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    Monday, November 27, 2017

    Weekly Threads 101: Making Good Use of /r/gamedev

    Weekly Threads 101: Making Good Use of /r/gamedev

    Weekly Threads 101: Making Good Use of /r/gamedev

    Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:59 PM PST

    If you tried posting screenshots, feedback requests or a launch announcement to /r/gamedev, your post may have been taken down with a request to use the weekly threads instead. This FAQ should hopefully answer any questions you may have.

    If you really want to make a standalone post, check out this short guide: Posting about your projects on /r/gamedev (wiki page)

    What are the weekly threads?

    /r/gamedev has always strived to avoid becoming an echo chamber where game developers promote their games at each other. Instead, we encourage developers to discuss their games with each other.

    The weekly threads are a place for developers to congregate and freely discuss their projects, with an emphasis on two-way feedback.

    To participate, wait for the thread to be posted and leave a comment. Threads are typically posted around midnight Eastern Time on their designated day of the week.

    What ARE the weekly threads?

    Click the titles to see the archive for each category:

    Marketing Monday

    • For feedback on your marketing efforts.

    • Get help with your trailer, website, press kit, crowdfunding campaign.

    • Talk about advertising, user acquisition, viral marketing, and more!

    WIP Wednesday

    • For feedback on work-in-progress prototypes, features, art, models, etc.

    • Show off your unfinished work and get help selecting concepts.

    • Get feedback on your implementation of an idea.

    Feedback Friday

    • For playtesting and developer feedback.

    • Post a build of your game or demo with minimal instructions, and receive feedback from other developers.

    • No screenshots, video or promotional materials allowed!

    Screenshot Saturday

    • Post at least one original screenshot or video of your project.

    • Text and social medial links entirely optional!

    Soundtrack Sunday

    • Give and receive feedback on game music

    I posted in a weekly thread but got no upvotes. Isn't this a waste of time?

    First, you may be looking at this the wrong way. The point of posting about your game on /r/gamedev isn't to attract a viral following. Think quality over quantity. There isn't really much you can do with a handful of upvotes, but you could very well receive a critical piece of advice from a fellow developer that will help you improve your project.

    Next, remember that everyone wants feedback on their work. If you don't take the time to leave feedback for others, why should they take the time to leave feedback for you?

    Small gestures can have a great impact. Pay it forward and see what happens!

    How can I make the most of the weekly threads?

    Here's some general advice:

    • Mind the rules and keep it concise! You'll get more exposure if your post is short, focused and easy to digest.

    • Pay it forward! The users who receive the most feedback are those who leave feedback for others first. It's perfectly acceptable to link back to your own post.

    • Avoid posting things that are off-topic for that particular thread (e.g., marketing materials in Screenshot Saturday, screenshots in Feedback Friday)

    • Don't feel discouraged if your posts are not well-received at first. Why not take inspiration from the posts that did better than yours last week?

    How do you decide what weekly threads to create?

    We don't! All of the weekly threads you see were originally started by users, and did not become 'official' until they had attracted a significant following. If you think you have a good idea for a gamedev-related weekly thread, please feel free to start one.

    There are no special guidelines, but ideally, they should be designed so that any other member can continue posting the thread each week if you're not available, without requiring access to external credentials or resources.

    Are the weekly threads the only way to post about my game?

    Absolutely not! You may introduce your company and link to your game's store page in a post as long as it's developer-oriented and brings some kind of value to readers.

    For more advice on posting, check out this short guide: Posting about your projects on /r/gamedev (wiki page)

    submitted by /u/kiwibonga
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    Is it normal for a publisher to ask you to pay them a penalty if you don't provide updates for your game?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:36 AM PST


    We have the opportunity to sign a publishing deal with a mobile game publisher who have a very lucrative flat payment contract (not revenue share). The only problem I see with it is that they require that I pay them a penalty of some amount if I don't provide them with updates to the game. The penalty I owe them is proportional to how late I submit the updates and bug fixes. That is, every day late I send them the update they ask, I will owe them something more.

    Is this standard stuff in publishing contracts?

