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    Thursday, January 4, 2018

    How Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition is being built

    How Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition is being built

    How Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition is being built

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 03:17 AM PST

    How to make a patch?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 06:41 AM PST

    Let's say i make a android game and i have already published it on playstore and appstore and everywhere etc... And now i want to ship a new level plus an bug fix. So i do those in my computer but how am i supposed to build them? Am i just supposed to build complete game and submit it on playstore and places? What exactly am i supposed to do? What if my game was a AAA PC game! How can i ship a separate patch for pc game?

    unity user

    UE4 user

    Can somebody explain me this whole process how building patches, upgrades, updates etc and shipping them?

    submitted by /u/sanketvaria29
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    Thoughts on procedural 2D map generation with rivers

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 05:42 AM PST

    Our post about our procedurally generated map in /r/IndieGaming got some great feedback and we were asked to post in greater length about what we did… so here goes!

    Example Render, in biome and tilecolor style

    Anyone who knows a bit about procedural map generation will have heard of Perlin-Noise, one of your best friends on this battlefield. We use layered perlin noise as a base like everybody else, but there were some points we were not satisfied with. Although this GDC talk by Sean Murray (No Man's Sky) gives a better idea in what ways Perlin can and should be used.

    • 1. Perlin is completely random, but our map (depicting the edge of a flat discworld and the entrance to the outlying chaos desert) has a defined topology. The idea is that there is a long coast in the south, then a somewhat lush "entry-level" coastal area for new players, and the farther you get in-land the more elevation, cold and monsters you have to face.
    • 2. Perlin can not do cool rivers, but we wanted rivers that lead from the mountains towards the coast, have a current, and do not go in circles. At the same time we didn't want to pre-generate the whole map, because we wanted the world to be able to grow and still be able to delete unused chunks.
    • 3. This also results in being able to create a scalable map that can self-expand when players wander toward uncharted terrain.

    So we started to look into other solutions and found some papers like "A Fractal Model of Mountains with Rivers" by Prusinkiewicz and Hammel (and many hints towards the mysterious but omnipresent Musgrave). This one is an interesting approach, where a plane is split into ever smaller triangles that have a defined (derived from seed) water flow direction. So you can just calculate the largest triangles and then iterate deeper into areas you want to have in more detail.

    Prusinkiewicz and Hammel. "A production for fractal mountain generation", Department of Computer Science University of Calgary

    The way to go for realistic rivers (as we have learned in many experiments) is to start from the rivers and derive the terrain from them. The other way, starting with elevations and then putting rivers into them seems to be almost impossible, as the rivers would then again shape the terrain and you have to iterate through thousands of years of geological periods, calculating sediments, erosion and layers of earth, sand and rock. We worked through this with some experienced geologists and came up with a huge simulation that seemed interesting from a scientific point of view but didn't quite address our design and performance needs for the game. After going through these experiments, we decided to try a mix of both.

    Step 1: To create the southern coast, we had to add a predefined curve as base. Flat landscape with pre-defined height curve 1, Flat landscape with pre-defined height curve 2

    Step 2: We created branching rivers and made sure each river branch and sub-branch stayed in its own chunk, so only that one river arm needed to be calculated for each tile of that chunk. T-shape rivers with chunks marked

    Step 3: We modulated the rivers with sin-functions to create more organic shapes. SIN-rivers test1, SIN-rivers test2

    Step 4: We generated some layers of perlin noise and used them as "lenses", to displace tiles and get the organic shapes on the map without destroying the rivers. Perlin morphed rivers & terrain

    Step 5: We made the rivers "imprint" themselves into the terrain Initial height curve, Final height curve

    Now we had a lot of data to work with. From elevation and distance to the next river we can calculate biomes, temperature, weather, resources and animals. Final map

    Our work on this is ongoing as we adapt it to gameplay needs. We're also still learning as we continue balancing. So if you have questions, input or want to discuss stuff we are happy to get in contact.

    submitted by /u/KonspiracyGames
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    Unreal Engine 3D Modeling: a Step-by-Step Guide

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 05:07 AM PST

    Is it possible to insert dummy scores into a Leaderboard on Steamworks?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 08:53 AM PST

    Game is in prerelease, just want to test leaderboards out with lots of scores. I don't see an option to do this anywhere, in the Steamworks web portal.

