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    How I got a nice full time job before graduating learn programming

    How I got a nice full time job before graduating learn programming

    How I got a nice full time job before graduating

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 01:42 AM PST

    Hey guys, yesterday was probably one of the best days in my life for my career. I just receveid the news that I got slated for a offer at Microsoft, full time Software Engineer, while I'm still at college (Computer Engineering).

    I follow this sub anonymously for a long time, and I see that people sometimes struggle to find and guarantee jobs, ever after graduation, so I though that I could give some advice with my limited experience. Also, feel free to ask any questions.

    . Limit the things that can distract you

    Limiting the things you worry about is probably one of my life motos. I know this is hard to do, specially if are from the USA, with student debt and things like that.

    If you can, having non-toxic relationships, letting people go and don't involving yourself in drama is freeing. You'll be able to focus much more on each task you are doing.

    . Don't do many things at once

    These companies tends to focus a lot on your data structure and algorithms fundamentals, because they want a Software Engineer, and not someone who just can type some React code. Focus on what really matters, study these concepts from start-to-end and try to use your side projects as a way to show some useful applications of this concepts. Just don't go crazy on learning several things at once.

    A few months ago I was trying to learn Elixir, Rust, Clojure and how to use Datomic at the same time, I really thought that I would get something from it, but in the end I was just learning a bunch of tools that I was not sure how to use them yet.

    . Play the Game

    Time and time again I read about how broken tech interviews are, and you know what? I agree, it is a exhausting process. Another thing that I agree with is that you should play this game.

    Go study, go do some leetcode. It will be painful in the beginning, but later you will start to enjoy figuring out solutions on your own (I promise). A few months ago I knew nothing about leetcode, nor knew how to solve even the simplest medium questions, so I studied heaps, linked lists, tree traversals, graph algorithms, array and string manipulation. I still can't solve a bunch of questions there, but I felt that I have become a stronger engineer knowing these core fundamentals.

    For me, the best youtube channel for leetcode is NeetCode.

    . Do your best at college

    I already had 4 work opportunities before applying to Microsoft, and all of them came from Professor recomendations.

    They have a huge network built over years of experience, so try do to your best, be nice with with them and they'll put you in the right tracks.

    Do your school projects as if they were work projects, do your absolute best, do even more than you were asked for.

    You will learn a lot, and will also gain more visibility

    . Go out there

    No one will know who you are if you don't have visibility. No, I'm not saying that you need to be some kind of influencer, just having a nice LinkedIn profile, with insightful posts about CS and a GitHub is more than enough.

    Also, try to post on platforms like Medium or Dev.to, this will give you some visibility among other developers.

    . Watch good media

    These days we are overflown with information, and some of this informatiob is pure trash. If you are aiming CS content, try to watch the content that will give you some insights to your carreer. These are my favourite resources:

    1. Continuos Delivery (Dave Farley)
    2. Go To Conferences (Robert Martin, Joe Armstrong...)
    3. Techlead (before the cripto and controversial stuff)
    4. Engineering with Utsav
    5. Mayuko

    . Enjoy victory, but embrace losing

    Altough I had this recent victory, I was reject from more than 150 jobs in the past 2 years. Don't give up, just try to learn what you did wrong and improve yourself.

    I was rejected for a Google international internship in 2019, and, at the time, the feeling was awful. But I knew I had to move on. Don't give up, you only need to win once.

    These are my tips, If you guys want, feel free to leave any critique in the comments, and also to make some questions =).

    submitted by /u/codingmewtwo
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    DevOps interview questions

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 11:06 PM PST

    In the next few days i'll have my first programming related interview for the role of junior devops and i'm shitless scared. The job is amazing, the company invest in its employee's education, they work partially remote and the office is pretty close to my home as well. Now the problem: i am a self taught programmer and my personal experiences are mainly with python backends deployed (not by me) on Azure. i looked into Docker enough to containerize a backend of mine but i am afraid it may not be enough even for a junior role...

    i'm trying to study on this topic now but a little help on what they may end up ask is really appreciated. Does anyone in the sub sustained an interview for the same position before?

    submitted by /u/TheUruz
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    Ugh pain...absolute pain. Graduate Coding Interview.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 06:03 AM PST

    So was at a live technical interview. It was very easy but apparently my stupid brain didn't want to function during dry running. I feel so damn stupid. They tested my knowledge on linked list, write a function which would capture the last node of the list. I bombed it and needed help to finish up that first function, but I completed it. The second one were to find the mid point of a list, I did this one better but still needed a tad bit of help. The 2 interviewers said I done 'reasonable' which is quite vague not sure what the hell that means, probably overthinking it. But at the end he told me "do you know about garbage collection" I said "no, Im not sure if java has that"...WTF IS MY DUMBASS SAYING OH MY GOD.

