• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018

    My Dad and I wrote a game, here's the trailer!

    My Dad and I wrote a game, here's the trailer!

    My Dad and I wrote a game, here's the trailer!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:58 AM PDT

    To all game devs who are looking to include a Character Creator in their game, would PLEASE consider researching and adding popular Black hairstyles

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 07:26 PM PDT

    I saw that Skyrim was on sale for Quakecon. I've never played it, so i picked it up and spent the morning researching and downloading Mods. Well, I really enjoy editing my characters for games, so I added a few mods for more customization options(I like to make my characters look like myself). Now its not a huge deal, but even with adding 100's of other hairstyles, none of them were close to any hairstyle I would personally wear. I can shrug it off for Skyrim because its more fantasy, but this is a problem with most games (Except for maybe GTA 5). Destiny, Division, Wildlands, MHW, etc. all have this issue. Usually black hairstyle options usually come down to buzzcut, cornrows, afro, or dreads, despite the fact that 75% (obviously a guestimation) of black males don't wear those hair styles. Can I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get a character with Waves and a low fade? A Dark Caesar or a temple taper? If you're gonna do a buzzcut, can i get an option with a damn lining? You can google "Black Barbershop Hairstyle Chart" and you could get 20-40 popular black hairstyles that most brothers get at their local shop. It might seem like a small thing, but It would mean a ton to me and I'm sure there are other black gamers that feel the same as me.

    Edit: To all the people commenting it doesn't fit Skyrim's world, I totally get it. It's fantasy and I specifically mentioned that I shrugged it off. But what is your argument for a game like Fallout?

    Edit: Thanks for all the support guys and great discussion! I heard a few requests for pics, so here is a couple pretty normal black(male) hairstyles

    Dark Caesar w/ Waves

    Caesar Cut w/ Curly top (This is pretty close to how I look skin tone and hairstyle wise.)

    Dreads W/ A Fade


    Sponge Twists I'm sure this one is hard to do, but I included it because Sponge Twists are really popular.

    submitted by /u/SamsonIsMyFriend
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    Designing a game that can be played inside the URL bar of your browser

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 04:59 PM PDT

    The theme of the Ludum Dare 42 was "Running out of space". It was a very cool theme that opened a lot of interpretations. For my game, I went with "a game taking place in as little space as possible". So I tried to create a game played directly inside the URL bar of your browser.

    That gave me a "1D screen area" about 23 "pixels" wide, so it was quite challenging to design a game in such a tiny space. Also, I could only use ASCII characters for graphics, and no sound.

    If you want to check the result, you can play the game here: https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net/html/1005038/index.html

    Any feedback is welcome :).



    As several of you reported in the comments, playing this game will add a lot of entries to your browser history. If you don't want this to happen, please play the game in "private / incognito" mode (or simply delete the entries after playing). I'm very sorry about this issue, it's a side effect of the Javascript function I used (location.replace()) to display the game in the URL bar. Thanks to those of you who reported it!

    Also, I'm very grateful for all your feedback and support! I'm glad you all enjoyed the game despite its simplicity!

    And if any of you want to try his/her hand at making a "1D game" in the URL bar, the source code of my game (with comments) is already available inside the HTML page linked above :) - Feel free to use it as a basis for own creations if that can help you!

    submitted by /u/drludos
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    Thoughts on "First On Discord"?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:39 AM PDT

    With the upcoming Discord Store (here's the blogpost if you haven't heard), the "First On Discord" part really caught me eye, considering we're in the process of working on a game, planning to release soon(ish).

    What's tempting about is the prospect of having our game on a new platform, avoiding the crowded Steam (where we'll publish anyway 90 days later, should we choose the Discord route).

    What does getting your indie game on discord actually involve, however? For one, the blog mentions each game being curated, but no mention of what that means for "First On Discord" titles. It's a bit hard when there's not that much information and a system for getting your indie game on Discord doesn't exist yet, but hey, our game doesn't exist yet either.

    What are your thoughts on this? Are other people considering releasing their indie game on Discord?

    submitted by /u/ARN64
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    I'm making a game but I'm ending up spending like 80% of my time trying to fix glitches.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 09:16 AM PDT

    At first finding and fixing glitches were fairly simple because the code was relatively small, but as it gets bigger, I'm spending more and more time trying to fix glitches. It's gotten to the point where whenever I try to implement a new feature I'm finding 2 or 3 glitches, which may take anywhere from a few minutes or even a week to figure out. This is slowing the development processing tremendously. Is it normal that I'm spending most of my time trying to fix bugs or am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/BE1A
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    An exhausting but polished Ludum Dare weekend

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 04:37 AM PDT

    I'm officially recovered from the LD42 weekend. It was my third run and I always hate the first day (Saturday). You are prototyping all day with an idea you're not sure yet if it's going to be fun or will even work. This will annoy me a little bit as it looks you're wasting a whole day during your weekend.

