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    Thursday, May 28, 2020

    Finished with your first programming course and not sure how to go on? The Stanford Code in Place team shares a roadmap with what courses to follow and where to find information about them learn programming

    Finished with your first programming course and not sure how to go on? The Stanford Code in Place team shares a roadmap with what courses to follow and where to find information about them learn programming

    Finished with your first programming course and not sure how to go on? The Stanford Code in Place team shares a roadmap with what courses to follow and where to find information about them

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Read this first: I was a Section Leader for Stanford's Code in Place course (a free online offering of (part of) their intro to CS course as a way to support the community during COVID-19). The course finished, and one of the professors behind it: Ali Malik, shared this roadmap for how to proceed. It is the result of a shared effort of the people behind the course. Keep in mind that I have not made any changes to the original! So there's plenty of references to the Code in Place course. Just imagine it says "your first programming course" instead and read on :) And also, this was reposted with Ali's consent!

    Life after Code in Place

    Having completed Code In Place, there are many paths you might choose to take: this handout is intended to provide a possible roadmap for some of them. Like all guidelines, this is an approximate and non-exhaustive list on how to learn about a subject. There are a plethora different ways to achieve mastery that might not be represented here.

    We have split up this resource into umbrella topics that students have been asking about. In reality, there are a lot more ways to apply Computer Science, such as music, healthcare, social good and education.

    Each area has a list of core topics you need to understand to engage with meaningfully with that discipline. After you develop a solid understanding of these core topics, you can pick and choose whatever subareas you find interesting and focus there.

    If there is any topic not covered here that you are interested in, ask about it in the comments! We will try to answer those as well.

    How to use this resource:

    Since we can't cover the vast range of possible material in the world, most of the resources linked below are websites of university courses that cover the relevant concept. This doesn't mean you have to take the academic course to learn that material. Instead, the course syllabus can serve as a reference point for which topics are important to cover. You can then go about actually learning these topics however you want. Some potential ways to learn could be to search for the topic on google or youtube, read textbooks, or browse reddit.

    Foundations of CS

    These are major concepts that are important to solidify, irrespective of what area of CS you are interested in. It consists of all the foundational concepts: programs, variables, loops, conditions, data structures, and core algorithms.


    You have done most of this! Congrats :)


    Stanford's sequel class to CS 106A. In CS 106B, you further develop your toolkit by deepening your understanding of how a computer represents data and learning about additional problem-solving techniques and structures. The class is taught in C++, one of the most popular programming languages in history.

    Course website: http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs106b/

    Old recorded lectures: https://see.stanford.edu/Course

    Area Specific Paths

    Data Science, AI, and ML





    • Computer Architecture and Systems (CS107 website and videos)
    • Principles of Systems (CS110)

    Graphics/Game Design/VR



    • 2D/3D Graphics, rendering, animation, geometry (CS248)
    • Virtual Reality (EE267)
    • Animation and Simulation (CS348C)
    • Introduction to Game Design and Development (CS146)

    Web dev (frontend/backend)

    Web development is how we make websites and online applications to do useful things. It consists of two major areas.

    Frontend: This deals with everything related to what a website user can see and interact with such as the design, style, menus, text, images, etc.

    Backend: This deals with everything that has to do with all the logic and internal working of a website that is not typically visible to a user. This is stuff like storing data in databases, making a server, authentication, creating users, generating dynamic pages, etc.

    These resources will generally cover both frontend (HTML, CSS, javascript) andbackend programming:

    Mobile dev

    • iPhone: any Swift resources provided by Apple
    • Android: any Kotlin resources provided by Google

    General Resources

    Programming Tools

    • One of the most wonderful things about the field of Computer Science is how collaborative and open a field it is. This is enabled by websites like Github, GitLab and BitBucket, in which programmers can share and work together on their code. Underlying each of these websites is a system called Git, which allows you to manage the different versions of your program with minimal fuss. Learn the basics of Git using Github's tutorial, or BitBucket's help center. Some SLs wrote up really great intros to Github. See this ed post and this other video!
    • In addition to PyCharm and Ed, there are countless other editors and IDEs, each with their own strengths and which can be customized for your purposes. Two of the most popular editors are Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text.
    • As you work on projects of your own, you are bound to run into bugs. Stack Overflow is a question & answer forum that is probably the single best resource on the internet to get advice on resolving bugs.

