• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 19, 2019

    I started a series to explain algorithms and programming concepts Computer Science

    I started a series to explain algorithms and programming concepts Computer Science

    I started a series to explain algorithms and programming concepts

    Posted: 18 May 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    Hey Redditors,

    I'm a software engineer with more than 10 years of experience, and I just started a youtube channel to help newbies carve their way into the software programming industry.

    The purpose of the channel is to explain the challenging programming algorithms and concepts.

    My priority is to provide "High quality" content that is engaging and valuable to all interested programmers.

    I'm sure this will take time from my side to craft, but without feedback, I would not know which areas I should improve. Therefore, I'm coming to you today with the first video lesson which explains the concept if Recursion. Please find it below:


    If you want to help, I would appreciate your honest opinion.

    submitted by /u/aswilam
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    Art of the Problem explores the key insight behind Deep Learning

    Posted: 18 May 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    In search of good sources on hi quality rasterization of 2d graphics

    Posted: 19 May 2019 03:49 AM PDT

    There is plenty of books on theory of photo realistic rendering of 3d scenes. Are there any books on rendering 2d vector grapics, preferably with emphasis on engineering B&W contour images? There is a ver good, but old and focused on text "raster tragedy in low resolution" but is that all?

    submitted by /u/permeakra
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    How to find practical use cases of new variations in traditional data structures?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 06:52 PM PDT

    As a college student, we learn all different sorts of data structures (DS) like maps, trees, queues etc. However, several companies have developed lot of new specialized DS. Consider for example map. Most students use hashmap or treemaps for their courses, but then there is weak hashmap, linked hashmap and so on. When used properly, can bump up performance by huge factors.

    My question is, as a programmer, how do we decide what DS to apply in what scenarios? My question is not figuring out whether I should use a map or tree, my question is what specialized map can be used. I want to know if there are techniques that have worked out for you in the past.

    submitted by /u/rahulskn86
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    Going to start UG school within a few months, want advice on in which sequence I'm going to start studying Theoretical Computer Science?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 09:21 PM PDT

    Hello everybody. I'll be starting UG school in a few months. It'll be a B.tech in Computer Science & Engineering. However,there are minute chances , I might be pursuing a B.tech in some other stream. So, I want to start learning Theoretical computer science on my own.

    A little internet search and I came upon this website : https://teachyourselfcs.com/

    Going by the recommendations given out there , I'll be starting with Tom Leighton's MIT 6.042J video lectures for the Math needed in CS.

    I'll follow it up with Steven Skiena's lectures on Algorithms and Data Structures .

    Is this sequence correct? I'm confused on what I should do after that.

    When will be the best time to start reading The Theory of Computation ?

    As any math is, there will be times on this learning journey where I will face difficulties and things will be too complex for me... In such situations what did you people do ?

    Thanks for all the advice (if any) in advance. :D

    submitted by /u/3000andmore
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    Any good tutorial for coding nn backpropagation?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 04:35 PM PDT

    I'm ready for all coding languages, but in English please hehe. I prefer c#, but I could quickly learn the basics of a new one. I found one some time ago but it was missing the biases. I really like to code after someone, then later understand it all. I want to code it all from scratch. I'm not searching for a tutorial on how to use google... Thank you

    submitted by /u/OrlaDeveloping
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    Can someone suggest courses on Machine Learning?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 08:27 AM PDT

    I have a friend of mine who asked me to suggest him some online Video course, I suggested him the course by Andrew Ng, he was not able to catch it up after 4th lecture then I suggested him the video lectures by Abu Mustafa, he was not able to understand the mathematics after the second if someone can suggest a light course which has less mathematics or it is a bit slow in introducing mathematics, it will be really helpful.

    submitted by /u/ammusani
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    Scientists help artificial intelligence outsmart hackers

    Posted: 18 May 2019 06:45 AM PDT

    How can I generate an AST from a given piece of code, without running it?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    Hey, I am new here and if I have posted it in wrong community please let me know. Secondly if someone can suggest a particular way to approach this problem it will be really helpful.

    submitted by /u/ammusani
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    http://itbloggy.com/virtualization-cloud-computing.html Virtualization and cloud computing

    Posted: 18 May 2019 12:48 AM PDT

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