New Podcast about learning to code learn programming |
- New Podcast about learning to code
- Leetcode practice - how long should you try before getting a hint?
- Learning basic html/css/js. How do I setup a basic simple project in VS Community 2015?
- [Algorithms] I need a little help solidifying my understanding of Big-O.
- Easy way to Switch between Laptop and Desktop?
- [Assembly] Evaluating a computers performance and execution time with clock rate, CPI, and instruction count data provided.
- How do you handle the slow/boring part of learning?
- What Python course/s will give me solid knowledge?
- Airforce Computer Systems Programming specialists better than going to college?
- [Data Mining] Computing confidence in a market basket analysis
- Suggestions on project ideas for final year (must be helpful in some way)
- Alert User When Their Input is Equal to the JSON Data [Javascript]
- Trying to learn fortran and want to build a website with it
- Which is a better HTML tutorial?
- Ideal ai curriculum
- c++ vectors, out of bounds
- [Python] Trying to download an image from a webpage using python 3.6 and urllib.request but am getting an error
- Should I do FreeCodeCamp if I want nothing to do with front end?
- [Don't upvote! Novice question]Need review on this path for Interview preparing
- Found this and thought of you guys. Broken code book where you can fix errors, unique or otherwise!
- mysql.createConnection({...})
- Java: Adding GUI components to containers
- Intermediate to Advaced Git Tutorial?
- I need some extra help with Pascal, please.
New Podcast about learning to code Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:47 AM PST I created a podcast discussing my journey on becoming a professional software developer. My hope was the things I've struggled with I could pass on so someone else could avoid them. iOS Podcast link: I hope someone finds value from it. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Leetcode practice - how long should you try before getting a hint? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:55 PM PST I'm starting leetcode from easys. To me, many of them are far from easy. For example, in the valid parentheses problem, I was struggling, so I got a hint to use a stack. Prior to this problem, I hadn't had practice using a stack. I think getting the hint helps me in the long run because I'll have more tricks in my toolbox. Also, I'm doing the maximum sum subarray problem. The quadratic, brute force solution is the obvious way to go, but I couldn't figure out the O(n) solution. It turns out there's Kadane's algorithm to solve this. There's also a divide and conquer solution, which I haven't tried. I don't think I could've figured this out on my own if I spent the whole day on it, leading me to my question: how long do you take before giving in? To me, this is a matter of being efficient with your time with respect to learning. I don't wanna give up too quickly and give myself a chance to think creatively. However, since I'm a beginner and am new to ds & algos, I wanna spend my time wisely. Leetcode is a learning opportunity for me, but if I spend hours on what turns out to be a shit solution and better strategies exist, I think it would be more beneficial to learn about the better strategies earlier. When I first started out, I spent hours on a complete shit solution for atoi() in C and hated myself when I found out the best solution takes way less code. How are you all approaching learning from these challenge websites? And the experienced people out there, any tips? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Learning basic html/css/js. How do I setup a basic simple project in VS Community 2015? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:45 PM PST I was playing around with Webflow because it's nice to be able to easily see things right there as I change them and I can use the nice little interface at least for a basic design. My dev friend said I should just Visual Studio as it's can do all the same things but I can write code right there too, etc. So I already had it installed from a while back and I'm having the same problem I had last time - I just want to start a simple, basic website project and there's SO many options and absolutely nothing is intuitive or obvious. Am I missing something obvious here? When I click "New Project", I don't see anything that equates to "Plain Ol' Website". And which .Net framework am I supposed to pick? I don't care about doing any back end stuff right now, or any frameworks or anything else. All I want is to practice some of the completely vanilla html/css/js that I'm learning, and to have whatever helpful drag and drop nice UI stuff my friend was talking about for more easily laying out basic designs and such. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
[Algorithms] I need a little help solidifying my understanding of Big-O. Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:21 PM PST I'm taking a class involving data structures and algorithms and I'm having a little trouble with Big-O. I understand why you have to remove constants and why you ignore the lower powers. My prof showed us simple graphs (n, n2 , n3 , log(n), etc.) and explained how certain function are drastically worse/slower than others -I get that. The part I'm confused about is what T(n) actually means. I know we are trying to get it to big-O. Is T(n) the function we're given early on before we strip out constants and lower powers? Also, I'm assuming the stuff my prof was doing was related to the official mathematical definition but he was multiplying the function by a constant and was trying to make graph 1 lower than the other graph (by finding the right constant). He explained this extremely quickly, and it confused me. I mean, trying to manipulate functions to alter the graph is basic algebra stuff... I'm confused how it relates to algorithms and computer science. I've been trying to find videos and I feel like they're either too basic or it ends up going way over my head. