Resume Advice Thread - July 28, 2018 CS Career Questions |
- Resume Advice Thread - July 28, 2018
- Daily Chat Thread - July 28, 2018
- A Guide to landing a Data Science/Machine Learning job.
- What happens when you can't solve the problem?
- Started at a new company, stand-ups are lasting 25-40 minutes. How should I go about saying something about it?
- What's the most insightful coding question(s) you've ever been asked?
- Is it “bad” to accept an internship with a company you currently work for?
- How much time do you manage to devote to learning and how much does it accomplish?
- Researching Company Culture
- Has anyone done a part-time masters degree or PhD while working as a software developer?
- What and how do you think when programming a question that needs Dynamic Programming?
- Is it a huge problem to switch jobs often?
- What is the career path for a CS graduate who wants to be a business analyst/consultant?
- Once you got a job what did you start do learn to grow?
- Are Computer Programing and Computer Science interchangeable?
- What should I aspire to as a new grad who is into Computer Graphics ?
- What's your opinion on startups? Do you think starting one later in your career is viable or has the media largely exaggerated the startup success myth?
- Best pathway for employment as a Data Scientist?
- Anyone ever feel like LeetCode questions just kind of psych you out and increase your anxiety after a while?
- Is WPF a good skill to have CAREER WISE? All the applications made in it seem absolutely disgustingly ugly.
- Getting a Job in Software Engineering Without a Degree?
- Internship after senior year
- Bootcamp grads - hows the community, was the community itself worth the price?
- People who made the jump from Development to Sys Admin how was it?
- What do you do with the stocks that you receive?
- No clear path for improvement at current position
Resume Advice Thread - July 28, 2018 Posted: 28 Jul 2018 12:07 AM PDT Please use this thread to ask for resume advice and critiques. You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice. Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk. This thread is posted each Tuesday and Saturday at midnight PST. Previous Resume Advice Threads can be found here. [link] [comments] |
Daily Chat Thread - July 28, 2018 Posted: 28 Jul 2018 12:07 AM PDT Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk. This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here. [link] [comments] |
A Guide to landing a Data Science/Machine Learning job. Posted: 28 Jul 2018 12:45 PM PDT I've been seeing a lot of posts lately on people wanting to break into the DS/ML area, so I thought I would make this post. I'll break it into three audiences: researchers, career changers, and new grads/current students. ______________________________ 1. Researchers You have:
Jobs you should target:
Obstacles you may face:
How you should be job hunting:
______________________________ 2. Career Changers You have:
Jobs you should target:
Obstacles you may face:
How you should be job hunting
______________________________ 3. New Grads/Current Students You have:
Jobs you should target:
Obstacles you may face:
How you should be job hunting:
______________________________ Hopefully this guide helps and answers some reoccurring questions I see in this subreddit. [link] [comments] |
What happens when you can't solve the problem? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 11:52 AM PDT What happens when you are working and you can't solve the problem put before you? Is it handed off to another coworker? Outsourced? Forgotten? I ask because I'm learning my second language (Java) after only knowing Javascript, and it has been painful. Sometimes, I just can't figure things out ... but this is school, so me being stumped isn't so bad. But in the real world, what happens when you cant do what you're hired to do? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:06 PM PDT I'll keep this short. Started 8 weeks ago with 2 other new starters on the team. 3 of us + 4 devs + 1 senior + tech lead (also our manager) + project manager. QA/Quality engineer jumps into the stand ups every now and then too. Our stand ups are stupidly long. Ultimately what ends up happening is a certain developer starts talking about office politics, complaining about one of our off-site teams that we work with causing issues etc. They are perfectly valid complaints that he is making however it ends up being a 20 minute conversation every single morning between him, our PM and our tech lead. I want to say "guys can you take this offline?" But I feel as a new starter, saying that to my manager and PM is too cheeky. I feel like I'm the only one who has noticed this but I also don't want to ask the others on the team either as they're all quite friendly and I don't want my complaints getting back through the grape vine and sounding worse. Any advice on how to deal with this? [link] [comments] |
What's the most insightful coding question(s) you've ever been asked? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 04:08 PM PDT A lot of times you are asked a question, or you read it in a book or online, and you realize you are missing a key concept in order to solve the problem. And once you master that concept it opens up your ability to solve other similar problems and thus turns you into a better software engineer. I'll list a few to get the idea across:
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Is it “bad” to accept an internship with a company you currently work for? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 11:32 AM PDT So the title may not make sense, but I am a college student currently working at a fast growing grocery store based in the NW US. (If you live here or have in the past 30~ years you've probably heard of it) and I recently saw they offer internships for CS students. I am curious if you guys think this may not hold as much weight as it could on a resume (for careers post uni) because I have been with the company for a while pre-internship? I hope this makes sense, any feedback much appreciated! [link] [comments] |
