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    Saturday, July 28, 2018

    I’m bloody terrible at UX! Looking for resources web developers

    I’m bloody terrible at UX! Looking for resources web developers

    I’m bloody terrible at UX! Looking for resources

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 11:49 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    in the past few months I learned a lot about web development. I am fairly good with different front-/ backend languages already and can wrap my head around most concepts. All of my knowledge seems to come to an abrupt stop when it gets to designing the actual page. I am terrible at it.

    Can anyone recommend me any courses to learn more about it? I know css fairly well and it's really just about getting a feeling for making a clean website.


    submitted by /u/roconf
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    Thought this may give you guys a giggle.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 12:15 PM PDT

    Best way to handle CSS for large site

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:09 AM PDT

    I'm the front end dev for a decently sized website. And we're slowly going through a redesign, so a lot of new CSS is being written.

    However, currently the CSS is a bit of a mess. With one giant file with most styles for the site, and then some seperate files that load for pages that look different. It's quite hard to look through this main CSS file.

    I did recently suggest a CSS preprocessor, but there's been hesitancy due to the fact that it will add a learning curve for the rest of the dev team. Especially the more backend oriented devs when they're just trying to do something simple.

    I haven't worked at a place of this scale before, so I don't have much experience out of smaller projects, where it's easier to maintain all the CSS.

    Any advice welcome.

    submitted by /u/IRandomlyKillPeople
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    Any career advice for a webdev with chronic illness affecting my work?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 01:25 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a self employed web-dev with a career problem.

    My health has deteriorated so that I cant keep up with the demands and I'm asking for advice on how to reposition myself, or whether I should just take a minimum wage job and give up.

    I'm 45 and I've been a web-dev since around '98. I'm Self-Employed so I have to do everything ranging from client handling, specification, project management, some dev-ops, front-end, back-end, etc. That's just my bad business as it was. For 20 years I worked long hours and prided my self in my "innovative solutions" and delivering on time and on budget, etc.

    I had a small group of clients and agencies I support. Fellow Self-employed people know that juggling the spec and delivery needs of 15 end-clients in one week is quite demanding. I was considering ways to move into a corporation and shed some of these responsibilities, but never found the trajectory or the time between client demands.

    Two years ago I developed a chronic neurological condition. It depletes my energy levels, affects my thinking, and my movement.

    I need a lot more rest and I handle stress less well (imagine yourself after no sleep, with flu). Consequently I've found I'm less capable at the job. On an average day I'm finding it difficult to maintain the pace required, keeping up with the constant churn of short deadlines, client expectation and industry stack learning. And that's my base-level state, If I'm having a flare up it's even worse.

    I've been hiding it from clients but by necessity I'm letting some contracts go and I'm much more wary about what I'm committing to.

    I can see the future being a big problem as I can't continue working the way that I did. I need to find a new way to work.

    One option: Focus on a subset. EG: be a wordpress plugin developer only, and never step outside that circle. Re-pitch myself as "bespoke plugin developer" and simply refuse anything which isn't that.

    Another option is Lowering my position in the market. I could focus entirely on a small and much easier branch. EG: Hosting Wordpress Pages for local businesses.

    Another option is: use my years of understanding client requirements and best solutions to move into an intermediary role – something closer to Consultant

    Another option is: Exit web dev entirely and retrain in something which is less stressful and demanding, something my broken brain and body will cope with better.


    submitted by /u/AlreadyInUseError
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    ReactJS Component testing for beginners. Snapshots, Enzyme, coverage reports and more.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:20 AM PDT

    I'm a junior webdev and I've been working on a simple Reddit aggregator to make myself more productive - would love some feedback!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 08:05 AM PDT

    reddit alternative Tildes is now open source

    Posted: 27 Jul 2018 08:28 PM PDT

    The state of Vue in tech industry

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:26 AM PDT

    I really love VueJS but I wonder how much it's used in the tech industry compared with big rivals like React or Angular and how complex those websites are? Does anybody work with it professionally or know some companies that uses Vue?

