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    Monday, July 16, 2018

    Foreign languages Ask Programming

    Foreign languages Ask Programming

    Foreign languages

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 06:42 PM PDT

    Do developers in countries whose primary language isn't English have to learn English? Or can they write code in their native language?

    submitted by /u/burlybassist
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    Code review skill test

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 12:29 PM PDT

    Some time ago I've seen a test where you are given some snippets of code, and then you should answer questions about these snippets, so the test could measure your code review skills. This test might be a part of some study. And it's pretty long (1-2 hours to complete). That's all I know.

    I don't remember it's name, I can't find it anymore, I've tried several google searches up to 5th page with no luck.

    There is small probability someone here knows this test, if so, could you please share the link?

    submitted by /u/hlfm
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    LAMP beginner issue

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 08:06 PM PDT

    I've been spending most of the day figuring out how to get the website I'm hosting (localhost, through apache2 using prestashop) for my sister to display when querying the domain that is pointing to our home address. It seems to work more than expected, this is what happens from the device on which the web server resides:

    hit website Url redirect to localhost/index.php? Displayed from local files as intended, just like hitting localhost

    This is what happens when trying to access it from another device within the home network: hit website redirect to localhost/index.php? This site can't be reached

    Interesting because clearly apache2 is responding to the request with the file to load (Root server Directory/root file) but I suspect there's an issue with the ports conf or something causing it to respond with "point to localhost" instead of "point to IP"

    Any help appreciated, would enjoy using the ovh instance I just paid for to set something else up!


    Linux Ubuntu 16.04, Armv7 (armhf), Ethernet with wall-plug extender, ddclient setup and correctly assigns dns to namecheap domain D-Link 500 series Port forward rule for 80 to point to static local IP for the computer hosting the site


    dumb with LAMP can't set ipv4 incoming filter rules cause router is buggy

    submitted by /u/BlockchainDeal
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    How to know if an installed program is using JVM or .Net?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 07:41 PM PDT

    I want to find out if a program I've installed is using JVM or .NET, or if it was just compiled and is running without a virtual machine layer. Is there some way or some piece of software I can use to find this out?

    submitted by /u/filterthedreck
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    As someone with intermediate coding skills, where do I start to learn JavaScript?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 03:44 PM PDT

    I have been asked to create a code similar to the following webpage:


    I am wondering, if I don't want to start at the basics of JavaScript, where can I start to learn mimicking the provided webpage?

    Also, is there any specific recommended editor that has predictive text and such for JavaScript? (similar to how RStudio treats its code)

    Thank you very much in advance!

    submitted by /u/MarshmallowsOnAGrill
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    Updating a web app to run based off database....

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 07:13 PM PDT

    Hello. I was wondering if there is any possibility of a live web app that updates in real time (or close to less than or equal to 1 second updates). I need the updates to be based off an entry being added into a specific table on my database. My backend is not having any problems.... By using a terminal window I have a script that runs and updates my database with the new information needed in real time and I'm pretty sure it uses sockets..... It was using nodes.js and I'm pretty sure it uses websockets for the updates to be in real time. I spent some time trying to use reactPHP but I do not think this is a good method since it keeps the webpages hanging and I ultimately could not get this to work. I was using timers in reactphp which really isn't in real time as I need it to be. The reason why I am attempting this in PHP is that I am terrible in other programming languages and I typically can get whatever I need done in PHP whether or not it is pretty lol... . So my question is does anyone know if this is possible in PHP and I am overlooking it OR should I go with my gut and switch this all to javascript/node.js? I feel like the javascript/node.js is probably the more reasonable way to handle this but I am not sure where to start or if it is even possible to handle this situation using that language either. If anyone knows any language that can update code based off the database and essentially continuously run I am willing to adapt that to my website. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Whavesz
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    Best framework for GUI desktop applications?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 09:09 AM PDT

    I'm looking to create an cross-platfrom agenda (I'll use it mainly in Unix / Windows, but I would like to get it working on Mac).

    I've searched about GUI frameworks and the ones that ringed my bell were Qt (C++) and JavaFX so I was thinking which one would be better (better performance, stability...).