How much time do you manage to devote to learning and how much does it accomplish? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 12:26 PM PDT I realise that for a lot of people the answer is that they don't do much outside of work, and it is a position I am beginning to understand more and more as I am breaking down how much free time I will end up having when I start working in the fall (especially considering my contract says 45hrs a week plus 1hr lunch per day, so 50hrs a week really :/ ). But on the other hand I feel that as I will get older, finding time to devote for learning is just going to get more difficult, so now is the best time to do as much extra learning as I can to kickstart my career. Specifically in my case, I was left rather dissatisfied with my CS degree, as there are a number of important core CS topics that I feel like I have a poor understanding of. I would like to do my best to plug the most significant holes in my education while I still can. But as I mentioned before, time seems to be against me, and I would like to avoid burnout. Learning every thing I would like to learn is just not going to happen, so I need to manage both my time and expectations well. What I want to know, is for those of you who do manage to spend some of your free time developing their professional skills (be that core CS topics, new languages/frameworks, books on good software engineering practices, personal projects etc.), how much time do you manage to devote to that in an average week, and how much do those hours end up accomplishing? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jul 2018 08:03 AM PDT What are some good ways to research a company's even before applying to them? You can get a sense on Glassdoor, but that's not always going to give a great picture to what the company is like. I know it's also possible to ask people who work or have worked at the company what they think, but I'm not sure how accurate those answers are because they come from one person's perspective and that person might not want to say something negative. How useful is the "about us" page page on company websites? Especially for really big companies that are going to vary from team to team, how can I get a sense of the overall feel of the company? [link] [comments] |
Has anyone done a part-time masters degree or PhD while working as a software developer? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 12:46 PM PDT What subject was the degree in? Did you do it out of pure interest in learning or was it for advancing your profession? Did your company pay for it? If the subject was not related to your career, did your company still pay for it? For example, you are a software developer but want to do a part time MA in philosophy; would your company for it? The reason I ask is that I want a career as a software developer but I would like to pursue my interest in philosophy of science/physics. The thing is that I don't want a career in academia. [link] [comments] |
What and how do you think when programming a question that needs Dynamic Programming? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 09:02 AM PDT How do you actually think on how to program the base case of the problem? I'm struggling with new questions on DP, I've done a few classical problems but when it comes to programming a new problem I can't get it right, any help, tips, suggestions are welcomed. Please share necessary links that you think may help! [link] [comments] |
Is it a huge problem to switch jobs often? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 05:09 PM PDT I did a dual BA in statistics and politics. I landed a web development job at a big bank. I had some experience programming, no web dev experience whatsoever, and a lot of data science experience. The premise is that I will be making a web application which incorporates data science. That's great, except five months into the job they scraped off the data science part of the web application. So I was there doing pretty much pure web development. I didn't hate it, I didn't like it. But I figured it was a decent skill to know so I did it for 7 months. Then a recruiter approached me. I was open for discussion as I wanted to move towards data science. Long story short, the guy offered me a web development job, but what got me to accept was that the new company was going to double my salary. I was making 40k at my first job, now I am paid about 80k. So now I am doing something I don't want to do. I've always wanted to do data science, analytics or policy analysis. I want to quit my job as I don't like web development, but I think my CV will look very dodgy if I stayed at my first job for 7 months and at my second job for 2-3 months. I have been told that switching jobs too often in the beginning of your career is a death wish as people will think you are a liability. tl;dr - I've realized I don't like my field and I want to switch jobs. However, if I quit my current job, on my CV I will have an internship for 3 months, first job for 7 months and second job for 2-3 months. Is there any truth to the saying that switching jobs too often in the beginning of your career will make people be weary of you? [link] [comments] |
What is the career path for a CS graduate who wants to be a business analyst/consultant? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 09:12 AM PDT I am a CS graduate and an average coder at best. During my degree's tenure, I understood that coding is not my passion BUT I still wanted to work at a technological/IT firm just on the business side of things. The best way I could think of to pivot my career from a Software Engineer was that of a Business analyst/consultant. After my degree, I got a job at Wipro Technologies of the post of a project engineer but I declined as soon as I found out that it would take me almost 7-8 years to get to the post of a consultant. So right now I am without a job(as expected lol). Well, that was my story :P. My real question is... I wish to do a Masters in Management or an MBA. Is this the right choice for my career path? Or there are some universities which offer an MS degree in IT/Technology Management, should I pursue that? I am totally confused right now... I don't want to work as a low-level coder at minimum wages doing something I am not that passionate about. Edit: Forgot to mention something. I have almost zero work experience. Most management(mostly MBA) degrees require a minimum of 3 years of work experience. Is there any way I can get a job as a junior business analyst or something of a similar nature? PS. Sorry for my bad English. I am not a native speaker. [link] [comments] |
