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    Friday, January 21, 2022

    Screenshot Saturday #571 - Max Settings

    Screenshot Saturday #571 - Max Settings

    Screenshot Saturday #571 - Max Settings

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 09:34 PM PST

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    I'm a new game dev, who quit my programming job of 1 week, and will use my families passed down inheritance to support my plans for a 4th dimensional video game story idea. Which game engine is best? Anyone willing to hold my hand or work for free? Also I'm leaning towards making my own game engine.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 04:31 PM PST

    Half of the posts Every day are just a re-iteration of the same few questions.

    "Can I be a game dev?"

    I dunno, can you?

    "Is this *insert idea* possible for someone with no experience?"

    Yes (but if you're asking, then no)

    "How long?"

    Anywhere between 1 month and 7 years.

    "Which engine is best for X Y Z?"

    Pick one.

    "Which engine is best for Z?"

    Unreal or Unity. Also pick one.

    "Should I make my own game engine?"

    No. (You'd have already made your own engine without asking.)

    "I made my own game engine. ?"


    "How do I become a game dev?"

    Make a UI with a button that says either "Play" or "Start". Congrats you're now a game dev.

    "What is a game dev?"

    It's someone who spends hours making a single door open and close perfectly in a video game.

    "How do I stay motivated?"

    I dunno, the same way as you would anything else in life.


    "Here's 10 tips to avoid burnout and stay motivated"

    I bet one tip is take a break and another is go outside. Wow thanks, you've saved us all!

    End Rant.

    submitted by /u/ManicD7
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    Activision Blizzard employees at Raven Software ask management to recognize new union

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 08:56 AM PST

    I made a game!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 02:06 PM PST

    These last years I spend my lost free hours working on a game, now it's finally done(v1)!

    When asked I'll share a link (directly playable in a desktop browser, for free, no ads)

    This post is to write out my experience, and thank /r/gamedev for reminding me there are others out there working on games, you folk greatly helped to me to keep at it and/or return to my project, so... thanks! I hope my ramblings are sortof helpful.

    My game is a top-down Action Role Playing Game. Your mission is to get to the top of the "Best Times" list!.. I mean... to save the world! Scour the world of for all necessary items to restore the Tree of Life!

    Goals / wants

    I'm a webdesigner by trade, more on the visual design side than a back-end coder. I wanted to:

    1. Create all my own art assets to scratch the creative itch
    2. Create something inspired by the classics I love
    3. Improve my coding skills
    4. Design and handcraft an open(-ish) world
    5. Be in full dictatorial control of something that is mine
    6. In the end finish something
    7. Hopefully have slmething of a game that I'd like to play myself

    The start

    No, I didn't define these goals before I started. I just started, like someone with a creative urge tends to do. But in hindsight these goals definitely were there to kickstart the proces.

    The first sort-of-Game-Design-Document file I found in my mail dates back to 2003. Yep, this project had a turnaround time of 19 years. If your goal is to cost-efficiently develop a game, don't do as I did.

    In the meanwhile, I have worked a day job at five different companies, got married, got three childeren, moved to other houses. Multiple times I put the game on the back burner for months and/or years.

    I fully restarted only once. The first iteration was a weird PHP, webbased, thing... where you could click nodes on a map to traverse a world map. The technically required page reload for every click was an obvious project-killer, and showed me I wanted more real time action in my game.


    I grew up in the 90ies with; Mario (NES), Solstice (NES), Wolvenstein 3D, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Warcraft 2/3, Heroes of Might and Magic 2, Command & Conquer, Half Life, Counter Strike, Unreal Tournament, Quake 3 Arena, World of Warcraft. Most of these games don't look like Hallica at all, but they all definity were an inspiration one way or another.

    My more delibiratly chosen inspirations were: Warcraft 2 - For art direction, iconic tile sets, unit design and animation, world building, are all hard to replicate and still hold up even today.

    Zelda (NES) - Actually not a part of my youth strangely enough. I played it a bit when I was older. What stood out for me was the sense of adventure and the iconic static itemization.

    Solstice (NES) - Quite some personal nostalgia. A fun save-the-princess-adventure, also with a great static itemization. The maps in a grid world layout, similar like Zelda, allowed me to make my world as big as I wanted.

    Doom - Doom's enemies have great feature design. I'd love to expand my game with multiple unique enemies. It'd automatically give me an extended matrix of combat situations by simply combining different enemy types (yea, right now I only have one enemy type). Another thing Doom did very strongly were the doors and keys. There is nothing like running into a locked door, clearly colored red, to make you go on a side quest for the matching red key. It's simple, but oh so satisfying and a great design tool. For me this feature was the main reason to actually give thougt about the layout of my world map.


