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    Thursday, January 20, 2022

    Graph Representation of a Boolean function Computer Science

    Graph Representation of a Boolean function Computer Science

    Graph Representation of a Boolean function

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 07:16 AM PST

    I'm trying to classify a certain family of Boolean functions, and need to represent the function as a graph. Is there any well-known graph representation for a Boolean function that captures the information that it is Boolean?

    I'm presently using the variables as vertices with an edge between two if they are present in the same monomial. This does not take into account that the function is Boolean. I thought of 2-colorings of the vertices of a hypercube, but that does not really put any restriction on the graph. For my problem, I would need to use some property of the graph that results from the function being Boolean. Can someone provide some ideas to do this?

    submitted by /u/halfmoonmilkshake
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    Objectify a book as a plane

    Posted: 20 Jan 2022 05:16 AM PST

    I want to develop an AR application, the requirement is to recognize the text on the book, track the text, and dynamically generate a text model to display the tracked text. My question is how to identify a book as a plane? Because the recognised text is on the book, the book needs to be recognised as a plane. Or is there better methods or ideas?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/CommissionFew9178
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    Would you say the cost of transitioning from a hybrid app to two native apps is more costly than the other way round? Would really appreciate it if you have any resources on this

    Posted: 14 Jan 2022 03:18 PM PST


    For example, if I wanted to first release an app on iOS and decided to build it using swift. After two years I want to release an android version. Would it cost me more in terms of money + time to build a hybrid app initially and then transition to native apps ( kotlin and swift) or vice versa?

    submitted by /u/Admirable-Ad-3931
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