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    Thursday, February 3, 2022

    Succesfully bombed my technical interview today web developers

    Succesfully bombed my technical interview today web developers

    Succesfully bombed my technical interview today

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 01:00 PM PST

    This is so fucking embarassing.

    for context, I have been working with React for nearly a year.

    Today, a company I applied to sent me a technical coding test. I was pretty happy and started doing it, as I felt really confident.

    first part was data structures and algorithms, and I basically breezed through it. all tests passed, everything was going perfectly. completed it in around 30 minutes (total time limit was 2 hours).

    then comes the embarassing React part.

    I just needed to get the input data from one component, pass it to the parent and then again pass it through props to another component to render it. sounds pretty simple and basic right?

    I just could not fucking do it. I have no idea what the fuck happened to me, I have done that MANY times.

    Basically watched the timer slowly creep down to zero as total embarassment and anger just built up in me.

    I submitted the test and smoked nearly half a pack of cigarettes while I tried to calm down.

    you bet your ass I will be doing that shit everyday, until I will be able to pass around props telepathically. this interview basically headkicked my ego and confidence as a developer into oblivion, but I am planning to build that shit up again. mark my words, I will completely annihilate the next test.

    submitted by /u/DigBick2199
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    Firefox 98 will report possible CSS issues on your page using MozDevNet

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 07:25 AM PST

    Is getting a website a high rank in Google search results the web devs responsibility?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 02:30 PM PST

    What the title says. I feel like it's a really stupid question but I've got a bunch of different answers from different people

    submitted by /u/LukeMartin17
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    Maintaining Websites/ domains for businesses as a freelancer for a monthly fee.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 03:54 AM PST

    I have been researching ways to get semi-passive income as a freelance web developer and one of the options I came across was to charge the client a monthly fee to purchase their domain and webserver as well as to do periodic maintenance on their site. Is this something that many freelancers do? I feel like you would have to have this arrangement with several clients in order to make a decent income with it. At what point does the compounded periodic maintenance become or get close to full time work on its own anyway? If this is a practical route to go down what happens after a while if you can no longer provide these services to your clients? How would you transfer them or get them to switch to another provider?

    submitted by /u/BranMuffin_21
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    What do you think of my portfolio website?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 08:36 AM PST

    You can use `theme-color` meta to change browser accent colour

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 11:50 PM PST

    intellij vs visual studio

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 01:07 AM PST

    Am I the only one who finds intellij way better than Visual studio? I was working with C# VS enterprise and windows 10. Stack was .net 5 (core) and blazor wasm. Now found a job with Angular, spring boot and work with intellij Macbook M1. I hear how good VS is but i found intellij is better. I have both front and back in intellij instance and its way more stable that VS with blazor etc.

    I know its a was the statement C# vs java but I'm considering a holistic approach. I may miss some features from C# but not the tools. I needed 2-3 restart of VS everyday, now i dont restart intellij ever. Moving around the code is easier, especially between front and back, searches are more optimised/polished. (although i miss sharing the models written in C#, but blazor job market is non existence, so it doesnt the investment).

    Linq to sql was nice, but I was losing a lot of sql experience, you know, a lot of magic was there so missed the real sql concepts.

    Whats you experience?

    Edit: my point is, how do you compare visual studio AND c# .net vs intellij java (maybe Unix is) combo.

    submitted by /u/georgiossss
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    I'm scared to resign, I need feedbacks from dev brothers

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 04:05 AM PST

    So yeah, as I said in the title, I'm thinking about resigning from where I've been working for 2 years and 2 months now.

    Lately I'm feeling kinda bored, and tired of spending most of my time just working. I'm feeling the need for fresh new air, I don't know how to say it.

    Also, there is so much new things coming out in the web ecosystem that I want to try, like building an e-shop with Next.js / Sanity / Swell, or trying new framework like Alpine.js, or trying new state manager for React like Recoil or Zustand ... I have so many ideas of project, but no time nor motivation to start them.

    I feel like I need a 6 months break to enjoy coding on things I like, to also spend more time with family and loved ones and retrieve the motivation to work for another company. But I'm super scared and anxious about not being able to find a job after a break of ~4-6 months ... Can this be problematic in your opinion ? What would you do in my situation ? Would this be a good decision to resign?

    About myself, I'm a 25yo Front End web dev, living in West Europe, my technical stack is React.js / Next.js / Redux / TypeScript. I'm an autodidact, started integrating websites 6 years ago so I'm pretty confident in my integration skills, using CSS-in-JS, and JSS libs (MUI and Styled-components).

    I also know that where I work they're happy about me and my work, since I'm a fast learner and help them alot with design when needed

    submitted by /u/Boo2z
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    why wont my localhost load?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 12:18 AM PST

    I'm currently watching a tutorial that uses localhost to create a database which is fine, I've had mild experience before with doing that, however when I go to load my localhost it just keeps saying it refuses to connect. I've tried using "" to connect to it instead of just typing localhost as well as restarting my browser, WIFI connection and laptop but it still uses. I also found to enable " chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost " in my browser which should have sorted the problem but it still refuses to connect.