    I'm open to any other frameworks as far as they are used in C++, Java or Python.

    Thank you and sorry for my bad english.

    submitted by /u/bysiffty
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    Processing multiple inputs in Python

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 12:33 PM PDT

    Let's say I want to have an 'echo' command where the user would type 'echo <string>' and the string would then be printed. How could I process both inputs at once rather than having the user enter the string separately?

    submitted by /u/sionous48
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    I'm doing some Pluralsight courses, should I upload the exercises code to GitHub?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 09:48 AM PDT

    Hi there. First of all, let me apologize if this is not the proper sub-reddit to ask this. I'm really not sure where else to ask.

    I'm doing some Pluralsight courses (Python, C#, and React for now). Should I upload the exercises code to my GitHub account? Would that be beneficial in any way (other than using git)?

    If so, how do you suggest to sort the folders? One per course?

    Any advice or suggestions you may have will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    EDIT: I just learned is against their ToS, so no point in asking this anymore. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/xour
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    What's the difference between microservices and (any other kind of) services ?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 02:46 AM PDT

    Help me understand this Binary code!! I'm begging you!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 02:53 PM PDT

    ***I just want to note! its not homework. i'm just learning for the sake of learning. i haven't started any classes yet. i'm a CE major. the way this guy converts digit to binary is so strange. The comments you see are my attempt at trying to understand what the absolute hell this code does. I use the divide by two method. Is this some type algorithm or something. (・_・ヾ

    public class Binary{

    public static void main(String args[]){

    //parse the first argument, I understand what this does

    //understand whatever integer value is entered

    int n=Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

    int power=1;

    //I understand binary is base 2,

    //is this a divide by 2 method?

    //what the hell does this do? Does this perform some kind of divide by two method first?



    //computes powers all the way half that of the indicated value



    //keep process going until power is no longer greater than zero



    //don't fully understand this








    //once we find a remainder i assume you subtract the current power from the indicated number. why?



    //divide current power by two



    //prints new line




    ***I typically use the divide by two method. I repeat the comments above is my skewed understanding of the code. The code I use below allocates memory for 1000 digits. This method that i use is honestly trash. Ignore this. I want to understand how the guy above does it.

    public class BinaryConversion{

    static void convert(int n)


    int binaryNum[]=new int[1000];

    int i=0;







    //matrix purposs to start with i-1

    for(int j=i-1; j>=0; j--)



    public static void main(String args[]){

    Scanner scan=new Scanner(System.in);

    int a;





    submitted by /u/kirby2t5
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    Interviewing candidates - question styles?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 01:36 PM PDT


    So, basically, we recently opened up a handful of positions and are working on filling them [1]. Our current approach to the actual interview is based on knowledge questions ("what is X?", "how would you do X in Y"), but honestly I don't like it as they mostly do not lead to further discussion.

    Today I thought of a different approach: apart from the basic knowledge questions I think it would make sense to ask question that ... idk how to formulate this ... basically ask for informed opinions on subjects. For instance if the person has both MongoDB and a relational DB on their CV, ask them about the differences and when to use one or the other. Or maybe how users would solve a problem in a given scenario (not sure about that one yet, as it requires some prep time I would think)

    So, questions:

    1. would you prefer getting questions like that compared to "direct" knowledge questions?
    2. Are there any other good types of questions that we could ask?
    3. What's your thought on asking candidates for projects on github, etc?


    [1] Due to current company processes (working on getting that changed) we don't have the applicants coding exercises right now that we could discuss (basically these are done in some tool, and getting anything out of there is a huuuuge pain... either way)

    submitted by /u/YMK1234
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    What languages to learn to best create a program to do the following:

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 12:11 PM PDT


    I need to create a program with a simple GUI that does the following:


    I just need to know which languages to learn, as right now I'm learning javascript, and I'm pretty sure that wont be enough, or the correct path at all. My company is going to pay for me to take classes on whatever I need to learn.

    Would it need to be a combination of python and javascript/html/css?

