• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 24, 2018

    [Showoff Saturday] I created my school's IT Club's website! This is my first big webD project, I hope you like it! web developers

    [Showoff Saturday] I created my school's IT Club's website! This is my first big webD project, I hope you like it! web developers

    [Showoff Saturday] I created my school's IT Club's website! This is my first big webD project, I hope you like it!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 07:42 AM PDT

    Hey guys! First of all I'd like to say that this sub is amazing, and I have learnt so much from its posts and comments, much of which I've put to use into this website.

    I'm an 11th grader and part of my school's IT club, ProjectBeta. I was given the responsibility to make its website.

    The code: https://github.com/plibither8/projectbeta.tech_main

    The website: https://projectbeta.tech

    Hope you guys like it, I would love to get suggestions too!

    submitted by /u/MihirChaturvedi
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    [Showoff Saturday] Latest version of my portfolio

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 02:30 AM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    So I've finished rewriting my portfolio from jQuery to vanilla ES6 and looking for opinions or issues - will be glad if you could take a look and write something about it :) Anything regarding UX/UI, design or functionality will be appreciated :)

    It is written using of course HTML, SCSS with Flexbox and vanilla JS, carousel/slider is Siema.js (really awesome), and PHPmailer for the contact form.

    More info in Readme on Github, alongside all of the source code: https://github.com/michalgrochowski/dobrywebdev-v2

    And here is the actual site: https://dobrywebdev.pl

    I hope you like it and if you don't, let me know why ;)

    submitted by /u/grchu
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    I got a mechanical engineering degree and hated my life. I switched to web development ~3 years ago and want to help others do the same.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 12:26 PM PDT

    First off, let me apologize if this is the wrong place to post. I'm not sure if there is a 'I changed careers after college' subreddit where you can give back.. besides posting to people in the comments.

    I've been in the development space for about 3 years now. When I first graduated college with a mechanical engineering degree I started working in a very corporate america company. Suit / Tie, Shared cubicles, only one ear phone allowed in at a time. No sick days given. You had to use vacation. At the end of the day you were just employee number 3015. Badge in. Badge out. It was awful. It was literally living for the weekend.

    I'm now working as a team lead for a company. I've worked remote, freelance, part time, full time. With a mix of those as well.

    I have a small but growing youtube channel where I talk about my experiences in more depth. Prepareforcringe. I also wrote this post a while back. In hindsight I should have branched out to a more web development related subreddits.

    I know what it's like to drink from a fire hose and when you feel like you have no idea what you're doing and want to quit; been there, done that - pushed through. I knew nothing about web development prior to undertaking this as my life goal. I have been declined from countless jobs, and bombed plenty of interviews. If I can do this, so can you guys.

    I'm happy to answer any questions if anyone out there needs some advice on how to start / push through / land a job.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Tychos1
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    Excellent series on .NET Core 2.0 with Angular 4+ and MySQL. Both IIS and Linux deployment.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 04:07 AM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] Hackterms, the crowdsourced dictionary of coding terms, is nearing 1000 terms thanks to you! You can now request simple explanation, or define most requested terms.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 05:48 AM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] I built a site that ranks the best episodes of TV shows based on user ratings - powered by Node, MongoDB, and Angular Universal

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 07:31 AM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] Kung Fu Chess - chess without turns!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 01:10 PM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] I created a article aggregator for Hackers

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 03:00 PM PDT

    This is the first project that I took from concept all the way to deploying using Travis CI and hosting on a EC2 instance with AWS. I know it's not the fanciest thing but its a real site and dammit I am pretty proud of it. Give it a look and I want any input!

    site: http://take-a-break.davidjaimes.tech/

    code: https://github.com/DavidJaimesDesign/News-Agg-React

    submitted by /u/SkyLX
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    [Showoff Saturday] Finished my first ever real site

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 06:25 AM PDT

    I started learning a few months ago so my design skills are still pretty bad but I think the code is alright. I'm curious to see what other people think of it.

    Using React, CSS Grid.

    All the source code is here: https://github.com/SPDUK/tradingpost

    The site here: https://spduk.github.io/tradingpost/#/

    Still waiting to see if they want it hosted and where though.

    submitted by /u/SPD_
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    Structure sample for a react web app

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 12:17 AM PDT

    I'm building a react based web app, but not sure how to structure the files, is there any sample out there where the structure could scale easily?

    submitted by /u/gamerfreakish
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    What's the best free alternative to Photoshop?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 10:24 AM PDT

    I've been doing front-end web development as a hobby for a while so I started learning React, and it's making me realize how important it is to plan out a website ahead of time.

    What's your favorite free (or cheap) alternative to Photoshop in terms of web design?

    submitted by /u/hardward123
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    [Showoff Saturday] I made a website for cosplayers to submit and vote on costumes.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 09:55 AM PDT

    I've basically used this project as a way to get my feet wet in the world of web dev. I started it out by doing everything from scratch with PHP, CSS, and HTML but have just recently converted it to a laravel application.

    Link: http://www.coslay.co

    submitted by /u/mrkowala
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    [Showoff Saturday] I created a simple CSS library to create skeleton screens.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 11:42 AM PDT

    Browser support should be everything that supports CSS animations and gradients.

    Github Link: https://github.com/Itrulia/nova-skeletons

    If you have any feedback, questions or whatever lemme know ;)

    submitted by /u/code_in_the_wind
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    [Showoff Saturday] Request for portfolio feedback

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 11:37 AM PDT

    I'm currently looking for work as a junior frontend developer and wanted to request feedback on my portfolio and projects to help stand out as a candidate.

