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    Sunday, February 27, 2022

    Looking for games to remake! Comment your suggestion in comments

    Looking for games to remake! Comment your suggestion in comments

    Looking for games to remake! Comment your suggestion in comments

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 03:55 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    I'm a game developer who is starting a YouTube channel. I will be posting videos about game making challenges, remaking games and game dev related stuff. I will be starting creating my first video in a couple of days.

    Anyways, I'm here to ask you guys, what kind of games do you want me to remake. I want to start off easy, like recreating Pong, Snake, Pac-man and so on, and later remake bigger games like Fortnite or Minecraft. If you have any suggestions, comment them in the description.

    submitted by /u/ReCubic
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    Unity + Playmaker - EASY Pinball Game - Setting up the Ball and the backing board graphic

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 05:34 AM PST

    Documentation/planning for new dev

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 04:29 AM PST

    I've finally hit the point where I feel like I'm ready to start on my first proper project. Up until now all I've done is small test projects to help me learn what I'm doing.

    I've got a good idea of where I'm going with the project, at least to start with, but am worried that I'm going to get lost/overwhelmed further down the line. Does anybody have an suggestions for planning and documenting a project so that I can keep myself organised as I go?

    Hacknplan seems like it might be a good way to go, but I'm pretty much going in blind so any suggestions/tips regarding that or any other method would be much appreciated. I should probably add that this is a solo project.

    submitted by /u/alderEDS
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    videogame and psychological research (university purposes)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 05:25 AM PST

    Calling all gamers!

    I need your help with a study investigating the relationship between psychological wellbeing and videogame consumption. This research is for a dissertation at the University of Leeds.

    The survey consists of 10 questions, with a completion time of about 5 minutes.

    All entry's are COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS.

    If you're interested, please use the anonymised link below to complete the survey. Thanks very much!


    submitted by /u/AlgoMunchies
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    How Summertime Saga keeps its players snacking on new stories

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 04:43 AM PST

    Match FP with TP views in a multiplayer game?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 04:32 AM PST


    I'd like to understand how to match FP with TP views in a multiplayer game with full bodies. I've been at it for quite a while with good results, yet there are 2 things that I still don't think I grasp correctly. Both of these are related to Aim Offsets. Maybe you can help?

    1. In most cases, Aim Offsets don't just provide a head tilt, rather the whole person spine tilts forward / backwards. This means that the head position doesn't stay steady in a position relative to the character's capsule. In FP you generally look around with a camera in a fixed position, while your TP counterpart's head moves as per the Aim Offset. So how do you handle this in multiplayer games? If you have your FP's camera also follow the head location, it's ok but it results in a less stable experience overall (though manageable). AFAIK big francises do not do that, which raises the question: if in FP you look down, your head is going to be, for instance, still above a cover wall, while your TP character is actually going to be protected by it. So which position is then used by the server to compute the damage?
    2. FP shadows and body: how do you match them to your view? I have a standard setup with:
    • A full body mesh viewable by other players, which only generates shadows when in FP.
    • A Head mesh which is hidden in FP (though it always generates shadows).
    • Arms attached to a camera for the FP view.
    • Low body part mesh (i.e. legs) for FP view.

    If you have everyone of those meshes use the Aim Offsets then their positions match. However, if you keep the FP camera location fixed then how do you make all of these match? Furthermore if you keep the camera fixed, you can see the "insides" of your Low Body when looking down, since your camera doesn't move to the front.

    Any inputs are welcome!

    submitted by /u/robost
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    How do i make a Prototype without getting bored of it?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 04:21 AM PST

    Game Developers always seem to tell you to start with a Prototype but it never feels like a good representation of what a Mechanic will actually be, I keep running into this issue where i think of a good idea and instead of just making that mechanic i instead start by making a Smaller scale prototype of it and by the time im done with the small scale prototype i dont even wanna work on improving it
    Worst case scenario is not even know how to improve it after spending so long making it you forget the original vision of the Mechanic

    What is your approach to this problem? The only answer i can think of is that its all personal preference and maybe i shouldnt start with a prototype at all?

    submitted by /u/MagmaCreamy
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    I don't know anything about making a game

    Posted: 27 Feb 2022 04:15 AM PST

    Well I've tried to watch videos on YouTube on how I can make a terraria like game. But they don't actually show on why and how should I do the things that they're doing. Where should I start? I really want to make a game I have tons of idea about the content of the game. Any answers are appreciated thanks.

    submitted by /u/pinoynamatalino
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