• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 19, 2019

    I recorded different phases of me learning and making my first game in a week. Hope this can serve as motivation to whoever needs it!

    I recorded different phases of me learning and making my first game in a week. Hope this can serve as motivation to whoever needs it!

    I recorded different phases of me learning and making my first game in a week. Hope this can serve as motivation to whoever needs it!

    Posted: 19 May 2019 05:53 AM PDT

    What are some open-source or leaked-source games that could prove instructional to study the code and see how real games are made?

    Posted: 19 May 2019 01:43 AM PDT

    Unity - Isometric Hack-n-slash WIP

    Posted: 19 May 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    From 160 to 300 A* requests per frame

    Posted: 19 May 2019 06:07 AM PDT

    Jonathan Blow - Preventing the Collapse of Civilization

    Posted: 18 May 2019 06:27 PM PDT

    Questions I Ask Myself Before Making A New Game! (Come share yours)

    Posted: 19 May 2019 05:54 AM PDT

    So, I like to ask myself some questions before I decide on creating a new game, I think it's great for creating a good scope and plan your steps.

    Please share your thoughts so I can add it to the list :)

    What is the Game genre?

    Which feeling(s) am I trying to deliver?

    What are the game key functions?

    What is the game story?

    How the UI would look?

    What type of "Game Feel" Do I want? (Dark, Atmospheric)?

    What are the characters (Motives, appearance, voice, behavior)?

    How long is the gameplay?

    What is your target audience?

    Where is the game going to be published?

    Do I need a demo version?

    Do I need a mobile/console version?

    Do I want to translate the game?

    What is the game elevator pitch?

    Why would people that seen gameplays would buy the game?

    How will PR and marketing be handled?

    -----Community Questions --------

    -Is there a market for this game. (Will enough people actually be interested in this?)

    -What people in the market want and expect. (Will they actually be excited and buy this instead of other games in the same genre?)

    -How to make the game appealing and fun and have a unique selling point? It needs to have some hook.

    -How are you gonna market the game?

    - What is your hook?

    - With my assets and knowledge - Can I finish this?

    - "Will I enjoy making it?"

    submitted by /u/ChaosMindsGames
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    How good is HTML5\JS for 2D games? What can and can't I do?

    Posted: 19 May 2019 04:26 AM PDT

    Wrote an algorithm that creates a very simple randomly generated town in Unity3D. Here are three examples

    Posted: 19 May 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Linux Audio for composing music the open source way.

    Posted: 19 May 2019 12:45 AM PDT

    I saw someone posted a list of free sound libraries here and figured some of you might be interested in rolling your own music using free and open source software. I remembered I had this old list of audio software for Linux. I apologize in advance if some of these links no longer work but a quick google will point you in the right direction. Once you get the hang of it Linux audio is incredibly flexible and creative but there is a bit of a learning curve...one that I found very rewarding.

