• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 4, 2018

    CS50 (Harvard's most popular intro course) launched an Introductory to Web Programming Course! web developers

    CS50 (Harvard's most popular intro course) launched an Introductory to Web Programming Course! web developers

    CS50 (Harvard's most popular intro course) launched an Introductory to Web Programming Course!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:09 PM PST

    Some great React.js components. libraries and tools for 2018

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 05:32 AM PST

    Modern CSS Explained For Dinosaurs

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 11:10 AM PST

    I'm looking to learn some new tools and methodologies to improve my teams work. What are your favorites? Why?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:20 PM PST

    I work for a company that has a pretty large ecosystem of applications that in some cases are well over 15 years old and carry a substantial amount of technical debt. Our IT director recently retired and we have an opportunity to take a new approach to how we run things. We want to modernize our apps AND our team. I've been asked to help lead this charge. I get to learn and then teach my team lots of new tricks. This could be anything: SASS, Agile, WCAG 2.0, React.Js, DevOps etc. The horizon is endless.

    It's a tall order, and one that should be fun... if it's not completely overwhelming.

    We are a Microsoft shop. C#, Visual Studio, TFS, etc. That much I can't change. Pretty much anything else is on the table at this point. I'm familiar with some technologies, aware of others, and I'm sure there is a universe of information out there that I've not even come close to.

    With so much out there, it's impossible to even know where to begin. I want to learn everything all at once in one giant gulp, but that's just not possible. So I thought I'd ask:

    What utility or framework or methodology has improved your development life? What problem did it solve for you?

    submitted by /u/mitchelwb
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    Where do you work an do you enjoy it?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:01 PM PST

    I'm interested to know where the people in this sub (currently employed in the field) work and how you'd rate your job and salary. Pros and cons? I work at a small consulting firm and I while I do enjoy the work I'd probably give it a 6/10 because of lack of advancement opportunities. What about you guys?

    submitted by /u/cartmichael
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    Software license question for GitHub repositories, can you make it free for non-commercial use only?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 09:13 AM PST

    Lately I've been sharing some of my projects, like my CSS loading animation in this sub, or some portfolio templates in /e/efreebies, and until now it never even crossed my mind that I'd need to add a license to them so people aren't afraid to use them, but of course I do.

    My problem is I want people to be free to use the code in their side-projects or to learn etc, but it doesn't sit well with me if a company or some other commercial entity wants to use the code commercially to make money. Openness and sharing is great, but I feel strongly that devs (and anyone, for that matter) should get paid for the work they do.

    So, I checked out choosealicense.com, and it's helpful, but none of the options allow me to have the project free for non-commercial use, but require a commercial license for companies etc. I've been Googling and it seems I need a dual-license, but not sure how to actually set that up.

    Would anyone have a link or has faced this issue before? Any help much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/cderm
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    My first app after getting freeCodeCamp certificates

    Posted: 03 Feb 2018 05:54 PM PST

    lots of ipsums - lorem, cat, cake, coffee, tv, zombie, cheese, bacon, tuna, alien, metaphor, space,

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:36 PM PST

    Any cool tasks to run with gulp?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:36 PM PST

    I currently use Sass, PostCss with prefixer and a css and js minifier. Are there any cool ones that I should know about?

    submitted by /u/storyofedd
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    Email template using divs and styles

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:36 AM PST

    I made an email template using divs and styles and applied it to Direct Mail. The output somewhat works, but it doesn't carry over all the styles. I think the program applies the styles inline for me, but it still doesn't fully work. I am using Flexbox, so I could change to not use it.


    submitted by /u/incarnatethegreat
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    lorem ipsum generator

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:59 PM PST

    How to debug SVG and play with parameters in browser?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:09 AM PST

    Is there a way to debug SVG in Chrome devTools or Firefox? I would like to experiment directly in browser with parameters but it won't let me (other than directly changing the code)



    submitted by /u/shkico
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    Create a web site : do it yourself from scratch or no ? Share your exeperience or you point of view.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 11:06 AM PST

    Hello, I'm actually a IT developper (not a web developper). And I would like to start my own web site.

    Before I start it, I've looked on the best practice but I couldn't find any constructed advice toward my question.

    Would this be better to do it all from scratch or should I use some framework, CMS, template etc.

    Just to be more concrete about the subject here an exemple. I started making the front end of my web site (a streaming video one), I just wanted a soft and light interface. I'm wasn't happy about the result. I looked for a template that would fill my taste but didn't find any.

    I'm sure you guys have a lot of experience on some kind of DIY as web developpers and I would like to hear it.

    submitted by /u/megaOga27
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    How can I replace CSS Icons with custom logos?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:46 PM PST

    On my website I have some CSS icons next to the name of my University and I thought it would be fun to try replacing the generic graduation cap icon with a logo with the University logo.

    Problem is I have no idea how to even begin such a process. Any idea on how I can pull this task off?

    submitted by /u/SalahAssana
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    Using list-group to behave like check boxes?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:20 PM PST


    First, please direct me to a better suitible subreddit if my question is better asked somewhere else.

    I am making my first app and have some questions of what approach I should use for the form I am making.

    I want to make my check boxes to look similar to this example. But since a list-group is not an input element, can it still be used to submit data like a form? Or how would you manipulate the code to submit a form based on what list-group element that is active? https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/featured/checked-list-group


    submitted by /u/geoholic
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    Project management tools for our unusual process

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:24 AM PST

    We use a slightly weird form of SCRUM at work, we don't have classic sprint cycles and release cycles per se because we release so frequently, usually multiple times per day.