    Anyway for the first time in my LD runs, I think I managed to deliver a fairly polished little game, named Evolucity

    In Evolucity you have to build as high as you can by stacking up buildings vertically. If the construction tips over, you will lose the game.

    A small GIF: https://gfycat.com/AlarmedAcclaimedGavial

    Try it here at: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/42/evolucity-build-as-high-as-you-can

    What's your mood during the Ludum-dare Dare weekend hehe?

    submitted by /u/Mazzletov
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    Announcing Unreal Engine online learning (Unreal Academy)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:05 AM PDT

    3D Tips intro / Maya Zbrush Substance Photoshop

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 06:30 AM PDT

    Multi-player - How to trust the client?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 05:58 AM PDT

    Hello guys! For my question I'll use gamesparks as the scenary as it is what I'm using right now to test a baas. To access "my" gamesparks I only need the api key and secret. They re in the game code. 1) how can someone not hack it and make its own client, coding requests as he wishes, using "my" server info? About not trusting the client 2) I cannot use simple eventlogs/data without cloud code (for validation), right? I mean, if I have a custom event to add gold on a players inventory he canbasically change the data before it's sent? About validations on cloud script (server validations): is there any list of rules/things that's default to check? For example, I'll have maps on my game and intend to save the map (and pos) on player info. Before saving it I need to check if he can access this map (level, the previous map is connected etc). Anything else comes to mind?

    Thanks in advance. Ps.: my question is not kinda specific to gamesparks (as I stated at the beginning) , but more likely a "structure"/backbone thingy. Or maybe a "good/best practices" for multi-player.

    submitted by /u/Cassianno
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    I made and published a game on Steam as an undergrad, here's a blog post about how

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 09:32 AM PDT

    Dear Esther studio The Chinese Room bought by Sumo

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:19 AM PDT

    How difficult is it​ to program​ enemy AI for a strategy Civ like game?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 09:23 AM PDT

    I have an idea for a mobile game similar to Civ or Polytopia but of course on a much smaller scale. But I was wondering what approach should I take to program the enemy AI. Does each faction take actions depending on the resources, buildings, units, or should each one has its own personality or agenda that they act upon.

    Also any tips for actual coding the AI would be helpful. I never did​ AI programming before.

    submitted by /u/Abdou23
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    What Holidays should I Consider for in-Game events?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 03:18 AM PDT

    Putting together a casual multiplayer game at the moment and I'm designing items. It occurred to me to include a holiday event the way Steam does it, with holiday specific items available in the shop, holiday mini games, and UI effects for a specific time.

    How long should the time be? Two weeks seems reasonable to me for some holidays, others could run as long as a month.

    I live in Germany but I know most of my users will be American. I'm considering Christmas, Halloween, Valentines Day, St Patrick's Day, and Thanksgiving (US)

    Also regional rewards for logging in in different countries (though this could get circumvented by using proxies).

    What are your opinions on holiday events? What's a good balance to keep them special but still long enough for users to get enjoyment from them?

    submitted by /u/OlinKirkland
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    Recommended books for learning online multiplayer 2D games with authoritative servers?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 11:58 AM PDT

    Hi all, I want to learn and design HTML5 online multiplayer 2D games like suriviv.io, airma.sh and zombsroyale.io, I am already a programmer and acquainted with web, JS ES6+ & Typescript, APIs, serialization, security, websocket, etc... but I am totally beginner when it comes to the game design itself, I've googled and read articles like http://www.gabrielgambetta.com/client-server-game-architecture.html but I guess this isn't enough for me and I need to read extensive books about the techniques (not necessarily bound to HTML5 games or any backend language/engine), I just need to understand the concepts thoroughly (server/client tick synchronization, lag compensation, entity interpolation, mathematics of moving entities both in client and server, etc...) of how to implement games like mentioned above. I appreciate any good books, websites, (video courses aren't really a favorite choice for me)

    submitted by /u/eronanon
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    Creators and Mechanists in Indie Gamedev

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 11:58 AM PDT

    I'm having a huge problem finding work in the games industry.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 02:00 PM PDT

    Throwaway account, for somewhat obvious reasons.

