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    Sunday, May 19, 2019

    What have you been working on recently? [May 18, 2019] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [May 18, 2019] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [May 18, 2019]

    Posted: 18 May 2019 09:10 AM PDT

    What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game!

    A few requests:

    1. If possible, include a link to your source code when sharing a project update. That way, others can learn from your work!

    2. If you've shared something, try commenting on at least one other update -- ask a question, give feedback, compliment something cool... We encourage discussion!

    3. If you don't consider yourself to be a beginner, include about how many years of experience you have.

    This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    There seems to be two conflicting views on how best to learn Web Development.

    Posted: 18 May 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    So I often see the following two conflicting views on learning Web Development:

    View A states that you should just start with JavaScript and learn it very very well. And just focus on Node on the backend.

    View B says to learn JavaScript AND another language like Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, etc. so that you don't get called a JavaScript junkie that can only program in JS.

    However, at the same time I've been told it's best to specialize in one language first and get good at it, but it seems that View B is saying to learn another language, which is contradictory.

    I'm a little confused at which View to side with since it seems like they are conflicting ideologies of learning Web Development.

    Does anyone have any suggestions about this?

    submitted by /u/OverMatch4
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    How to pick a good CS program

    Posted: 18 May 2019 09:32 PM PDT

    You don't need a degree in CS to be employed as a programmer.

    Though if that's the option you're looking at and you have yet to decide on a school, here's a ruthlessly practical and highly opinionated guide to picking a good Computer Science program. It acts as a checklist for students who know they want to go into computer science and have no one to guide them through the process.

    It does not cover:

    • The cost of a university.
    • The quality of the professors.
    • The US News "rank" of the university.

    Some amazing universities are dirt cheap compared to your local private school. Some places have great professors, but you may end up lacking career opportunities. US News rank means nothing and is likely manipulated.

    Instead, this guide focuses on specific qualities that you can easily Google.

    TL;DR: Checklist

    • Does the university protect you against exploding offers?
    • Does the school have regular career fairs with tech companies attending?
    • Does the university have course offerings for interviews?
    • Does the school have "dorm room" investment opportunities? (Contrary Capital, DormroomFund, roughdraft.vc, school sponsored).
    • Does the school have access to hackathons?
    • Does the school have access to a tech hub?

    Does the university protect you against exploding offers?

    An exploding offer is an offer from an employer that forces you to decide extremely quickly otherwise it's rescinded. Like, make up your mind by the end of the day.

    Exploding offers are a manipulative tactic that's typically used by companies who are struggling to attract talent.

    Universities that have legitimate career opportunities for Computer Science and Computer Engineering grads have policies against exploding offers. If a company gives a student an exploding offer, they can report it to the university and the company is banned from recruiting.

    If a university doesn't have a policy, it's a good sign they're struggling to bring job offers to the school. If you see this, bail.

    It's not hugely important for a university to protect you against exploding offers, you can always turn them down. But it's a good litmus test for a school that has pull with companies and one that does not.

    How to find out

    Try the following search queries in Google:

    {COLLEGE I WANT} exploding offer {COLLEGE I WANT} offer guidelines {COLLEGE I WANT} employer guidelines {COLLEGE I WANT} internship guidelines 

    If they have nothing available, copy/paste this email and send it to their career center:

    Hi! I'm a prospective student doing research on your university. I was wondering if you have any policies against exploding offers or other unreasonable pressure for computer science students. Thanks! 


    Really Good

    The offer guidelines give multiple months for internship decisions made in the fall. No company is in desperate need of an intern, it's perfectly reasonable for a company to give you a fair amount of time to decide something that's months away.


    The offer guidelines give at least 3 weeks for internships and full time offers.


    The offer guidelines only protect internships.

    Example: University of Illinois

    The engineering department of University of Illinois has a program that looks like this:



    Does the school have regular career fairs attended by tech companies you've heard of?

    This is your primary access to employment opportunities. If the university does not have companies coming to their career fair, something is very wrong.

    Many companies only hire university grads through these fairs, so by going to a school without a real career fair, you're paying 200k to have less access to jobs.

    Questions to ask

    Does a company have to pay? Many universities charge companies to attend their career fair. This is a sign that the university has so many companies who want to attend that they have to limit it. If the career fair is free, the university is lacking applicants.

    Does the university have a CS only career fair? Some schools are so popular that they move CS into its own fair. This is primarily at bigger schools, but hits midsize as well.