    I was also curious if hiring managers looking at junior devs prefer to see more projects using different tools to show a greater range of knowledge or more features implemented in a few projects to show a greater depth of knowledge in specific areas.

    Thank you!

    URL: https://chrisperk.github.io

    submitted by /u/danielknugs
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    [Showoff Saturday] - My Most Recent Project Launched This Tuesday

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 10:53 AM PDT

    I just published a react app with node backend (5 minute hosting on heroku - no configuration needed )

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 09:15 AM PDT

    I just published A simple React App With Node Backend. This can be easily hosted on Heroku. No configuration needed.

    I was fedup configuring React app with a Node backend . I went through Stephen Grider's Course. It covers the configuration. And then I found out a boilerplate. But I thought it was too much (different structure as I followed on the course).

    So I created a simple app inspired by Stephen Grider's course. I think if you're new to React and Node and if you need a 0 configuration boilerpate to host an app, this will be suitable.

    Check it out https://github.com/pankaja92/create-react-app-node. You're welcome to clone it and try it out.

    P.S : I think I don't violate any rules as I created this by following some tutorials and minimizing the complexity of existing boilerplate. If I do violate any, please let me know. Thanks.

    You're welcome to look at it and give critics :) ( I'm bit new to React )

    submitted by /u/sp3co92
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    Estimate price for a project

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 07:32 AM PDT

    Recently a client aproached me with the following idea. An app that connects pacients and doctors. Sort of a netflix for someone who is looking for a specific doctor.

    The project involves a web app, a ionic app, a node Api, postgree database and i will probably use some simple infrastructure like digital ocean. I have never built something this complex and im thinking about the price. As a beginner i will probably charge a average price, somethink like 8k.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/fenrir29
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    [Showoff Saturday] Meet bastions, an easy-to-use regression testing platform for online sales forms. CRM integrations included. Would love your feedback!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 06:18 AM PDT

    Smooth page transitions in wordpress

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 03:42 PM PDT

    Can anyone recommend a library or WordPress plugin for smooth transitions between pages.

    I'm building a site for a magazine, and would like to include sliding or page turning transitions between different URLs.

    submitted by /u/number3arm
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    Gallery Auto fit

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 08:06 AM PDT

    I'm currently trying to make a gallery, so far I've created an upload script which places images in a directory, and lists it's location in a database. I can retrieve the images for the gallery from here.

    So far the layout in using is a DIV containing the image and some text. I'm use max-width at 50% and float left so the images would fill up the page.

    However it leaves lots of blank areas where portrait and horizontal images meet. How should I go about sizing the images or anything else so that they sort of fit together on the page?

    submitted by /u/shengch
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    [Showoff Saturday] Fifth Aeon - A collectable card game built with web tech.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 03:30 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I would like to introduce a project I have been working on for about a year now. Its a collectable card game built using Angular and nodejs.

    You can play it at fifthaeon.com. It has been tested on Chrome and Firefox.

    Fifth Aeon is a collectable card game inspired by Eternal, MtG, Faeria and others. It currently contains ~130 cards with single player A.I, online multiplayer, constructed and limited modes. I am working on additional features like an editor to build custom cards and a roguelite mode.

    The game now has collections attached to user accounts. You can earn packs by winning games (1 pack per victory). If you just want to try out all the cards, you can also unlock them from the menu in the dev tab. The game is alpha right now so account resets might happen at any time.

    submitted by /u/AstralConjurer
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    [Showoff Saturday] My homepage, portfolio, and blog. I do a lot of App development, but I also like making websites.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 03:25 PM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] Ebook - Learn Sass in Under 2 Hours (Feedback Requested)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 11:29 AM PDT

    I'm writing a book for beginners to learn Sass from scratch.

    Why? Because the full Sass documentation is about 12,000 words. We're all busy, we don't have time to read that much.

    I decided to write a book so you can learn faster this amazing language.

    On top of it, I want you to learn the best practices while you learn the language. This way you are the best Sass developer you can be right from the start.

    I also plan to include the top 10 most asked questions and answers on StackOverflow about Sass so you're immediately above the crowd on the subject.

    As your time is precious, I shrank everything down to the smallest amount of words so you can learn as fast as possible.

    Finally, you get my contact (skype & email) in the book right from the start so I can help you live whenever you're stuck. I'm that dedicated to write the best book to learn Sass from scratch!

    If you're interested, please read my first chapters draft (20 min read) and give me your feedback. You can download it directly from this link: Brain Upgrade - Learn Sass In Under 2 Hours.pdf

    Thanks for your time and help.

    submitted by /u/jemo38
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    [Feedback] Please critique my portfolio website

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 06:22 AM PDT

    Hello. I'm a FrontEnd web developer. I recently finished my portfolio website. Here's the link https://intesers.github.io/. Any kind of feedback is appreciated. Thank You.

    submitted by /u/Inteser
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    Best Solution for hosting multiple wordpress sites?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 02:37 PM PDT

    I'm looking to host multiple wordpress sites for clients and I was wondering what the best/cheapest approach would be.

    Host a multiple wordpress insance on paid hosting(like justhost,gatorhost, godaddy, etc.). This would potentially save me time because I don't have to manually route domains, setup email, etc. The downside of this is it would potentially cost more money.

    Host my own multiple wordpress instance that I host on AWS. I would have more control over my sites and it would be cheaper but it seems like it could be a ton of work to maintain.

    I hoping someone has done something similar before that can give me some advice on the best approach or other approaches that I haven't thought of. I am more inclined to pay more money to save me some headaches with hosting. The amount of websites I would be hosting is in the 20-30 range.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/garyscomics
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