    Other Programming Languages

    Python is a wonderful language, but there are many other wonderful languages you might be interested in learning:

    • HTML, CSS and Javascript are the best tools for developing internet-based application. Mozilla's resources are a fantastic introduction.
    • C and C++ are two of the most commonly used programming languages, and are great for programmers who want more direct control over what their computers are doing. You can learn C++ from a combination of CS 106B and CS 106L, and you could learn C here.
    • Rust is a more recent language that also affords programmers very low-level control of their computers.
    • Java and Go are great choices to build systems that must handle large amounts of data.
    • Haskell, Scala, and OCaml are programming languages that promote a style of programming known as functional programming, which often is enormously helpful in processing data and is a fascinating intellectual endeavour.

    Tech Interviews

    Interviews for tech internships and jobs are kind of their own skill that really gets better with practice. These are some good resources to practice for tech job interviews. Remember, you don't want to be memorising these answers. Instead you want to develop your computational thinking so that you can figure out these answers on the spot!

    Collection of Resources by SLs

    These are a collection of various resources contributed by the section leaders of Code in Place. They aren't structured in any particular way but they might serve as a useful reference for you!

    submitted by /u/s7oev
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    I wasted 3 days debugging

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, if you're having a bad day listen here:

    I wasted more than 50 hours trying to debug an Assembly code that was perfectly working, I had simply initialized the variables in the C block instead of doing it directly in the Assembly block.

    I don't know if I'm happy or if I want to cry.

    Edit: please focus on the fact it was assembly IA-32

    submitted by /u/stevescola
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    My 10-step self-taught CS curriculum - any recommendations?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Hi, everyone!

    I've had a great passion for computer science and coding since high school, but I chose medicine eventually and I've recently graduated as a physician.

    Due to some changes in my situation, I'm gonna have a few hours of free time each day for the next 2 or 3 years. I decided to use this opportunity and learn CS as my serious "hobby"; both to improve my creativity and problem-solving skills and to create something out of my "medical software/website" ideas that come to my mind every once in a while. My goal is not getting a job as a software engineer, I just love CS per se and simply enjoy learning it! To this end, I made my personal curriculum, but I'm not 100% confident if that's the ideal study plan to learn CS.

    Each step has one "recommended course" (often the one recommended by this great guide: Teach Yourself Computer Science), but given my non-technical background, I think it would be difficult for me to dive right into those courses, so I have gathered a few "intermediate" courses for each step as some sort of introduction/backup to take before/instead of the recommended course.

    Math is a special subject for me. After 7+ years of studying medicine, it's inevitable to forget most of the math I had learned back in high-school. So I need a deep and comprehensive review. I will be (re-)studying high-school math (3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 in the list below) along with the first 3 steps of the curriculum and before getting to the actual "Step 3".

    Step 0: "Coding"

    I know there are lots of alternatives for learning web development, but I like the way this guy teaches. Alternatives (just in case): W3Schools Online Web Tutorials, freeCodeCamp and its Youtube tutorials for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and so on...

    Step 1: "Programming"

    Step 2: Computer Architecture/Systems

    Step 3: Mathematics

    Time for serious stuff! I'm not really sure about the order/content or even if by taking previous courses I'm ready to take the next ones:

    I don't know whether I "have to" take the following courses or I'll be OK moving on without learning these topics. Of course, I can take them later on if necessary.

    Step 4: Algorithms & Data Structures

    Step 5: Operating Systems

    Step 6: Computer Networking [I couldn't find a high-quality resource for this step, any input would be appreciated!]

    Step 7: Databases

    Step 8: Languages & Compilers

    Step 9: Distributed Systems

    Thanks for reading... Any suggestions and recommendations on the selection or the order/priority of these resources and steps would be much appreciated!

    PS: Sorry for my poor English!

    submitted by /u/ewig94
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    I would avoid codecademy pro.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    I recently have been furloughed from work , I applied for a scholarship to codecademy pro. They were gracious enough to accept and gave me 3 months free. First of all, that's great that they did that , take everything i'm about to say with a grain of salt.

