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    Sunday, July 29, 2018

    School's really killed my desire to program. Anyone else have this experience? learn programming

    School's really killed my desire to program. Anyone else have this experience? learn programming

    School's really killed my desire to program. Anyone else have this experience?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 12:20 PM PDT

    Going into school I was really enthusiastic and revved up to program. Now after 3 years in computer science I'm feeling pretty frustrated. I feel like I would have had more exposure to practical coding if I were to do an electrical engineering degree.

    The idea was to go into school to learn how to program, but computer science is not really about programming. And add to that professors who haven't worked outside of school for 20 years. They're friendly and try to help, but they strike me as tinkerers. It's tough to get people to understand that I'm not interested in things that don't offer practical return. You only have so much time in your life to get good at stuff so it's important to be economical with your time.

    I've written some of the most atrocious and pointless code ever for my courses, and am forced to use C++ with no explanation or understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the language. "Get it so it works" is the expectation for my coding assignments. Which is fine, but anyone can write crappy spaghetti code. I need to learn how to write code which has commercial value, and my school simply has no idea what that means. And much of our assignments are slapdash combinations of code lifted from various sources across multiple standards of C++.

    I love programming but I'm incredibly frustrated because school ended up being a crap environment to code. I'm a year off from graduating and I don't feel like I'm any further along from when I started. I don't feel like I can make any useful headway on my own because doing something then shelving it for years just gives terrible retention.

    So I just spend my free time playing guitar and composing music. The only thing so far that investing time and effort into has given a return on (socially).

    This is largely just to vent about the frustrating disconnect between academia and 'the real world' but I'm also curious who else had this kind of experience and pulled out of it.

    I should probably amend my post to read that "Since starting school

    submitted by /u/Itsaghast
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    Can I train a neural network for this?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:51 PM PDT

    So basically let's say I have 3000 different datapoints of how 3000 different users used an app.

    For example, for snapchat, it might look like this:

    Start app -> Open Message 1 -> Reply to sender -> Open Message 2 -> Open Message 3 -> Reply to sender of message 3

    So i have this data (and the wording is consistent) of how 3000 users used this app, can I train a neural network to then be able to use this app? Is this what a neural network is/does? If so, how can I get started implementing one?

    submitted by /u/mansbigmans
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    Projects for Advanced Beginners #2: Game of Life

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:53 AM PDT

    It can be really hard to make the jump from beginner programmer to intermediate and beyond. I've talked to a lot of people who say that they totally get the syntax, and have no problem finding all the words in a list that are palindromes or divisible by 7, but have trouble structuring larger, more interesting projects.

    I'm writing project guides for these "advanced beginners". In one I just published, you build and run the somewhat famous and totally awesome "Game of Life". The project is maybe 33% assisted, and the other 67% you have to figure out for yourself. I'm going to keep writing these project guides, and I'd love any feedback on how to make this one better. If you get stuck then I'll do my absolute best to help you out.


    submitted by /u/businesstrout
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    Not sure if this is really right for learn programming.. but is it right to be unsure of my program once it gets pretty big?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 09:21 PM PDT

    I'm working on a program at home that's quite a bit bigger than anything I've done at school. I'm creating a big hydroponics controller that controls multiple pumps and lights. There are a bunch of buttons I need to program in, and I need to make it dynamic so that I can easily change the timings of the lights/pumps, add or remove different timings, etc.

    Also, I completely understand that this is certainly not "pretty big" to the vast majority of you. But that's not really my point.

    So... I have somewhat of a final program. But I just don't feel confident about it. Is this normal in programming? (Careerwise, not educationwise). Just want to make sure I'm even right for programming

    submitted by /u/AbCzar
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    Advice for 11yr old (my son), where to focus?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 12:50 PM PDT

    Sorry to post this here, but I'm somewhat at a bit of a loss to know how to help my son.

    He's into programming in a big way! Written a couple of games, loves trying out new languages and all-out generally loves writing code. (Apologies, isn't supposed to be a humblebrag).