    Are companies that attend traveling? If a company had to travel to the fair, they really want to hire people here. It also means that the company is offering internships that pay for housing elsewhere, which typically is a sign of higher paid and higher quality internships. Companies that can afford housing typically can afford higher pay.

    Example: San Jose State University

    Img Example


    Does the school have course offerings for interviews?

    When you go to interview for jobs, you'll be asked to solve coding challenges, often in a timed, under-pressure situation. This practice may change in the future, but it's extremely common.

    Any CS program worth its salt has created a class that preps students for this.

    If a school does not have this course, it means their CS department is extremely disconnected from the industry or they do not adapt well. 🚩This is a red flag; if you do not see this, bail.

    How to find out

    Try the following search queries in Google:

    {COLLEGE I WANT} interviewing cs course {COLLEGE I WANT} technical interviews cs 

    If they have nothing available, copy/paste this email and send it to a CS Professor at the school or their office of admissions:

    Hi! I'm a prospective student doing research on your university. Do you have a course dedicated to passing technical interviews as a computer science major? Thanks! 

    Example: Boise State University

    CS-HU 390 TECHNICAL INTERVIEWS, JOBS, AND CAREERS (1-0-1)(F). Prepare students for computer science technical interviews. Demonstrate how knowledge gained in classes can be used to solve new problems. Encourage teamwork and peer feedback. Learn how to negotiate jobs and manage career growth. A Hatchery Unit (HU) course is a short course to develop specific professional skills for computer science. (Pass/Fail) PREREQ: CS-HU 130, CS 253, CS 321.


    Do students have access to investment and capital?

    Much of tech is funded by venture capitalists: investment firms who specialize in small startup companies. There's a number of investment firms that do small investments solely in companies started by college kids.

    Some examples are:

    Many universities have their own version of this. Some will offer N thousand dollars to students as part of a grant.

    Even if you don't want to start a startup, having these opportunities are extremely valuable. Maybe you didn't start something, but Sally did and now she's hooking you up with a sweet job.

    Companies that start out of a university often go back and hire from that university. That creates a network of opportunity for you, even if you're not making the next Facebook.

    Plus, having outside funding means that some market somewhere has effectively "bought in" to this school and its programs. Those investors likely did better research than you or I did, so it's reasonable to take their hint here.

    How to find out

    You can go to the big three college funds websites, though many of them are only available at brand name schools.

    Another way is to email their admissions department the following:

    Hi! I'm a prospective student doing research on your university. Have any tech companies been founded by your students while they were students here? If so, how did they get initial funding? Are there grants or other services that the university provides to CS students? Thanks! 

    Be skeptical of places that have money only for business majors.

    Example: University of Maryland

    UMD has access to Contrary Capital and Oculus Rift was born here. Lesser known companies like FiscalNote came out of this program as well, along with bioscience companies, like Digene and Martek Biosciences.

    Does the university have access to a tech scene?

    Preferably, it's one of the big 3 tech scenes:

    • San Francisco and the Bay Area (the largest by far)
    • New York
    • Seattle

    But it doesn't have to be. You want a place that has local companies interested in hiring local people. This is where you could get a part time co-op job or a summer internship without having to leave campus.

    A lot of cities have tech scenes, but the size doesn't guarantee anything. Take Boise and Spokane.

    Boise's current population is 226k and Spokane's is 217k. They're both about the same size, they both have a few universities that rest there, but only one has a tech scene.

    One of Boise's primary distinguishers is the presence of "key stone" companies like HP and Micron. These companies put major offices in the town, which attracted a number of tech workers. After some time, these tech workers left and started their own companies. Some of these formed into midsized places and small startups.

    How to find out

    When looking at a school, search for tech companies in the area. If you're only seeing smaller or mid-sized places, be skeptical. You want a large company to have invested resources into building an office there. Those big companies are making a larger investment than you are and frequently do a lot more research on the market there.

    Does the school have access to Hackathons?

    A Hackathon is where many programmers go to a college campus, program for 24 hours straight and then maybe win cash money. They may be for you, or maybe they're not, but there's no denying that access to them can be effective.

    Many students get jobs from hackathons. Winning one is a resume item when often you don't have a whole lot to put down. They're opportunities to meet other smart programmers and to explore new tech.

    Even if you never go to a hackathon, you'll still benefit. The people who do go will network for you and be your 2nd or 3rd connection to job opportunities.

    Questions to ask

    • Does the university host a hackathon?
    • If not, is it in the local area?
    • If not, does it sponsor students to go?
    • If not, are students finding other ways to go?


