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    Saturday, December 11, 2021

    What are your biggest pains in your journey as a junior dev!? Ask Programming

    What are your biggest pains in your journey as a junior dev!? Ask Programming

    What are your biggest pains in your journey as a junior dev!?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 08:03 AM PST


    What are your biggest pains in your journey as a junior dev !?

    1-To get real programming working experience

    2- To work on interesting projects

    3- To get help and support

    4- To get paid

    5-To know what to learn

    6- To improve

    7- To keep motivated

    9- others ? what?!

    submitted by /u/romain130492
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    Can you advise on a very narrow specialization in programming?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 01:22 PM PST

    I went back to college to study programming years ago, graduated but couldn't pursue the career for health reasons. Also I realize I don't have time and I get anxiety (I also suffer from depression) when I look at the requirements for some jobs i.e. too many languages, frameworks etc.

    I want to find just one language or framework or some other narrow specialization and get proficient in it and then get a stable part time job. I did some minor stuff in the past in PHP, WordPress, learned React/Node, wrote a couple of Android apps, obviously made some websites for a couple of clients and friends but never worked as a programmer.

    So I was thinking if I become really proficient in just writing WP plugins would that be sufficient to get a part time job? Not looking to make big bucks, minimum wage would do.

    submitted by /u/notpreposterous
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    Are there any new languages that are C-based languages?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 08:28 PM PST

    Hi, I am looking for a language that is:

    1. C interop language
    2. Has safety such as data races
    3. Doesn't have complexity like Rust or C++ has
    4. no GC/ARC on by default
    5. Has C-like syntax etc.
    submitted by /u/unix21311
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    Want to learn backend

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 03:38 PM PST

    I want to learn backend. What should I focus on first?

    submitted by /u/littledevimprove
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    need advice

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 04:01 PM PST

    Hello, I am a second-year cs major and I have a phone interview with a company for a software engineering internship! I have been programming for 8 months however am nervous that I am not capable of being a successful intern. The internship requires that I have basic knowledge of an object oriented language which i do. However, I still have a hard time writing code by myself even though I have been learning to program for 8 months. i am aware of the 4 pillars of OOP and have knowledge of what they do, but am still unable to write code by myself. I feel like i'm not a very good problem solver/critical thinker/innovative thinker. I have moments were I have brain fog when learning to program and this hurts my learning process. I do lack self-confidence and have self-limiting beliefs as of this.

    On a positive note, I consider learning to be a passion of mine, and do not mine spending hours, days, or weeks submerging myself into learning. I hope my passion of learning can help me break my negative thoughts and also deepen my understanding of programming to the point where I am confident in my abilities.

    I am extremely stressed, anxious, and nervous because I feel like programming might not be cut out for me. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love to program, however, I have been struggling in my class and my lack of ability to write a program by myself is extremely discouraging. I am hoping that this interview does go well, however, to the point I get offered the internship, in hopes it allows me to expand my skills and knowledge. I just hope I don't disappoint the company and the team I would work under with my capabilities coming in.

    If any of y'all have any advice or words of wisdom.... i would greatly appreciate it!!! And also if you guys have tips on how to improve my problem solving/critical thinking/innovative thinking would be great. And please feel free to give me harsh advice if y'all want, I need a kick in the ass because I lack proper work ethic at times. Deep down I know that I am capable of learning any skills/concepts and changing this world for the better, which is my goal no matter what i do :) I really need to find a way to remove my mental block and any advice for that would also be great!!

    submitted by /u/NPat02
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    What's the best language to start making 2D animations/illustrations ?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 03:56 PM PST


    I've been spending some time on the /r/Processing subreddit and that seemed to me like such a cool tool to play around with, but I'm unsure how steep the learning curve is for someone like me.

    I have used PyGame in the past to make simple animations like a symmetrical mosaic drawing board or a very basic pool game physics simulator, but I noticed that there was a lot of grunt work involved when it comes to breaking down every movement and interaction as a sum of shapes and derivatives.

    Is there a language/framework/tool that's one or two levels of abstractions up and that has some packaged functions to make things like animation easier ?

    Thanks in advance : ')

    submitted by /u/IMakeInfantsCry
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    If a random domain sales company is sitting on a domain you want and they leave a page to offer a dollar amount for it, what are you supposed to offer? Is there a set min amount that they’re looking for?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 09:38 AM PST

    Basically I came across a domain I might want to buy that is unoccupied but owned by some company named Bodis domain sales platform or something, and they say the site may be for sale and to enter an amount to offer and email address. How legit is this kind of domain hoarding operation and how much are they typically looking for?

    Sorry if this isn't the most heavy programming question. Don't know who else to hassle about it

    submitted by /u/CountBoobac
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    Is there anything machine learning could improve if used in this project?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 01:50 PM PST

    So I'm working on a website that works as a kind of social network for teachers and students. Students look for teachers to take private lessons from them. Website manages the messages, the timetable, etc.

    Could machine learning be applied to something like this to improve it in any way? Very very new to machine learning so I don't really know what could be done. Thanks

    submitted by /u/EdenaRuh
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    How to know whether it's best to use React or not for a project?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 12:53 PM PST

    I have been planning on doing a small offline only project which stores data locally and wondering whether React is really necessary or not for my particular use case.

    I am not sure whether a mobile app will be necessary for it down the line, so that shouldn't really be a consideration for now.

    It has a lot of continuous changes at all times, even while the app is closed, and while I would have preferred to do it on Native Desktop tech, it is a requirement of the client that it be accessible from the browser.

    I don't really have that much experience with react beyond the basics, but I know state management is one of its advantages, which is why I am considering biting the bullet and learning it for this exact project, but I worry about it being overkill and an example of over-engineering.

