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    Sunday, June 3, 2018

    Advice for programmers looking for their first IT jobs from a tech interviewer learn programming

    Advice for programmers looking for their first IT jobs from a tech interviewer learn programming

    Advice for programmers looking for their first IT jobs from a tech interviewer

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 02:17 PM PDT

    I've decided to write this piece of advice for people new to the IT world or those that want to make their way in after noticing a pattern that emerged during the interviews I've held.

    This might be quite controversial, but I don't mind downvotes if this post manages to help at least one person get their goals right. Also, English is not my native language, so I might have made a few mistakes here and there.

    So - during the interviews, the most common causes for rejection were:
    - not knowing their programming language well

    - getting into frameworks before learning basic stuff well

    - not knowing how your tools like git work

    - not being cool about not knowing something

    I'm going to break this down into sections by the cause.

    Not knowing your programming language well

    You see, most people do fine when you ask them to write a simple class or something that passes a given set of unit tests - at the point of applying for IT positions, it's kind of expected. The problem is, programmers often stop learning about their language after going through an initial set of tutorials and the only time they actually learn something new, is when they stumble upon a serious bug that is not obvious from the first look.

    Knowing how your language approaches some built-in data structures, how it handles OOP (is it classical OOP or prototype-based one? What are the advantages and disadvantages?) etc. makes you write more efficient code and allows you to fear writing not-so-common code with less fear. We've all had to do some dirty hacks, but you better know how they work, or you are in for hell of a ride there.

    How is this important from a tech interviewer's point of view? It lets them see that you know your shit and you will be at least a bit independent/self-reliant in your work and that others will be able to rely on you as well.

    Getting into frameworks before learning basic stuff well

    We all know that frameworks are awesome. Tons of out-of-the-box tools that you'd otherwise spend weeks working on, just to implement stuff that's considered basic nowadays. The important thing about frameworks that's often overlooked by beginners is that they are based on some design patterns which is the primary reason why they are easily extensible and usable.

    We've all been tempted to jump into a new language and after a few hours, try out some most popular frameworks just to get a feel of how all this works and to skip all the grunt work and get some results finally - this is the easy way. Not knowing how your tools are built will make it way harder to learn them and to maybe extend them with some kind of custom module later. It will slow you down, make your debugging sessions harder and make them occur more often.

    This is often checked during tech interviews - do you know how, why and when to use frameworks or do you just know how to use them to write code for the most common problems? Knowing this will make you a more confident and mature programmer - you will be able to develop larger applications that you and your colleagues won't hate working on in a few months.

    Not knowing how tools like git work

    This is a bit of a continuation of the previous point. It doesn't just apply to frameworks - it also applies to basic tools that you use. Do you know how your database of choice works and how it is built? Do you know how git stores your commits and what happens to the graph when you run some commands?

    Tools are often seen as some kind of magical boxes that accept commands (or provide a shiny GUI that runs them for us) and spew out results that we more or less expect. Knowing what's inside the box lets you be more confident with your interactions with the given tool. No more being scared when you have to do a few complex merges or rebases - you will know how to safely revert your actions without running for help.

    Not being cool about not knowing something

    Well, let's admit it - we'll all encounter a situation that we won't know how to go about. Some people stop dead in their tracks and are unable to go any further, some will attempt to hide the fact that they don't know what's happening and some will tell their colleagues that they don't know what to do after some time of troubleshooting and ask for help.

    Obviously, it's best to admit your shortcomings and work in a group to resolve them and learn in the process. Of course, not before trying to tackle the problem on your own. Lots of intern developers I've encountered tended to ask questions each few minutes, because they didn't know something. In my experience, those who achieved the best results tried to tackle the problem on their own for some time and when they noticed that they just couldn't go any further, they asked for help and they weren't shy about it.

    It's not only about programming problems - handling any kind of problems the right way is a very important skill in all organisations. People won't have the time to ask you how you are doing every 30 minutes - it's up to you to decide when you can't handle something on your own and when to escalate the problem higher - just don't try to be a superhero all the time, because programming projects are most often group work.


    During the interviews I've held, people who avoided the problems listed above usually had a blast and it felt more like a regular kitchen conversation than a job interview. Of course, you aren't going to be the best programmer ever from the get go - it's a process, but it's up to you to keep the order of your development and your goals right.