    Overall, you're looking for a school that:

    • Has a solid understanding of the tech industry
    • Has support for students entering the tech industry
    • Succeeds at getting students into the tech industry

    These should be your base line goals. The feel of the university, the professors, and the campus are good tie breakers.

    University is about growing as a person. There's huge benefits to going to a place that will expose you to stuff you've never thought about. But weigh that benefit with the debt you're taking on.

    If you're going to pay the cost of a house, make sure you end up with a job at the end.

    submitted by /u/FlaqueEau
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    Anybody else find CS textbooks very theoretical and flies over your head?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 04:42 PM PDT

    Going over pointers right now in Gaddis C++ and the book is very theoretical and doesn't leave much room for practical demonstration of the concepts. The author spends too much time going over memory stuff, then adds another 5 pages of exceptions to the rule that he's just presented.

    Not sure if I'm liking the textbook approach to learning programming, so far, it's been relatively low value (e.g. garbage).

    submitted by /u/lotyei
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    If I'm in high school and am going to pursue a computer science (or related) degree should I focus more on math or programming?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 03:33 AM PDT

    I've come across a post here a few weeks or months ago saying that it's never too late to code but the earlier you start the more you have an advantage. However if I'm going to pursue a computer science degree how much % of my time should I spend in high school on learning to code and how much % on math?

    edit: ok judging by the replies in the end i guess i'll do 50/50 anyway lol

    also a bunch of FAQ:

    -Calc 2, Matrix/pre-linear algebra and abstract algebra are mandatory here in Romania in high school and I'll start with Calc 3 and advanced Linear Algebra in first year of uni

    -C++ programming is also in the curriculum for most high school students and it goes as far as learning linked lists and graphs/trees in 11th grade but I'm generally very ahead in CS class, but in general CS/IT universities here start from the basics but on a very alert pace so it's better that you did some programming in high school

    -Some people asked about the degree and uni I want to go to, why I'm pursuing a CS degree and not a self-taught path or why I don't get into engineering. I won't exactly pursue a computer science degree if everything goes as intended and I get into the college I want, but I'll go into this "Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Computer Science" department which is like a mix of computer science, business information systems and statistics/data science. Here is the curriculum if anyone's curious: https://imgur.com/a/aVUTZ8D

    -I don't wanna go into web dev and data science/ML sound satisfactory but I'd also go with a general software engendering job as long as it's not web dev lol

    submitted by /u/Lastrevio
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    Would you say Udemy course & online bootcamps are enough for a junior position?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 08:23 PM PDT

    I'm just about to finish the Udemy course Zero to Mastery by Andrei Neogati and it's been very helpful, I went from nothing to knowing: html5, css3, JavaScript/EcmaScript, Bootstrap 4, React & Node.js but at the same time I still don't feel overly confident in applying for work & need to revise my write ups from the lectures/languages once finished.

    I have a deadline coming up to decide if I want to spend £6.5k + £560 on train fares to go to Le Wagon boot camp in London which has a lot of the same ciricuerlum but instead teaches Ruby on Rails as a back end which is good/powerful but is as I understand on it's way out. However their demos for what students made is very impressive.

    So my question is, is it worth at this point spending a huge amount of money going to an in person boot camp or should I continue on with Andrei's and others online courses? I can build a website & I've built React apps (card/user generator w/ search functions & facial recognition app) and have purchased his junior to senior & advanced JS follow ups as well as an Android app development course but I want to be sure it's the right decision & I won't regret taking the chance on a highly reviewed bootcamp looking back in hindsight.

    Has anyone had experience with in person boot camps who's done an online alternative, and you you say the level of teaching is worth the high price tag? Apologies for the question length, I have to decide on Monday so I'm a bit worried about making the wrong move.

    submitted by /u/rippedstallion
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    Do you get data direct from API or use a wrapper for your language?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    There is an API that has a python wrapper around it. In this case, what is the typical use case experienced programmers go for; direct call to the API or use the python api wrapper?

    It just seem so much easier to request data from a url than use a wrapper where I have to hop around all these methods and functions to get the data.

    submitted by /u/soakthenfo
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    Best way to learn amd64 or arm assembly?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 06:47 PM PDT

    First thing I'd like to say is I know 6502 which was used on the Apple II. I want to learn either ARM or amd64/x64

    I don't know what assembler I should use or how do execute the code. I prefer it if I can write a couple of bytes in assembly to memory and immediately see the result OR be able to call a print function. I was considering arm and looking through the gba documentation because they seemed to have quality documentation with a large community (at least back in the day). IIRC there was an emulator or two for development.