    Hoping for something similar to PSN's SMT Ranking Tool (lets you insert dummy scores inside the dev psn environment).

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/SixHourDays
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    Do devs still use game design documents ?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 01:48 AM PST

    We are nearly finished our first large mobile game (an action board game) and could not have done it without having our GDD (game design doc). It have over 50 characters, each with their own spell - so complex enough. We started without a GDD but soon needed it as it was kinda "make it up as you go along". I see some game devs dismissing GDDs now as not needed. Even for small projects, I think they are a necessary evil. Even though we needed it, I didn't like having to create it. Thoughts ?

    submitted by /u/fiercefungames
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    What game engines do you use, and why?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 09:16 AM PST

    Hey everyone!

    So I recently have been thinking about learning some actual coding languages so I could potentially use other game engines in the future. I currently have been getting by using UE4 Blueprints, but I get the feeling it would be important to learn a common language soon. Anyway, that brought me to think about the the reasons that people might use or not use certain engines. For me, it's the Blueprint system in UE, as well as it's graphics capabilities. But I was wondering seeing why you guys use the engines you do. I see a lot of people saying stuff like "CryEnging is the best", or "UE is better" without any reason why, so I'm looking for a summary of what's great about your engine.

    Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/JawDroppinAwesome
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    itch.io year in review 2017

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:25 AM PST

    Controller for 2D platformer with physics. Can raycasting do it? (Unity 2D)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 07:40 AM PST

    Are there any best practices regarding 'Search Keywords' at the Steamworks?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 03:36 AM PST

    I searched this sub regarding any guide for choosing search keywords at Steam for the game i am working on. Also Google did not help.

    I am using steamdb to check for the keywords of the similar games at the moment. However, if any one of you can refer to a particular guide for choosing steam keywords, that would be helpful.

    Big up!

    submitted by /u/calsec
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    Python vs Rust for simple 2D game development, from a long time C self-engine person

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 09:54 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    So I have worked on an off writing pure C (SDL2 base) frameworks and games. I find my time is spent way too much creating abstractions so I can actually code my games (writing SDL2 wrapper, then writing Object library, compression, data storage, writing intermediate libraries... events... state).

    I want to be able to build something quickly, but have it be powerful enough for performance reasons, and control (maybe I want to muddle with SDL2 level again?)

    I know a lot about C, and OO, and Python (preferably python 3, no 2)

    For python I see:

    • pygame (many say it's too slow / not scalable)

    • cocos2d (don't know much about this)

    • Kivy (Seems really good, don't know much about it, seems not as "Easy" as the other 2)

    • Godot (Don't know much about it, other than at one point wasn't pure python)


    • Piston (seems like generic 2D engine)

    • ggez (seems like a collection of libraries, similarly how I write my homemade frameworks with SDL2)

    So my question is, what language should I use with what framework?

    • I don't want development time to tie me down, so rapid prototyping / very simple frameworks are always awesome

    • I also want it to scale, I don't want to run into a point where the framework / language can't handle what I want to do

    • Simple 2D game, 60fps, 1440p - 4k max screen size, maybe 1-2GB worth of music, simple spritesheets in BMP / PNG, LOTS of sprites hopefully / particles maybe (1000s on the screen at once possibly, for reference my SDL2 frameworks all can do thousands at a time on really low end pcs)

    • I know Python and C, and not Rust, so that will add some learning curve, but I do love compiled languages (but I really respect RenPY, which is why I'm thinking Python)

    • A lot of people say that python isn't ready for "true" game dev, even though people can link some examples of python / C++ popular games. How about Rust in this regard?

    submitted by /u/korinokiri
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    A Ludum Dare Postmortem

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 08:18 AM PST

    In the first week of December I helped produce the game "Farrison Hoard And The Cave of Coins". I've participated in Ludum Dare a few times, a few on my own, a few with others but I've never really written a postmortem so I think it's about time I start reflecting on my experiences, for better or worse.