    They seem really genuine, nice and I honestly don't think they'd be interested or have the time in extorting penalties from a developer. They already have a great portfolio as well. But I am still worried because if all goes bad and they become evil I can end up having to pay them way more than they paid me.

    PS: I can't mention the publisher because I don't think I am supposed to and I respect their confidentiality.

    submitted by /u/oranjuiced
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    Where to find artists/composers for my most recent project?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:52 AM PST

    I have recently started on a new project which I'm excited to get to work on, however, I am in need of assistance with creation of the assets to implement. Where would I find artists and/or composers which would be willing to create these things. Where do I start looking and what will encourage people to work with me?

    In particular, I am looking for someone who can do pixel art for the sprites, if that helps to narrow down the locations which I would search.

    Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/atwoodjer
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    Extensible necks in 2D for our dragons are no easy topic.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:51 AM PST

    We implemented large monsters in our 2D action combat MMOG in development. Here is a video of the current implementation. This is work in progress and not every head-position is as we would like it. But it's good as a starting point.


    What we have implemented is a simple "pearl necklace" style, where the segments pull each other apart. Problem here is that there are either gaps between the neck-segments when the animation goes too far or, when solved by adding more segments, the neck in standard position becomes a blurry mess.

    Too many layers (blurry), too little layers (gaps): image

    In theory, we have concepts for rotating the parts or layering some segments exactly on top of each other until the neck is extended enough. We also play with rotating the neck segments to preserve correct lighting.

    Moving and rotating module slices: image

    Module form and light exploration, testing different approaches like pearls, scales, and slices: image

    Layering exploration, test by covering and uncovering different areas of each neck module, when the neck is at different positions: image

    Motion tests, telegraphs and bite attack: image

    We are currently on a learning curve and would love your input and ideas for implementation or good examples so we can improve.

    submitted by /u/KonspiracyGames
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    I'm doing a school project that involves using an Arduino as an input pad - should I use Java or Python?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:04 AM PST

    I've been given a school project that involves creating a 2D game that uses an arduino as a controller. For example, you could use a joystick to move a racecar. We can use any language for this, but I think I will use either Java or Python as I have basic understanding in these. Which one do you think would be most appropriate?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/iHammmy
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    Game name exactly the same as a little known thing in another industry?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:28 AM PST

    I have come up with a great name for a game I am set to release and hit a snag when googling it. I get around 2,000 hits for the name, but there happens to be a small business that sells safety accessories for sporting equipment with this name. There is minimal chance for confusion between our products and in fact there is no trademark registered under this name. What would you do?

    submitted by /u/yamlCase
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    If you're releasing your game on the steam store or elsewhere for free, does that make it noncommercial? In which case, are you allowed to use resources like music that have a "free for noncommercial use" license?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:24 PM PST

    My specific question is about a game I want to release for free online. It was originally going to just be a webcomic, but I found some great visual novel software and decided to go the route of interactive comic / hybrid VN. I wound up coming across this great app for developing music, but the catch was that this app doesn't have a fully free license.

    The app allows noncommercial use only, so you can upload to youtube or soundcloud and even gives options in-app to upload your finished work to soundcloud. So it sounds like they're okay with you releasing your creations as long as you're not doing it for profit.

    So is this about in the same territory as using free/noncommercial license stuff in a free/noncommercial game?

    Edit: Still getting to the bottom of this, but I wanted to thank you guys for your answers and suggestions! You all are fantastic!

    submitted by /u/1exp
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    The video games industry forms a coalition to fight the lootcrate gambling crisis

    Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:57 PM PST

    How are stats calculated behind the scenes in a game like League of Legends?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:32 AM PST

    I am trying to learn more about game design and how to code a more future proof system. I am genuinely curious how a game like LoL does it, since they have many different types of stats. For example, attack damage (Ad) alone has:

    • Champion Base Ad + Ad per level
    • Items Ad
    • Items Base Ad multiplier
    • Items bonus Ad based off of total Mana (Manamune/Muramana)
    • Passive/Active Ability that boosts Ad by a flat amount, base % and even total %.