    submitted by /u/eyk_
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    [Question]Can someone recommend me an Headless CMS ?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 02:59 AM PDT

    I'm looking for something which is:

    • built on node
    • can be run locally easily for development (no you have to have an account with us and your data is always on our servers)
    • free and open source
    • serves data through REST end-points
    • is not tied to one database system i.e I could use it with NOSQL or SQL or etc but this is optional

    Basically I'm more of an front-end dev and I'd like something to easily set up CRUD back ends to feed my Angular|React|Vue apps.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Hero_Of_Shadows
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    [Question] What is the best authentication library you've seen in *any* framework?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 08:30 AM PDT

    We've been working on a new open source web framework called kweb, it works but is still pre-1.0. It's built in the Kotlin programming language. It's main feature is that it abstracts away the barrier between browser and web server - while retaining a very low-latency experience for the user.

    We'd like to provide an authentication library, ideally providing out-of-the-box integration with all the major auth providers, in line with current best practices.

    We're interested to see how other web frameworks have solved this problem, and in-particular we're interested in newer, more innovative approaches.

    Would greatly appreciate any pointers you can provide.

    submitted by /u/sanity
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    What is the best way to prevent API abuse for "Create Account" requests?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:55 AM PDT

    I have an Angular + .NET Core Identity app that sends an API call to a backend that generates an ID and stores it in the Identity SQL database. I am trying to figure out if there is an ideal practice that prevents a bot or curl user to spam a request to the endpoint that creates an ID. Since there is no requirement of being authorized at that point I'm not quite sure how to make the application "smartly" know whether someone is spamming the endpoint.

    submitted by /u/Golossos
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    Which fonts should I use if I want my websites to load faster?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:27 AM PDT

    Whenever I use any google fonts with a simple static website, loading the font seems to be the bottleneck, especially on a slow connection like mine. So, in such a scenario, what are some fonts that I can use without depending on google fonts, fonts that look good and are widely available on most computers without needing to download them? I am looking for examples of serif, sans-serif, monospace and cursive.

    submitted by /u/sioa
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    People who use react professionally, what sort of things do you build with it?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2018 11:07 PM PDT

    I see the potential it has, but I'm curious about its real world applications for a developer that uses it daily.

    submitted by /u/WPNoobz
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    Headless software in php, where to start?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:05 AM PDT

    I am starting to read around about headless software, like headless e-commerce, for example. To my understanding, headless web app completely decouple the view part from the rest of the application, so the view part (html and such) can just be slapped in front of the application.

    Did I got it right? If I want to learn to do stuff like this in php, where can I find the resources that teach me this?

    submitted by /u/Mondoscuro
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    I've been reading alot about how hiring managers were disappointed that bootcamp grads couldn't even answer simple questions, is this more towards the weaker bootcamp and all bootcamps in general including the reputable ones like hackreactor ,app academy, fullstack academy.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:39 AM PDT

    I was wondering, is this more towards some of the weaker bootcamps that easily accept anyone. I've been going through the admission process for hackreactor, app academy, and fullstack academy and I feel like they at minimum require candidates to answer fizzbuzz questions before getting accepted

    submitted by /u/tobesenior
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    What does a professional workflow look like from design -> development? Is it Zeplin links where the dev can pull the CSS from etc?? Taught myself to code so never had an actual proper workflow, now trying to see if a side project I built could be of use for developers. [x-post from /r/web_design]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:25 AM PDT

    I learned to code by myself, not via college or codecamps etc, so I've never worked in a "professional" way I don't think. I've worked as a dev professionally for 7 months before moving back into Product Management, and I've never understood what a 100% professional workflow and handoff looks like.

    This got me thinking. I have a side project that i've been building for a year or so (on and off), that builds portfolios for web developers using their github profile. One of the main objections users have is that developers (especially web developers), should be building their own portfolio website, which I have certain quams about, but I'm biased obviously...

