• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 9, 2021

    3 months ago I got hire as a Junior Software Engineer and today I was fired. learn programming

    3 months ago I got hire as a Junior Software Engineer and today I was fired. learn programming

    3 months ago I got hire as a Junior Software Engineer and today I was fired.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 04:21 PM PST

    three months ago I felt on top of the world and that I really could cut it. I was let go because of other members (my mentors) on the team leaving and lacking enough experience to run with tickets on my own. I'm now filled with doubt and am embarrassed.

    I really enjoyed my first programming job and after I get over the initial shock/sadness I want to get back to studying and learning. I want to become a software engineer. I would love any advice any of you might have to me on how prepare for another job and how to pick myself back up.

    submitted by /u/username-sucks
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    How would I know if I’m experiencing burnout or if programming is just not for me?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 04:00 PM PST

    It's been really hard for me to just sit down lately and code… like the past couple of weeks. Like today I tried to sit down and focus on it but I just couldn't do it. I didn't have the motivation.

    I haven't really created any projects since the late summer and the ones I did create I created following YouTube videos.

    I also have not created my own project (without following anyone) since I started to learn programming which is a year ago exactly. I have built a few web pages… but a full functioning web application? I have yet to know how to do one myself.

    I do think it's interesting and I've truly learned a lot the past year but at the same time I find it tedious and overwhelming. I should also mention I have ADHD so that might be a big contributing factor.

    submitted by /u/OkSentence3909
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    I had an "aha!" moment last night, and I'm still thinking about it

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 06:18 AM PST

    To give some background, I'm a Computer Science major who's been learning programming for about a year now. I love everything about it so far. This may seem trivial to some of you, but it was a great feeling and I wanted to share it.

    My favorite moment happened last night. I was finishing up a rather large school project and basically realized that I had been using abstraction, like the concept suddenly clicked for me. I was analyzing my code and thought it was interesting how my main function was relatively small. Most of the logic of the program was in classes, and some of those classes called functions in other smaller classes, and the main function barely knew about the smaller ones.

    I remember hearing about abstraction in my courses and elsewhere, but I could never really understand it's usefulness or how to implement it. Turns out I've been abstracting all along, and now it makes total sense to me! I'm making it a goal now to abstract out as much as possible (within reason), I've already spotted several places in my program that I could work on. It's all about who needs to know what, and it seems like a great way to keep things neat and tidy.

    Anyway, moments like these are what gets me excited about programming. I hope you have these moments too!

    submitted by /u/tastes-like-chicken
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    How much Javascript should i learn for web Development

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 06:29 AM PST

    Should i learn javascript to advance Level for web Development or Basic to intermediate level is enough ?

    submitted by /u/Hot-War5472
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    I just landed my first interview for a programming job, but I don't think the guy read my resume

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 11:30 AM PST

    So, I started applying for programming jobs just last week, and I already landed an interview; I am very excited about this. However, some of the messages from the guy make me think he did not actually read my resume, as he seems to think I have more experience than I do.

    I am very upfront that I do not have a CS degree, and have no professional programming experience, just certs from Harvard's CS50 and personal projects (full stack and front end web development, plus some web scraping-assisted data analysis), in addition to my previous non-tech office work experience and a non-CS college degree.

    It is a remote job that says it requires 3 years experience, but the skillset it mentioned are almost all things I know, so I figured I would apply. After all, I've always heard that "years of experience", if it's 3 or fewer, are usually a wish list, not a hard requirement, unless otherwise specified. He got back to me and said he was interested in an interview, which made me overjoyed. However, his messages since then indicate he thinks I worked on a professional software engineering team, and have delivered professional projects before. For reference, it is a remote job, based in San Francisco, with a pay range between $60k-$80k.

    So my question is, should I let him know about my lack of experience beforehand? Or should I wait until the interview and just hope it goes well? Again, I did not misrepresent my experience in my resume I sent along with my application, or on my job seeker's profile on the site, so if he assumes I have experience, that's on him I guess. But I'm not sure; I don't want to waste his time or mine, and if the interview starts with him disappointed, that would be really awkward.