    There are even some stats like Armor that have % bonuses only to Bonus Armor, not including the Base armor for example. Some seem like they use some kind of recursive formula. My question though is, how are these calculated? Are the formulas manually coded for each stat? How about how they str updated? Whenever any stat changes, a new item, on level up, a debuff or buff activates, anything at all, does the ENTIRE thing get reculated since there are some that gain bonuses depending on other stats? Is it possible there is a single formula that everything uses, and if items doesn't have that stat for example, it simply defaults it to 0 (or 1 if its a multiplier) and that one single formula is used to calculate everything in game? Or a few formulas in case 2-3 are used instead?

    Any information on the topic is GREATLY appreciated! I hope I made sense. Thanks for reading and for any help!

    submitted by /u/hatenames
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    I'm getting emails from "streamers" and game bundle companies asking for my game for free.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:11 AM PST

    I recently published my game Djilyaro on steam a few days ago and ever since I've been receiving emails from streamers or people pretending to be streamers who want my game for free. I find this strange since my game is 99¢(Not exactly breaking the budget) and I've done nothing in the way of marketing so how the hell do they know about my game.

    I'm wondering if this is common place to get spammed by these emails after releasing a game and if anyone else has gone through the same thing. I'm very new to all of this and getting scammed is something i'd like to avoid.

    submitted by /u/HoneyBeeSoftware
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    A little C# script for Unity to create parallax(background scrolling) effect ��.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:19 AM PST

    Starship Repo - My first large scale game (scifi/horror)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:55 AM PST

    Here is a video of the first room in my game. I'm on an ad-hoc server made of a laptop and a 3 ft ethernet cord right now, so it took forever to upload... and I only realized afterwards that the shader is on the wrong setting. Seems like you are only able to realize you messed something up AFTER it's been posted but here we are.
    Anyways it's supposed to look something more like this.

    It's a horror game so I was playing with making everything very dark and gloomy but I just prefer it to be brighter, and with a better vignette/more saturation. This fits better with the original theme/idea I had for the game anyways- "How twisted and horrifying can I make something with goofy nintendo/cartoon style art?"
    I like working with limitations and I think I can use the contrast between the style and the feel to my advantage.

    Anyways, the storyline follows an interstellar repo man named Dennis. He gets assigned to repossess a large colony ship called the Eso-1251 which defaulted on its payments months ago. There were no communications from the ship but the galactic bank gets this a lot, so it was deemed an ordinary case of freeloading meatbags. Only when Dennis arrives does he realize otherwise.

    His goal is to repair as much of the ship as possible to get a higher bounty, but he also has to contend with the mysterious and deadly conditions. There is not a single living soul aboard besides him but there are a lot of supernatural scifi beings trying to eat his brain. I want to follow some traditional horror game tropes with this. So for instance instead of a laser gun he gets a shotgun with limited ammo, and some enemies will simply be invincible and you will have to run or hide.

    This was originally inspired by my 30-ish hours in Prey but I found myself drawn to the general feel of Distraint after I saw that my art style was vaguely similar. Also I want to make it play a bit like a game I played on my DS back in the day called Dementium. But you know, in space.

    That's about all I can say with certainty for now but let me know any thoughts or criticisms, this is my first game at any type of commercial level so there are sure to be some pitfalls along the way.

    submitted by /u/willbo360
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    Dissecting “Tiny Clouds”

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:15 AM PST

    Which subreddits should I post my game to?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:49 AM PST

    Apart from genre-specific communities on Reddit (like /r/FPS), where else should I create posts to use Reddit as one of my marketing platforms?

    I can imagine posting to /r/games (which is very big, so it's probably really hard to get visibility there). I also have an idea of posting my game to the subreddits of other similar games, but I'm not sure if it would seem rude or intrusive.