    First a bit about my situation, which you may not care about, but might find yourself in a similar situation.

    Long story short, i'm feeling a bit vulnerable after many recent layoffs and wanted a secondary skill that I could either make a side hustle of, or find employment should things take a turn south.

    I dabbled in a few languages and felt web dev was the best course for me.

    I wanted to learn HTML and CSS as a foundation for web dev.

    Codecademy is VERY NICE

    I'll cut to the chase. After 5 weeks of this program i felt great. The website makes you feel like you are ready to hit the ground running and you're a goddamn pro. The problem is , you're not. They toss you into these "projects" towards the middle of the curriculum and want you to build clones of some pretty code heavy websites. The problem is you just don't have the knowledge to tackle them.

    After a short 15 slide lesson they will say " ok , now you know flexbox " .... although you might be FAMILIAR with flexbox ... you do not KNOW it. It has alot of mobile gameish features like login streaks to really hit those dopamine receptors and make you feel like you're the king shit. But you just aren't.

    I've gone back to project odin and it's been a very humbling experience. It doesn't make you feel great about yourself or pat you on the back and tell you what an expert you now are. But it is EFFECTIVE. I feel like I got knocked down a few pegs, but I also feel more confident as a DEVELOPER.

    If you are looking for a path to become a good web dev. I would steer clear of codecademy. I am really grateful for what they have put together but it just lures you into a false sense of worth. Dont waste the time on it like I did when there are great free alternatives like project odin.

    submitted by /u/blight231
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    Advices for a young programmer?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I just started a month ago but with so many ways to start is a little bit too frustrating, what would you recommend me

    submitted by /u/grimnirz
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    Just graduated High School and wanna get a BS in Computer Science and become a future Software Engineer. Where do I start?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    I literally just graduated High school yesterday. I'm so interested in becoming a Software Engineer. The job seems really fun and I really wanna learn as much as I can. I started going on Codecademy and freecodecamp, but I feel like I'm just told things and not taught how they're implemented and how they're used to do certain things. I feel like these websites made me feel like I can't really learn to program or code. I also want the best advice anyone can give me, because I'm not one to give up. If I want something I'll work as hard as I can to achieve the goal in mind. It just seems really frustrating right now, but I think maybe with time it'll get better. What do you think will help me in my college courses and help me build a strong foundation to help me in the future. Maybe like specific lessons or subjects I should focus on. Also any techniques that you think would help. Really, any advice given would be appreciated. I don't really know anyone in the field that I could talk to. Thanks

    submitted by /u/kelanikoder
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    Do you need a computer science degree?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    I graduated college with a Mechanical Engineering degree and ended up getting a job as a Software Developer - to any employers of reddit, would you judge someone who has experience but not the right degree?

    submitted by /u/_regularJong
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    I have an overflow error and don't know exactly why. I need help figuring it out.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    So I'm learning assembly from programming from the ground up, and I'm doing the exercise on finding the maximum number in a list.

    I wrote the following to maximum.s:

    #Purpose: this program finds the maximum of a list #Variables: The registers have the following uses: # %ebi stores the current index # %eax stores the current item at the index # %ebx stores the largest item found so far # # the memory locations used: # data_items - the list of the numbers to check .section .data data_items: .long 3,67,34,222,45,75,548,34,44,33,22,11,66,0 .section .text .globl _start _start: movl $0, %edi movl data_items(,%edi,4), %eax movl %eax, %ebx start_loop: cmpl $0, %eax je loop_exit incl %edi movl data_items(,%edi,4),%eax cmpl %eax,%ebx jge start_loop movl %eax,%ebx jmp start_loop loop_exit: movl $1,%eax int $0x80 

    I modified ".long 3,67,34,222,45,75,54,34,44,33,22,11,66,0"(from the book) to ".long 3,67,34,222,45,75,548,34,44,33,22,11,66,0" as reflected above.

    Now when I run:

    $ as maximum.s -o maximum.o $ ld maximum.o -o maximum $ ./maximum $ echo $? 

    I get 36.

