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    Sunday, February 27, 2022

    Screenshot Saturday #586 - High Fidelity

    Screenshot Saturday #586 - High Fidelity

    Screenshot Saturday #586 - High Fidelity

    Posted: 25 Feb 2022 10:24 PM PST

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    I grew tired of watching sculpting tutorials that took 24 minutes or more to get to the point and created this video on the sculpting process using only just 4 brushes explained in 8 minutes, it is as short as I can make it without leaving any useful data out, I hope this helps some of us :-)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 12:09 PM PST

    Postmortem of my first game, one day after the release

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 02:21 PM PST


    I released my first game Alien Shepherd on the 25th of February on steam.

    Alien Shepherd is a precision platformer with a flying mechanic that allows you to go in any direction for a short duration. There's two different biomes and 50+ levels of increasing difficulty.

    I started development in December 2020 and worked on it after my full-time job until the release. My sister worked on the graphics and I worked on the development.

    Because I have a lot of experience with Python, I started working on the game using pygame. But, I had a lot of difficulties making builds for Windows and making shaders work, so I switched to Heaps.io after about 2 months. I'm a bit stubborn and didn't want to use an engine. I'm a developer and I like writing code, so a library made more sense to me.

    The initial goal was to release a game on Steam, and have fun doing it. Some people want to write a book in their life, I wanted to publish a game that I could be proud of.

    Marketing & Performances

    At launch we had 80 wishlists. I used Twitter to get there, the #WishlistWednesday had the best conversion from tweet to wishlist. Right now we're at 115 wishlists. The release brought more wishlists than I anticipated, I guess the new releases appear on a Steam page that brings traffic to the game's page.

    Median time played is 47 minutes, which is lower than Steam average, but I expect this to go up because the game has only been out for 36h.

    Since release, we have sold 11 copies of the game for a gross revenue of $46 and a net revenue of $36.

    Most copies sold in my home country (France) even though I marketed the game in English. This tells me that people who bought the game are friends of friends and not people that came from Twitter.

    What worked

    There are a lot of things that helped releasing the game:

    • Having a clear deadline in mind from the beginning (I wanted to spend 1 year on the game)
    • Not hesitating to reduce the scope (we could still be working on it for at least a year or two if we implemented everything we thought about)
    • Buying the music ($14) (we aren't musician, I tried to make some music but it took so much time for very bad results)
    • Making sure I was having fun developing the game (I didn't want a second job, I wanted a hobby)
    • Working with someone as motivated as me (I wouldn't have released the game alone)
    • Using the level editor LDtk (it's made by the creator of Dead Cells)

    What I would do differently next time

    For this game, the goal was to release a game I could consider "finished". If I ever attempt to make another one, I would aim for financial success. That means >$20/h return on time spent developing the game.

    To achieve that, I would start the marketing much earlier in the development process. I would focus on a vertical slice of the game and polish it until I get enough wishlists. Only with enough wishlists, I would start spending time on creating content.

    I would also not create a platformer. They are, by far, not the best performing games on steam. And I feel like the ratio between play-time / development-time isn't high compared to something with high replayability like roguelikes. The level-design was definitely not what was the most fun for me.

    submitted by /u/volent
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    Analysis of the Source Code for NPCs in Super Mario 64

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 04:41 AM PST

    Cup Game Made in Unity

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 03:23 AM PST

    Any ideas on how to script or make a cup game in Unity?

    There would be 5 cups presented to the player and a key underneath one of them. The cup with the key would show the key underneath, set itself back on the table then the cups shuffle. The player is able to click on any of the cups and the cup would show what's underneath.

    The cup game would have 5 rounds. Every time the player gets it right and tries to click on the key, the cup closes and the next round starts. If the player gets it right for all 5 rounds, the player is able to get the key after the final round. If the player gets it wrong on any of the rounds, they have to restart from round 1.

    Creating and playing the animations is a no-brainer for me, but I need to figure out how to script the cup game to work this way.

    submitted by /u/I5r66
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    Question: How to be satisfied with the game idea you're working on?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 06:05 PM PST

    I have been trying to get into game development seriously for years now, and I have really built up my coding skills, and learned a lot about game design in general (have read several articles and identified my own likes and dislikes as a developer). I believe I have all I need to actually start making games.

