume of short messages requiring low latency.

    nodeJs Bad use cases:

    • CPU-heavy jobs (Node.js is based on an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, and uses only a single CPU core. CPU-heavy operations will just block incoming requests, rendering the biggest advantage of Node.js useless.)
    • CRUD ( using Node.js would be superfluous for simple HTML or CRUD applications in which you don't need a separate API, and all data comes directly from the server.)

    Note: The other option is using php instead of nodejs...

    submitted by /u/Don-g9
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    What is your C++ workflow?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 08:54 AM PDT

    I have been programming higher level languages like Python for many years and have recently started working with C++. My question to the experienced programmers is what is your workflow when developing with C++. For instance, having understood Make, I was thinking if I want to develop a non-trivial program I should probably build the makefile while developing so that I can compile and run while developing. (Kind of like using the Python REPL).

    submitted by /u/nabusman
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    Simple Autonomous Texting Bot

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:44 AM PDT

    In short, I'm trying to make a bot that can send messages from GroupMe over sms. I'm looking for recommendations on options. I have minimal programming experience, but I wouldn't mind learning a new language. I've had some experience with C++ and Java.

    Please recommend: •a language to use and why •a way to make it continuously run •a way to send sms free or at a cheap price(this would be a long term use program)

    I'm also trying to get some programming experience by making something I want to make. So if this sounds silly, it's something I want to use as a platform to learn.

    submitted by /u/elevatedbear
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    Preventing users from tampering data sent from my client mobile app to my server?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 07:23 AM PDT

    I have a mobile app that scrapes a user's official scores from the company's official website (call it GameGate) then uploads it to my server, where the user can then view their GameGate scores on my third-party website (call it MySite).

    I want to ensure the integrity of the data uploaded from users' apps as much as possible. The ways I can think of the user submitting fake data are:

    1. User can peek at the outgoing requests from their mobile device going to MySite servers, then user can clone and mock a request, changing "score: 300" to "score: 99,999".

    2. User can change DNS settings on their network, redirecting all the mobile app's requests to GameGate to instead request from user's own FakeServer. When the app requests for the user's score data from GameGate, the user serves fake modified score pages that look identical to GameGate pages, but with the scores changed from 300 to 99,999.

    3. Hack MySite's servers, run DB query to change all scores to 99,999.

    Avoiding #3 seems pretty tough beyond normal security measures, and avoiding #2 seems pretty much impossible unless my app can verify that responses for requests made to GameGate servers are really from GameGate (is this possible?).

    While preventing fake data completely is pretty much impossible, I'd like to at least make it as difficult as possible, so I'm thinking preventing #1 will be the best place to spend my energy. Is encryption the best way to go for this? What can I use or implement, considering I'll have to implement it three times: for native iOS and Android (client-side) and Node.js (server-side)?

    I'm thinking something as simple as storing a common key on both sides and then XORing the data might suffice to deter amateur hackers-- it's definitely bad practice, but will it do the trick for my use case? Is there at least a scheme better than XORing that's still relatively easy to implement?

    There's not much at stake for either side (users or me), just some fake scores submitted on a third-party site, so I don't need nuclear-clearance safety measures, but I want to try to make some effort to preserve the integrity of my data.

    submitted by /u/EverySingleDay
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    A bit off-topic, sorry but can you explain version numbers to me?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 09:56 AM PDT

    While i can program a bit and should understand it, i just don't.
    Especially in the Linux world i download packages that got insane versions like programxyz-1.02.5345345.arch.64bit.3523.5325.patch5.000.... (maybe over the top but you understand what i mean). What's the point? From a user perspective it makes even less sense.
    Some games recently do their updates like this: patch1, patch2, patch3.... that makes total sense to me and the end user.
    Or a date would make sense too (programxyz v2018.01.15).

    So what painfully obvious thing am i missing that's the reason for those long version numbers?

    submitted by /u/NyquistFrequency
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    I need a break from a frustrating auth problem, anything to improve my abilities?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 09:05 AM PDT

    Self taught programmer of 10 years, need to take a break from a silly framework + front end JS issue.

    Any recommended exercises or books that are both entertaining/fun and teach something worth learning?

    submitted by /u/engineerSoHard
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    What is app configuration, and what does it entail?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 08:21 AM PDT

    Hello all. Yesterday I was contacted about a position, I was told the primary language I'd be working with is C#. However, they did say that at the start, I would mostly be working with app configuration, until my mentor got me up to speed on everything else. Is there a simple answer to what this usually entails? I've never touched an XML file, I googled 'app configuration', my understanding is that your editing an XML file, changing settings for the application? I've never cracked into an XML file so I really don't know what any of it means. Full disclosure, I've never done more than write a hello world app using C. My strongest language is JS, I'm aware the primary reason they're interested in me is because I do understand OOP. So ya, just wondering if anybody could give me an idea about what they really mean by "to start, you'll be doing mostly app configuration"? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/butter_Beanz
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    How hard is to make a very simple script language. Similar to LUA. Also I want to make a game engine like ROBLOX STUDIO, but thats another thing.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 06:23 AM PDT

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