    This time I worked with a few friends that had a little bit of experience, but since I had the most, I was pretty much designated team leader. Things started fairly smooth, our roles were pretty set, 2 programmers and 1 artist (aka the guy who keeps postponing learning C# so he just sticks to art), our audio was pretty much limited to Kevin MacLeod and generated sound effects from Bfxr.

    The theme for this jam was "The more you have the worse it is" and so we started brainstorming immediately. Our main focus was to make an interesting mechanic and build the game from there. So we settled on the idea that you have coin/treasure magnet, but they don't disappear when you collect them, thus blocking your path. Solid idea, now execution time...

    The Git, the bad and the Unity

    I've used Git and Unity on prior solo projects with few problems, so what could possibly go wrong. Setting up Git and Unity has a bit of a paradox as they require a empty folder to be initialised/cloned but both create files in that folder, the only solution is to problem to initialise both in separate folders and then move the unity generated files into the git folder. It becomes a bit of a pain because this has to be set up for each user of the repository, and guiding your team through it when they have limited experience with git proved to be another hurdle. So as always advised for Ludum Dare make sure you and and your team are familiar with the tools you are working with before the jam.

    Not So Organised

    So onto actual development, there was a lot of stalling and uncertainty as to what we wanted to do next. I believe this was a major factor that killed our motivation and drive during the jam, apart from the fact that we had finished our exams a week prior. There was a lot of stopping and starting, spending time planning a bit more on the first day would have helped us be a little more time efficient and spend time on more important things.

    Square Inverse Law

    When we first decided on the mechanic my first thought was to just use the square inverse law, (the further away things are the weaker the attractive force) which was pretty simple to implement but I thought was pretty interesting. In addition to that we added quite a few features, that I thought were pretty neat, like the player always being rotated towards an upright position, and if you jump off treasure it gets pushed away in the opposite direction, dust particles only appearing when on a surface and running. In the end, hardly anyone noticed these things because not only were they mostly insignificant, but they did little to nothing in service of the game. The main problem with our primary mechanic is that there was very limited decision making required to play. The game just devolved into running spamming jump which wasn't that fun or challenging in the end.

    (Lack of) Polish

    The result was a little rough around the edges

    • Lack of even a basic menu
    • Level design was completely rushed, didn't mesh well with mechanics
    • Inconsistent aesthetic (poorly textured cubes against pixel art sprites)
    • No victory music/SFX
    • Lack of animations (no jump, damage, death animations)

    What Went Well

    It worked, and it was the level possible to finish, which was a big plus. There might have been a lot of things that could've been done better better at the end of day but upon reflection there was no harm in trying and I'm certainly glad we enjoyed not only making our game but getting to play everyone else's too.

    My Original Post Let me know what you guys think. Thanks for Reading

    submitted by /u/Drkr
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    I need some ideas for a commission.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 11:20 AM PST

    For a college project we have been set a commission; An RPG game that is intended for students on Gap Years, to promote volunteering to strengthen their UCAS profiles, get work experience and develop as a person. I'm incredibly stuck for ideas!

    submitted by /u/BRboxMC
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    Which 2D game engine is best for visual scripting?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 11:12 AM PST

    Hey all,

    First off, sorry if this kind of question has been posted before. I'm relatively new to the game dev world, as I've been tinkering here and there for the past year, and I'm finding that my hobby is growing into a passion. I've already made a simple game in Construct 2 - play it here - and it's terrible and awful, but it's mine. My main problem is that I'm an artist and designer first and foremost, and I find coding to have a really steep learning curve for me. I get overwhelmed easily when numbers and stuff are thrown at me, but I REALLY like the gratification of having my animations move and interact with each other in a game. I'm quite fond of Construct, but with the new C3 release I don't really like the subscription system, and they haven't really added anything new (although I suppose if it ain't broke you don't fix it), but I'm content just plugging along in C2, I guess. I want to get into an engine that has some longevity to it though, and ideally has a visual scripting system that is powerful enough to build some decent games without having to dive into the deep end of coding. So far I'm leaning toward GameMaker (although I've read that the DnD system has its limitations) and I've poked around in Unity (there are some visual scripting plugins, like Bolt and Uscript, although I'm unsure as to which one is better), and I know of a few other smaller programs, but I'm a bit overwhelmed by all of the prospective programs out there that look good on their front page but may not follow through on what I'm looking for.