    Since 2012, I've been on a quest to become a professional game developer.

    I am 35 years old. I have no wife, no girlfriend, no children, and not much family. I spend most of my time working on improving my skills in various areas, almost exclusively focused on computers (and occasionally automotive technology). I consider myself to be quite good at what I do, and am paid decently for my infrastructure automation role in a different industry (I hold a title that is similar to "devops / network engineer"). I have been employed in such a role for more than nearly fifteen years, working a regular 9-5 job.

    However, my dream as a kid and now my goal (since 2012) has been to work in the video game industry on a major AAA title. Specifically, I've always wanted to work on a major Final Fantasy title, but I don't speak Japanese and do not live in Japan, so that's probably a pipe dream. At this point, I'd settle for getting to work on basically any major AAA title.

    To help achieve this goal, I started a company and taught myself how to use Unreal Engine 4. Last year I released an action RPG game of my own design on Steam (think "poor man's Dark Souls" and you'll pretty much imagine my game). The reviews aren't spectacular and it didn't sell many copies, but as a solo developer, it felt really good to finish (no, it's not my first complete game, just my first and only commercial one). I did all of the design and wrote 100% of the code myself; much of the code I made available under an open-source license on GitHub. I outsourced the game's art and audio, as I'm not very skilled in those areas, but learned enough about them to be competent enough to talk about what I wanted or needed with actual pros and to make modifications to their work when necessary.

    For a few years, I also volunteered with my local game developer group. It's there where I networked and tried to build a team to help build my first commercial title. That team-building experiment failed for a number of reasons (primarily that I had no funding to actually attract or hire teammates). I eventually burned out from volunteering as I was putting in a lot of volunteer effort with zero reward (zero pay, failed team-building, shrinking network, no job opportunities). Between my team-building failure and my burnout as a volunteer, it's possible that I have a less than stellar reputation within the local gamedev community (I'm unable confirm this and it may not be true at all... it's just a pessimistic thought).

    I unfortunately live in a city that does not have a large gamedev scene. There are two, maybe three companies in my state that could be considered AAA (and two of them would likely take issue with being called a AAA studio, as they are small in terms of employee count but generally make high quality games). Because of this small scene in my city, it's very likely that all of the hiring managers at these companies have heard of or seen my work in the past. I have applied to these companies (what feels like) countless times for jobs that I know I will kick ass at, as well as jobs I am both over- and under-qualified to perform. I keep an eye out constantly, and any job at these places that even remotely sounds like something I'd be good at ends up being something I've applied for (I generally apply for engineering roles). All of my applications are rejected with your standard, generic template response. "Thanks for your interest, but we've decided to go with applicants whose skills are better suited to the position."

    This continual rejection led me to believe that I was unlikely to ever receive a job offer from one of these local companies. The immediate rejection of my application from jobs that I knew I was qualified for led me to believe that it could be my local reputation (and not my skill) that causes the rejection (i.e., hiring manager heard of my previous failures in our local gamedev community, and has formulated an opinion of me based on that).

    My limited home/family life makes me a perfect candidate for relocation, so I started applying for jobs outside my area. Hundreds of them, to nearly every major game developer I even tangentially wanted to work with. Even a lot of devs I'd never even heard of. A couple years of this have now gone by, and all of my applications are still rejected with the same boilerplate response: "Thanks for your interest, but we've decided to go with applicants whose skills are better suited to the position."

    I'm not sure what to do anymore, so I guess I'm posting up here asking for advice. What can I do to make my resume and portfolio more appealing to gamedev companies? I don't seem to have an issue finding work as a SysAdmin/NetworkAdmin/DevOps in other (non-tech) industries, but if I'm honest with myself, working in these industries isn't particularly enjoyable (even if the bills are paid). I want to build games, and not just at night when I come home from my day job. I'm a solid engineer who wants to build games with great people, and I'm willing to relocate and go the extra mile to make it happen. But the only game company experience on my resume is from the game company that I own and operate, because no one else will hire me to build games. Does that experience even look good on a resume, or is it actively detracting from my application to gamedev companies? I guess I'm frustrated because I have no clear path to achieving this goal, and no mentors to help guide me. I get frustrated watching local colleagues who (in my opinion) are less skilled at their craft yet seem to easily get hired and relocate to major studios across the country. Barring any personality issues, I just don't understand what they're doing that I'm not.

