• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 3, 2018

    If you have watched so many git tutorials and simply can't get it try this one. learn programming

    If you have watched so many git tutorials and simply can't get it try this one. learn programming

    If you have watched so many git tutorials and simply can't get it try this one.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:12 AM PST

    I tried searching on the net and also reddit for best tutorials for learning github but was mostly redirected to the official docs or the udacity one which I coulnd't get the hang of . Until I found this by

    Derek Banas (while learning thru his java playlist). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r63f51ce84A&list=PLGLfVvz_LVvQHO1PfyscjIPkNJjgHsLyH

    Will hardly take your 2 hours. 4 videos and you will know everything it takes to know to get git. And what more he also has a cheat sheet for his tutorials which are kind of like class notes for brushing up if you need them. Example : http://www.newthinktank.com/2014/04/git-video-tutorial/

    Please do checkout :). And last but not the least here is one very important feature of github which I think is not really highlighted( watch it after you have learnt github).

    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4114095/how-to-revert-git-repository-to-a-previous-commit Thanks

    Woho! So many upvotes Git is an excellent thing which takes time to get around but once you are used to it there is no going back. Thank you so much for this. I hope this helps everyone who wants to git it :)

    submitted by /u/rogue_of_the_year
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    Lambda School - Review

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:48 PM PST

    Ok, to begin, I'm going to say this course is not worth it and I don't recommend it.

    First of all, they lied about certain things. If you got to their website, they're advertising a teacher that doesn't even work for them anymore, Karthik. He quit a few weeks in, so that claim of being taught by "elite" teachers was thrown out the door, imo, when he quit. He was their best teacher, so I can see why he's still on there. There weren't so many teachers when he quit either but only like 4(from what i remember).

    They were very unresponsive to students questions in the chat, sometimes not answering them at all. A student would post a question asking for help and no one would respond making me feel bad, honestly

    The learning It's not bad at all you can learn a lot, but still not worth it imo. You will NOT be able to retain most of what you learn, given that you have a WEEK to learn a topic, pretty much. You spend 10 hours per day, 5 days a week going over this stuff. It's a terrible experience.

    If you cannot make it through you're screwed. If you spend over a month there, but something happens where you cannot complete, you're stuck paying $30,000 for learning JavaScript. :o Think about that. They will charge you $30k for JavaScript. This means that, if in 4 years(the income share agreement lasts 5 years), you've been learning C and get a job programming in C, you will still have to pay them for that month of JavaScript knowledge, even though they had nothing to do with your new C job. This is the biggest flaw. Why not only charge if a student completes the course?! Also - it's not strictly just JavaScript, but essentially it is. You'll learn some data structures, html/css, and I think react. But basically just JavaScript.

    "You will receive code reviews!" Another claim that was a lie. They did NOT review code, as far as I'm aware. I searched months later, from old projects to see if they reviewed anyone's code, but no, they didn't.

    "All lectures are live, interactive" Lie. They got lazy and now just give people youtube links. Albeit they do meetup afterwards to discuss it.

    Also I noticed a lot of new students aren't even getting the help they need and basically floating through the course with their heads up their asses.

    There are so many online communities where you can participate in their entire program for free. Chingu cohorts, anyone? The only thing they have against that is "elite teachers", which is stupid, there are a lot of "elite teachers" online, for free, many of which would be happy to hop on video chat with you for free to help, so long as you know where to look.

    inb4 the lambdaschool cult invades this thread

    The CEO posted his last reddit thread in the Slack community and asked students to upvote it because he knew he was going to get BTFO here. Anyone that talks negatively, it seems, will be invaded.

    It seems the only people that have done good and got jobs are those that are already professional developers

    Just my honest review

    EDIT: I just noticed another thread https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/7twmhs/lambda_school_info/

    Thats not the thread i was talking about him posting to Slack. Seems he does that anymore when he comes here. I'm waiting for them all to come storming in this thread or downvote the hell out of it

    submitted by /u/SpecialistManner
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    Program Your Own 2D Game Engine with a Professional Indie Dev

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 02:47 PM PST

    Hey everyone! My name is Michael Hicks. I've been working as a full-time independent game developer for the last eight years. I put out a game called Pillar for PlayStation 4 and Steam that was played by over 320,000 players worldwide, and I'm about to launch a new game called The Path of Motus for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. I handle all programming, design, music and marketing for my games and my friend Goncalo Antunes creates the art.