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Easy way to Switch between Laptop and Desktop? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 05:52 AM PST I'm a student that has a lot of programming assignments which I commonly switch between using my laptop and desktop to code. The two main IDE's that I use are IntelliJ and Visual Studio. I'm thinking something like google docs that makes it easy to keep your work in the cloud and just "sign in" to pick up where you left off. Right now, I'm having to just send my self the .java files for example and open them whenever I get on my laptop which is inefficient and slightly annoying. Does anyone have any solutions? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:45 PM PST Just began a course in assembly have two quick questions I want to make sure I am doing correctly. Computer I has a clock rate of 3.0 Ghz and II is 2.7 Ghz This is our table of data provided (IC = Instruction Count):
Questions 1) Evaluate X and Y based on average CPI For this I added up the IC for both wit X = 18 and Y = 18, and then did (IC x CPI) and got X = 54 and Y = 26. And now to evaluate I take (IC x CPI) / (IC) for both, resulting in: X = 3 Y = 1.4 If I could just confirm this is the correct way of solving that would be great. 2) Which is faster on total execution time? For this problem I am believe I am able to calculate execution time by getting (Clock Cycles) / (Clock Rate). I know my clock rates will be 3 x 109 and 2.7 x 109, but I am unsure of how to get the number for clock cycles based off the data I have. Could I get some assistance in determining clock cycles? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
How do you handle the slow/boring part of learning? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:05 AM PST I'm doing the Odin Project and it was so fun learning JavaScript and building simple stuff like a calculator and clock. Then we hit the Ruby section and all this stuff with algorithms and OOP and code efficiency. It just makes my head hurt that I have to learn so much theory without seeing the results. How do I see the light at the end of the tunnel? I used to cram 12 hour days into this and now I just run off to play computer games. I think I spend more time reading the news and hopping on reddit randomly than the actual course now. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
What Python course/s will give me solid knowledge? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 07:17 AM PST I would like to work on projects. I have some basic knowledge but I would like to advance it. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Airforce Computer Systems Programming specialists better than going to college? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:48 PM PST Is joining the airforce for Computer Systems Programming specialists role a better path than going to a 4 year college? What type of job opportunities and pay will i expect with that field after being done with enlistment? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
[Data Mining] Computing confidence in a market basket analysis Posted: 06 Feb 2018 07:51 PM PST Hello, just trying to make sure I understand confidence correctly. If in your data, every bucket which has item Apple also contains item Banana, the confidence of Apple ==> Banana = 1.0, correct? And if in your data, half of the buckets which have items Apple and Banana also contain item Carrot, the confidence of {Apple, Banana} ==> Carrot is 0.5, correct? I'm only asking because I can't seem to replicate any of my classmate's calculations. I can easily verify in my data there is an instance of a certain item B always appearing alongside an item A, but nobody else seems to be calculating a 1.0 confidence rating. Thanks for any help. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Suggestions on project ideas for final year (must be helpful in some way) Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:24 PM PST Essentially I am having no luck thinking up an idea for my final year of high school's programming project. The problem is for me to be successful (this is a scholarship course meaning money / university scholarship offers are offered to the top performers) this project needs to be helpful to a group of people. There are very few specifications for this project
Some of my skills
I am leaning towards creating a website of some sort as it would be very easy to incorporate a database (say for storing user info etc) but would ideally like to not outright copy an existing idea (I'm assuming the marking panel is looking for original ideas.) Based on the skills I have and on the project specifications could I have some suggestions on what I could actually do for this project? It may be worth mentioning that I have basically the entire year to work on this. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Alert User When Their Input is Equal to the JSON Data [Javascript] Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:48 PM PST I have a website that tracks the price of bitcoin. I want to have a user input their desired price. Once bitcoin reaches their desired price I want to send an alert. How can I do this? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Trying to learn fortran and want to build a website with it Posted: 06 Feb 2018 06:57 PM PST Hello, I am a web developer with experience with using nosql, angular js, node.js, ruby on rails, all that other shit. But I have a grand scheme in mind—WHAT IF I COULD ADAPT FORTRAM TO RUN A BACK-END? Then even legacy programs could easily be connected to the interwebz! [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Which is a better HTML tutorial? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:34 PM PST IS the W3C or the Microsoft tutorial on edX better? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:30 PM PST Hey guys!I have almost a year off. I want to learn ai in the meantime. What would be the ideal curriculum for a beginner?Please give thorough answers. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:11 PM PST So, I have a file that I'm reading from which includes players ratings, year and catches all in a new line. For this, I made this struct: 67 2013 20 . . . Then, in main, I'm reading everything in one int vector: Then, I have this loop setup to store data in struct and then push it in the vector of structs But when i print it out here, it gives me out of bounds error for the vector: Anyone know what I am doing wrong and have any suggestions on I can fix this? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:59 PM PST There is a web address that I can access on my web browser and can access with python 2.7. I've had to move my script/project over to python 3.6(Anaconda) because of a module I needed. The web address should return an image and it does when I put it in chrome or run the python 2.7 scripts. But I get this error when I run it in Python 3.6. The web address is special because I have to pass it login details to get access but it worked fine with python 2.7. Thanks [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Should I do FreeCodeCamp if I want nothing to do with front end? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:16 AM PST I don't really want to work with web development, never wanted to. But I want a job, so web it is. However, I can't design. At all. FCC seems to be very thorough and as such, goes very deep into front end stuff. I just don't know if it's worth putting in the time. I'm also having trouble deciding on what to focus. Obviously I start with javascript and then what? Any suggestions? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
[Don't upvote! Novice question]Need review on this path for Interview preparing Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:59 PM PST I'm in such tight situation preparing for Interviews and need to get the job, have been sitting idle at home for last 6 months I've been following Net Ninja, Traversy Media on YouTube and creating few web apps but, here in India it seems recruiters will first check my problem solving skills which I lack somehow BTW I was trying to follow
Can anyone review and give feedback for this path if it would be helpful or not for the interview preparation. I've been sitting idle at home after graduation preparing and creating simple web apps and stuff but now I need to get the job. so someone want to join as in coding buddy please say or review this. Also I found this site,
[link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Found this and thought of you guys. Broken code book where you can fix errors, unique or otherwise! Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:29 PM PST How not to program in C++. Hope y'all like bug hunting :) [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:09 PM PST So I have a localhost mysql server running on port 3306 (which is the default I believe). So using the mysql nodejs library I would just do: and this should work correct? Or do I have to specify the port as well? How does it know i'm on port 3306 otherwise? One more question. Most companies would use a cloud based sql server. Is there a tutorial on how that works and how this mysql.createConnection would connect to it? A final question: The username I created as dbadmin on my server is the same as my reddit account but when I do select user() it returns root@localhost. Do I need to use root@localhost on the createconnection method? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Java: Adding GUI components to containers Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:04 PM PST I am trying to create a Rock Paper Scissors GUI game. I am using java.awt. The code for the game: My code is divided into three classes that is why I chose to put the link instead. I think it would be a little messy if I formated all three classes in here. My problem is that I don't understand why the text 'Mohamed' is not appearing on the Window. I thought it wasn't visible so I set gameLabelObj visible in the GameText constructor. Still things didn't change. Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
Intermediate to Advaced Git Tutorial? Posted: 06 Feb 2018 05:40 AM PST Hey, so I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for an advanced git tutorial? I know the basics like add, commit, push, checkout, rebase, and merge. But sometimes shit hits the fan and I have no clue what is going on. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||
I need some extra help with Pascal, please. Posted: 06 Feb 2018 07:45 PM PST I don't really understand pascal. My teacher kinda through us our 1st assignment and I'm totally drawing blanks here. My assignment is to write a basic program that displays the message "Hello World" and our own custom message. After that go back in and leave comments showing we know what each module is doing. Here is what it looks like so far... Can someone help me with this? [link] [comments] |
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