    We architect tickets, estimate them with story points then they get put in the backlog. A couple of times a week there's a 10 minute meeting amongst the stakeholders to decide if the priority is good and tweak if necessary. Then Devs just pull tickets, and as they finish them they release them. Any bug tickets come in and are automatically inserted into the top of the backlog to be worked next, and if it's a major bug someone gets an email telling them to drop everything but that's fairly rare.

    There is no sprint specific backlog, that's too strict for our needs because the backlog changes too frequently. We also track our holidays and public holidays so we can track our story points per developer per day. We report that metric back to management weekly and then perform a fortnightly retrospective to see what we got through, talk through problems, estimation failures and all that stuff. We've also got a daily standup too.

    Does anyone know of any tools which can support this kind of model? Most require fixed sprint cycles where all tickets need manually assigning or don't support automated reporting.

    Currently we use Assembla as the ticketing system and a custom built dashboard and reporting system. I'm not a fan as that dashboard isn't available outside the firewall and requires frequent maintenance to keep it working.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/TheBeliskner
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    You don't know the difference between HTTP and REST

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 10:18 AM PST

    Help with Javascript on a single page? I'm getting an error and I don't know how to fix it. (x-post r/wordpress)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:01 PM PST

    Hi, super new to wordpress (and generally pretty uninformed about coding in general). Sorry if this breaks any rules - I'll remove immediately if it does.

    I'm trying to bring over a form from my last website to my new wordpress site. The form references two javascript files for formulas and such.

    I uploaded the .js files to "wp-content/themes/theme-name/js/filename.js"

    However, I get an error when looking at inspect element saying that there is an error when trying to load the source.

    The code calling the script is:

     <script type="text/javascript" src="wp-content/themes/theme-name/js/filename.js"> </script> 

    When I click the link to the java in inspect element in leads me to "domainaddress.com/site-page-link-name/wp-content/themes/theme-name/js/filename.js"

    instead of


    In other words, it's also linking the specific page name in the link of the website and that's what's causing the error.

    Any advice to tell me what I'm doing wrong and to how to fix this? I feel lost here. If there's a better place to post this, I'll do that.

    Thanks so much in advance.


    Thanks for the help everyone, I was just an idiot and was missing a / before wp-content. That fixed it all!

    submitted by /u/fourtosix
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    Docker is nightmare for local development!!!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:52 PM PST

    Just rant about band wagon my company has been on...

    sure it helps in scaling, and make DevOps life easy. But it should have been completely transparent from non Dev Ops perspective. It's nightmare fuel

    • Out of box breaks all your front end dev tools, use gulp that watches local files? Good luck with that. Docker files are in virtual mounted disk of which existence is dodgy.

    • did you pick this IDE because it's fast to launch and start editing, well too bad, welcome to lag land.

    • did you go to bathroom and come back, LOL. Did you know your computer could go to sleep and if it does 8/10 times mounted disk becomes inactive. Have fun restarting your docker and remount bs.

    • Oh no computer restarted? now run 2k migrations... and wait 55 minutes, even though you wanted to edit 4 lines of CSS.

    • You know what? you just salty cuz you suck at VIM.

    Literally, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Team members a) mount/dismount drives. b) run all migrations at least once. c) suffer from lagging IDE.

    Salary should be increased $70k just for having to put up with docker.

    submitted by /u/techsin101
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    Custom Cursor questions

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:30 PM PST

    So I have this ( http://www.rw-designer.com/icon-view/13074.png ) as my custom cursor for this website I'm building.

    1. Is there a way through Css that I can make the size smaller? Is there a code for that or something? I tried to resize the image online but I have to download the resized image and I can't put a saved image in the code. I only use the Url.

    2. With an Embedded Playlist (specifically from Bandcamp), is there a way to make my custom cursor work with the embedded playlist too? Right now, the cursor works fine, but when hovering over the playlist and songs and what not, it goes back to a pointer.

    submitted by /u/chickenfuneral
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    Anybody else see the inline styles on the <span> tags showing up? Inline styles are a no-no, right?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 12:25 PM PST

    I've registered a domain, now what?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 11:54 AM PST

    I naively jumped into this with no idea what i'm doing.

    I'm familiar with HTML and CSS, and I've just registered medievalwar.net (Cheesy name which somehow wasn't already taken) And I thought from there I would be able to just play around with the HTML and CSS files. But I'm realizing I have no idea what I'm doing.

    What are some basic steps to take from here?

    My goal is to make a sort of online board game thing with other players and stuff, but I'm grossly unprepared for a project like that.

    submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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    I understand JavaScript, I just suck at writing it :(

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 11:45 AM PST

    Hey all, so I'm very confident when it comes to HTML & CSS, but I'm enrolled on the Udacity's Google Scholarship Challenge and I can understand what parts of JavaScript do i.e functions, loops etc. but I just struggle to write code when I'm given a challenge.

    I know it's obvious that I need to keep learning and trying, but is there anything you can recommend me do? I just can't seem to grasp it for some reason..

    Cheers and I apologize for my noobyness..

    submitted by /u/Ruggyy
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    Coin Watch - first React-Redux app

    Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:59 PM PST

    So I'm learning react and redux and I just finished my first web-app. It is a simple app that gives you current info (price, market cap, volume, % change, etc) of crypto currencies listed on coin market cap. It also has a cryptocurrency conversor.

    It still needs a few improvements, but it is working as intended right now.

    Any thoughts and feedback is appreciated.


    Code: https://github.com/jorgeduardos/CryptoPrices/blob/master/README.md

    submitted by /u/deonsosa
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