    However I keep running into the same issue... early on into a project, I will completely lose interest. It doesn't matter how ambitious or unamibitous the game I'm trying to design is. I always find some reason that I can't, or shouldn't, finish the game and why some other idea would be a much better investment of my time.

    I know on some level that I'm being dumb, that some weird psychological issue I'm having is preventing my success, that no game developer is ever 100% satisfied with the project they're working on but they have to make compromises in order to achieve anything... yet still, I keep losing interest. Once I lose interest it feels wrong to continue.

    Has anyone encountered this before and overcome it? And if so, how? I just want to make clear that I don't care about resources or making a triple-A game or any of that. I would be satisfied just making a text adventure, it's not like I'm lacking for resources, it's just that I can never stay interested in the ideas that I came up with even though they seemed appealing initially.

    submitted by /u/game_dev_struggles
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    How to animate cosmetics for pixel art characters?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 09:34 PM PST

    So, I want players to be able to customize themselves with a bunch of different cosmetics. But obviously I can't just animate every possible combination of cosmetics. I thought I could just create an empty game object (I'm using Unity) and have it stick with the player, and attach the cosmetics to that empty game object, but for animations where the player goes up and down (like for an idle or run) the cosmetic wouldn't stick vertically with the player. Also, I want things like hats to kinda bob up and down when doing some animations (like idling or running) Any sort of help with this would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    Also, I'm using Aseprite for my art.

    submitted by /u/ThisMayBeMyName_
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    The Procedural Animation of Gibbon: Beyond the Trees - Wolfire Games

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 11:13 AM PST

    Is using haxe for game developing a valid choice?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 02:52 AM PST

    I have tried game engines and other languages, but haxe seems to offer a good performance/easiness/productivity ratio and doesn't produce bloated packages. The most significant downside I see is not too many (actively maintained) libraries but heaps.io seems polished enough. I can't decide which would be better Unity or Godot or Haxe for a small game project (hopefully 3 months).

    Which would be better to use? What are others options worth considering?

    The game should run as a standalone (windows and linux), on the web (ideally with wasm, js is ok).

    The server would run as a standalone (windows and linux) (hopefully with ok performance).

    submitted by /u/_SleepingOwl
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    Is there a significant audience for indie 3D platformers in 2022?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 01:09 AM PST

    While doing market research, I was wondering how big of an audience do 3D platformers have nowadays, I'm interested in particular on Steam. It was a bit hard to tell for me because I couldn't find much data specific to 3d platformers (but only 2d/3d platformers in general) and there aren't an awful lot of indie games in this genre (compared to others).

    What's your opinion? A hat in time was the last indie 3d platformer hit I heard about, with millions of copies sold. Yooka-laylee also did sell well apparently. Other recent games I know about (new super lucky tale and demon turf) didn't sell terribly well on Steam judging from the number of reviews. (Maybe they did better on other platforms though)

    submitted by /u/Ologon
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    How can I create a game using raw C#

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 09:35 AM PST

    I want to create a game with C# without using unity, monogame, forms etc. just raw c#, i know you can do it in Java using awt/swing and im looking for something like that

    submitted by /u/LegendizedGaming
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    Kingdom Builders

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 12:27 AM PST

    I'm hoping to make a kingdom builder game such as clash of clans and cookie run kingdom. Do you know any platforms to make games like that? The main game platforms have make visual novels and rpgs. I have apps to make assets but not to actually make the game.

    submitted by /u/FormalProgress5703
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    How would you handle turn-based combat with a state machine?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 04:45 PM PST

    I'm looking into using a state machine to handle my turn-based combat and came across a dilemma:

    • Should I separate player and opponent turns into two states? This would keep me from checking whose turn it is on every state, but would mean I have to duplicate a lot of them. For example, the attack state would need two (a player-attack and an opponent-attack state), which would mean duplicating a lot of code.
    • Or should have every action be a state, and just check whose turn it is? This means there would be only one attack state, but it would need to check which team is doing the attacking, and that would mean a lot of "whose turn is it?" checks in every state.

