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    Sunday, February 4, 2018

    Big 4 Discussion - February 04, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Big 4 Discussion - February 04, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Big 4 Discussion - February 04, 2018

    Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:07 PM PST

    Please use this thread to have discussions about the Big 4 and questions related to the Big 4, such as which one offers the best doggy benefits, or how many companies are in the Big 4 really? Posts focusing solely on Big 4 created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Sunday and Wednesday at midnight PST. Previous Big 4 Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - February 04, 2018

    Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:07 PM PST

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    New manager is forcing us to do pair programming, and i feels like it is killing me. How can i survive?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:30 AM PST

    I have worked as a senior developer at a fairly major F500 company (finance industry) for about 3 years now.

    Roughly 2 weeks ago our old manager finally handed the controls over to our new manager "Jane" (old manager was taking over a vacant director position with a different department). After that happened Jane announced a bunch of major changes, while many of them pretty trivial to me, however there is one that stuck out like a sore thumb.

    We are now expected to do all programming as pairs (i.e. pair programming). On top of that for 2 hours a day we are going to do group pair programming. Where as a team we will work on major features, on an overhead projector while the whole development team is present.

    I have endured this for almost 2 weeks now, and it is beyond exhausting. I come home, eat and basically collapse. Just the act of talking to coworkers all day is exhausting. I also have realized i hate working with many of my coworkers.

    Doing the group programming is even worse, being forced into the driver seat for 2 hours while the entire team is sitting behind you critiquing everything is exhausting.

    Unfortunately she says we are going to keep this experiment going for at least another month, unfortunately i don't think i can take another month. Does anyone have any suggestions/tips or tricks to survive pair programming? I legitimately feel like strangling some coworkers while doing this.

    submitted by /u/csthrowaway2782
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    I'm about to start a job search, and I could go pretty much anywhere! Where would you be looking, if you were in that situation?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 07:01 PM PST

    I'm in my late 20s, I have about four years experience, plus a string of paid internships from my school days. I'm in the Chicago area right now, but nothing's necessarily tying me here, and for the first time in my life I'm looking around and thinking, yeah, I could just... pick up and go somewhere new.

    Starting tomorrow, I'm putting my resume on the job boards, listing on Hired, and a few other places to see who bites. I've thought about Seattle and the Bay Area (I have some friends in both). But I'm curious what you guys think: where, and what companies, are really awesome right now? Is there a city or an employer you're looking at and thinking, man, that would be a great place to be? Anywhere you've heard good stories about?

    submitted by /u/throwaway3490iojfwea
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    Companies with proprietary languages - career suicide?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 05:53 PM PST

    I currently have a job offer from a company in the bay that uses only a proprietary language they made for their application development. As this would be my first tech job ever, would this immensely hurt my future career if I'm not developing actual skills that are prevalent to the industry?

    submitted by /u/loopey33
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    What are the odds that working for a startup as a programmer will be a good boost to your career? Are they good or bad?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:12 PM PST

    Are the odds in my favor or not, I mean. Like, is it more likely that the startup will fail, I will have learned little and therefore wasted my time, or more likely that I will be in control over more aspects of the products and the company will grow big?

    I have talked to a few people and it's been a wash for them. Some say that, despite working at early startups with very few people, they still felt like insignificant grunts doing bug fixes but with no real say or power over how to change the product. I've only read success stories on the internet, but not from people in real life. So much seems to be saying, "you should only join startups if you can afford to gamble". And others say "they're a great way to boost your reputation". I want a clear cut answer though.

    submitted by /u/ExitingTheDonut
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    Tips for Traveling for Work?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 05:54 PM PST

    Hey all,

    Picked up a new gig where I'll be traveling every other week (on average) for work. Any tips from you guys doing this lifestyle? I live alone, no pets, no kids, I'm single, and in my mid-20s, so I'm fine with the travel, just never did something like this before.

    I would appreciate any tips you have from anything you got; tax write-offs, tracking expenses, general travel tips, etc. So far I've signed up for my primary airline's mileage program, as well as their partner ones (for hotels, AirBNB, and rental cars). I have never really traveled in my life so this is going to be a new expereince.

    submitted by /u/WeiseGamer
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    What are good books/resources to learn about processes, threads and other important OS concepts?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:06 PM PST

    Hey guys, I've been developing software for about 4 years and I'm on a journey to become a better developer.

    Even though I consider my self good at what I do (iOS Development), as an overall software engineer I'm very bad. This is because even though I have good amounts of knowledge about how iOS specifically works, I have only a basic understanding about how things work under the hood in computers in general. For example, I failed to answer questions like "how are things laid out in memory?", "why do people use hex codes for memory addresses and bit masks instead of binary?", "why does 0.1 + 0.2 sometimes equals 0.30000001?", "what a CPU being 64-bit means?" or "what's a CPU clock speed?", until now.