    Are there any other options?


    submitted by /u/smthamazing
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    What is the difference between a 'wannabe' and a professional GameDev?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:48 AM PST

    Going into detail on "the invisible tutorial", trying to teach players through gameplay rather than text.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:10 AM PST

    The fun side testing. Video just gets better XD

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:38 AM PST

    What Makes Good Gameplay

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:35 AM PST

    Could someone please help me with linear algebra, and creating a 'Transform' class?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:38 AM PST

    Hi gamedev,

    I'm working on a Transform class that is intended to represent an entities model matrix in 3D. Here's what I've got so far (using c++ and glm for math):


    I've got some of the basics working (I think) and now I'm trying my luck with rotations/orientation. In particular, I need some help implementing theses functions:
    * rotate(x, y, z); // Cumulative rotate
    * move[Forward/Right/Up](); // Translate in a direction

    I've read through various blogs/forums and tutorials on how to create these Transform classes, but since I don't have a strong background in math I've found it difficult converting theory to practice.

    Any help is really appreciated. Thank you!

    PS: If anyone is available to be an occasional linear algebra mentor to me (the odd question that I can't solve with Google), please flick me a PM!

    submitted by /u/Koochy
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    Goblin Gearshop

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:33 AM PST

    Hi guys, I'd like to hear your feedback about a game I'm working on together with 15 students. We are making a game inspired by overcooked ("spinning plate game" -genre) . In our game you create weapons and gear as a goblin blacksmith. You provide these weapons because your allies are at war with the enemies. Your job is to supply your allies with sufficient weapons and gear of high quality, to ensure them a victory in the war. Creating the weapons is done by basic repeatable tasks. Each "step" in the production requires you to complete a set of skillchecks. An example could be to saw a piece of wood at the right time (as in hitting a button at the right time) in a sequence of 3. You cannot run the blacksmith on your own. You have to work together with other players (max 4) to play the game. This should bring an element of teamwork and chaos to the game. We emphasize this element of chaos by making the game camera first-person mode. Let me know what you think! What game mechanics/elements do you like, and which are you concerned about?

    submitted by /u/WiseHat
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    Marketing Monday #197 - Free Consultation

    Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:58 PM PST

    What is Marketing Monday?

    Post your marketing material like websites, email pitches, trailers, presskits, promotional images etc., and get feedback from and give feedback to other devs.


    • Do NOT try to promote your game to game devs here, we are not your audience. This is only for feedback and improvement.

    • Clearly state what you want feedback on otherwise your post may be removed. (Do not just dump Kickstarter or trailer links)

    • If you post something, try to leave some feedback on somebody else's post. It's good manners.

    • If you do post some feedback, try to make sure it's good feedback: make sure it has the what ("The logo sucks...") and the why ("...because it's hard to read on most backgrounds").

    • A very wide spectrum of items can be posted here, but try to limit yourself to one or two important items in your post to prevent it from being cluttered up.

    • Promote good feedback, and upvote those who do! Also, don't forget to thank the people who took some of their time to write some feedback for you, even if you don't agree with it.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    All Previous Marketing Mondays

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    How often do you use code (from a tutorial, stack overflow, etc) that you don't totally understand?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:48 PM PST

    I'm building a point and click game and ran into issues with how to implement pathfinding. I learned about A* path finding and found a tutorial that suited my needs perfectly with just a few tweaks.

    Thing is while I understand the gist of what the code is doing, I don't really have my head wrapped around all of it, especially some of the math that went into building my grid of nodes.

    But now I have perfectly functioning pathfinding that I know enough about to at least tweak and troubleshoot.

    I just feel a little guilty, like I took a short cut and I missed an opportunity to learn and expand my knowledge/skills...

    But then you have things like the Unity asset store; a whole business built on this very concept, no?

    At what point though does this practice become a crutch? Do you guys code everything from the ground up? Do you understand everything you put into your games?

    submitted by /u/Winstonipston
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    Jordan Mechner PAX East 2012 Keynote

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:54 AM PST

    Getting back into game dev

    Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:20 PM PST

    I followed through several Unity courses and made small text adventure and physics games a few months back. Now I want to come back to game development and continue learning more.

    Should I go over all the old tutorials and courses I took, or do new ones and see if my memory connects the dots?

    submitted by /u/PythonNerd
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    7 ways to increase your ecpm

    Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:12 PM PST

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