    I'm genuinely confused as I've used localhost a good amount of times in the past and its never done this before

    submitted by /u/Overjellyfish54
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    Birthday website help needed

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 03:56 AM PST

    Birthday website help needed

    I'm creating a birthday website for my friend and I got into few problems

    The cake svg is getting down of the website as you can see in the white marking but I want the cake to be in the green marking of the website

    Here is the code for the website.


    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com"> <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" crossorigin> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Reenie+Beanie&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css"> <title>Happy Birthday</title> </head> <body> <h1 id="textbd">Happy Birthday </h1> <canvas id="birthday"></canvas> <audio autoplay src="./files/Katy Perry Birthday Lyric Video.mp3"></audio> <!-- Cake --> <center> <img id="cake" src="./files/birthdaycake.svg" alt="Birthday cake"> </center> <script src="./index.js"></script> </body> </html> 


    html { overflow-x: hidden; background: #020202; } body { margin: 0; cursor: crosshair; } canvas{display:block} h1 { position: absolute; top: 20%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); color: #fff; font-family: "Source Sans Pro"; font-size: 5em; font-weight: 900; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; } /* Cake */ #cake { height: 60%; width: 60%; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #textbd { font-family: 'Reenie Beanie', cursive; } 

    Guys please help me..!!! 🙏

    submitted by /u/coding_owl
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    An interesting company name

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 03:52 AM PST

    Hello fellow devs!

    I have a small private company in europe, and wanted to register it with an interesting name.

    My initials are JJB and I thought if some combinations, like JJB Technology, but they all seem kinda boring.

    Then I thought about some interesting terms in compSci, like Google means that huge number or Tesla beeing a commonly known unit.

    Therefore my question is, what interesting terms have crossed your path in the last weeks? Maybe you even have a specific proposal!

    I am glad for every tip!

    submitted by /u/Psychological-End-41
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    Payment method for a website

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 11:35 PM PST

    I'm not sure where to ask this question but there's a website that provide a tv service that doesn't follow paypal regulations. The payment methods by card were Russian gateways but they don't accept visa or mastercards anymore and users can't pay. Does anyone know any alternative or payment method that can work and be integrated to the website?

    submitted by /u/omarsa8er99
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    Launched our first web dev website, would love some feedback and suggestions!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 03:23 PM PST

    Hey guys! We are starting a web development agency and just launched our website, we would really appreciate feedback and any suggestions ! :)

    submitted by /u/velez_dot
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    New company is giving me tasks that I don't have skills to accomplish.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 02:49 AM PST

    Long story short: I'm a Junior dev who landed my first job a month ago. Loving my job so far but now the company is giving me tasks that I don't have skills to complete them. All the projects are HUGE and much more VALUABLE than what I have used to. I feel bad cuz my skills are limited and maybe I haven't brought it clear enough to them. Should I just quit?

    submitted by /u/touhulan_mato
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    Stop paying tech debts, start maintaining code

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 05:04 PM PST

    Tool for basic maps with location popups

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 02:22 AM PST


    We're after a plugin or tool or whatever that allows us to show a few places on Google Maps or Open Maps or any alternatives.

    We would like two features:

    • The places show an informative popup once clicked on.
    • The colors can be customized.

    Any ideas?!

    PD: We checked SnazzyMaps + WordPress, and the color customisaation is nice, but we lack any other way of highligthing specific locations.

    Massive thanks!

    submitted by /u/kram08980
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    Small client side MarkDown library

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 02:05 AM PST

    Hi, I am looking for a md lib that I can include in a project and need help finding the one that suits me the best.

    It has to be shipped to the client, so I want it to be as small as possible. The candidates I have found are:

    • Snarkdown - Super small (1.9kb uncompressed) but has some bugs that might be hard to work around.

    • Marked - Seems to have all the bells and whistles, but I just need the basic functionality. It does not support old browsers, sad but not a big problem. It weighs in at 10x compressed and >20x uncompressed compared to Snarkdown.

    Are theses my best candidates?

    submitted by /u/bagera_se
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    Remove my e-mail addresses from sendgrid entirely

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 01:45 AM PST

    Hello there!

    So I am getting BOMBARDED by sendgrid emails from tons of different "companies" and every time i hit the unsubscribe button (for stuff I never subscribed in the first place) I simply get the same bullsh*t again from a different "company" that uses sendgrid.

    I want sendgrid to stop sending me mails entirely but did not find any way of contacting them or do a 'global unsubscribe'.