    So I'm thinking what if the app built the dev a portfolio, but then gave them the assets/CSS/anything else they'd need to build their own website based on the designs in the app. Not very many developers (in my experience) are strong designers, so this would be a nice bridge between those two disciplines I think.

    But back to my main question, what should that look like, what should be provided....

    any help is much appreciated! Cheers

    submitted by /u/cderm
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    Need a little help organizing my file directory in a node/express project.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 09:57 AM PDT


    Building a little expressjs project for learning; i used express generator to provide a basic skeleton which gave me:

    a bin folder with www which has all the server set up etc.

    a routes folder which is (obviously) been using to handle routing.

    As it stands i've got all my middleware just bunged at the bottom of my routes page; is there a standard in terms of structure where I should put all common use middleware?

    Kind of a vague question so apologies in advance.

    submitted by /u/Duttywood
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    Professionals of Reddit, what are your personal reasons for preferring a certain front-end framework?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 01:30 PM PDT

    There are so many frameworks and systems on the market today and their number only seems to increase. And although there are many guides and comparisons out there, I am interested in what you guys see as the defining differences.

    submitted by /u/Dahaar
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    [Showoff Saturday] Cover Letter Snippets: Parse a Job Description and use pre-written snippets to build the most relevant Cover Letter

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:17 PM PDT

    Comparison of Headless CMS Systems

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:01 PM PDT

    We created a platform that helps skilled individuals (like web developers) join startup teams!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2018 07:59 PM PDT

    Hello beautiful people of r/webdev. About a year ago we turned to the creative communities of Reddit for help in developing and testing our team-making platform, "Foundery." Hundreds of you stepped up to the challenge of lending a helping hand, providing us with the development knowledge and constructive advice. For that, we are grateful.

    For the vast majority of you who have likely never heard of Foundery, and are wondering what on earth we're doing on r/webdev, allow us a quick explanation of what we do:

    Foundery is a platform that congregates skilled individuals (like web developers) around great ideas. We want to allow people a way to find like-minded individuals with complimentary skills, to start teams, and create companies. All too often, ideas never become a reality simply because the individual behind it doesn't have all the skills necessary to bring it to life. Our community is comprised of people who represent a great diversity in skill, from web development to graphic design to legal and beyond. If you want to look for a new project, or wish to propose an idea of your own, give us a look.

    Here she is: https://wearefoundery.com/

    We're always looking for ways to improve our platform. Much of our most critical development advise came from r/webdev users. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us at [team@wearefoundery.com](mailto:team@wearefoundery.com).

    Much love,

    The Foundery Team

    submitted by /u/founderyteam
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    Speeding up Advanced Custom Fields in Wordpress

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:51 AM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] CatBattle: Cat pictures, voting, Elo ratings, stats

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 01:45 PM PDT

    I've been working on a https://www.catbattle.net on and off for a couple of months now. I actually showed it off here a couple of weeks ago but have made some visual improvements and reorganized other things since.

    The concept is you upload pictures of your cats, then they are randomly pitted against other cat pictures in head to head "battles", where users choose which one is better. An Elo rating system is used to track the top cats.

    I have a number of ideas for enhancements to functionality, such as:

    • Users get experience and level up the more battles their cats win
    • Powerups purchasable with in game currency (whiskers) to make cats win/lose points at a better rate
    • Contests limited to a week or month so there are always new pictures
    • Achievements and badges for both users and cats

    I'm happy to answer any questions anyone has about the site and welcome any/all feedback.

    If you just have pictures you'd like to contribute that would be awesome as well!

    Thanks for taking a look.

    submitted by /u/cat_battle
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    Hi Guys! I'm gonna make a Twitter for daily useful web development tips. Feel free to check it out or to comment any tips here you'd like me to spread to Twitter.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 01:25 PM PDT

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