    TLDR - Need a good/powerful visual scripting engine for an artist who can't wrap his head around proper coding. I know that this kind of thing is subjective to the user, but I'd appreciate a nudge in the direction of what's worked best for you/others in a similar situation.

    Thanks all! :)

    submitted by /u/MoriiMaker
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    Unity Tutorial - Create a Fuel System for your driving game

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:43 AM PST

    Color in games: An in-depth look at one of game design's most useful tools

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:20 AM PST

    My game framework is beyond unconventional

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST

    I almost have the game functionality complete... Then I will be adding game content and art assets. The only core conventional rule I've followed is "Do more, write less".

    I can understand everything I've done but it makes adding things that are new to me hard since I would never have comparable examples. Should I back track and do things (networking, sound, menu's and other static resources) more conventionally before continuing or keep on trucking?

    submitted by /u/Rownowaga
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    How do I use textures from Ninja Ripper and use them in GTA San Andreas's Skin Selector?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 09:55 AM PST

    I ripped a character from a game using Ninja Ripper and even rigged her using a SA ped in 3DS Max. Added the .dff file in San Andreas without textures and it worked. However, the textures for my model are seperate files and when I look inside skin.img in with ImgTools, there's just one texture for the character I added. How do I texture my character?

    submitted by /u/Callofapple123
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    Toy Brawler - WIP video of our upcoming MOBA game, hope you like it!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 09:52 AM PST

    how much should i be demanding?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 09:40 AM PST

    Ok so my friend wants to make a video game. So he is a potential customer and i am supposed to make a game. Games is an 2d arcade android game with 10 levels for now. Its not yet decided how many people will work on it. For now its only me both the designer, artist and developer. There is future potential plan to get 2 more guys for working on project. Prohect hasn't been solidified yet. Its just at a discussion phase. Now i don't know how should i be asking for making this game for him. This is my probably second game (don't worry I'm good at making games) and this is kind of my first job that i ever got. And i live in india were people generally don't have huge money. and my friend is just starting a propreitary company. At this point looking at our conditions I'm planning to ask for 10 to 20k Rs.(157 to 315$) for this game. According to you how much should it be? Is it too less or too high? Rn its only me doing the game but probably we might get 2 more guys. I need little guidance amd advice here on how much should i ask. I am skilled at both designing and art. Programming is something that i am currently learning because generally i used to use visual scripting.

    submitted by /u/sanketvaria29
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    Is it realistic to think that I could develop my own game?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 08:46 PM PST

    I have(what I think is) a unique game idea and would like to try to begin creating this game. I have zero experience in game development, and was wondering if any of you think it is realistic of me to be able to develop my own game within a reasonable time frame(a year or so). My game will need a large map, similar to that of a battle royale map. It will need general characters, it's a multiplayer game only. The only knowledge I have is very basic coding knowledge(BASIC and an introductory Java class). Is this realistic, or would it take too long to make on my own?

    submitted by /u/MehDub11
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    New Game Dev Question

    Posted: 04 Jan 2018 09:03 AM PST

    Hi All,

    I decided a few months ago that i need to actually sit down and accomplish the thing I've been saying i should do for years, learn to make a game. My programming skills have always been weak and the only languages i know are VB and SQL. I want to learn C# so ive been working 100% in unity at the moment.

    I bought several courses on Udemy and have been cranking through them as fast as I can and feel like they are greatly helpful. So far i have completed 5 demo games while following through the courses. Lots of the work i was able to solve without assistance of the videos.

    I hear from lots of the redit threads here, that doing a bunch of smaller games to learn are the best way to go. So my question is what kind of skills would really be needed to jump into a game jam? I figure a couple attempts at game jams would be a great way to force myself to keep a project small and actually complete a game or two would go a long way in developing my hobby.

    I would appreciate any feedback what kind of knowledge is really needed to get the most out of doing a game jam, or thoughts on my approach are good as well.

    submitted by /u/Zerosend
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