    Ideally I could learn amd64 and hit a button to build/run something so I can see my result in <1 second. What tools do I want? what documentation should I read? I'd be starting from scratch essentially. I don't know how many registers either CPU has, how their interruption works, addressing modes etc.

    Do you have any recommendations? If you suggest arm what emulator will launch and show me my results fast?

    I use windows and ubuntu so either OS is fine.

    submitted by /u/ConsistentBit8
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    What's the general algorithm for grouping pairs of numbers?

    Posted: 19 May 2019 12:35 AM PDT

    Let's say I have an integer container and I want to find all the duplicate pairs, then I'd do something like this

    v1 = {1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 5, 5, 8, 10, 10, 10, -1, -2}; for ( i = 0; i < v1.size()-1; ++i) for ( j = i+1; j < v1.size(); ++j) if(v1[i] == v1[j]) cout << endl << v1[i] << " " << v1[j]; 

    However if there are 3 or more of the same numbers it will write them as two or more pairs. So that outputs me

    1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 

    What if I want to group all the same numbers into categories so I'd have something like

    1 1 1 5 5 10 10 10 

    How would I do it? Probably seems like a weird example to just output all the equal numbers but not if they are pairs as you could cheat an do something like output each number how many times it appears, other than the ones that appear just once, but let's say that instead the condition is that they have the same remainder when dividing by 3. So in one group you'd have all the numbers with remainder 0, in the second group with remainder 1 and in the third group with remainder 2 but if there's only one in one of the group then you won't output it. How would you do this?

    I tried something like

    for ( i = 0; i < v1.size()-1; ++i) for ( j = i+1; j < v1.size(); ++j) if(v1[i] == v1[j] && j == i+1) cout << endl << v1[i] << " " << v1[j]; else if(v1[i] == v1[j]) cout << " " << v1[j]; 

    But it doesn't seem to work properly.

    submitted by /u/Lastrevio
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    What would you use to learn C++/fundamentals of programming at a college level quickest?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 06:27 PM PDT

    I had to drop my Programming Fundamentals 2 course (1 of 3) in C++. I vaguely remember what we were working on because I was focused on surviving my math courses. The first course had to do with applying all the real simple stuff like sorting algorithms, if statements, different loops... While the 2nd course I just dropped seemed more to do with stuff like structures, vectors and further education into what OOP is, plenty more, but I can't remember. Anyway I'm going to take this course again in the fall. I want to teach myself, use a guide, use a quick course, WHATEVER. But I want it to be efficient and quick for the purposes of getting caught up and ahead of the coming course. Honestly I felt like using a textbook was the worst way to possibly teach students. My past online courses were way faster, easier to digest, and didn't have you reading 50 pages on for loops alone. I feel like if I turn to another resource outside of school I'll learn WAY faster with a much more thorough understanding, this has been my understanding of basically everything in college...

    I remember there were these popular programming guides that were basically a long to-do list of "figure this shit out on google"'s. I don't know if that's what I'm looking for, but anything that has you sitting in front of a book for 6 months to learn what I've learned in other languages in 3 hours is a waste of time. So hopefully you have something useful in mind for me? Thanks a ton!

    submitted by /u/-Kaneki-
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    [C++] Correct way to pass an array to a thread structure

    Posted: 18 May 2019 10:24 PM PDT

    I want to send an array to a thread struct, where I'll use void operator to call 4 threads to work on the array at the same time.

    I'm not sure how to pass the array over. I've done some research, and am thinking this is correct.

    Code... struct Merge { public: Merge(int* arr) { aSeg = arr; }

     void operator() () { mergesort(aSeg,250000); } }; int main() { int data[1000000]; for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { data[i] = rand(); } M m; boost::thread t(m, data); t.join(); } 
    submitted by /u/Red-Droid-Blue-Droid
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    How important are grades?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    I'm stressing myself out like crazy about getting the highest possible grade in my programming class. If I don't score perfect on a test, I lose sleep. Which sucks because I'm terrible at test taking. I can understand the topic 100%, but I always end up drawing blanks during a test. I really want to make a successful career out of this, I'm just wondering if my stress is justified? Or do employers focus mostly on your portfolio, with schooling being more of a cherry on top?