    I know that this is probably because of 2 overflows when at some point because 548 is 256+256+36, but where does it happen? My guess that it happens then I echo $?, but if it does happen there why?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/bighero31
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    Free coupon code for Cory Althoff's course.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Cory just posted a free code for his course in Udemy. Here it is - https://www.udemy.com/course/self-taught-programmer/?__s=vv7pn2v7xdemxuuasxkn&couponCode=1749AEA98AB29B9DED5F&fbclid=IwAR0GqYa87RnldjPleMVwoHOrvsv5ZZIpqo7mbnYR03EOa-tSO-CxjGi8tsY

    It did not say anything about not sharing the link. So I shared so we can all learn from him. He has made a few programming books as well. If this is not allowed, please let me know so I can take down this post.

    Enjoy learning!

    submitted by /u/paolo0917
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    How to tell your group project teammates to stop writing trash code?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    I am a college student majoring in CS and currently, I am taking an advanced C++ in my school. In which we will have to make a game with SFML library as the final project. Since school is online now and we do not get to choose our teammates, therefore, we are shuffled into groups.

    Fast forward into a phase where we started coding after we have assigned ourselves to different positions. However, one of my teammates, he just keep writing trash code!!! I mean I don't mind downloading his code as a zip in discord but his code is just terrifying. He basically put everything into main and wrote two hundred lines of code in a function without comments at all! I felt like I was reading C or something because there are no OOP concepts in his code. It took me more time to merge the than I write it on my own...

    How to tell a person to not write trash code without acting like a Mr. Know-it-all and diminishing one's dignity toward CS?

    submitted by /u/LAR_G
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    how to create new pages for dynamic site?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    howdy yall, its me again, i have a question.

    so, what i'm making is a recipe website. now the backend is a mongo database with a node.js api. the frontend is just html, css, javascript. now my question: if i clicked lasagna in the list of recipes, how would i show a different page for that recipe. do i somehow create a new page dynamically or do i make html files for each recipe.

    thank you so much for yalls help :)

    submitted by /u/Kandles11
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    A teach programming question

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    Apologies in advance if this is better suited somewhere else.

    I have programmed for >20 years, so I've long forgotten how I learned it. Recently my father (70+) took the leap to learn Python after talking about it for years. He's very intelligent, and I often get lost when he talks in depth on his domain of experience. But he's pouring hours into Python and struggling with very basic concepts, like looping and return values.

    Does anyone have any experience teaching someone like this? I've tried metaphor, and examples, and repetition, but something fundamental seems to be missing. I can understand forgetting syntax, but I don't understand why the concept of variables (i.e. labeling a value) doesn't seem to stick.

    submitted by /u/cymrow
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    Easier intro than CS 50?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    I am new to programming and I just began CS 50. I'm finding it very difficult to the point I'm just guessing on the problem set. I think I need a more pointed guide—does anyone have any ideas?

    I want to pursue programming as a personal goal and to challenge myself. I feel kind of pathetic saying this class is too difficult, but I don't think I will be as successful stumbling along and wondering if there are more supportive courses, or if it's normal to feel this confused and like you don't understand anything as you work through problems.

    submitted by /u/Dylanspencer19
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    How to proceed?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I know this question might be repeatedly asked, but I really can't find answers. I can code, I can help people with problems with their code but I don't know how to move forward. People say to do projects, I can't think of one. And I agree that the best way of learning is to do stuff, but what should I do? Again I'm really sorry if this is a common question.

    submitted by /u/reduxredder
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    Hi. please recommend data structure course.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    hi, I want to learn data structure. beside coursera and mit class what are some good courses to study from?

    submitted by /u/sunshinebule
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    App Development Guidance Needed

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    Hey, I have an idea for a new dating app that I want to try to make as a quarantine project. It is not for profit, It is just something I want to exist, but I have never attempted to make an app before. I am a computer science major, so I think I have a good base, but I have never attempted a large project like this. I was wondering if anyone could help give me the steps to get started. Any help would be appreciated. I'm just trying to learn.

    submitted by /u/Chitoge12
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    I cannot put any code in my method in C#

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    I am trying to create a method in C# and when the method is empty everything is fine and I get not errors in visual studies. As soon as I put code between the brackets the end of method bracket is no longer recognized and it says } is expected immediately after the opening bracket. I also cant use the variable that I pass into the method call in any of the code because it says the variable doesnt exist in the current context.