    How do you guys decide when or when not to use it?

    Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/BarelyAnAmateur
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    My small program reverses a set of input numbers and outputs them, but how can I make the code cleaner?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 12:50 PM PST

    integer array(10) userInts integer i integer imax integer tmp imax = userInts.size - 1 for i = 0; i < userInts.size; i = i + 1 userInts[i] = Get next input for i = 0; i < userInts.size / 2; i = i + 1 tmp = userInts[i] userInts[i] = userInts[imax] userInts[imax] = tmp imax = imax - 1 Put userInts[i] to output Put " " to output for i = i; i < userInts.size; i = i + 1 Put userInts[i] to output Put " " to output Put "\n" to output 

    This is my code. It's ugly, I know, but it does work. There's got to be a cleaner way of doing this, but I've played around with it for hours, and I can either get only the first 5, or it'll give me five, then reverse it and give me the same 5 but backwards.

    Thank you for any advice!

    submitted by /u/DoubleOhGadget
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    Is it possible to write an add on for spotify for grouping playlists into folders?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 09:36 AM PST

    Would anyone be willing to try to do it? Or how hard would it be to learn how otherwise?

    submitted by /u/Signager
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    How do you keep up with new technologies or system design tools that come up ?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 05:46 AM PST

    For example working with Kubernetes or Docker or a new programming library that's very useful. They keep coming up every now and then and I feel like I hear about them rather late.

    submitted by /u/sortofoakyafterbirth
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    How to delegate Database writes?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 08:49 AM PST

    We are currently expanding and we constantly need to delegate parts to different teams. We were able to do it by isolating some parts of the APP into different microservices/React frontend and they are now able to push commits more freely and without interfere with our main/more old system

    However the problem comes every time they need to perform SQL writes to our central Database as we cannot risk to corrupt the data inside it, a review of SQL queries is now always required. We can create different users and put permissions on single tables/columns etc but that doesn't guarantee the correctness of the saved data and if a field requires a link to another table (for ex anothertablename_id) we cannot be sure that the other row in the other table has been written

    Which methods do you recommend to manage this situation? SQL unit tests? A complete SQL documentation? A Database API that validates all the writes requests instead of direct DB connection?


    submitted by /u/lorigio
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    Is there a possibility that someone will create a better compression algorithm than the current one?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 08:23 AM PST

    Well, except for the top and bottom under certain conditions

    It may not be possible to find it theoretically in the first place, I'd like to know if it's theoretically possible.

    submitted by /u/User012340
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    Union taking more space than it should?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 06:12 AM PST

    Okay so I have an union with char s[10] and int a and the size of that union is 12 bytes. Why? If i change that int to double, It's 16 bytes.

    Here are the proofs https://imgur.com/a/b0tfqym

    submitted by /u/Ethereallie13
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    ethical hacking vs game development

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 05:52 AM PST

    Hey, i want to start learning programming but im confused between

    ethical hacking : i have windows and like everyone know linux is better


    game development : i have potato pc (toaster)

    thx !!

    and plz dont say buy new pc

    submitted by /u/giftpcimfps10
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    [mariadb] Make sure all users have a minimum number of a certain item.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 05:20 AM PST

    I'm using mariadb.

    I want to make sure that every player has a minimum of X number of item Y in their inventories. This is what I have so far:

    INSERT INTO item.inventories (accountIndex, `key`, createdAt, updatedAt) SELECT t1.`index`, "incubator", NOW(), NOW() FROM auth.accounts AS t1 LEFT JOIN item.inventories AS t2 ON t1.`index` = t2.accountIndex GROUP BY t1.`index` ; 

    In this case, it's a minimum of 1 incubator for each account, but I want those to be flexible. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Ratstail91
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    MongoDB (Mongoose) database query question

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 05:08 AM PST

    I'm trying to get all the documents from a collection that have a variable amount of failed exams.

    My collection is the following:

    {"\_id":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d28155f"}, "name":"jens panis", "courses":\[ {"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281552"}, {"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d28155a"}, {"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281558"}, {"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d28155c"}, {"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281554"}\], "results": \[{"courseId":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281552"},"score":5,"\_id":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281560"}}, {"courseId":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281552"},"score":8,"\_id":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281561"}}, {"courseId":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d28155a"},"score":3,"\_id":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281562"}}, {"courseId":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281558"},"score":10,"\_id":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281563"}}, {"courseId":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d28155c"},"score":7,"\_id":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281564"}}, {"courseId":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281554"},"score":7,"\_id":{"$oid":"61ae111020b92e157d281565"}}\],"\_\_v":0}

    I have to retrieve all student that have for example 3 scores lower than 10.

    The following Querry gives me the lenght of my results array:

    Student.aggregate([{$project: {count: {$size: "$results"}}}]) 

    It gives me the correct lenght of the array. I'l have to check if results.score > 10 & check if the total count is less than for example 3. How would I do this?

    submitted by /u/JensPanis
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    How to make a usable software with python?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 04:00 AM PST


    I've made some simple codes / calculator with python and want to make a software program with it, that anyone can use. So one can download an exe file, install and it and use the program without hassle or prior knowledge, how do I do that? Any good step by step tutorials? I'm a newbie btw.

    submitted by /u/InnocentElectrician
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    Examples of crowd-sourced open source library development?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 03:26 AM PST

    I want to contribute to society by writing an open source library. I have strong programming skills and the problem I want to solve is well understood mathematically, so risk is small. But I can only justify the time if I can also get paid for it — even if only half the market value of my time. So, I am looking for examples of spectacular or instructive success and failure to learn from.

    submitted by /u/kindaro
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