    Can you guys help me out?


    submitted by /u/DReffects
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    Access token authorization instead of login?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 01:26 AM PST

    I want to create a product database/showcase system of products similar to madewithlaravel.com However I want the poster of a product to edit the product. The site shall basically just serve as a db/showcase of projects of some sort with basic information about it. So I thought in order to let the user edit a project they could use a specific link with a hash token. This would spare me a login/registration system. Downside would be that the user would need to keep the link in their records. Is this some security issue? Am I overlooking something?

    submitted by /u/noxinanis555
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    Why does yahoo news redirect to home page on clicking at either side of article? Bug or Feature?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 09:37 AM PST

    Http request responseText is HTML content of the current page

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 08:19 PM PST

    I am using an XmlHttpRequest to send a request as I have done in the past, and have never run into this issue. The only difference is I am hosting my express server through docker. Any advice? I have no idea what could be causing this problem, whether it is due to docker or not, so I can paste any code that may help debug.

    Edit: 99% sure the error is due to my middleware which is checking for authentication and if not, sending the login page.

    submitted by /u/Toscoes
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    Thoughts on iframes

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 08:18 PM PST

    John Gruber's* latest posts on Google's Topic makes some great points, but his aside at the end struck me: "Also, iframes were a terrible mistake and never should have existed in the first place."

    There are lots of security issues with frames as implemented, but they solve some security issues as well. Webmail, web IDEs, and all sorts of other web apps would not exist as high quality and early as they did if the developers could not scope their Javascript and CSS to an iframe.

    What else couldn't exist securely, now or in the past, without an iframe?

    Edit: * I know Gruber doesn't like web apps, yet likes Wordle and others. He obviously isn't a full time webdev, but does influence many with his opinions.

    submitted by /u/dwkeith
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    Need your guy's advice on getting this basic static site up and saving money to the max for this small business any help is greatly appreciated!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 03:08 PM PST

    Okay guys i need some help! iv'e been looking through forums and diff reddit posts from years back and the answer always varies greatly.. i have my first client and he just wants a static website HTML5, CSS3 is more then enough for me to build what he's requesting he does want a call now button that will then open his number on the device being used etc and begin to call his business line.. so im sure that takes a degree of JS which i can learn to do surely.

    The problem im facing is im getting confused on the hosting and transferring of his current domain and honestly generally the best method to get this site online.. right now his site is through some google template thing offered through them.. so firstly can i use something like namecheap to transfer the domain or do i even need to? and secondly when looking at hosting providers im seeing wordpress, wix etc and confused if that's strictly for those types of template builds or if i can upload my index.html etc or do i need a special hosting to do that? and if so which one would you recommend?

    The client also wants a business email and i know due to extensive research alot of hosting services offer that included basically [tom@mydomain.com](mailto:tom@mydomain.com) etc he then wants a business line something just on his phone that he can log on and activate during business hours and who ever calls it goes to his primary number without actually disclosing it so like 2 lines on one phone based on my research i think Nextivia is are best bet but am really interested in what you guys think.

    During these times and him being a small business i want to keep things as cheap as possible he's offering me a couple grand and this is so basic it feels greedy taking it if i can get a solid plan id like to take a grand off the top these are tough times after all and his business is helping me as well being fairly new to the trade.. and id love to cut the cost even further in any way i could.. its just him that needs the business line and he just wants that business email and a single page site that he can be proud to represent his business online.

    Any help is greatly appreciated guys thanks and god bless.

    submitted by /u/Orcsloot
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    Properly broke my website / domain link.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 07:58 PM PST

    Okay, so it might not be the best place to ask for help but I made a free website on 000webhost, I linked a domain and the site got shut down for "excessive traffic".

    I upgraded to Hostinger to prevent this happening again however it did. I contacted 000webhost who advised me that I need to migrate my site to hostinger.

    I backed up the site, unlinked the domain and deleted the website.

    After importing into hostinger I try my URL and it says "this website has been shutdown by the user".

    So the question I have is 2 fold really, does it take time to unlink a domain from a site secondly how do I attach my website back to the domain if it keeps insiting its down?

    I am new to webdev and do not know anywhere near as much as I should. But I cannot fathom how I can import a website and it just "attaches" itself to the domain.

    submitted by /u/Twinnedfoil
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    Blocked by CORS on the browser but endpoint working correctly in Postman

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 03:52 AM PST

    Blocked by CORS on the browser but endpoint working correctly in Postman

    The problem:

    I've been working as a front-end developer for about a year, but lately I wanted to get more into back-end as well so I did follow this course about Springboot and this one about Spring security.

    I want to create a simple web app to test stuff. I was trying to create a login and learn about the auth workflow in general.

    So as the title says, calling my endpoint '/login' from postman with the creds on the body, works correctly and gives me back the token, but making the same request (apparently, probably it isn't) from angular it gets blocked by CORS.

    This is my spring security configuration:


    This is the angular service from which I send the request:


    This is the request done in postman:


    And this is the error in the web browser:


    Sorry if this something really simple, as I mentioned I'm very new to Spring in general.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/sxtxnn
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