    Would just Java be better? Only Python?

    i asked before without mentioning the need to copy and paste folders on the pc, and was advised javascript/html/css + a chrome extension, but after mentioning the need to manioulate files on the harddrive as well, and the desire for a GUI executable program for the user to run, is the javascript/html/css solution still applicable?

    Please advise.

    submitted by /u/CluelessBurner89
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    Mentor For Hackathon

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 11:42 AM PDT

    Sorry for bad English.

    I'm a undergrad student currently in 3rd year. I know Web Development but never participated in any hackathon. I want to change that but have no idea what to do.I'm fine with doing all the coding ,I just need someone to guide me through it.Can Anyone Help.

    submitted by /u/thuglife666
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    Which one?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 07:07 AM PDT

    Hi everyone

    I am fairly new to the programming world, and I want to create an app for iOS devices (only iPhones) and Android devices. And most likely afterwards creating a website for the app. But as I am fairly new to programming, I don't which programming language I should start with. Which programming language should I learn in order to develop my app? I have a PC (Windows 10) and a MacBook Pro (MacOS), so I can program on two different operatings systems, if it is needed.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/CuriosMinds
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    Node JS - loading random gifs or images from subreddit

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 10:03 AM PDT

    How can I load random gifs or images from specific subreddit in node js?

    I am writing Discord Bot and I would like to force my bot to pick every 30min - 1hour some pic and send it to my channel.

    submitted by /u/Shumaly
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    How important is OOP in scripting/data analytics/numerical programming?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 07:34 AM PDT

    I am not planning to be a software engineer. Will never, ever be creating websites or mobile apps or GUI applications or anything like that.

    I use programming languages for analytic and numerical purposes only. Manipulate data... analyze data via statistical models ... implement numerical algorithms ... run simulation procedures ... all that sort of purely quantitative, numerical stuff.

    With that in mind, do I need to learn OOP? Whenever I try to learn it, I am told that it is good to structure code when you have hundreds of thousands of lines of code.

    But obviously when you analyzing select pieces of data, your code is never going to be that big. At worst, maybe a thousand lines of code, or something, but usually just in the hundreds.

    So, question is: is OOP useful for data science?

    submitted by /u/Akagi54
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    How would a Class Diagram and Data Model look for a service like Uber?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 06:52 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I am trying to recreate something like Uber or Lyft, in the sense that it has two main types of users that interact as the main experience (in this case, the rider and the driver).

    I am pretty stumped on the class hierarchy of everything and the overall database structure though. For example: Is a rider and a driver both inherited from a abstract 'User' class? Things like that

    I know that someplace like Uber probably keeps this pretty much to themselves, but that same type of customer-to-agent model is not unique. Is there any kind of public information that could guide me with how to design around making recreating a service like this?

    Also, is there a name for this type of client-provider business structure (or rider-driver, whatever it is)? Hardest part about this I think for me is that I can't really research this without a name. Closest I can think of would be like "SaaS app class diagram" but obviously that is way too generic.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Neighbor_
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    What language is typically used in the programming of aircraft weapons and their parent systems aboard the aircraft?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 01:01 AM PDT

    I've been reading a bit about the Joint Strike Fighter (F-35 Lightning) and all the software issues and upgrades they've been doing, and I was wondering if anyone could ELI5 what software is actually loaded into the jet and the weapons.

    submitted by /u/Blinkexists
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    What is the best book on databases and MySQL to learn it quickly?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 12:29 AM PDT

    Even if it is a book aimed at kids, what is the best book on databases and MySQL to learn it quickly?

    submitted by /u/Finchlo
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    Do you think Blockchain is unncessary overkill for apps?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 05:23 AM PDT

    Ive been questioning the need for decentralized verification in apps.

    It doesnt seem like a customer cares if Facebook approves and stores data or if 7 people need to write data to a ledger. The customer doesnt benefit and actually has a slower and more expensive service.

    ETH's founder Vitalik has asked why no one is using dApps. I dont think it has to do with adoption, I think its overkill.

    Looking to hear ideas if blockchain will be used outside currency, voting, and timestamps.

    submitted by /u/ProgrammingYerJerbs
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