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    I'm about to give up. UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '<'. Ask Programming

    I'm about to give up. UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '<'. Ask Programming

    I'm about to give up. UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '<'.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 08:55 PM PST

    I tried to install NVIDIA Tacotron2 via Google Colab. However, when I reach the final stage, I encounter an error that I can never solve. I've been struggling with this for three days and I'm exhausted. What to do? What do I need to change? Or what should I install? I don't understand software at all, I just want to fix this bug. My motivation dropped to zero. By the way I am using Python 3.7.7.

    FP16 Run: False Dynamic Loss Scaling: True Distributed Run: False cuDNN Enabled: True cuDNN Benchmark: False % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 1555 100 1555 0 0 21597 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 21597 Warm starting model from checkpoint 'pretrained_model' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnpicklingError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-10-e8a871a0e98d> in <module>() 5 print('cuDNN Benchmark:', hparams.cudnn_benchmark) 6 train(output_directory, log_directory, checkpoint_path, ----> 7 warm_start, n_gpus, rank, group_name, hparams, log_directory2) 3 frames <ipython-input-4-ef0ac9448a90> in train(output_directory, log_directory, checkpoint_path, warm_start, n_gpus, rank, group_name, hparams, log_directory2) 276 os.path.isfile("pretrained_model") 277 download_from_google_drive("1c5ZTuT7J08wLUoVZ2KkUs_VdZuJ86ZqA","pretrained_model") --> 278 model = warm_start_model("pretrained_model", model, hparams.ignore_layers) 279 # download LJSpeech pretrained model if no checkpoint already exists 280 <ipython-input-4-ef0ac9448a90> in warm_start_model(checkpoint_path, model, ignore_layers) 134 assert os.path.isfile(checkpoint_path) 135 print("Warm starting model from checkpoint '{}'".format(checkpoint_path)) --> 136 checkpoint_dict = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location='cpu') 137 model_dict = checkpoint_dict['state_dict'] 138 if len(ignore_layers) > 0: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/serialization.py in load(f, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args) 606 return torch.jit.load(opened_file) 607 return _load(opened_zipfile, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args) --> 608 return _legacy_load(opened_file, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args) 609 610 /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/serialization.py in _legacy_load(f, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args) 775 "functionality.") 776 --> 777 magic_number = pickle_module.load(f, **pickle_load_args) 778 if magic_number != MAGIC_NUMBER: 779 raise RuntimeError("Invalid magic number; corrupt file?") UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '<'. 
    submitted by /u/vsuPlayer
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    Guidance for Programming

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 12:51 PM PST

    I am actually doing bachelors in Computer Sciences and started with learning C++ and moved to Java later on. But, due to pandemic and online classes, my concepts are not that great and at times makes me feel like I have no idea about programming.

    Any suggestions as to how I can improve my skills? Maybe some materials that I should start learning from?

    submitted by /u/007Gunner
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    I want to add adjacent digits in array but I'm unable to do so

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 01:21 AM PST

    So basically question is I want to adjacent pairs in array, for an instance

    input array [1,2,3,4]

    then output array would be [3,7]

    Can I have a help in it? Thanks for answering :)

    submitted by /u/akshu05
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    Docker of the dweb. Smart contracts, DAO, DApps, and everything without crypto

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 11:22 PM PST

    I'm having this idea for a long time. In case you didn't know, the successful projects in dweb are mainly IPFS, ZeroNet, Dat and SSB. The proposal is to implement a protocol that combines their advantages, the data structures from IPFS, the DBMS from orbit-db, the Web of trust system from Dat and SSB, and the lifestyle from ZeroNet. I'm aware of the similar projects. The point is that they aren't decentralized enough, I mean, to an extent that works in authoritarian countries.

    As an analogy, it's a Docker in Wasm that deploys DApps algorithmically according to the data on IPFS. A DApp or a decentral website, contains a blockchain for DAO, ie. permission management, a codebase, and a database. It seems many projects have implemented part of this ideal, but none of them can solve them all. What is the current situation ? What should be done ?

    submitted by /u/planetoryd
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    How to know k = k/2+1; from the pattern in the full binary tree in UVa 679?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 10:09 PM PST


    #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int t,d,k; cin >> t; while(t--){ cin >> d >> k; int cur = 1; for(int i=1;i<d;i++){ if(k%2){ // odd, go left k = k/2+1; cur *= 2; } else { // even, go right k/=2; cur = cur*2+1; } } printf("%d\n",cur); } cin >> t; } 