    What do you think I should do?

    submitted by /u/GrimbledonWimbleflop
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    Am I cheating?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:25 AM PST

    I am a new learner doing the self teach route with as much free and open resources. I came upon Mosh on YT yesterday, and in his HTML/CSS video course he uses the prettier extension to help with formatting and second extension that pops up possible text/code options. As a beginner would it be cheating if I also used these extension? I'm thinking it would be because it may hinder my learning experience, but then again in the working world we should use the resources that are available to us to improve our work quality and efficiency. I'm also doing FreeCodeCamp and have completed HTML segment and currently in the CSS section now.

    submitted by /u/yowjav
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    Started Applying Last Friday, Got Hired Today (Self Taught)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 02:09 PM PST


    tl-dr: I started applying for jobs last Friday (37 total), had video interview on Monday, got hired as Web Developer today, starting next week.

    About me: I (mid 30's) started using Wordpress back in the day because I thought everyone deserved to hear my opinion so I started a blog. Obviously that didn't take off but allowed me to learn a little bit about building a website. After that I setup some affiliate websites that maybe paid for hosting but didn't do much other than allow me to learn some more.

    In 2018 I started doing freelance websites and have worked with a handful of people building sites for them.

    In 2019 I had an idea for an app so I set out to make the app but I had zero experience building apps. So I went to Udemy and signed up for the top iOS development course which was one by Mark Wahlbeck and got plugging away. After I learned enough fundamentals (maybe half way through?) I stopped the tutorial and got working on my app. Took me about 2 months from start to finish.

    I released app on iOS and people were saying they wanted an Android version so I set out to make that. Again I started with a tutorial (I think the ones by Google but not sure) and once I figured out the basics, just started on the app and figured it out in a month or so.

    The app is released under my company which I have done the website, graphics, email marketing, etc.

    I also have done a couple side projects, one being an e-commerce site and the other one being an affiliate site (actually makes money!) and again I do everything for all my stuff so my portfolio has a wide range of stuff in it.

    My interview lasted about 30 minutes and was pretty easy going. They simply asked me about some of my work, explained what they were looking for, and told me a little bit about them/the company. At the end I told them I was confident that I could do what they were looking for and would be thrilled for the opportunity.

    I was told that they would get back to me by the end of the week and today I got a phone call offering me a position.

    I consider myself very lucky and grateful to have landed a job so quickly and with a company that is doing cool stuff and has a good vibe about them. While there may have been "more qualified" people on paper, I think I was chosen because I had a wide range of completed projects, real world experience building and shipping things, was humble in that I told them there were things I did not know but was willing to learn, and I feel like we all got along well and that I will fit into their work culture.

    I hope this post can inspire others and give them hope that anything can happen at any minute and you never know when the opportunity will come knocking. Stay positive, keep applying, keep building projects, and you will find success!

    submitted by /u/VirtualRadish4Me
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    Looking for opinions from those within the field. All the same questions as usual just a bit more specific.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:20 AM PST

    I see here, I hear from friends and it's all fairly conflicting over the years. Can anyone give a proper perspective on BS to Masters to Just Certifications.

    Some of my questions...

    • Does a BS better insure longevity, higher position ranking in companies, raises, making it to the top of the ladder?

    • Where would a Master's lie in all of this or even a Doctorate?

    • Certifications are great right? And they can land your ass in a seat and employers want these people with Certs + Experience. But in terms of climbing to the peak is it viable to do it solely with Certs?

    • Do certs leave something to be desired more? If you get just certifications in certain areas and you don't have the otherwise fully encompassing general background a degree gives you, are you left behind in certain promotional areas?

    • While I realize a degree isn't needed, would you, individually or from a hiring perspective for more senior personnel prefer to have at least a BS in CIS?