    Should I use a PlayerTurn and OpponentTurn state, and give each of them similar sub-states for Attack, UseItem, Win, Lose, etc?

    Or should I just have all the states together and just do PlayerAttack, OpponentAttack, PlayerUseItem, OpponentUseItem, etc?

    Or should I not even use a state machine for the whole battle system, and instead use multiple smaller state machines for individual things like the interface, the battle characters/monsters, etc?

    submitted by /u/Tuckertcs
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    Why PS1 and N64 era games look so different compared to modern games

    Posted: 25 Feb 2022 09:10 PM PST

    Can anyone give a list of ad networks and the android stores they support

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 11:38 PM PST

    Ok , I have to tell you , for no mistake of my admob got suspended. I read a post here and everyday fear when my game from the play store will be removed. Honestly speaking google can't be trusted at all. This make me go with only one solution "Never trust a single source of anything"

    That being said I have decided that I will implement multiple ad-networks and upload my game on multiple android stores. I have seen that for android stores GetJar,Slide Me, Opera mobile store, AppBrain,AppsLib, Samsung Galaxy Store, Amazon App Store, Oppo App Market, Xiaomi GetApps, etc are there. But I simply can't get the supported adnetworks across all of this. I read somewhere that Unity ads can run on PlayStore but not on Amazon App Store. So I just want atleast 4-5 ad networks which can be run on all these stores for that matter

    submitted by /u/chethanv77777Harry
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    Do you prefer low poly games with smooth polished animation or high end texture high poly games with mediocre animation?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 11:14 PM PST

    Other than story line and level design I noticed that I lean much more towards games with really polished animation and actions and I don't really care about how "Real Life" the texture is and I wanted to ask the people who worked in both project which game succeeded more? The one with high end graphics or the one with really good animations?

    submitted by /u/instanote98
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    How Pathfinding Works - Video and Open-Source Project + Demo Linked in Comments

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 09:40 AM PST

    How do i make a 2d story based game as a non programmer and publish it

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 02:41 AM PST

    I want to make a game soo badly but i can't find any platforms to do so.

    Are there any platforms where i don't use coding or visual scripting? And how do i publish them?

    There has to be a way.

    submitted by /u/PrestigiousEstate525
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    I've made a modular pack of 11 animated characters you can use in any of your projects, completely for free!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2022 05:27 AM PST

    Where to start for a game?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 09:10 AM PST

    Hi guys, recently I got interested into game development and would like to try out one of my idea of 3D Action Adventure.

    And since a game is made up of tons of small pieces, what are the first piece that you guys recommend to learn for and build for at the beginning? Storyline? Characters? World Settings? Maps? Objects? Combat? Design? or it's the menu?

    I am fluent in C# so I'm gonna use Unity, I have watched some Unity tutorials but haven't really got my hands on it.

    Any suggestions will be fine, thank you guys so much!

    submitted by /u/SivArcher
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    Do I need to scale my 3D Blender assets to fit within tiles in Unity?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 10:03 PM PST

    I am a beginner learning both Blender basics and Unity. The assets I'm making are simple chess-like pieces that I want to fit onto the tiles of a grid in Unity. They don't need to take up the whole tile but I don't the basic units taking up more than one tile. What would be the safest way to scale my assets?

    submitted by /u/jamesjordan22
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    Roblox, Metaverse, engines, the future of game dev

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 09:51 PM PST

    Game engines have been evolving toward more openness and ease-of-use. Similar to what we've seen previously in the worlds of music and video production, what used to be inaccessible to all but well-financed industry insiders has generally become doable to any hobbyist.

    In many ways, products like Roblox, Minecraft, VRChat and now Horizon Worlds are game engines with drastic leaps forward in ease of use. That's great. But the part where they are also 'platforms,' with the work of creators unable to be distributed independently or on any competing platforms, is as far as I can tell pretty novel. And as Roblox already shows, this model has a lot of potential…downsides.