    I didn't went to a famous college and I wasn't a very good student back then, so I ended up becoming good at high level stuff and ignored the low level stuff. This ended up being very bad for me, because eventually you reach a point where you need to understand these concepts to advance in your career.

    I have the dream of working in a Big 4 company one day, and to achieve this I am now completely focused in learning the things I know nothing about. I'm using Coding University as a reference for the things I don't know - I already watched countless of it's videos and what I'm doing right now is reading Understanding the Machine.

    I'm at the half of the book and it's been everything I needed it to be. But the book only covers very low level hardware concepts, and once I finish it I'll need another book/resource to read.

    After I finish it I wanted to move one level up and read a book that explained important OS concepts like processes, threads, call stacks and everything else related, but Coding University only contains some deleted youtube playlists about this topic. Do you guys know any awesome books/resources about this?


    submitted by /u/PM_ME_SKELETONS
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    Dealing with burnout after a "meteoric" first three years

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:47 PM PST

    I got a job after teaching myself how to code three years ago post-college. I don't do work-work more than 50-55 hours a week, but I've pretty much done nothing but sleep and code for the past few years. I guess I have an obsessive personality. Lots of outside learning, personal projects, etc.

    Current compensation is 105k in medium CoL area. Job is generic enterprise Java stuff, but pretty good as far as quality and process. Modern tech stack (spring boot, k8s, kafka, etc.). I've definitely reached a point where I have a ton of responsibility. I don't have a senior title but have other seniors coming to me for advice.

    Short story is while I've probably gotten the equivalent of 4-5 years of good experience at a 2x multiplier, non-stop coding has left me kind of burned out. My question is, how can I take time off, like probably around a year, and get back into the work force? When I talked to recruiters recentlyish, they seemed to think I was less, I guess, "talented" than I am. It's kind of understandable, I don't have a CS degree and "only" had 2 years at the time.

    While I'm not trying to run off to SV or anything, at this point I feel pretty confident I can handle any dev job in my Midwestern city. If I stayed at my current job for another year or two, I'm sure I would get a junior architect title, which would pretty much unlock the local market. It feels like I should just suck it up for another 18 months, but I also reallllly feel like a break would be good for me. Advice? Am I making a bad decision?

    submitted by /u/0x19892012
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    What jobs/industries emphasize computer science theory?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 09:37 AM PST

    I've been working as a frontend engineer and I've found that the part of my job that I enjoy the most is drawing on computer science theory and new coding techniques to elegantly implement whatever I'm building. However, it seems like this isn't emphasized in web development so I'm wondering what other industries (e.g. machine learning, VR/AR, fin-tech, embedded systems, enterprise, etc.) or jobs might allow me to maximize the computer science aspects of my work.*

    Although I would love to work with them more; I don't necessarily mean just the mathematical/theoretical aspects of computer science (e.g. p vs. np, category theory) or even exclusively working with algorithms. I also get a lot of satisfaction out of learning and using new approaches to coding. For example, I've recently been experimenting with how I can use ES6 techniques like object dereferencing to make my JavaScript more readable. Similarly, about a year and a half ago I was introduced to functional programming and I've enjoyed figuring out ways to apply those techniques to my code.

    *I realize that pretty much anywhere outside of academia actually programming things that work is going to be more important than writing beautiful, elegant code; and that practical concerns like testing, configuring systems, debugging, etc. are going to be part of my job (and I do enjoy those). I'm more looking for areas with a greater emphasis on computer science/abstraction.

    submitted by /u/harimau777
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    Some college kids from my university of choice told me not to go there becuase their CS degree is not ABET certified.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 10:10 AM PST

    They said should either choose a different degree or go to another school, but I know I want this school. It's one of the biggest universities in my state and only 20mins away.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/fartwithmypantsdown
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    For those who signed an NDA, do you tell your SO about your work?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:29 PM PST

    If it's not defense/security related, so for a normal IT job. Just curious. Sorry if this isn't the right sub for this.

    submitted by /u/swbyebye
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    After many years in industry, I am completely burned-out and thinking of leaving tech. Not sure where I go from here. If this happened to you, let's talk.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:52 PM PST

    Background: Computer Science, and an MBA. Long time in the tech industry doing software development, and then different types or levels of management. I'm thankful for where I am at in life, my salary is incredible, I'm debt free and I have a good net worth. If I can hang on for a few more years, I have a good shot at becoming an executive.

    I think it's just the grind of managing complex software projects... it gets old after a while. I recently changed projects within my company to try and mix things up, but although the subject matter is different the same old personalities and tech issues are there, same as everywhere.

    I thought maybe it was the company, or wanting to work for myself (which I do), but after seriously looking into both I have come to the realization even if I owned my own business I don't think I'd want it to be software related. I have no desire to go back to full-time programming so that isn't it either.