    The game is handwritten in JavaScript, html, and php. JavaScript is what I initially wanted to improve. I also wanted to bite into subjects like basic collision detection, path finding, and basic enemy behaviour. I chose to be stuborn and write my own stuff from the ground up. Dont be like me, choose an existing engine. That said: I feel that I reached my personal goals, so for me this was a succes.

    For weeks I struggeled with collision detection and pathfinding. I really didn't want to use a classic tile grid for my art assets. A grid tends to make a game look griddy..? I didn't want that for my game. I wanted to place every tree where ever I wanted it. Now, in my map editor I can place assets, draw polygons for collision walls, and in-game the mobs will find their way to the player with A*. The code wressling was worth it!

    The most memorable and satisfying moment during development was when I wrote some "AI": if in agro-range, then walk towards the player. And: if in sword-range. Then swing your sword. Every mobile, including the player, was a one hit kill at the time. All of the sudden all enemies could hit pixel perfect and frame perfect, Dark Souls had nothing on my game. Making enemies act more realistic (dumber) actually requiers quite some work.

    I ended up with a game, a world/map editor, and a spritesheet/asset manager.


    I used Photoshop for all assets except the mobile/warrior. The warrior can walk, swing his sword, and die. All these actions need about 5/6 frames, in 5 directions (NE, E, SE are mirrored into NW, W, SW). That gave an estimation of: 3 x 5 x 5 = 75 frames to draw. I decided I had to learn Blender. Blender was, and still is, quite hard on me. I'd love to add another enemy type, but time, life, and Blender is making that a nice-to-have priority.



    V1 done!

    90% of all ideas (like sound, or mobile friendlyness...) never made it in the game. Life is comming, so again I prioritised: get an ending in, logo, frontpage, highscores. Now I'm very happy it's done, and I can call myself a game developer!

    Random Advice & learnings

    Keep at it!

    Prioritise, prioritse, prioritise (need vs nice-to-have)

    A limited tile set will force you to be creative with said tiles.

    With a handfull of tree assets, you can design an infinite amount of forresty intersections. You'd think you'll run out of ideas after 5... but you wont.

    Decorative trees look beter in pairs, or small groups.

    When choosing a genre for your game, do not not choose a certain genre because you feel you cant make it stand out. When a 100 people all create a tetris, you get a 100 different tetrisses. Its not about the genre, its about you.

    Again with the trees as example, I found it's quite hard to create an asset that is different enough from the others, but also kept average enough looking so you can use it all over again. An asset that is super cool and jumps out (hero asset) in your level can only be used once or twice.

    submitted by /u/nonothatsimpossible
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    Text adventure game.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 11:36 PM PST

    Hey guys! Im trying to execute a text adventure game but python is quite limitid, what is the eysest programming language for making text adventure games? Thanks! (Im not an amerikan so i cant write in good english, i hope you ⠀understand)

    submitted by /u/sadduck515
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    What should I do if I come across a project killing engine bug?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 11:28 PM PST

    I'm sure it's my fault somehow, since I'm only several months into this, but recently I've been getting a bug that whenever I load my project unity will simply gets stuck on the "importing assets" bit. I'm not looking for specifics on how to fix the bug, but mostly just general advice.

    What are the best practices when it comes to huge game breaking issues? Should I restart the whole project and simply be more diligent to keep the project squeaky clean? Do better to keep my project versioned and backed up religiously? Or should I take a gamble with time and continue to fight the bug itself and try to get the underlying issue resolved?

    Thank you for any and all feedback!

    submitted by /u/Exe-Nihilo
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    Game with a Patreon Business Model: Can it work? Anyone know of any examples of it?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 06:54 AM PST

    So to clarify, the idea is that the studio constantly develops content for their game - maybe even releasing on a monthly basis - for an inexpensive or even free-to-play game.

    Users can choose to opt in to a subscription service like Patreon to fund your development in exchange for some perks (monthly allotment of currency, exp multiplier, beta server access, their name is purple in game, etc.). However a significant portion of the content you develop (if not all) will be available to all players.

    This type of business model has found footing in content creator markets like artists and streamers, as well as software development for projects like Godot and Blender, but I haven't heard of any game development uses of it. I'm wondering if anybody has any example of it working or not working for a game project, or a discussion about the pros and cons of the approach.

    Obviously the payment model needs to work well with the game itself. The two examples I've thought of were a Trading Card Game where you can constantly drop cards, or a 4X / Grand Strategy game where you can constantly develop new factions or mechanics to add over time.