    Last year I started a Youtube channel with the goal of giving back. I'm self-taught so I felt called to contribute to the ecosystem that helped me learn. I started with an Intro To C# Programming course aimed at beginners; the feedback was pretty encouraging so I just released a new series where we make an entire 2D game engine from scratch. We actually recreate the engine I'm using for my game The Path of Motus. At the end you can use the engine to create almost any 2D game you can imagine. Also, thanks to the power of FNA and MonoGame, it can run on a ton of sweet platforms! The code we write can easily run on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, Mac, Linux and more.

    You can start watching the videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wErD7ZIp_DtsTKoouVCxu81UQkI9VZL

    I'd say the skill level required for this is somewhat intermediate. If you're an absolute beginner or feel lost during the series, I'd recommend you start with my Intro To C# Programming series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wErD7ZIp_Ah6d4--3JWQZ_x5lwrBQZi It was designed to perfectly lead up to the engine videos.

    Finally, if you'd like to hear a non-technical talk about my story as a developer and how I taught myself programming, I made a video about that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p9LftUgi1s

    Thanks everyone, I hope the videos are useful and you learn a ton!

    submitted by /u/michaelarts
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    Can someone please help me with transparency in iTerm?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:43 PM PST

    I've been using terminal a lot more lately using Node.JS and Mongo. I do get frustrated with the lack of keyboard shortcuts, switching to specific tabs for example, and found that a lot of people recommend iTerm.

    I cannot for the life of me figure out the transparency settings, though. Can someone please enlighten me? I can't seem to find anything online and I don't understand how this isn't a more obvious thing.


    submitted by /u/ohphono
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    Suggestions on how to make APIs more scalable?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:11 AM PST

    I manage a thin api backend that is user facing and when a request is received it calls another set of apis to collate data before returning the response.

    I don't have hardware control but besides that what are industry standards to make an api backend scalable under this circumstances? e.g. queue up requests maybe but then some requests would be delayed then others, etc.

    submitted by /u/nummer31
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    Reminder for people buying courses on sites like udemy

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 12:28 PM PST

    They often place cookies after your first purchase and the nice $10 deal is suddenly $50 bucks.

    Before buying a course consider checking with a different browser or delete your cookies/incognito mode.

    normal account: https://i.imgur.com/YROQJdO.png

    in incognito: https://i.imgur.com/C4QLrkT.png

    submitted by /u/DatSuperbeast
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    How to Ask For Programming Help

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 02:29 PM PST

    Hi everyone. There are other "how to ask effective questions", but I wanted to write up a shorter article on this topic. I get a lot of emails and have seen patterns of questions that are hard to answer because they don't provide enough information. To help your helpers help you, follow these guidelines:


    StackOverflow has a good guide as well.

    And, of course, /r/learnprogramming has it's own FAQ and README. You can answer your own questions yourself much faster than waiting on others to reply to your posts!

    submitted by /u/AlSweigart
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    **[Testing]**Best practice to test functions which call other functions/dependent on other functions within the same class?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:25 PM PST

    I am wrote a rather complicated piece of code using a lot of dependencies (IMO :)). Becuase I was in a rush to get it out of the door, I took shortcuts, and am trying to clean it up. At that time, I also didnt know of TDD, so I am trying to write out the tests for the previous code base, before I write new code. Mean, while I read about TDD and writing unit-tests first in Code Complete 2 and decided that I should write out the tests for this spaghetti code before trying to write new code.


    I have been finding that to get to a point, where I can test a function, I have to run a lot of functions to even set it up. Say I 2 functions in a classA. Function funcA in classA does some complicated analysis and moves some data into a database. Function funcB in classA accesses the data and does some more analysis before dumping the data into another database. In this case, to test funcB, I have to

    1) either call funcA before calling funcB in my test function test_funcB, or

    2) I have to create code all withing test_funcB which perform the actions in funcA or

    3)create dummy data in the database which can be then used by funcB. Then later do a full test, which tests the combination of funcA and funcB to simulate the interaction of the various dependencies.