    Let me know what you think about this - maybe you have a different opinion on this topic and I'll learn something from you as well. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/macbem
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    Finally made my first program that I'm pretty proud of! :)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 05:22 PM PDT

    It's nothing too complex, but I made it completely from scratch and I started learning python/programming about 3 days ago.

    It basically just asks for input, and then spits out an individualized response based on the input you gave it.

    I thought it would be easy, and it even sounds kind of dumb and easy to make, but it actually gave me quite a bit off error and trouble.

    Finally made it fully functioning, and after I finally got it right the feeling was so great. I finally understand why you guys enjoy this kind of thing.

    submitted by /u/science_2
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    Are all web frameworks more or less the same?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:07 PM PDT

    Are most of the mainstream web(server-side) frameworks more or less the same with an MVC architecture, template engine that renders HTML with dynamic data, ORM and migration for Database, router that maps url patterns to controllers? I'm know they're not identical, but where are the meaningful differences? (I mean aside from syntax and language typing system)

    I've only used PHP, Rails and Node extensively, PHP and Rails are not that different provided that you use a PHP framework. By "not that different" I mean if you're very good at a PHP framework, you can transfer that skillset to Rails and get up to speed very quick. Node though is very different, you would have to relearn a lot of things.

    What you guys think about the differences between Rails vs Django vs ASP.NET MVC, and some of those more popular Java-based frameworks. (Let's not focus on syntax, I know that can be very different)

    submitted by /u/letstryusingreddit
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    Bootcamp graduates: what did you do for housing?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 09:06 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    This sub is fabulous! Seriously, thank you guys so much. I lurk here and learn a lot, and ask you guys a shit ton of questions and get useful answers. One day I'll pay it forward... In the mean time I'd like to know how you went about getting housing while doing a bootcamp in a major city. Epicodus in Portland is my top pick, and its FAQ page says I should look into University housing apartments. But how did you do it? Did you find mates on craigslists? Any recommendations would be appreciated.

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/bikesarebomb
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    do SICP in guile

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 06:30 PM PDT

    Making a text-based game. How many lines of code should I have by now?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 07:58 PM PDT

    Right now I'm making a text-based adventure game in python and I feel that I have too many lines of code for the little amount of content I have. Currently, I have 134 lines of code but I'm barely into the game. Since I'm fairly new to programming I'm not sure if my code is too inefficient and if I should just simplify what I have or if this is completely normal. Is this too many lines of code and if so do I try simplifying it after I'm done. Also for anyone who has made a text-based game how many lines of code was the finished project?

    submitted by /u/iOwnUranus
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    Lack of motivation

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 09:28 PM PDT

    So I graduated a couple weeks ago with my AAS in Software Development. I also landed a contracting job but am awaiting my first project. I took a couple weeks off after graduating because I was starting to burn out in the last semester and had a lot of issues with one of my professors, and now I'm having a lot of trouble getting back into it.

    I try and think of project ideas but just dread it. I'm tired of making sites that don't bring me anything but portfolio experience. I want to work on something that's going to yield results in the long run, or maybe try a new technology, but I keep thinking I'm wasting my time if I learn something like C++ when my job is using HMTL, CSS, and JavaScript.

    How do you break this hump? My last semester was just painful and really ruined my enjoyment of programming. My job is amazing and I attended a 1 week training of the tools they use, but it's really old tech and the new tools and frameworks out there won't help me. I guess I'm just really burnt out and can't even trick myself into trying the pomodoro technique to get some work. No projects excite me anymore. It was a lot easier when my goal was to get a job - I was hungry for that success and now that I've done it, I'm just like "okay now what" as I'm waiting in anticipation of my first project.

    submitted by /u/ven0m1x
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    I wish DRY principle didn't exist for HTML and CSS

    Posted: 03 Jun 2018 12:15 AM PDT

    Everything I try to do with React becomes very difficult because of DRY.

    My current time spent making a react project.

    1. X amount of time spent writing REST api with express, postgresql database, with authentication and testing.

    2. 0.1X amount of time spent doing basic design so I know how to prepare for mobile, what should be component etc.

    3. 10x amount of time spent writting DUMB react, which handle only how they look and input handling

    4. 1x amount of time writting redux connections

    submitted by /u/lkjfsdf09sdf
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    MinGW executable has fundamental problem with Windows 10

    Posted: 03 Jun 2018 12:11 AM PDT

    I compiled dll module with MinGW. and it failed with dependencies. like api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-2-0.dll.