    In all honesty, as a parent, I'm trying desperately to capitalize on his enthusiasm, as I believe he has an innate talent (I would, I'm his Dad!). But as you can imagine, there's very little on offer for somebody so young and I'm struggling to find things to support him, at his age. (a lot of the resources for his age aren't that suitable), or there at the other end of the spectrum (very academic). I reached out to a couple of local Major League Hacking events in our area, but he wasn't allowed to attend being a minor (even with me!).

    I myself can't program – so I'm really not that much help to him in steering or suggesting what would be good for him, but seeing what he can do, I'm Pretty convinced he'll be doing this for the rest of this life!

    Apps/Languages he's currently using: Unity (does most of his programming inside of Unity) C++ Python Javascript HTML/CSS

    Any help/resources, pointers, steers would be gratefully received!

    submitted by /u/X0-FloH-DD
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    Looking for help.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 09:17 PM PDT

    I've been learning code from a book at bought are Barnes and Nobbles. Each end of chapter comes with some coding exercise, but I'm not being able to compile and run the code do to errors that I don't know how to fix.

    Exercise 2.4 code:

    /* ex 02-04.c */

    #include <stdio.h>

    int main(void)


    int crt;

    for( ctr = 65; crt < 91; ctr++ )

    printf("%c", ctr );


    return 0;}

    /* end of program */

    Error: 'ctr' undeclared (first use in this function)

    Exercise 2.5 code:

    /* ex02-05.c */

    #include <stdio.h>


    int main (void)


    char buffer[256];

    printf( "Enter your name and press <Enter>: \n");

    fgets( buffer );

    printf( "\nYour name has %d characters and spaces!",

    strlen( buffer ));

    return 0;


    Error: to few arguments to function 'fgets'

    This is all in C. Using Code::Blocks to compile. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Pandazlol
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    Is this site a viable learning place for Python?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 01:57 PM PDT


    I wanted to start learning python so I looked it up and this is what I found. It looks like it would help someone with no programming experience like me, but I was wondering if someone else has used it and if so, whether it taught them the basics of coding, or if someone could recommend a better site.

    submitted by /u/UserNamedEww
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    How can I get a program to control another program?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 05:53 PM PDT

    I'm trying to develop a machine learning program that uses keyboard controls (i.e WASD) to move and interact in a open world environment like Minecraft. I'm not entirely sure how make it work, especially considering that I'm trying to make a Python program control a Java program.

    Is there a way to have a program generate computer controls so that the other controlled program recognizes the commands imputed by the master program?

    submitted by /u/mememachinedotexe
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    What things can I make for my portfolio?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 05:52 PM PDT

    Hello, as the title states, I'm asking what things I can make that can show off my skills to potential employers.

    I'm still learning programming, but in 1 year in done and have to go find a job, and as far as I've been told, grades are almost redundant while being able to show a good portfolio is everything.

    I'm pretty good at making things, unfortunately, I'm not imaginative enough to come up with smaller projects.

    Can i get any help on this?

    Ps: Sorry if it isnt really a help with programming itself, but i didnt know where else to ask - and im not sure if its off topic or not ^ ^ '

    submitted by /u/dkznikolaj
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    A question about dynamic memory allocation C++

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 08:51 PM PDT

    Hi. I would like to know when we use new to dynamically allocate memory, we use a dereferencing to access the value at the address like this

    int* sample = new int(5);

    cout << *sample<< endl;

    But when we allocate a block of memory and try to access the value in an array, why don't we use a dereference?

    int* p = new int[3];

    /* assign values */

    cout << p[i] << endl;

    Here we are not using the deferencing to print out the values.

    submitted by /u/bootyfillet
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    Are there any benefits to learning functional programming first

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 08:38 PM PDT

    Are there any benefits to learning functional programming before learning oop. I guess the concepts of variables and loops are oop so I have learned those but I haven't really dug into classes or inheritance or anything of that nature and I have heard inheritance is really bad. So I guess my question is will it benefit me to focus on a functional programming paradigm before oop

    submitted by /u/BrutalSavage01
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    Migrating Python scripts and CSV storage to cloud

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:19 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I have several Python scripts that reads local large (~5GBs) csv files (that I store on my laptop), does some tasks on it and uploads the output csv files to Google Drive. The Google Drive enables people who are interested in the output to view from one place.