    I feel even more stupid than ever fuck me. Just I need some words of wisdom right about now holy mother of pearls. I do hackerrank and leetcode questions decently well and you're telling me the 2 easiest questions I end up fumbling in a graduate role. Disappoint

    Edit = they saw a document upon screen sharing which had a bunch of practice questions and I was answering as part of my revision leading upto this interview. My interviewers made mention of this document at the end and told me "did anyone tell you about the questions beforehand" which to my surprise I was like "they are literally hackerrank questions which I used to learn". They were hammering me with so many questions for the most basic syntax, which threw me off guard and I started getting extremely nervous, I think they thought I was cheating???!

    Edit 2 = you guys are fucking GREAT!!! Thanks so much guys!

    submitted by /u/RedemptionSauce
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    What are some office essentials you wish you had known about sooner for coding?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 05:53 AM PST

    Hey, I (28f) am starting coding boot camp in two weeks. I've been doing the pre work as well as Learn Java the Hard Way. I spend around 6-8 hours days practicing and have already noticed stiff shoulders and neck from spending so much time seated and it makes me wonder, what office essentials have you found make coding for hours more comfortable and what advice would you give to a newb that you wish someone had given you?


    submitted by /u/Ill-Advertising-6935
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    !!!My motivation life Hack

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 08:33 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Like most of you, I have been having a lot of trouble trying to study consistently, bc I spend a lot of time doing random stuff that is not going to help me at all (like reading news on social media, following Elon Musk, or watching another video of my favorite youtube, and so on).

    Every day I want either start a new course or I want to continue either freecodecamp or odin project, it's ok at the beginning, I got the motivation, but cannot avoid doing something different like using my phone to do the infinitely scroll on social media, or being laid in my bed.

    I have been trying a lot of things, even to hide my phone or to go to a coffee shop in order to don't see my bed, but nothing worked.

    So, I ask myself, How did I finish my college and my master's? and the first answer that came to my mind was that I wanted to have a good job, but I realized it wasn't as easy as that, bc the developing world is awesome and the pay is pretty good and even that I was doing almost nothing to get all the knowledge in order to get a job.

    So, I realized that every time I did a big project was bc I had exterior pressure from someone or something, like, you don't want to fail a test at college bc you are going to fail a class, and you are not going to get your major, and you are going to have a life debt, and you are going to work in fast food, and so on.

    So, I needed motivation, but, It's hard to get motivation, I didn't get my majors with motivation, so, that's not the answer. BUT like in college I can get exterior pressure, HOW? I decided to pay a small amount of money weekly to someone that need that money, and I give to that person a report of what I did every day, I make the report using the android web app Digital wellbeing (it track all the spent time on your phone per app) and two extensions for chrome webtime tracker and TimeYourWeb, and stayfocusd in order to restrict the time I spend doing stuff I don't need. So, using those apps I sent at the end of the day pic of the stats of those apps to the person if I spent time on some website that is not useful that person will fine me for that, so, I am just applying something called NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT, so if I don't do what I scheduled I have to pay a fine for that to that person, you decided the amount, my case is 10 bucks, and incredibly I have been for 5 days straights using the phone for no more than 15 min a day, and spending 7+ hours a day on freecodingcamp, bc I don't want to pay for something that is my fault.

    This is my first post on reddit, and I am not native, so, saying that i am sure i have a lots of typos, i just wrote all this and i didn't review what I wrote.

    submitted by /u/LuckyLolo123
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    Anyone want to build project for fun and learning together?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 08:58 AM PST

    I'm learning programming and it's kinda boring. I want to build some website just for fun and learning purpose. Anyone wanna join? so we can share knowledge and also review each other codes

    submitted by /u/Old_Toe7401
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    Why does the following C program print what it does?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 10:15 AM PST

    I recently came across the following C program, where the task was to guess, without running the program, what the program will print.

    The program:

    #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i = 0; printf("%d\n", i++ + i++); i = 0; printf("%d\n", i++ + ++i); i = 0; printf("%d\n", ++i + i++); i = 0; printf("%d\n", ++i + ++i); return 0; } 

    The first two ones felt like I understood, but I became uncertain if I even understood it at all since I feel like printf("%d\n", ++i + i++); should print 2 and printf("%d\n", ++i + ++i);should print 3.

    My reasoning for printf("%d\n", ++i + i++); is:

    (++i + i++) i = 0 (1 + i++) i = 1 (i gets incremented then evaluated) (1 + 1) i = 2 (i gets evaluated then incremented) (2) i = 2 (1+1=2) 

    My reasoning for printf("%d\n", ++i + ++i); is:

    (++i + ++i) i = 0 (1 + ++i) i = 1 (i gets incremented then evaluated) (1 + 2) i = 2 (i gets incremented then evaluated) (3) i = 2 (1+2=3) 

    This is obviously wrong, but where is my understanding falling off?

    submitted by /u/Poipodk
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    Rubik's Cube Solver

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 08:00 AM PST

    I want to make a program that can solve the Rubik's cube: basically, you input the scramble and the program spits out the solution. Any tips or suggestions on how to start?* Thanks!