    I have seriously been considering cashing out and doing my own thing, not tech related (although I don't know what yet).

    Am I crazy to be miserable when I am making the money that I am?

    Have any of you ever been in a similar situation? What did you do? If you left the industry, where did you go or what did you start up?

    submitted by /u/ENTJ_throwAway
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    How do people afford coding boot camps?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:32 PM PST

    I'm interested in joining one but the ones that get advertised to me are pretty expensive. How are people able to pay for them without work?

    I haven't had much luck getting the job I want with a degree and personal projects alone so I'm thinking a boot camp might help. Most of them tend to guarantee a job.

    submitted by /u/fakenerdgamer
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    For those that work at a start up, do you enjoy your job?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:11 PM PST

    I'm thinking of taking a job at a start up I've been interviewing with, should I get an offer. I've seen a lot of people on this sub talk about the downsides of working at a start up. But are there any people out there that enjoy working at a start up? What is your day to day like and what do you enjoy about your role? How long have you been there? Interested to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/lavenderived
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    How do I explain to current employer that it' nothing personal...

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:47 PM PST

    So I like my job. I have only been there for 10 months. It is interesting work, good people and I wouldn't mind staying. My salary, however, is under market value and my finances have taken a turn for the worse over the last year due to some of my projections being off and some unexpected expenses. I am at a point where I barely get by and have no extra money to pay off debt faster, save, etc.

    That is why, despite liking my job, I have been seeking other opportunities and I just interviewed somewhere and I feel pretty confident about my prospects. Assuming I get an offer (I may not) I expect to be making around 7-8K more than my current salary, plus much better benefits (cheaper health insurance, more days off, etc)

    Now, I am thinking of giving my current employer a chance to counter offer, but I don't want to seem greedy or like I am taking advantage of them. It's a pretty small, tight nit company, and I am the lead dev on a major project and the only one who fully understands its inner workings since I pretty much built it. I am not irreplaceable but it would be a set back for them if I left since they have pretty limited resources and nobody to really take over, and I don't want to seem like I am holding the project hostage. Honestly I just need more money to get by and I have a family to take care of, so right now compensation matters more than how much I like my job.

    How do I approach them about this and not seem like a jerk?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/The_True_Zephos
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    Are Python programmers disadvantaged in the CS job market?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 07:13 AM PST

    Seems most tech shops including Big 4 are mainly Java shops, with python used as 'glue language' only. Do python programmers end up in a lower rung in terms of pay and opportunity? If your strongest language is python, will interview immediately think 'another person who pretends to be a serious programmer' ?

    submitted by /u/ludiman
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    Thoughts on this unpaid internship opportunity

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:50 PM PST

    The following image and quote were posted to the Slack team that the CS students at my university frequent. My initial reaction wasn't positive, but not sure if I'm just biased against these sort of posts coming from business students. I wanted to ask /r/cscareerquestions what your thoughts on this internship, and others like it:

    Internship flyer

    How can this internship help me?

    Matthew Alexander and Michael Kannely (founders of Illumibowl, as seen on Shark Tank) produce and develop new products every year, and are looking for outside help from someone with technology and web developing skills to help them continue to grow and drive profits.

    You will have the opportunity to expand your horizons past the software development realm and venture into the unique area of product development, while also contributing to the process with your own perspective and skills. Working side by side with Matt and Mike, you will be able to see first-hand how profitable ideas are brought to market and turned into corporations. As we share our entrepreneurial skillsets with you, we hope to learn a little bit more about Web Design and Development in return.

    Not only will you work closely with Matt and Mike, but will also have the opportunity to network with other local serial entrepreneurs. This will lead to many possible job opportunities, and an opportunity to gain potential future employment with Matt and Mike directly.

    Last but not least, you will have an opportunity to take a cut of the pie (see below for more details).

    What will I be doing?

    To keep it short and simple, you will be learning and teaching. Hopefully you will be able to learn and master the principles of the lean start-up method, aka "bootstrapping," and also teach us a few things about software development, web development, and coding.

    We will teach you what we have learned from our successes and failures, offer unlimited supply of Audible books that have helped us, and connect you with powerful people at home and abroad that can help you in your own future endeavors.

    Matt and Mike are extremely flexible and can work with your busy work and school schedule. We only expect 3 to 5 hours a week on average of work. If you have a busy week and can't give any hours, we totally understand-just keep us in the loop and we'll make a schedule that works for everyone.

    This internship can last as long as you would like: end of the semester, end of the spring or summer semesters, or even until the end of the year. We will determine the length by our needs, your skills, and by project.

    What qualifications and characteristics do I need to have for this internship?