    This is not from the real case, as it is a lot more complicated in the real case, and I have a feeling that if I just try to create dummy data in databaseA, its not going to capture the real interaction between the different dependencies in Windows.

    In your opinion, whats the best method among these to test functions that are dependent on other functions? Or should I do something else?

    How would you guys think about this?

    submitted by /u/alpha_hxCR8
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    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:43 PM PST

    how do i set the start time and end time for the video i want to download?

    submitted by /u/kevs926
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    How can I think more like a programmer?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:46 PM PST

    I've recently taken up python as a hobby/career boost. Many of the senior roles in my field mention using it.

    I've been working through a couple of online courses that have periodic coding problems. Simple things that get progressively more difficult.

    As I get to more complex problems I find my code is long-winded when I compare to other solutions, also in some cases I'm just unsure where to start, so need to look at code for a similar task before beginning my own.

    Is this a skill that just comes with practice? Or are there exercises to help me switch my thinking?

    submitted by /u/Coocoocachoo1988
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    Where can I learn about mathematical optimization?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:25 PM PST


    I'm a software engineer trying to get more involved with scientific computing and I hear words thrown around like "nonlinear optimization", "convex optimization", etc. I have a decent background in linear algebra and understand projections, least squares, and basic stuff like that. I also have a fair understanding of probability theory. I was wondering if anyone had resources which teach more advanced optimization techniques which directly relate to computing applications. We do have an optimization course at my university but unfortunately I don't have room in my schedule to take it before I graduate.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Carpetfizz
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    My resume right after my coding bootcamp

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:24 PM PST

    Hi guys, this isn't really a programming related video, but I wanted to share what my resume looked like right after my coding boot camp. Coming from a non-technical background, this transition took a lot of effort on my part doing a lot of side projects and hackathons. learn about what makes a good resume for those of you without CS degrees. https://youtu.be/X488B66Nl-g A good resume can be all the difference in getting that interview.

    submitted by /u/soulencoded
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    Querying MediaWiki API for links on a page does not return all links

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:15 PM PST

    I am looking to get the links on this WikiQuote page. I would like to see what subcategories exist under the 'Fundamental' category. They appear as links on the page, so it seemed natural to ask the API for the links. I only get back the "Category schemes" and "Main page" links, which exist in the introduction. What am I doing wrong/what have I misunderstood here?


    function httpGetAsync(theUrl, callback){ xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200){ callback(xmlHttp.responseText); } } xmlHttp.open("GET", theUrl, true); // true for asynchronous xmlHttp.send('null'); } function callback(json_response){ stuff = json_response; console.log(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(json_response), null, 2)); } httpGetAsync('http://en.wikiquote.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=links&titles=Category:Fundamental&origin=*&format=json', callback); 


    { "batchcomplete": "", "query": { "pages": { "4480": { "pageid": 4480, "ns": 14, "title": "Category:Fundamental", "links": [ { "ns": 4, "title": "Wikiquote:Category schemes" }, { "ns": 14, "title": "Category:Main page" } ] } } } } 

    Intro links returned, subcategory links are not

    submitted by /u/daviegravee
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    Need help with my Python assignment. I'm stuck.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:05 PM PST

    I'm getting frustrated since this was one of my first assignments on my first programming class ever and haven't been able to figure out which IDE commands I need to use for this assignment. Still learning about how to use an IDE (Cloud 9) and the VI and VIM commands.

    I'd appreciate if someone could show me or point me in the right direction on how to figure this out on my own.



    submitted by /u/dawnoffallout
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    Question about Ternary Operator ?: .