    *I don't want the whole thing, because I want to try to do it by myself!

    submitted by /u/darss10
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    A Google Hash Code virtual hub to practice for and participate in the competition

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:14 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Google Hash Code is a programming competition in which teams of 2-4 people spend 4 hours solving an optimization problem.

    u/Roybot93 is the organizer of the "Reddit Community Programmers" hub which can be found in the competition's virtual hubs page (USA). Hubs are groups of of multiple teams who can compare their scores with each other and compete with other hubs through total score. Anyone with any skill level is welcome to join.

    We can form teams and have practice sessions on Discord: (https://discord.gg/hSp5S4KQ7S). More information about the competition including the schedules, the practice round and previous rounds can be found on the website linked above.

    submitted by /u/OmarBrikaa
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    Coding bootcamp or Udemy lessons?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 09:01 AM PST

    I'm looking at the course catalogs for a couple of pricey bootcamps, and comparing them to a $20 UDemy course... And it looks the exact same. What are the pros / cons of doing a bootcamp vs self learning? I figure if it comes down to it, I could replace the "mentorship" a bootcamp offers with a paid tutor, everything else seems like fluff.

    submitted by /u/SpiciestSpecialist
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    How do I start making gui / full stack mobile applications in c++?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 08:29 AM PST

    So far ive watched a couple beginner tutorials and done everything in the command line. Where do i get started making full mobile applications in c++ with a working gui, for example a calculator app?

    submitted by /u/magisthicc123
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    Aren't we changing the data in the nodes of a linked list when traversing it?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 04:17 AM PST

    I'm currently learning about linked list by solving problems on leetcode so please bear with me.

    traversing a linked list

    from here, we are copying the head node to ptr so that we can traverse the linked list without changing the head. right?

    so that means, using the copy of the head, that is ptr, we can traverse the linked list. right?

    So how come my code doesn't work?

    var reverseList = function(head) { let currentNode = head.next head.next = null let previousNode= head // console.log(firstNodeNew) while(currentNode!==null){ let tempCurrent = currentNode tempCurrent.next = previousNode console.log(tempCurrent) // console.log(tempCurrent) previousNode=tempCurrent currentNode = currentNode.next } }; 

    i have already copied the second node in currentNode variable. so i should also be able to traverse the linked list in an order. but why is it that when i copy the tempCurrent to previousNode, it points to 1(the head) not to 3(the node after currentNode)?

    I'm confused here.

    submitted by /u/cjreads665
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    When do I have to start learning how to use Github?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 09:07 AM PST

    So, I have no experience programming, so I wanted to take CS50T and CS50X. I believe for CS50, they use an IDE to type out all the code for their demonstrations. CS50x tells you how to set up the IDE when you do Problem Set 1, but I wanted to set it up before I start the course so I can follow along with the lessons and type out the code and run it myself on my computer.

    However, I have NO idea how to use github at all. I don't understand the tutorials on the website at all, and it looks like stuff only people who only know how to program would understand. Do I have to learn how to use Github before I take CS50 ? I'm not even entirely sure what Github is.

    Like, in the instructions to set up the IDE, it says to log into this thing using 'your Github account,' which implies that you're already supposed to have had one prior to the course. Am I making sense?

    submitted by /u/ArianaVentiButera
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    Question about making my first Github account.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 08:52 AM PST

    I have no experience programming before, so I wanted to take CS50.

    In CS50, they type out the code in an IDE that's used for the class during the lessons, so I wanted to set up the IDE myself, but the instructions to set it up say that I have to log in to something using my Github account, which I don't have, so I want to make one .

    I came across a page that said on top...

    "What specific features are you interested in using?"

    And I'm not sure what I should click. It gives me the option to skip, though. Should I just skip, or should I select some of the options?

    submitted by /u/ArianaVentiButera
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    Should I learn a high level language aswell, while learning C?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 06:16 AM PST

    I want to learn C, but I worry about the amount of jobs left for C, so should I learn C# at the same time as C?

    submitted by /u/geffpants
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    Is a career in tech security safe?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 08:10 AM PST

    Just wanted to ask if going into a career path as a security/cybersecurity safe? I mean, I imagine you'd be dealing with real life criminals and trying to fend them off. In my country somebody could just hire a hitman and just shoot you while you're watering the plants (this recently happened actually and was on the news).

    submitted by /u/hoy83
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    How to code Adobe Illustrator to create 1000+ of the same image in different colours?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:27 AM PST

    I've never posted on Reddit before and I know nothing about programming. Apologies if I've asked this in the wrong place.