Once you got a job what did you start do learn to grow? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:08 PM PDT Did you do side projects outside of work? Did you learn things related to your job or did you learn something different? Do you use free online resources or did you buy books? How long would you spend on these projects? Did you take your time or did you just sit town and dedicate yourself to a project everyday until you were done? Once you got your first job how did you improve to make you the professional you are today? [link] [comments] |
Are Computer Programing and Computer Science interchangeable? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 10:38 AM PDT Hi, I'm a 18yo who want to study in computer science. I want to study in a community college for 2 years than move to university . However I can only find program for "Computer Programing" in my community colleges, and in universities they only have "Computer Science". And from my research Computer Programing is just a small portion of Computer Science. So is it possible to study "Computer Programing" in college and move to a university to study in "Computer Science"? [link] [comments] |
What should I aspire to as a new grad who is into Computer Graphics ? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:24 PM PDT What would be some projects that would look good on my resume so I can attract positions in computer graphics related fields ? Like if I would create 1-3 projects , what would these be ? Would a ray tracer and a small FPS using webgl be good ? Are there any examples of recent graduates who have a good chance to land a job in the field ? I'm mainly interested in actual resumes from real people. Also general tips,insights about breaking into the field and whatnot would be really helpful. Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jul 2018 01:24 PM PDT One of the biggest draws to learning and committing to a CS career is the potentiality of starting your own company. The benefits include owning your own company, pushing your own product, complete creative control, and of course, the promise of great wealth. With stories in the news everyday about startups being funded and large acquisition offers, it seems a lot of ambitious programmers have their eye on hanging their own shingles. However, upon further investigation, it seems that there's a high attrition rate for startups. Moreover, the majority of successful startups seem to be started by experienced former VP's, PhD's, and authorities in their respective field. For example, Jeff Bezos was a former VP at DE Shaw before starting Amazon --- not quite as romantic as a college dorm room project turning into a multi-billion dollar company. As someone who works in the CS industry, what's your opinion regarding starting your own tech company? Is it feasible? Is it something you're seriously considering? And most of all, I'm highly curious as to why there aren't hoards of Google and Facebook programmers grouping together and forming their own startups. They would hypothetically seem to have the requisite skills, pedigree, and money, but I suspect there might be some obstacle or wisdom as to why the majority are sticking to their 9-5's. Is startup success viable or is it largely an exaggerated media myth? [link] [comments] |
Best pathway for employment as a Data Scientist? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 04:53 AM PDT Hello everyone, I am currently applying to Georgia Tech for Spring 2019 transfer. In my free time I really enjoy learning data science, especially machine learning through R and python. I am pretty far into the math major curriculum but not looking to limit my job opportunities by graduating from a lower tier university. Currently I am choosing between Math(Prob and Stats focus) with a minor in data analytics or a Comp Sci major with a math minor. Which would be best for employment as a data scientist? Thank you for your time! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:48 PM PDT Like....I never feel prepared for interviews. I go through a bunch of leetcode questions and browse through cracking the coding interview again to brush up, but theres always more questions. and no matter how many I do, so many of them still give me a deer in the headlights feeling. of course that goes away after I get going and I can get the lion's share of them, but I walk away with a mental list of questions I hope to god I don't actually get because writing them out on a white board would be an absolute bitch Then of course theres questions that sound scary that i don't have time to actually try. so i go into the interview screaming inside to please just not give me some variation on that shit I know the way I should be thinking about this is just like...If my fundamentals are strong enough then leetcode should just be a way to make sure my c++ or whatever is still on point. but i can't help but feel like if i haven't done everything that one of them will be the question I actually get and I'll be pissed I didn't look at it before. At this point I just kind of want to put all my review materials away and just try to zen out for a moment. because now i'm just pacing back and forth muttering cs stuff to myself and my interview isn't even until Monday afternoon [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:47 PM PDT Like I am googling around trying to find WPF applications that look good and I don't see it. Career wise is learning WPF a career killer? Like I don't see anyone wanting to use a trash application like this: Literally reminds me of 2004-ish. [link] [comments] |