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:56 PM PST

    So I dont know why or how this is used. To my understanding its just addressing a Boolean and then saying what should be done if its true and what should be done if its false. But what I dont get is how the syntax works or how to actually apply this.

    submitted by /u/forestgather50
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    [numpy] == comparison of 2 numpy arrays is supposed to return a numpy array of booleans, but this is returning a bool object

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:34 PM PST

    I have one file that I run on, it makes 2 numpy arrays, call them a and b. I check type(a), it's numpy.ndarray. I check type(b), numpy.ndarray. I check type(a==b), it's also numpy.ndarray. Great.

    Now I'm trying the same code on a different file, type(a) is numpy.ndarray, type(b) is numpy.ndarray, but type (a==b) is bool. Program is crashing because I'm calling another numpy function on (a==b) and it's a bool when run with this other file. I have no idea why it's working fine for one file and then screwing up the return type for another file. Has anyone come across this? What's the issue?

    submitted by /u/mkhdfs
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    Online/YouTube Video Tutorial for C? (Pre-knowledge is Java)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 09:26 PM PST

    Anyone recommend any good video tutorials for C?

    submitted by /u/TechnoGrip
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    Is it a good idea to start working for free to get your name out there?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 11:17 AM PST

    I live in a city of 50000 people, that has many stores based around tourism. But most businesses don't have websites. So my goal is to make websites, blogs or e shops. Is it a good idea to make some of them for free at first? Has anyone tried something similar? Front end developer here.

    submitted by /u/nachilleas
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    I can build web apps that do CRUD operations but how and where do I begin to learn building something like this?!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:56 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    I've been teaching myself programming (mostly webdev) by going through courses on Udemy and watching Youtube videos. I'm now comfortable with building websites and webapps that can do simple CRUD operations. But I want to learn how to make something as awesome as this. But I don't know what this kind of programming is called and I have no idea where to start.

    Can somebody point me to resources, paid or free, that can help me learn this? I just want to learn more programming. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/errantscut
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    Aidez-moi, plè

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:54 PM PST

    New user here on Reddit. I am fresh out of the Marine Corps and I'm looking to get started in tech. I really want to know if this field will be right for me. Any tips on how to get started with self study? Just general pointers for getting started would be very helpful. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/samoson
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    This might be a stupid question but I'm a bit lost. How do you make a JavaScript Web App package...?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:24 PM PST

    Ok, so let me preface. I'm a first year Software engineering student. I've done basic command line programs in C and Java, and I have done my own learning in static web pages with some HTML/CSS/JavaScript.

    I wanted to try and go a bit further with the web programming I have been dabbling with over semester break, and I spun up an AWS Elastic beanstalk, because the first year is free.

    Like I said before I have done some JS in static webpages, but I've never made an app. I noticed the sample app they provide in the zip form, is made up of a few json files like package.json, an app.js file, and the folders with assets in them.

    I've tried doing googling to find out to how to go about actually creating this app package, but I'm turning up next to nothing, just general how to javascript documentation.

    Is there certain IDE's that compile into this app package?

    If some one could just point me into the direction of some resources for this, I would greatly appreciate it.


    submitted by /u/fazdaspaz
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    Hard topics to learn in CS

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:18 PM PST

    I've been doing web development for two years now. While it's kind of fun, I've grown bored of having to call API and building CRUD apps all the time. Therefore, I was wondering if there are any other fun topics to learn and research about (beside machine learning and cryptocurrencies)?

    submitted by /u/guywholovesshit
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    Is learning Python and JS simultaneously like learning german and chinese? Or Spanish and Italian?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:52 PM PST

    What I mean by that is are their structures and syntax similar enough to each other that most people would get the two mixed up as newbies (which I am) or are they different enough that it is unlikely?

    I am also trying to get some proficiency in HTML and CSS right now and I don't feel like those have really messed with my python coding (although its kinda weird how little whitespace matters in the formers)

    submitted by /u/Whiskey_and_Pine
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    [Code Review] Google script that sends an email from your drafts at a later date/time

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:49 PM PST

    Forgive me if this is the wrong subreddit, but I was wonder if anyone would like to review my code. To test, go to http://script.google.com, add a new script and paste in the code. Save the script, select the Main function and run it. The first time will ask for permissions.


    submitted by /u/ibbignerd
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