    submitted by /u/spunkymnky
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    Where can I go to learn about desktop application architecture?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 09:10 AM PDT


    I'm looking for a general idea of how to build a desktop application. What technologies should I be looking at to build a desktop app for Windows? Is this the same thing as building a web app but instead of using Vue I use WPF for my frontend? If I need it to support multiple clients then I need a central application that all the clients can hit. In this case, do I build a java app with all the business logic and have the WPF-clients point to this? Where can I learn this stuff? If there are any books on this stuff I'd really appreciate pointing me in that direction.


    submitted by /u/SpiltColdBrew
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    Can blockchains be used to store near-infinite amounts of data on small amounts of space?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    So the basic blockchain structure looks like this:

    - Data
    - Hash of previous block

    Whenever you want to store more data, hash the current block and use it in the new block. The downside is that you can't change the data in the blocks without ruining all of the future blocks, there's a small chance that two different messages could result in the same hash, and searching for specific data will take a long time, similar to a linked list. But other than that is there any reason you can't use a blockchain to store a near-infinite amount of data?

    submitted by /u/questiondoggo
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    Looking for a digestible resource covering discrete mathematics

    Posted: 18 May 2019 08:49 PM PDT

    I would greatly appreciate if someone could recommend a resource for leaning discrete mathematics. Preferably one you have taken and/or found easier to understand than another.

    submitted by /u/aneurysm_
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    Want to create randomizer for video files on laptop

    Posted: 19 May 2019 12:34 AM PDT

    I have some experience in programming, but not enough to say I have any idea how to create any sort of project. My question is more of is this possible, and if so, I'll go about the right steps to creating it.

    I have a good amount of old shows on DVD that I'd like to download to my computer, and either by leaving them on my laptop or putting them on a drive, be able to randomize and shuffle the mp4 files, and if possible, have specific instructions on how to sort them. For example, I have some old Nickelodeon and adult swim shows, I went online and downloaded old commercials to throw in the mix. The commercials are much smaller in size, so would I be able to create a script that can both randomize the files as well as be sure to throw in a file of a specific size range at certain points? I'm thinking maybe take each file, assign it a random number in front, then randomize that list. From there, find all files in a set size range, which would be commercials, and play every other file.

    I understand it's a very open ended question and me not having much experience here isn't helping. I plan on pursuing a career in computer engineering and have just started college, so this would be a nice way for me to get some experience with something I have a strong interest in learning due to not starting coding classes for another year or so. I appreciate any help, thank you.

    submitted by /u/GelDinosaur
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    Posted: 18 May 2019 04:58 PM PDT


    I'm out of practice by a decade with my coding. I'm looking for resources for brushing up on Basic for Laboratory Information Management Systems since they're heavily based upon Basic (non compiled).

    Are there any well known resources for this?

    BASIC practice?

    submitted by /u/Halcyon1378
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    C++ Delete node of a Binary Search Tree

    Posted: 19 May 2019 12:13 AM PDT

    I created Binary Search Tree with strings. Each node contains the string and the frequency of the string.

    So the problem gives me two strings. I have to replace s1
    with s2
    . If s2 doesn't exist I create a new node with the frequency of s1
    . If s2 exists I add the frequency of s1 to the frequency of s2
    . In the code below I skipped the replace part. I only delete s1 and save its frequency. It doesn't work though... It doesn't print anything...

    struct node{ string data; int freq; node *left, *right; node(string d, int f){ data = d; freq = f; left = right = nullptr; } }; class lexicon { public: lexicon(); ~lexicon(); void insert(const string &s); int lookup(const string &s); int depth(const string &s); void replace(const string &s1, const string &s2); friend ostream & operator << (ostream &out, const lexicon &l); private: node *root; static node *FindMin(node* r){ if(r == nullptr) return nullptr; while(r->left != nullptr) r = r->left; return r; } static node *DeleteNode(node *r, string v){ if(r == nullptr) return r; int state = v.compare(r->data); if(state > 0) r->right = DeleteNode(r->right, v); else if(state < 0) r->left = DeleteNode(r->left, v); else { //No child if(r->right == nullptr && r->left == nullptr){ delete r; r = nullptr; } //One child else if(r->right == nullptr){ node *temp = r; r = r->left; delete temp; } else if(r->left == nullptr){ node *temp = r; r = r->right; delete temp; } //Two children else{ node *temp = FindMin(r->right); r->data = temp->data; r->freq = temp->freq; r->right = DeleteNode(r->right,temp->data); } return r; } } }; void lexicon::replace(const string &s1, const string &s2){ root = DeleteNode(root, s1); } 
    submitted by /u/Bran37
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    [Python] Sorting algorithm vs sort() or sorted()