    http://64studio.com/ http://amarok.kde.org/ #player http://amsynthe.sourceforge.net/amSynth/ #virtual analogue synthesis in the style of the classic Moog http://aqualung.sf.net #player streamer http://ardour.org #digital audio workstation http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ #audio editor and recorder http://beast.gtk.org/ #composition and editor http://canorus.berlios.de/ #midi notation converter - still beta http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/#rpms and low latency kernel for Fedora/CentOS of audio packages http://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/snd/ #sound editor http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ #audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, performance http://clam-project.org/ # C++ library http://code.google.com/p/aldrin-sequencer/#modular music sequencer/tracker http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/ #composition environment http://dino.nongnu.org #midi sequencer http://dynebolic.org/ #live CD for activists http://eamusic.dartmouth.edu/~paul/jein/ #software tool for learning digital signal processing http://essej.net/sooperlooper/ #live looping sampler http://etktab.sourceforge.net #used to write guitar tab http://freeadsp.sourceforge.net/ #Free Audio-oriented Digital Signal Processor http://freewheeling.sourceforge.net/ #looping improvisational tool http://fretsonfire.sourceforge.net/ #Guitar Hero like keyboard game http://galan.sourceforge.net/ #effeects chain plus other http://ggseq.sourceforge.net/HomePage #Gungirl sequencer http://glame.sourceforge.net/index.var #sound editor http://gneutronica.sourceforge.net/ #midi drum machine http://home.gna.org/oomadness/en/songwrite/index.html http://jackaudio.org http://jacklab.net/ http://joebutton.co.uk/fst/ http://kguitar.sourceforge.net http://khagan.berlios.de/ http://lad.linuxaudio.org http://lad.linuxaudio.org/subscribe/lau.html http://ladspa.org http://lam.fugal.net/ http://lamp-project.sourceforge.net/ http://lash.nongnu.org/ http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk-tutorial/stable/c39.html http://lilypond.org/web/ http://linuxaudio.org http://linuxsound.atnet.at http://linuxsound.jp http://linux-sound.org http://lmms.sourceforge.net/ http://lv2plug.in/ http://members.chello.nl/w.boeke/amuc/ http://mikmod.raphnet.net/ http://muse-sequencer.org/ http://nmedit.sourceforge.net/index.html http://rakarrack.sourceforge.net/ http://rezound.sourceforge.net/ http://rtcmix.org/ https://launchpad.net/seq24 http://smack.berlios.de/ https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr http://users.skynet.be/solaris/linuxaudio/aeolus.html http://wired.sourceforge.net/ http://www.4front-tech.com/ http://www.alsaplayer.org/ http://www.alsa-project.org http://www.apo33.org/apodio/doku.php http://www.baudline.com/ http://www.blender.org/ http://www.csounds.com/ http://www.denemo.org/ http://www.eca.cx/ecasound/ http://www.hydrogen-music.org/ http://www.jahshaka.org/ http://www.jsynthlib.org/ http://www.linuxsampler.org/ http://www.metadecks.org/software/sweep/index.html http://www.mpg123.de/ http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html http://www.musix.org.ar/ http://www.nongnu.org/fluid/ http://www.nongnu.org/om-synth/ http://www.nostatic.org/grip/ http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/ http://www.sonicvisualiser.org/ http://www.tuxguitar.com.ar/ http://www.xine-project.org/home http://www.xiph.org/ http://www.xmms.org http://www.xowave.com/ http://zynaddsubfx.sourceforge.net/ http://non-sequencer.tuxfamily.org/ http://non-daw.tuxfamily.org/ http://www.linuxdsp.co.uk http://lad.linuxaudio.org/events/2009_cdm/ http://lievenmoors.github.com/index.html http://www.hammersound.net/ http://lad.linuxaudio.org/events/2009_cdm/videos

    submitted by /u/zuluonezero
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    How to get started in mobile game development? Transitioning from board game design.

    Posted: 19 May 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm new here so sorry if this is quite the noob post.

    To cut a long story short I developed a physical card game that can be described as a "cutthroat fantasy UNO". Instead of trying to be the first person to discard all of their cards, you use the same color-discard-pile mechanic to be the last man or women standing. Instead of numbered cards you draw different weapons, spells, and potions to bring into battle. There are also hero cards which grant different abilities and an expansion mode where the game goes from free-for-all to every player against one. The lone player controlling different raids full of different beasts and mythical items.

    If you want to learn more about the game, everything you could possibly want to know is right here.

    So essentially everything about the game is done. The artwork, the mechanics, the rules, everything really.

    And I'd like to develop it into a digital game, here's the catch though. The only digital game dev I've ever tried was remaking asteroids in Java probably 10 years ago, and even then I was just reading the code out of a text book.

    So my questions are as follows:

    1) Should I try to learn to code myself or find someone to work with?

    2) With the limited knowledge you have of the game would you say it would make a better mobile game or steam game?

    3) Where do I even start?

    Thanks for any and all help!

    submitted by /u/LeviRAGES
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    What makes the Civ games fun to you?

    Posted: 19 May 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    I'm not sure why, but the best bits I always enjoy are:

    - Finding those ruins that give you a random resource, unit, or science advancement. I REALLY liked getting as many of these as I could

    - Choosing the best location for new cities. I would really look at all the options and would get a good serotonin boost finding an ideal spot with lots of resources. If I didn't find a good enough spot for my first city, I would restart the game. (I would also secretly resent any other city that got big faster than my capital!)

    - Connecting cities with roads and trains. It took a long time, but paid off well, and kind of felt like one of the only meaningful changes you could do to the world.

    - Getting to world wonders before anyone else. I would try to snatch those babies up like pop corn among the kernels.