    I know when D=4

    the leaf nodes would be

    1 5 3 7 2 6 4 8 

    but I still can't figure out how to know this( 'k = k/2+1;') is it.

    submitted by /u/JacksonSteel
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    Thesis ideas

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 12:46 PM PST


    I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for a thesis topic regarding webRTC. I'm having trouble formulating concrete research questions. Its a bachelor's degree so can be pretty simple

    submitted by /u/Simple_Presence_
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    Can I create BIOS from Scratch ?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 10:22 AM PST

    I want to understand how bios works . If it's possible to make bios , how can I do so ? What things do I need ? Please guide me

    submitted by /u/-_-_-_-_--_--
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    How do you manage the large amount of versions and software

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 02:00 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    In the past weeks I have been learning a few frameworks (Angular, React, Flutter, ...) and I couldn't get past it and noticed the large amount of dependencies and software that is necessary to do so.

    In general: how do you guys manage to keep software up to date and not fully clutter your computer?


    submitted by /u/fleug
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    Login system without Javascript

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 01:25 PM PST


    I am trying to create a website with a login system that does not require Javascript (so it would work with NoScript fully enabled). I have seen sites like this in the wild (with my JavaScript on to strict settings), but I can't find a guide on how to do this.

    Can anyone advise please?

    submitted by /u/TheConcurbationist
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    How to fix the import cannot be resolved on Eclipse?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 06:32 PM PST

    I been trying to get this https://gist.github.com/ClickerMonkey/b0c0f41ad13a1c0a0d34#file-matching-java code to work on Eclipse. I'm getting this error "The import com.gameprogblog cannot be resolved". I tired copying his repo https://github.com/ClickerMonkey/gameprogblog but it didn't solve the problem

    submitted by /u/LoneReflex
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    Azure DevOps vs Bitbucket

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 06:24 PM PST

    I've been stuck on this for a very long time. I know this isn't a "programming" related question but I figured it was close enough lol.

    I have a small team working on 3 private repositories under a single project (so no github/gitlab).

    Both Bitbucket and Azure DevOps have what we need but we can't decide which to use.

    I have more experience in Azure DevOps from a previous job, however, it seems like overkill tbh. Although, I like how the boards, repo, and pipelines are all integrated in one place rather than having to use Jira/Trello for Bitbucket.

    Obviously, this is a very opinionated question. Try and sell me on one over the other. I want your opinions, pros/cons, etc.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/cyber1551
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    Should a REST API placed on top of an event driven system also produce events to that system to ensure replayability?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 10:20 AM PST

    I'm not an architect by title, but a senior engineer who is partially responsible for building a new service to handle appointments for an office.

    This is part of a larger (hopefully) event-driven system and will be fed by upstream services that produces events such as appointmentAdded, appointmentChanged, appointmentCanceled, etc to a kafka topic and my service will consume those events and persist the data to our appointment datastore (PSQL).

    We will also need a CRUD REST API on top of this datastore to feed information to front-end systems. It could also be possible to update appointment information from the front-end.

    I know one of the benefits of having an event based system is replayability but I'm guessing that is only true if the system is purely event based. If the CRUD operations from the API did not also produce events and instead modified the datastore directly this would break the replability, right? Read operations probably wouldn't need to since it's only fetching information at a given time and not modifying it, but anything else, an add, delete, or modify operation would need to produce a corresponding event.

    So let's say in the front-end a user decides to confirm a given appointment and I need to change the status of the appointment from unconfirmed to confirmed, this should really happen through an appointmentConfirmed event and not just a database update, even though this change is not coming from my upstream system, but a user interaction on the front-end.

    submitted by /u/123android
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    Building chat app with React hooks

    Posted: 26 Feb 2022 10:26 AM PST

    Got asked this in an interview and got stuck.

    Given some API that gives you new chat messages between two people, render them in a chat box. Requirements: you must poll the API every N seconds and you must render the different messages in order.

    The API responds with an object in the form of:

    {"user1": [{"timestamp":1, "message":"hello"},{"timestamp":10,"message":"goodbye"}], "user2": [{"timestamp":4,"message":"hey"},{"timestamp":5,"message":"bye"}] }

    My approach was to use fetch in a setInterval callback to call the API but got stuck on how to sort and render each message differently based on the user that sent it.

    submitted by /u/afuzzyegg
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