    The closest thing I can think of are Battle Passes which are more or less monthly subscriptions for content, but have time gating and grinding attached to them to incentivize players to play your game during that month. But I think the user perception and the appeal of the system would be quite different with a Patreon model than a Battle Pass.

    submitted by /u/SnickyMcNibits
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    As a beginner, is it okay to work on an ambitious game as a first project?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 10:49 AM PST

    I'm an artist who started learning C# for unity and just finished the codecademy course and am ready to start learning unity. I understand that all of the best advice to beginners is to start extremely small and finish something. However, I find it far more motivating to work on the mechanics I've been thinking about these past few months, which is a merchant RPG with card based combat. I would prefer starting over and over with the more that I learn, than to finish smaller games I'm not particularly excited for. I'm still on the fence of seeing if game dev is something I want to do, so I'd rather get my hands dirty to see if I even enjoy the process.

    TLDR; is it a bad idea to learn through trial and error in pursuit of a complex game, even if it's never finished?

    submitted by /u/practicer1
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    Customize the default script templates in Unity (40 second tutorial)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 03:17 AM PST

    In a multiplayer game how can I identify a returning player in the host for saving and loading their data?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 11:42 AM PST

    In previous multiplayer games I made it so the other players that joined the host could bring their own locally saved characters. But for my new game I'm looking into having the characters be saved in the server (host player's save file) but now I'm running into a problem... How do I identify a player so I can know he owns that character's data when he comes back and give him the correct data?

    If they're using Steam I can use their Steam ID and that'd be easy, but if they're not using steam... What kind of information could I use that is most probably going to stay the same?

    I guess I could make them choose a username/password and save their info that way but that wouldn't be ideal. If I just let them pick a character name and if they type the same character name I load them could end up letting other players load the same characters.

    submitted by /u/danielsnd
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    Hey Guys, Big Lurker Here. Decided to say Hi and make some tutorial on Unigine Engine which supports both C# and C++ Coding.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 09:13 PM PST

    Unigine Engine is an Engine that was very hard for Indie Devs to get any hand on it due to its high pricing. It was mostly a corporate / defense purposed simulative engine. Ever since they decided to make the community Edition, it became widely accessable to everyone.

    Its main Features are highly precise physics control, great graphic rendering, supports both C# and C++ coding and has a very clean API documentation for programmers.

    I played around with it for a few months and I love it, the downside to the Engine is that it has little to no tutorials on it. I decided to make some tutorials on it and help others make something in it.

    If you're interested in making something, curious on its potential or are new to Development, then you can follow my youtube and help me make it better.

    Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCckQdw8BE7LMeGZuor7KeQQ

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/LazyUnigine
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    Help Settling A Debate

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 08:48 PM PST

    I'm arguing with someone about whether fixed camera vs 3rd person is actually [3rd person] fixed camera and 3rd person [Over the shoulder] (I think there's a better word for it but that's what I've got right now.) Can I get help to explain whichever side is correct, please? I assume people who make games can answer this best.

    submitted by /u/Pointlessly
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    Is a Full Sail degree in game development worth anything? especially versus a general CS degree

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 12:58 PM PST

    Title says most of it. Basically, I am in school but not committed to a degree plan yet. I originally planned to get a general BS in CS but ultimately I want to make games for a living and getting a degree focused on game development seems like more fun and more specific education.

    When hiring is that degree considered respected? Does anyone know if it would better or more poorly prepare me for the work? Additionally, does anyone have any input as to steps to take to prepare for hiring at a development company? I am aware that a portfolio is important but what exactly would I want in my portfolio that isn't just "I made this game."

    Any other input would be greatly appreciated, my apologies if this type of post isn't allowed on this sub.

    submitted by /u/DreamsAsF
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    Legal aspect to worry about

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 01:27 AM PST

    I'm developing a indie game and I would like to know all the legal aspects I should worry about for the publication.

    Here some examples:

    • I use assets in my game which require I put the company name which producing them in the credits => OK that easy to comply with.
    • I use my own game engine and I understand that for some libraries (e.g. OpenAL), I must include the LGPL license file with my game => OK that easy to comply with.
    • When my game crash, I send a report to my server. I don't save the IP address or any personal information of the user because I understand that it is more complicated to handle due to European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). However, I save some user specific information like: the CPU name, the graphic card name and the crash report. => Is it legal? Should I mention somewhere I do that?
    • I understand that for a game published on Steam, I don't need to worry about Pegi (https://pegi.info) => Correct ?