    I want to create multiple images with 1 word of text and a single colour background. I know I can do this by opening up Illustrator and creating the design myself by hand but it's going to take a long time.

    Is there a way to create code that will do the following:

    • Open Adobe Illustrator
    • Start a new project with the image specifications
    • Change the colour of the background
    • Type 6 characters of text
    • Save the image
    • Change the colour of the background
    • Change the 6 characters of text
    • Save the image
    • Change the colour of the background
    • Change the 6 characters of text
    • Save the image

    And continue this until I've got as many images as I need?

    Would this take a long time to develop as someone who's never programmed anything before?


    submitted by /u/T0talTurtle
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    Mac or Windows to learn programming?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 07:41 AM PST

    Hey all! I'm thinking to buy a laptop, and I was wondering if I should get a Windows or Mac, right now I'm on my first year of college and also learning by myself so idk which OS is better while I learn.

    Sorry if this breaks the rules but before I buy something I wanted some advices.

    submitted by /u/NotRelevantMadude
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    [DBMS Question] Why is update anomaly a thing when one single SQL query can update every entry without missing even a single one?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:17 AM PST

    For context, please take a look at the definition here: http://www.sqa.org.uk/e-learning/MDBS01CD/page_22.htm#Update

    submitted by /u/radjeep
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    Interview coding challenge question

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:17 AM PST

    TL;DR version: I had the choice to implement a greedy algorithm in a coding challenge question, but I found a that the efficient algorithm was easier for me to wrap my head around and did that because I kept fucking up the greedy algorithm. Was this necessarily a bad idea?

    I had a coding challenge problem I was asked to solve, and at the end of the instructions, it said, you do not have to give to most efficient solution, as long as the solution is correct for all possible cases, including edge and corner cases.

    Here's the thing, the easiest solution for me to wrap my head around just happened to be the most efficient solution, which is odd because it sorta depends on a solid understanding of discrete math, which is a subject I hated studying.

    Here was the question, given a vector v of n values, a subset of those values { r, p, q } are corners in a triangle if 0<=r<p<q<n and

    v[r] > v[p] + v[q] v[p] > v[r] + v[q] v[q] > v[r] + v[p] 

    Write a function that will accept a vector of values as an argument, and return the perimeter of the longest triangle that can be formed. If no triangles can be formed, return -1.

    So at first, I figured, if they're okay with a greedy algorithm, I'll just give them a brute force. But for some reason I kept fucking up the logic and it wouldn't work. So I gave it a little thought and recognized that of all possible combinations of three values that can exist, I do not have to check each possible permutation. I only have to check if the sum of the smallest two are less than the largest.

    So to make this easy, I'll first sort the vector from smallest to largest ensuring that for each one I check, the two elements previous are guranteed to be <= . Then (sudocode):

    Let maxp = -1 for all i [2 .. n -1] if v[i] > v[i-1] + v[i-2] then if sum(v[i], v[i-1], v[i-2]) > maxp then maxp := sum(v[i], v[i-1], v[i-2]) Return maxp 

    This also accounts for the possibility of all three values being equal, a triangle with a perimeter of 0 and an area of zero, which fits the requirments, as well as a triangle where the two smaller sides are equal but less than the longer side (has a perimeter but area of zero) also allowed.

    Now, given all that tl;dr, would you, evaluating this solution think less of a candidate for not taking the naive approach?

    submitted by /u/fracturedpersona
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    Before starting to become maintainer in projects

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:11 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    My question is which libraries, frameworks should I know in python before starting to contribute in github? I see here people say that doing projects and contributions make your skills grow. I am learning python while doing full time job as Application Manager. I know all basic syntax and able to solve easy and medium problems. I just have completed crash course python from coursera. Last few days I wanted to start contributing in any open source project but I didn't feel that I am ready for it yet. Please share your advice. When did you start to become maintainer in open source projects? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/codehunter-py
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    Where to Learn from

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:02 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I am a bit conflicted on where I should start learning from. I currently work full time and I don't do well with self teaching, so I want to be taught and have a set schedule I can do online after or before work.

    My community college has a program where you can learn IT management, Java script, C#, C++, and Python. Tuition is 6k though, which might be paid for if I get financial aid.

    On the other hand, I have been looking for bootcamps and courses online. Bootcamps seem to be more expensive, and individual courses I am wary about, since I am not sure how much they can provide. I was looking at courses on Udemy, where they offer courses in many languages but I'm wondering if courses like these will really give me the knowledge I need to start a career/get hired?

    I want to find a career in progamming/web development. I have been interested in it forever, I am just worried about wasting a lot of money/time on programs and camps that won't properly provide good skills and knowledge.

    Please give me suggestions! Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/AnUnusualArtist
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