    I think this is because Microsoft changed common libraries for Windows 10 and MinGW modules are compiled with older version of Windows environment.

    Should I rebuild MinGW with Windows 10 myself or wait til they do?

    submitted by /u/whalewomen
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    [C++] My final is on Monday, can I get some personalized challenges?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2018 12:05 AM PDT

    Hey guys! I am sorry if there have already been a million posts asking for challenges here, but I have searched and searched here and there and I am having trouble finding good c++ challenges that strictly focus on the topics I have learned this semester. I am hoping maybe you guys can give me your own challenge ideas with the following topics included? The top most topics are the topics we learned most recently. I appreciate your time, hopefully I haven't broken any rules!!


    Arrays [1D]

    Functions (mostly voids, using copy and reference parameters)


    file handling

    error checking

    loops (while,do while, for)

    if and switch

    arithmetic operations

    basic input and output

    submitted by /u/Plaguefaced
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    Speech Recognition,problem with Event Listener

    Posted: 03 Jun 2018 12:02 AM PDT

    When i use speech recognition i tells that recognition( is const = new SpeechRecongnition).addEventListener is not a function,and dont get why?Any help, code below.



    submitted by /u/Ssjkr7
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    I made a my homepage with a video background. How can I make display still images on mobile/tablet size screens?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 01:10 PM PDT

    I've read around that video is not optimal for mobile/tablet screens since it consumes a lot of bandwidth. That being said, how can I modify a page to make it display a still image for smaller screens instead of video?

    submitted by /u/NotARestaurantLackey
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    Is BASIC Programming Dead?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 11:37 PM PDT

    Hello Guys since i am starting to learn BASIC because i purchased basic8(a fantasy console that uses basic) but the problem is i dont see much as tutorials and all ive see is C, Phython, Javascript. So is BASIC dead years ago? Should i stop learning it and learn another programming language instead? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Nastynoob3
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    Possible to track how Googlebot crawls your webpage?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 11:22 PM PDT

    Really all you see is the GET request in APACHE with 'googlebot' listed as the source.

    So my assumption is, Google gets your page, and then does backend work to sort out what the page is, and where it should be indexed.

    But is there anyway to track the actions a googlebot takes on your page?

    Maybe say when h1 loads, send a counter to a database?

    submitted by /u/myheadhearst
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    Top 10 best Java Books 2018 to learn programming .

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 11:22 PM PDT

    wanted share something with those who want to get started programming

    Do you want to learn Java the easiest way ?

    Well , i must tell you something — reading java books is one of the most effective ways to learn a programming language such as java .For the past two years i have been doing computer science , I have read a number of Java books to become a great programmer i am today .

    The books am going to share with you in this article are among the best java books any professional programmer could recommend for you . This list includes a number of popular java books such as Head first java and other java reference books .

    As we shall see ,most of these books will help you learn java form scratch to an admirable level (from beginner to advanced ) . You don't need to read all these books to learn Java but if you're some nerd like me and you have time , then this is a nice list to follow .

    I have also share a detailed list of this article on http://ugtechmag.com/best-java-books/

    1.Java: The Complete Reference 2 Head First Java 3 Java 8 in Action 4 Java: A Beginner's Guide 5 Groovy in Action, Second Edition 6 Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies 7 Core Java Volume I – Fundamentals 8 Java in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself (Covering Java 9) (8th Edition) 9 Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer 10 Learn Java in One Day and Learn It Well (Learn Coding Fast)

    let me know what you think ?

    submitted by /u/tumusiimemartin
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    How to test my website on a windows system?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 11:03 PM PDT

    I have a django/python website which i'm building on my mac system. However I want to see how it looks on a windows browser. How can I do this?

    submitted by /u/ItsComingHomeLads
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    self analysis program / app? just food for thought

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:48 PM PDT

    Well, this is gonna be really broad as its just a thought that crossed my mind while watching a video on netflix today.

    As we all know netflix and other services can more or less "predict" and "suggest" what you may like to watch or do depending on your behavioural patterns and history, I was wondering if at all its even possible to make an app that would study ME for X number of days and then try to predict what would I do in a certain situation.