    Posted: 18 May 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    I found a video online on how to make a bubble sort algorithm in Python, but I was wondering why somebody would use all of that instead of just a simple sort() or sorted() (depending on the context.

    submitted by /u/TheYushinator
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    Scripting or Programming First?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 05:56 PM PDT

    I'm diving into C#/Powershell. I would ideally like to know both and be able to get into .NET development. I know they're apples and oranges but idk which to focus on first. I know C# would give me more Object oriented knowledge and allow me to possibly make web pages, but Powershell also seems like it might give a quicker reward, being able to use it at home and work once I know it.

    submitted by /u/CHIPPENDALESIXNINE
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    [Powershell] How to do a comparison in a hash table?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 11:04 PM PDT

    I am trying to disable or enable GUI buttons based on results and I am struggling to wrap my head around it.

    I want to run a foreach that will check each hash value and if it matches then execute some code on that key value.

     $hash = [ordered]@{ $Reg1 = 1; $Reg2 = 2; $Reg3 = 3; $Reg4 = 4; $Reg5 = 5; $Reg6 = 6; $Reg7 = 7; $Reg8 = 8; $Reg9 = 9; $Reg10 = 10; $Reg11 = 11; $Reg12 = 12; $Reg25 = 25; $Reg26 = 26; $Reg50 = 50; $Reg51 = 51; } $testerd = @("","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","") foreach ($IPAddress in $testerd){ $cropped = ([ipaddress] "$IPAddress").GetAddressBytes()[3] if($hash.Keys -match $cropped){ $hash[$cropped].enabled = $true } } 

    $reg1-51 are the buttons. All disabled by default.

    if .50 is in $testered then $Reg50.enabled = $True.

    Any help?

    submitted by /u/badatstuffism
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    Designing a database model

    Posted: 18 May 2019 11:00 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm trying to figure out the best dynamic way to design a specific database model. Basically I have an "army" model and I want each army to have resources of different types.

    Those resources will just have type and amount (and of course army_id). At first, I just had the army table with a column for each resource and the value for that column would be the amount, but that seemed too "hard code-y" to me.

    I'm trying to remain dynamic, generic and flexible so if I have to make changes it the future, it would be as straight forward as possible.

    So I was wondering how would one of you approach this problem, appreciate the help!

    submitted by /u/danielattiach
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    Eclipse on Chromebook

    Posted: 18 May 2019 10:56 PM PDT

    Is it possible to download and use the Eclipse IDE on a Chromebook with no issues?

    submitted by /u/Silverstride1
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    How should I watch programming video courses to learn easier and get less frustrated?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    I am pretty much just asking how should I do it so I get less frustrated and I'll have an easier time doing it. I usually just get so frustrated trying to learn something new with videos that I just end up giving up. I usually just end up having to go to an irl class which takes much more time and costs much more.

    More info: I recently wanted to learn Unity and Flutter using online video courses and I gave up on both after a while.

    I actually do code in Java for my Android apps almost every day so technically I should have an easier time learning a new programming language that people new to it completely.

    But using videos... Just makes me so frustrated that I end up giving up which is making it really hard for me to learn new stuff that I want to.

    I have a really hard time to start watching the videos everyday and even after I start watching I have a hard time keep doing it just because the first videos are usually way too basic and boring for me but I still have to watch them. And after that because I cannot really ask questions etc. A simple small confusion makes me so frustrated that I just end up giving up.

    submitted by /u/YasanOW
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    Self-teaching C from a textbook. Why is my C code output duplicating itself?

    Posted: 18 May 2019 10:15 PM PDT

    So, I'm working with getchar() and putchar() functions in a loop. The code is below:


    int main(void) { int c;

    char iEOF; iEOF = EOF; printf("The value of EOF is %d.\nPlease input a character:",iEOF); while((c = getchar() ) != EOF){ printf("Your character is:\n"); putchar(c); } 


    My output:

    The value of EOF is -1.

    Please input a character:1

    Your character is:

    1Your character is:

    My question: Why does it print twice?

    My intuition is telling that every input has a backspace after it so the program is reading that backspace as an input. This probably means that a string of 4 characters (visually) is actually 5 characters in C. Is this correct?

    submitted by /u/IWantToDoEmbedded
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