    What are the others legal aspects that I'm not aware and I should take care as an indie game dev. ?

    submitted by /u/DeerVisionStudio
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    Did a video on Game Design Documents, an easily forgotten tool but highly underrated!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 07:03 PM PST

    Should I rebuild my mobile game natively (Swift or Kotlin) or can I simply replace the parts that were written in react native?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 12:56 PM PST

    My original app was not a game, which is why I built it on react native. However, users slowly started requesting features related to gaming.

    I know react native is horrible for games or complex process, which is why I know I have to either rebuild the app natively or replace parts of it.

    I'd prefer not to rebuild it from scratch, but I don't want to be the same place down the road.

    submitted by /u/CrowBroosvelt
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    Distributing to Steam (Mac and Windows) from Mac

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 06:49 AM PST

    Weirdly specific (and possibly noob) question here but I haven't found any answers on it.

    I'm looking to develop a game on Mac and eventually release it on Steam, both for Mac and Windows platforms. And honestly, I can't really tell if there even are any "Mac exclusive" Steam games. My question is, does distributing to Steam from Mac automatically distribute to both Mac and Windows Steam platforms?

    submitted by /u/grumpreference_
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    How to make tough enemies in a game where the players can be overpowered?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 06:45 PM PST

    If there's one problem that i see in power fantasy games is that enemies will eventually be reduced to bullet sponges which causes boredom. This made me wonder, how do you properly design enemies for difficulty if the player has the potential to become too overpowered while maintaining the player's power without losing the fun value?

    submitted by /u/mega_lova_nia
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    How straightforward is it to sell in foreign countries through Steam, Nintendo, etc

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 06:43 PM PST

    I've read that every market has its own laws and regulations, but does Steam, Nintendo, Playstation, etc... accommodate that in their store fronts? Or will I need to research each market individually?

    Germany, for example, has pretty strict age restrictions. But from what I'm seeing, Steam appears to just automatically restrict problematic titles in Germany.

    submitted by /u/LumpyGrub
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    Indie Game dev or Working for big company?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 10:10 PM PST

    Pros and cons!

    submitted by /u/SpyrosDev25
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    Is mike acton's verbose load, update, store method of coding still followed in the industry?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 06:00 PM PST

    In Mike Acton's blog I saw that he used to expand the equations into distinct load, update, store, phases : https://cellperformance.beyond3d.com/articles/2006/04/a-practical-gcc-trick-to-use-during-optimization.html

    So, a[i] = b[i] + c[i]; will become bi = b[i]; ci = c[i]; ai = bi +ci; a[i] = ai;

    The reasoning is that compilers can allocate the data to registers, and perform better optimization. Apart from performance improvements, I'm interested in being able to debug the code easily, since every step of the calculation will be available.

    But it's still verbose.

    My question is : Is this method still followed in the industry? Or was it only useful in 2006 when the article was written?

    Modern compilers have gotten better, and maybe we don't need to follow this method anymore.

    submitted by /u/xstkovrflw
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    Visual Design

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 11:59 AM PST

    Hi everyone. I am a software engineering student and beginner at blender and 3d modelling. I made lots of small 2d games until now. I want to start 3d games and make my assets too. This is kinda of a dumb question. I really like genshin impact style environment rocks trees etc. I want to improve my skills with practicing this kind of 3d models. I need a starting point so i want your guidance. How can i practice to improve that area of game asset 3d modelling?

    submitted by /u/gokaySendil
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    4 FREE looped animated winter trees. CC By 4 license (commercial use with attribution)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 05:54 PM PST

    Any developers from Poland? Looking for tax info.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 05:23 PM PST


    I'm trying to find any information about US tax rate for Steam payments to game development companies based in Poland. I googled a bit and see that US and Poland have a double-taxation avoidance treaty. But I know sometimes this just lowers the rate and isn't always zero.

    If you are a developer from Poland, what's the tax deducted for sales to US Steam customers? Is it 0%?


    submitted by /u/richmondavid
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    Game Studio

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 05:23 PM PST

    Hey dudes this is my 3rd question because im not intelligent and don't know anything. I want to start my own studio way in the future, currently I'm still in Highschool so I can't do nothing but study or slack off.

    My Question is, When I want to start a Game studio, how do I end up hiring people to work for me? Where do I look? Do I need to promote my games somehow? I know to start a career I make my own game, but in the future how will I hire anyone? Will they come to me or will I come to them? And making a whole studio part as well, is that also complicated?

    Srry if my questions sound ridiculous.

    submitted by /u/Current_Seat4581
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