    I'm not sure I'm willing to share my portfolio and/or resume here, and I may not even respond to this thread. I just needed a place to vent, since I have no one else to talk to about this that would understand my situation.

    I'd be forever grateful to anyone with any advice for me.

    submitted by /u/Iraphise
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    What software is usually use to make games on nintendo 3ds?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 10:43 AM PDT

    Particularly on graphical asset, can you actually use something like 3ds max(hahaha puns) or autodesk maya to make graphical asset for games made to run on the 3ds.

    Also how do indie games even port and publish their games on 3ds, i assume is harder to actually make than it is for making games on ps4, hell the 3ds port of mighty no. 9 is still in development hell, probably stay like that.

    submitted by /u/TheGoldminor
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    How does one advertise their game properly?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 08:39 PM PDT

    This is about a fangame of mine.

    I'm also making an original game called Hamster Rivals Hangout. Its kind of like Hamtaro games, like how Stardew Valley seems to be inspired by Harvest Moon games.

    So I'm trying to get my Hamtaro fangame, Ham Ham Rivals Chat, to be more popular so that I'll have a fanbase that'll support my new original project, called Hamster Rivals Hangout.

    However, I keep posting pictures on Tumblr of me playing it with other people online, using the fandom tags, and often times no one will like my post or reblog it.

    I hope this doesn't count as promoting. I'm not really trying to promote my old hamtaro fangame that I've been updating for 15 years and am still updating. But yeah, here's a tumblr post of mine: https://hamsterrivals.tumblr.com/post/173337632816/these-are-some-screenshots-from-today-of-me-and It has no likes or reblogs. What do I do so that my blogs get like over 250 likes and reblogs?

    I tried posting a video of the game too: https://hamsterrivals.tumblr.com/post/173464948036/today-is-the-last-day-that-the-game-server-for-the but it got no likes or reblogs.

    How can I advertise my Hamtaro fangame to the community better so that more people will play it?

    submitted by /u/TrainerAbu
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    My plan to make a new 2D-only Game Engine

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 09:37 AM PDT

    I really feel like there is a missing engine, somewhere between GameMaker and Love 2D in complexity. Something very similar to Visual Studio, how it lets you drag components from a tool palette onto a canvas. But in this game engine you would drag live "entities" from it, and be able to experiment with your game "live" like in Scratch. It's really hard to explain, most of it is still in my head, and some of it still doesn't even really make sense yet. But I wanted to get feedback and ask if anyone here has any thoughts on this? I know that usually you're not supposed to tell people about your ideas until you make and release them because they'll usually just shoot them down and take away all your motivation, but this idea is something I've been thinking about for a few months and I haven't been able to make any progress on it, so I'm hoping maybe talking about it here will be the inspiration I need to jump start it.

    submitted by /u/StevenBradley_js
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    Need help with an ammo switching system

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 09:13 AM PDT

    Hi GameDev

    I've been lurking in this sub for a while collecting a lot of useful info to go back over when I understand what I am doing a little more comfortably.

    But today. I need your help with a system I have tried to build on my own, it is pretty simplistic but for some reason it will not act how it should.

    Whenever I increase the counter it still instantiates the original prefab (white).

    I am also interested in cleaning this up by turning it into a switch statement, if anyone could also give me some advice on how to go about that it would be much appreciated.


    submitted by /u/wildwesty2
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    Unreal vs Godot?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:26 AM PDT


    I have been learning different aspects of game development (coding and 3d modeling) over the past year or so, and learned C++ through Ue4 tutorials. However, while I feel like I have a good grasp on the basics of programming, I feel like I've sort of hit a wall. I haven't really been able to create my own game outside of tutorials and am feeling discouraged.

    I originally chose Ue4 due to all the accolades I've read online (not to mention some of the gorgeous demo reels showcasing other developers' games). Now I'm beginning to wonder if Unreal was really a good pick for me. It seems like a good solid engine powerful enough for AAA games, but is it good for more simple games such as a visual novel or basic turn-based rpg?

    I'm considering giving Godot a try since I've heard it's a little easier to learn, but wanted to hear some opinions on Godot vs. Unreal.

    submitted by /u/KakapoCode
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    How to find ARPDAU for specific iOS game?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:54 AM PDT

    Websites like ThinkGaming and Apptopia claim to provide this information, but want to charge $599/month+ just to get access to that info. I realize they are providing a valuable service, but they do not offer any cheaper plans or one day service or trials. I can't afford to spend that kind of money. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/JazzlikeSubstance
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