    The current workflow is:

    1. If someone wants to update the output csvs, they tell me. (may happen 10-20 times a day)
    2. I run the scripts (5-10 different scripts) locally using local csv files. (usually take 15-30 minutes for each script & some scripts to API calls)
    3. I upload the output csvs to Google Drive automatically using a python script that is run locally as well.
    4. The updated output csv is available to view in Google Drive.

    What I want to do:

    • Enable end users to be able to run the scripts (that I run locally now), just by pressing a link/button
    • The end users should not store the large csv files locally on their computers.
    • the scripts should run on the cloud
    • the output should be uploaded to Google Drive

    What is the architecture I need to set up?

    • Should I use AWS Lambda? (but I heard that it only supports scripts that complete less than 5 minutes)
    • Where should I store the large csv files and how will the scripts access those? (there is a lot of reading and writing to those csvs)

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/nottakumasato
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    [noob question] best way to list items with a template javascript/html?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2018 12:06 AM PDT

    So, I'm just getting into programming. I'm aware you can use a constructor in javascript to create basically templates, where you can just put the separate variables. I'm wondering how to apply that very simply to a list of items in a website where there's a header, a picture, and a description (i.e, a list of tools). let's say I change my mind later and want to add a separate item, such as a location. I wouldn't want to go through each item and manually add it if there's 100 items. conceptual answers OK as I like the challenge of figuring out how! thanks

    submitted by /u/lislejoyeuse
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    HTML Compiler?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 08:14 PM PDT

    I'm in the process of writing a basic browser as a beginning project. At this point, I have constructed a method to get HTML code(as well as the linked CSS) from a webpage with sockets and HTTP requests, but am not yet sure how to take the HTML and make it into a graphical display. Are there any HTML engines that I can utilize, which take nothing other than the input of HTML and CSS? I'm only doing it in order to learn, so the requirements are pretty low; if it renders HTML, it'll work. Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/TheBureaucratJosephK
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    Dockerfile(s) for Exercism.io tracks (Clojure + Python)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 02:56 PM PDT

    Hi! I just found out about Exercism.io and really like it so far.

    I created Dockerfiles and a small build system for quickly getting environments set up to do the exercises (right now just for Clojure and Python).

    If you're already comfortable using Docker and the command line, then this project should help reduce the barrier to entry when learning a new language using Exercism. Feedback and/or contributions welcomed.

    submitted by /u/mttbil
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    Front-end web dev beginner resources

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 12:54 PM PDT

    Recently, I've been getting into some front-end web dev due to having to make a website for a student club. I've gotten a pretty good understanding of HTML/CSS and basic Javascript. I used a Bootstrap template for the website so I guess I have some experience tinkering with that.

    I'm really interested in learning further and getting some more experience, but I'm just not sure what to do next?

    Should I try to build a website from scratch? Or just play with a basic template until I've basically made it my own? Are there any resources you'd recommend for coding websites?

    I guess since I didn't really code a website and just played around with a Bootstrap template, I'm not sure where to go from there...

    submitted by /u/rottenbanana8
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    Unable to display reverse number c++, my code is unable to display & save the reverse value. Please help.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 11:09 PM PDT

    #include <iostream>

    #include <stdio.h>

    using namespace std;

    int main()


    int rem, OriValue, Rev = 0, InValue = 0;//rem = remainder,InValue = User input

    bool neg = false; // Boolean Variable to remember input value

    //Request customer to enter a int value

    cout << "Enter any decimal integer value >= 0:";

    cin >> InValue;

    OriValue = InValue;

    if(InValue < 0)


    neg = true;

    InValue = -InValue;

    cout << "Input value is negative :" << InValue <<"\n";


    else if (InValue > 0 )

    cout << "Input value is positive:"<< InValue <<"\n";



    rem = (InValue % 10);

    cout << "Remainder value:"<< rem << "\n";