    So this works fine:

    private static void SetNotesRoot(string newRoot) { }

    But this breaks the brackets and gives me an error saying a } is expected.

    private static void SetNotesRoot(string newRoot) { private static int i = 0; }

    And if I try to use the newRoot variable with a public function from another class I wrote I get an error saying the variable doesnt exist in this context.

    private static void SetNotesRoot(string newRoot) { private static int newRootIndex = BaseVar.AllNotes.ReturnNotesIndex(newRoot); private static int i = 0; }

    The bracket work fine until i add anything to them. I dont know what is going wrong.

    submitted by /u/GhostedDreams
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    Question on The Odin Project

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:55 PM PDT


    I am currently doing TOP, and I am at the section HTML and CSS Basics where they tell you to complete the freecodecamp Responsive Web Design certificate. I also saw that there is a separate HTML and CSS course in TOP, so my question is does it get repetitive, or is the HTML and CSS course more advanced compared to freecodecamp?

    submitted by /u/NeoDio_02
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    I need some help on my Pandas and PyQt5 project

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! Sorry if this is a dumb question, but since I found nothing on the internet (or maybe I haven't searched correctly), I decided to post my question and problem here.

    I have a DataFrame in Pandas which collects some data from an Excel document. I created a GUI with PyQt5 in order to make it look more interesting but here is the thing.

    Is it possbile to make a dynamic search bar in order to search through that DataFrame? For example, my DataFrame has over 3k+ rows and I wanna search for John Doe, then the results will come up on the GUI. As far as I know, QLineEdit is used for this but I can't seem to implement it on my code.

    Is it me that is doing wrong or it is not possible to do it on a DataFrame? And if anyone wanna help me, just let me know, I would be so grateful and thankful, I guess it'll only take 10-15 minutes.

    Thanks in advance brothers and take care of you!!

    submitted by /u/SonnyXD
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    C++ reference and pointer question

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    I've been trying to understand what reference and pointer do and I was hoping that someone could please help me out here.

    In the examples that I find from tutorial websites, they all initialise the pointers before they actually use them, but I've found an example which I don't see the pointer being initialised and this is not the first one which is the reason why I'm very confused. I've been doing bubble sorts and this is a part of the code I've found :

    void bubbleDescend(int *p,int length)//Bubble sort function { int h,j; for(j=0;j<length;j++) { for(h=0;h>j;h++) { if(p[j]>p[h]) { int temp=p[j]; //swap p[j]=p[h]; p[h]=temp; 

    I can't find where *p has been initialised and I'm really confused and the p is used as an array and I don't understand how that works too. The full code is the second answer from here in case anyone wants to see.

    submitted by /u/40hours_coding
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    If someone knows Flask please help!

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    So I'm creating a nav bar with this code: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_css_topnav . But, as the title says, I am using Flask to build this website. I have done this already: <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "{{ url\_for('static', filename = 'css/base.css')}}"> (which is to link static files), but the styles are not applying correctly for some reason. If you can explain it to me why it's not working, I will appreciate it very much!

    submitted by /u/NotJoshHo
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    Can someone help me get this Github project to work in Colab?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    I get an error (Text module not found) when I try to run this notebook in Colab.

    submitted by /u/normandantzig
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    Nppexec Default Font

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Anybody knows what font name, size, and style is used in nppexec defaults

    submitted by /u/Togohogo1
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    Need help c++

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    So I was doing a basic C++ program to find the largest of three numbers ... And then I noticed if two variables are holding the largest value then the program doesnt work.... so i need a condition to tell us that two variables are holding the largest variable .

    Source Code right here:-


    using namespace std;

    int main()


    int a,b,c;

    cout<<"THERE ARE THREE NUMBERS!"<<endl;

    cout<<"Enter a:";


    cout<<"Enter b:";


    cout<<"Enter c:";




    cout<<"a is the greatest number"<<endl;




    cout<<"b is the greatest number"<<endl;




    cout<<"c is the greatest number"<<endl;


    else if(a==b&&a==c&&b==c)


    cout<<"All three numbers are equal";


    return 0;


    submitted by /u/WinningThief
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