    Assuming its been studying me for a month now. 1. On any particular night, whats my probability to drink whiskey/ vodka. Can it predict that? 2. Whats my probability to walk or get a cab in any particular situation.

    is it even possible given we feed it enough of data? Since obviously I don't have that kind of data of myself, is it possible to feed it the run-time / live? data for next couple of months.

    submitted by /u/npslelelelele
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    Adding Wrinkles using OpenCV

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 01:00 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    So I am currently being hit with a task that is causing me a bit of trouble.

    I need to be able to add wrinkles to a face. There appears to be a lot of documentation and websites involving the opposite, removing wrinkles.

    When I mean add wrinkles to a face, the app AgingBooth on the iOS App Store is a perfect example.

    Does anyone have any leads or insight onto how this can be done?

    My original approach was to use EmguCV but since it was a wrapper I found it limited in certain aspects, which resulted in me going directly to C++ using OpenCV.

    I guess I don't have a main question, but any help regarding the topic will be very much appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/TACBGames
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    Does it help me if i study well in my Uni?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:21 PM PDT

    Hello reddit this is the first time I'm reaching out on Reddit. I want to ask if it really helps if we study well in Uni, like will it make the chances of us securing a job better? I'm in computer science.

    submitted by /u/HydrosFear
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    [python] How to make this function stop outputting none?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 09:43 PM PDT

    def stars(n): newList = [] i = n-2 for x in range (1, n+1): print((x*'*')) newList.append(x) if x == n: newList.pop() for item in newList: print(newList[i]*'*') i -= 1 print(stars(3)) 

    I made the whole thing without it being in a function, so once I indented it all and put it inside a function, it started outputted none. Everything above that is good, but how do I make it stop doing that?

    submitted by /u/Wheresmyaccount1121
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    Need Ideas-- TV Programs for People Interested in Tech/Coding

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 08:59 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. I need some help.

    My company is in the midst of starting a new TV network called Framework. The tag line is "Technically Speaking".

    Since some of the people who read this reddit may be in our target audience, I wanted to ask a few questions to get a better idea of some of what we should be producing. (I am a 44 year old developer with a background in television whose been in startups for a while...)

    A little background information for context, and then my questions


    We are a successful online education company now launching a television based video-on-demand content network aimed at teaching people coding skills. The company, which has enrolled over a million people in online courses over it's eight year history is looking towards reaching a broader market.

    The job market for web and mobile developers, digital designers, and software engineers is growing faster than any other job category. The new Framework Network will produce daily programming that teaches in-demand coding skills while entertaining the viewer.

    Three New Shows Each Day Beginning August 1, 2018, the company will release three new shows on the Framework Network each day. The shows will include: Framework, the network flagship program which will teach general coding skills, Grid: Digital, which will focus on digital design and software such as Photoshop, and Build, in which hosts will demonstrate web and mobile based projects that the viewers can code along with the hosts. In January 2019 we'll launch three additional shows-- Places, focusing on the places developers and digital creatives work (Think 'Cribs' for nerds), Stakeholder, focusing on day-in-the-life profiles of techies, and ByteArray, a Game Development show.

    Hosts of Framework Network programs are all experience developers and teachers. Many have authored formal courses in the past and all have experience working directly with people learning software development skills.


    1) Would you subscribe to a daily video show that taught coding skills, discussed new technologies and libraries while remaining generally entertaining?

    2) If the material were interesting, how long might you watch at sitting? Would you do so regularly?

    3) What topics would be important to you to see covered?

    4) Can you think of anything that would turn you off and make you unlikely to watch?

    5) Do you have any ideas I should consider?

    6) Talk me out of doing this-- I'll be investing over $250,000 of my own money, so, how might this not work....

    I can't thank you enough for taking the time to read this and help. I appreciate your time more than you know.

    submitted by /u/mlassoff
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    What is the best website to practice programming and algorithmic thinking?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 12:37 PM PDT

    I am a beginner-intermediate in python and beginner in java. Any recommended websites?

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    [python] for this online course from edX, am I supposed to plug these programs into my IDE and just tell it the output? Or am I supposed to work through the program in my brain to really learn to understand the program I'm reading?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 08:35 PM PDT

    ASAP HELP! Matrix reduced row echelon solver, can't see what I am doing wrong.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 08:26 PM PDT

    So I'm trying to program a matrix reduced row echelon solver, but have a mistake or mistakes somewhere, but can't figure out how to fix it.


    Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Keeto_
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