    Otherwise, I would hate finding another civ nearby. If I found one early or was sharing a continent with one, I would probably restart the game and try again. I really did not want to begin having to tug-of-war over territory and losing ruins and ideal settlement spots.

    I can't put my finger on why these mechanics stand out over the others in these games. What would you call the design decisions that allowed for these specific joyful moments over others?

    What mechanics did you enjoy that you'd like more of?

    submitted by /u/FacesOfMu
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    Choosing a Git hosting provider for game projects

    Posted: 19 May 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    After releasing GitCentral, a lot of people have been asking me questions about which hosting provider is the best to host their game project. I've seen this question being thrown around as well in this subreddit before.

    Here's a little breakdown and comparison of major Git hosting services today and how you can use them for your game project.

    Hope this content is useful to the community!

    submitted by /u/kahncode
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    Puzzle League-like game with game dev softwares

    Posted: 19 May 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Hi! I'd like to make a Pokemon Puzzle League / Tetris Attack-like game but I know doodoo in terms of game development or programming. Is this something I can achieve with Game Maker Studio (or other) or would I have more luck with actually working with a developer?

    submitted by /u/ArsonDadko
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    How does A PLAGUE TALE: INNOCENCE render hundreds of rats?

    Posted: 19 May 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    so recently I've been into "A Plague Tale: Innocence". In this game there are scenes where the player must use torches and other lightsources to scare rats away that would eat them alive otherwise. Sometimes the amount of rats on screen is very large, easily a few hundred.

    Watch this video for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCvvcX7KaZk (at ~4:40 you'll see what I mean)

    How does this work? How does a console game render hundreds of entities that all (seem to) have AI without dropping in performance?

    I'd love to hear your thoughts :)

    submitted by /u/p_ace
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    Space Pig Math - Developer Interview

    Posted: 19 May 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    Hello all!
    I recently did an interview for the team that makes the engine I used for Space Pig Math. If you have 10 minutes, and especially if you're trying to make a game on the side, read this (link in comment)...

    tl;dr - it took 6 years!

    submitted by /u/_gmayer
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    Connecting mobile to unity

    Posted: 19 May 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    Is there anyone who can help a teenager to connect it's phone to unity in order to start programming a game for it, because no tutorials on YouTube work for me

    submitted by /u/StefanMBR
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    why i can't rate and comment in playstore.

    Posted: 19 May 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    I uploaded my game this evening on playstore. it is published and people are downloading. but on playstore there is no button/option for commenting and rating. Its somehow missing! why?

    How do i fix it. what did i do wrong or missed while uploading?

    submitted by /u/sanketvaria29
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    I Need some help with privacy policy!

    Posted: 19 May 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    Ok so i was looking a tutorial on how to add ads in unreal engine 4 and i did same as what youtube did. But my game has no ads and i don't intend to add in fututre, so for just sake of educational purpose I added few codes but didn't implement the ad. The codes were:




    Now i don't know what they do but judging from the context they are asking for permission. So i when i was uploading my android game, playstore stopped me from uploading and required me to upload privacy policy because i had those above line of codes in my game. So i simply removed them and problem was solved. But my next game is actually going to have ads so i just came here to ask how do i make a privacy policy agreement to put on playstore. A website, template, anything will help which can guide me through. I just want my simple game playing on playstore with some ads, that's it.

    submitted by /u/sanketvaria29
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    Any kind of base/tool/tutorials for a story driven 3d cinematic game, similar to what Telltale games was doing?

    Posted: 19 May 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    Nowadays there seems to be bases, unique engines and tools, or at the very least tutorials for just about anything game dev related, but I for all the resources I can find for the 2d visual novel type story driven games, I can't find anything for their more 3d cinematic equivalents. Maybe I'm just searching the wrong keywords, but I can't seem to find much. Anybody here know of any resources, anything helps.

    Thanks in advance :D

    submitted by /u/HermesTr1smegistus
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    Need advice: "Invite friends" option for multiplayer mobile game

    Posted: 19 May 2019 06:27 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I need advice from everyone who did it before.

    I have a mobile multiplayer game and want to add the "Invite friends" button to the main menu. From internet research, I found Getsocial company, who provides the asset I can add to allow players more easily to share the game with friends. Getsocial says under 500 dau it is free. But then it's getting quite expensive for an indie developer.

    Who used their service? Or how did you implemented the "Invite friends" option in your game?

    submitted by /u/JeanLight
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