    Rev = rem;

    InValue = InValue / 10;

    //cout << InValue <<"\n";


    while (InValue != 0);

    cout << OriValue << " in reverse is " << Rev << "\n";

    return 0;


    submitted by /u/Jehups
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    I want and need learn Java ... but How?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:12 PM PDT

    I am a 40 years old architect (unemployed) and i really want learn Java, seriously and deeply.... but i have no money to pay a school of any kind. A friend told me some people can learn it online, but i have no idea where look at?

    Any help will be a precious treasure for me.


    submitted by /u/CoolMatters
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    MySQL vs SQLite. How much will learning one help when learning the other?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 10:39 PM PDT

    I was following Android tutorials and got stuck when they started teaching SQLite. I dropped it for a while out of frustration.

    I then decided to first do some separate database tutorials and found some really great MySQL stuff. (I have never done ANY database before).

    So how related are these two? Am I making a mistake trying to do basic MySQL first to get a sense of how databases work in general?

    submitted by /u/WisestAirBender
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    Does this happened to you as a self-taught programmer?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 10:32 PM PDT

    I wanted to find a job about programming.So I decided to study it.Trying to learn the basics
    that I need.However,I just don't feel like I have done it right.So, I am wondering if I should change the way I learned.Does this happened to you when you're trying to self learn programming to find a job.

    submitted by /u/LUTLJS
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    Are there any amazing looking examples of WPF applications?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:01 PM PDT

    Right now I am trying to find inspiration to learn WPF application creation and hitting a wall because most of the ones I've seen have been very low quality and that has really bummed me out.

    Beautiful examples would be amazing!


    submitted by /u/bearLover23
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    When practicing for a coding interview, should I review the fundamentals of all my programming languages or just one?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 05:58 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    First, I'd like to make a small rant. I discovered my resume is too long (2 pages) and I've gotta fix it up. Not to mention, I'm worried I won't pass the coding interview if I've got to review the fundamentals of all the programming languages I've learned (ie. Python, JavaScript, etc). I swear I'm having a panic attack with everything I gotta do.

    However, I read on a Free Code Camp blog that I should focus on learning the fundamentals of one programming language as the interviewer will generally let me choose which language to do the coding interview on.

    I'm starting as an entry-level Full Stack Developer so I'll choose Python.

    In any other case, how accurate is this? What has your experience been like?

    BONUS: This is kinda random, but I figured why not. On LinkedIn, should I list every job I've ever worked at (even if it's not relevant to web development) or just my degree and projects?

    submitted by /u/Hegemon1984
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    Constructor in class can not be applied to given types. Need help on a Java inheritance issue...

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 02:00 PM PDT

    I am currently doing a Java MOOC University of Helenski challenge involving inheritance and GUI programming.

    I have a class named Figure that implements a simple move logic. Nothing too crazy. This class has an abstract method (don't know if it is related):

    package movingfigure; import java.awt.Graphics; public abstract class Figure { private int x; private int y; public Figure(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public void move (int dx, int dy) { this.x += dx; this.y += dy; } public int getX() { return this.x; } public int getY() { return this.y; } public abstract void draw(Graphics graphics); } 

    Now I am trying to create a class called CompoundFigure. The issue is when I create this constructor, it says "constructor Figure in class Figure can not be applied to given types, required: int , int.

    Here is the constructor with this error:

    public CompoundFigure() { this.figures = new ArrayList<Figure>(); } 

    Now of course I know I need to do this:

    public CompoundFigure() { super(x,y); this.figures = new ArrayList<Figure>(); } 

    but now the error is "x and y has private access in Figure.

    So now I tried this:

    public CompoundFigure() { super(this.getX(), this.getY()); this.figures = new ArrayList<Figure>(); } 

    and now the error is: can not reference this before supertype constructor is called.

    What am I doing wrong here? I am stuck and I really don't know how to solve this issue. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/thesquarerootof1
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