Getting a Job in Software Engineering Without a Degree? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:35 PM PDT Hello! I am currently 22 and in college as a Bio major and while I started out loving it, I now hate it. I feel no motivation anymore and my passion is completely gone. However, my whole life I have loved video games, as do most, and always dreamed of working to develop them. But that always felt like a pip dream to me, coding had always seemed so complicated and out of my reach. I took a computer science course my first semester at my uni and I did great with the theory but the coding itself I struggled with. I will admit, I did not put any work into it and spent the whole semester fighting very bad depression. Fast forward a few semesters and here I am now. I desperately want to switch my career trajectory because I can no longer see myself in a field related to biology. I have picked up coding and have ravenously been using online resources to learn and develop myself. I am in no way saying I am a great programmer and I have, of course, read a lot on my question, but I suppose I am just seeking some advice. I do not know if I should switch my major and spend 4 years of my life working on a computer science degree, or if I should cut my losses and go the self-educated route? I understand it can be long and difficult.. But just how much is the degree actually worth in the field right now? I feel confident in succeeding if I attempted it again, I have a much better understanding than I did of the theory and programming languages in general. I guess.. Should I switch majors, finish my bio degree, or just say screw it and purely go the self-educated route? Thank you in advance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:02 PM PDT I'm a rising senior and I received an internship offer for this summer at a company I would love to work for. Due to a family emergency I had to back out of the internship but the company gave me the opportunity to do an internship with them next summer (after I graduate) with the possibility of starting full time in the fall. I was very lucky to get this internship and this company offers much better pay/culture than I could get elsewhere. I received a referral from a friend and I wouldn't have gotten an interview otherwise. Also I got lucky in all the interviews. They asked a bunch of questions I was familiar with or were close to my background. My resume is not very impressive, especially now that I'm not doing an internship the summer before my senior year. I applied to about 30 companies this summer and only received 2 interviews (one because of the referral). If I don't receive an offer after the internship next summer it could take me a long time to find another job. I definitely want to do the internship but I'd feel much more comfortable if I had this upcoming year to find a backup plan. I'm not sure how to handle this. My first instinct is to try to get a full time offer during this school year which would start September 2019 and then back out at the last minute if I get a full time offer from my internship... But I'm worried that would have some negative consequences. [link] [comments] |
Bootcamp grads - hows the community, was the community itself worth the price? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:36 PM PDT I've been asking alot of bootcamp questions. One of the appeal of bootcamp from doing research seems like each bootcamp has a tightly knit community. How true is this? What bootcamp did you attend? Do cohorts keep in touch? Are there active slack channels? Do alumni's make an effort to help each other out? [link] [comments] |
People who made the jump from Development to Sys Admin how was it? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:04 PM PDT Basically the title. I am considering making a career shift going from software development position to more of a Sys Admin position. For those of you that have made the shift, what were the pro's and con's and would you recommend it? [link] [comments] |
What do you do with the stocks that you receive? Posted: 28 Jul 2018 10:52 AM PDT Working at a FAANG company and receiving a certain amount of shares each year. Should I just hold onto them? Do I sell them as soon as they vest? [link] [comments] |
No clear path for improvement at current position Posted: 28 Jul 2018 04:32 PM PDT I find myself in a tricky situation that is completely new to me. I'd love to get some external views about it. For the context, I joined an early-stage startup more than 2 years ago as a fullstack developer: my first full time job but i had a few months of experience before. There was only one mobile dev and I took over the web/backend parts. There was everything to build, it was extremely interesting and I learnt so much by doing things. Fast forward 2 years later where we have many clients, we hired more developers (frontend, mobile, backend) and we are growing even more in the current months. Now, most of my work consists of support tasks, whether it's some issues on the platform, helping a data analyst to extract some data from the backend, supporting new devs and more. On top of that I need to find time to build the backend side of new features, which is not even 10% of my time anymore (and I have to rush it). I was ok with it the first 6 month, then a year, but now I feel like I haven't learn much in the past year. I feel stuck in that situation because since I built the platform, I can answer all of the questions/understand how things are working. And as we're bringing more developers to the team to be able to work on more features/improvements, I'll always be in that position. Best way to solve this would be to leave I guess but I've got a few things in my head that are stopping me: - Right now, if I leave the company I think it will hurt them as they won't have a way to replace what I do that quickly (not to be pretentious and say that i'm indispensable, just how we are currently working) - The business is growing rapidly and could continue into a big success, I don't know how I would feel if I miss the benefits of it after working hard more that 2 years towards that. I don't know if anyone can relate, I'm trying to find a solution because I think it's hurting my career but also my motivation. [link] [comments] |
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