    • Self-motivated (Ability to self-manage and keep track of multiple projects)
    • Creative (Interest in innovation and entrepreneurship)
    • Communicates clearly & works well with people
    • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
    • Juniors or Seniors preferred
    • A strong portfolio demonstrating visual design competency
    • Solid understanding of best web practices and standards
    • Familiarity with the creative and web production workflows
    • Great command of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

    Is this a paid internship? ….I heard something about pie.

    Payment will come in the potential form of equity/ownership. Your hourly work will not be compensated-not even the founders are taking a salary for their current projects. If you can create patentable software for specific products and contribute significantly to online sales through your web development, you will have the opportunity to "vest" into ownership or receive an internship bonus at the end of the semester/internship. Matt and Mike are flexible, so if you have a different wage suggestion in mind, we are all ears.

    How do I apply?

    Please send us a simple one-page resume as well as a portfolio of your work to *****@gmail.com. Our student leads will then reach out to you and set up an initial phone interview. The phone interview can last anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes and will confirm that you would be a good fit for Matt and Mike's lean start-up style. Feel free to prepare as many questions for that interview.

    After the phone interview, Matt and Mike will meet with you over lunch to have the final say.

    Good luck! We look forward to hearing from you.

    submitted by /u/orionmatrix
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    I am going to start IT classes next week. I’ve never had them before. Anything I should know before I start?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 07:22 PM PST

    Questions about Cisco certification and career options.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:47 PM PST

    This sub seems like the best option for helping me get info from people in my prospective field.

    I am in interested in becoming a Network Technician/Engineer (TBH I'm not sure on the specific terminology but that's part of my question). In particular, there is a program at a local community college that offers an AS specifically geared towards Cisco networking. The program would prepare me for multiple certification exams including CCNA and CWNA. My main questions are for people with Cisco certification who either studied on their own or attended a community college.

    1. I know job titles differ, but what certifications are associated with what careers? I figure CCT is hardware maintenance and installation while CCNA is specifically for Admin positions. Im mainly looking for insight into career options and terminology.

    2. How necessary were the classes you took? Do you feel you could have passed the exams (CCENT, CCT, CCNA) with online resources alone?

    3. Are there certifications or resources you overlooked that would have helped you early on?

    4. General advice for entering the field?

    Thanks in advance for help.

    submitted by /u/Qui_Gon_Gin
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    Can you get a career based off an internship alone?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:43 PM PST

    I'm a freshman majoring in Computer Science and there's another student(freshmen) who is "famous" around the school for already having an internship and being good at programming. He isn't good at math and has failed Calculus 1 but since he has an internship the other students tell me it doesn't matter since he has an internship.

    Do internships alone lead to a career, and if so why go to school in the first place? Also does he not need math above Calculus for a career in programming?

    submitted by /u/mysim1
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    I noticed that Leetcode is the most commonly used prep site mentioned on this subreddit, how did it become the gold standard?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:27 AM PST

    Why is Leetcode the gold standard? Does it live up to the hype, or is it overrated?

    submitted by /u/Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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    What do you do before the start date?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:40 PM PST

    I accepted an offer for a firm in SF for a new grad position. All of my offers stipulated that my signing bonus be paid after I start, and I get some amount of relocation stipend or bonus. I accepted the offer that I was most excited for / saw growth potential in. (I also just liked one of my interviewers as a potential friend). The offer that I accepted had a relocation stipend for IRS deductible expenses.

    One thing I forgot was moving. The offer that I accepted starts in September, leaving me with an empty summer since I can't do an internship anymore. I can't go back home since I don't have parents or other family that I can stay with, so I have to do something productive. How would you even fill this time / prepare for this long break in work?

    Further, how does housing work? Should I be saving for my first month's rent and down payment? Is it typical to stay in an Airbnb before my first paycheck? Should I have negotiated a relocation bonus? (The firm that I accepted has a "no negotiating offers" policy. That is to say, idk if the relation bonus would have even worked.)

    submitted by /u/SFThrowy
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    How hard is it to get a job in NYC?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:30 PM PST

    I'm a Senior graduating in April, I have an offer from a Big 4 company but I need to be placed in NYC and they can't guarantee it.

    I've been searching for months to get a job in NYC. I've applied to dozens of companies and haven't really heard anything back. Is NYC a difficult place to be hired as a Software Engineer? Is there any tips that someone can suggest to help me get a position in NYC?

    submitted by /u/Whateveritwantstobe
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    Sick of working Nights, want to break into CS

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:27 PM PST

    As the title suggests, I've been working nighttime hours for the past 4 years and want to stop.The job's also a dead-end with no room to move up. I want to find a way to start a CS career because I enjoyed coding earlier in life but fell out of it for a few reasons but want to get back. I don't think it's really feasible for me to go back to school for a second Bachelor's though, and was looking into Code Bootcamps but read some real tough stories here on Reddit on the difficulties of finding work with just a bootcamp portfolio.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/SergeEXE
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