    Anyone else concerned about a hypothetical future where game dev tools become so easy to use, and so tightly paired to the distribution platforms of the future (the 'metaverse(s)'), that solo or small team indies will lose their ability to develop for a living?

    submitted by /u/LeDorean2015
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    Can anyone recommend royalty-free music and/or composers with music similar to Super Crate Box or Splatoon 1/2?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 09:02 PM PST

    Currently making a trailer and need a good track I can put in it. I don't have music for the game yet, so I am looking for some royalty-free stuff I can use for the time being. If anyone can recommend some composers as well for when I need to get some music made which may fit similarly to those games, please do! I am making a 2D sidescroller shooter wave-based action arena game about shooting aliens with soda, if the context helps.

    As an aside, I am having trouble figuring out the musical vibe/tone for my game, so currently the music from Super Crate Box and Splatoon are fitting well enough so I'm going with that.

    submitted by /u/Ray-Flower
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    I'm making a Map / guide for Game developers especially solo devs and whoever new to this subject.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 10:45 AM PST

    I, myself new to this and i want to make a clear path and a guide for me and everyone else to follow. like a Map or a holy book. a source for all the tools and knowledge you need and the resources to learn and this extends not only making a game but also where to sell your game and how to market it.

    this should be a very large project. and i think i can do it, i'm not going to teach you but to tell what exactly you need to learn and where to learn it in order to make a game and earn from it.

    what do you guys think are essential things to know and what are the secondary stuff.

    this is targeted for people who want to learn from the comfort of their desks and their own pace and as low cost as they can.

    this has come from a struggle where i thought oh i just need to code and make 3d models and animation and sound design.

    but then slowly i figured out that's not it lol. each one of these has alot hidden in it.

    for example rigging for animation. and PBR texturing.

    i'm doing well and slowly learning them. but there is alot that i dont know about. so this project comes to slove that problem. And if it was already done by someone else then I'm dumb pls tell me where to find it.

    submitted by /u/Desert-Knight
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    How to market a game to streamers?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 07:44 AM PST

    I've got a game that's kind of a blend of horror, speedrunning, dark humor, etc. and I'm trying to get it out there as I do genuinely feel that it can gain some traction. I've already sent a Steam key to some streamers, and out of those who've played the game, they seem to genuinely enjoy it, and keep going back to it in an effort to beat it as the game is extraordinarily hard and can't be beaten on its first playthrough.

    Anyway, with that aside, I'm wondering how I can actually get people playing the thing. Going from stream to stream, seeing if they want it, and sending them the key does work, but it's not on a large enough scale and I'm stuck in a position where I realistically can only get relatively smaller streamers to play it.

    I'm considering using a service like Indieboost, which has gotten me one streamer to play it for free, but I've heard mixed things about their paid packages and I don't know if it'd actually be worth it. I'm hoping to hear some more recent reviews of the service to see if it'd be worth my money and time. In addition to Indieboost, are there any other services and/or methods I can use to get this game in front of people and get them talking about it? Thanks ahead of time.

    submitted by /u/wokstar2
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    Advice on a path to make a my passion project

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 03:49 PM PST

    TLDR: outside of the coding and programing (which is a massive part of it i know, im partnering up) what additional programs should i dedicate myself to learn, and what general advice/ game plan should i have to make this thing a reality. really just "what should i spend my time learning"?

    If you boil my idea down to its most basic fundamentals, Its a 2d pixel art style platformer. What are key things i should focus on to realize this?

    Programs I'm currently using:

    Aseprite: for in game art and animation

    Photoshop: for the more complicated art assets.

    Various programs and DAWs for sound design (too many to list, im good on this side as im also a musician)

    I don't know what an effective work flow should be though, im very unorganized. I need help being pointed the right way.

    Thank you. Im sure this gets asked all the time...

    Me rambling:

    I know, I know... the genre has been done to death, but i am slow, and Ive had an idea for one since i was a kid (some of my assets are actually from back then) . Its a passion project that i expect to work slowly on bit by bit over the years. My only goal is that i make it before I die. Just for myself, i don't care if its a success or anything like that. If people like it, awesome. bonus

    Im a jack of all trades kind of artist from a fine art background. I think I can do everything needed besides the programming itself (which is a huge component i know) . For that I will need to partner up with someone at some point. (Id love to learn it myself, but after a decade of trying my learning disability really gets in the way. I have a LOT of trouble with numbers. )

    submitted by /u/GhoulArtist
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