    • Bonus question - Are there any particular fields where a degree has greater weight in terms of hiring and promotions than others?

    submitted by /u/DOPE_AS_FUCK_COOK
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    Some front end learning done, whats next?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:38 AM PST

    Well i have been learning and sharpening my skills on the html and css and have moved into bootstrap (its my goto). But now i want to learn backend for app and dynamic website development what do i do now?

    submitted by /u/xomeowxo
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    Switching to a Java developer role and haven't touched Java in close to a year. Any YouTube videos or books that give a good refresher from the ground up?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:31 AM PST

    For more context: I learned Java as my first programming language but was put into a React role. Didn't really enjoy MERN stack and wanted to find a job using Java and Linux again. Been close to a year since I touched any Java. I've gone through some old projects to see the data flow, but would ultimately find a YouTube video highlighting all the important fundamentals the most helpful. From there I'd just explore each concept again and probably write a few small programs to get my fingers going again.

    submitted by /u/Snape_Grass
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    Help me how to start in Web Design/developement/UX/UI

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:17 AM PST

    Hallo Reddit Community,

    After reading you for years, I need an advice how to switch my career from Retail to Webdesign/Dev/UX/UI. I did a lot of research one year long and I am sure that I want to take this path.

    I plan to take a part time job and start taking programming and preparation classes. Professors of the classes told me to find a internship in web field. So my questions are:

    -how do I find a first job/internship in web field without any knowledge ? Since web design is huge, where or how should I start ?

    -People suggest not to think about Coding but do and learn from projects. How can I start ?

    -Is finding a Desktop job help me getting in this field ?

    I am Basel based and I speak fluently English, French and German. I am also interested in Translation, especially building Website for companies.

    Can you guys help me in my new path ? Thank you

    submitted by /u/Background_Ad_1514
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    scanf function in visual studio code

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:28 AM PST

    i'm learning C , I installed visual studio code and C/C++ extension by microsoft and MinGW 32 compiler,
    i'm trying to run this code from long time and VSC just shows first printf statement and nothing after that

    int main()
    int wh,ot,pay,i;
    printf("enter total working hours of the employee=");
    scanf(" %d ",wh);
    printf("overtime payment of the employee is= %d",ot*12);
    printf("employee didn't work overtime");
    return 0;

    faced same issue in the other similar codes whenever i use scanf in loops
    any suggestions

    submitted by /u/TheGhostalyWizard
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    can anyone Eli5 how multiplatform like discord work?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 01:49 AM PST

    discord can both be opened in the mobile,desktop aswell as browser. just curious what are the process and how is this made? what kind of framework do they use?

    submitted by /u/Cavernjuice
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    material UI drawer

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:54 AM PST

    So I have a drawer that pops out from the right in my UI…

    inside the drawer I have dynamically mapped out X amount of inputs with checkboxes, these checkboxes have a default of true. When I uncheck a box and leave the drawer and reopen the drawer I need it to stay unchecked but it comes out checked.

    Unsure what I should be doing here and unable to find resources that have similar problems.

    Currently using react and material ui

    submitted by /u/kuylierop
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    Learning Platform.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:18 AM PST

    Hey guys I just wanted some advice on this website I've made to help people learn how to code, and share my experience. Link: https://northmasters-416.web.app/. The backstory is that a lot of people want help with coding when they realize they have to realize they need to learn it for university, and I think people have benefitted from the content as people close to me said it helped, but I just want to hear your guy's opinion on next steps! Thx in advance!

    submitted by /u/Code_Talks
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    Looking for a way to control circuit python (raspberry pico) from python script on my pc.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:16 AM PST

    I'm emulating mouse and keyboard events via raspberry pico, however I need them to "trigger" at specific times (whenever my main script needs it). I'm assuming some sort of "listening" script, similar to those used in keyloggers should work. Any advice would be welcome, thanks.

    submitted by /u/Iirkola
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    How to ask dumb questions without showing foolishness?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:11 AM PST

    I want to ask a general query that will surely contribute to the goals of this community. How to ask a programming related query without feeling dumb? That method should be beneficial for the one who is going to answer and the objective of my question as well.

    submitted by /u/Awasthir314
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    Api with HTTP request in Flutter

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:09 AM PST


    we build an app in flutter for school and i want to include a football game plan.

    I have found an api which is really big (https://www.openligadb.de/api/getmatchdata/bl1)

    and my question is, if i habe to include the whole data into my model or if can use

    only the name of the teams and make a table?

    submitted by /u/Diplkreuz
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    Help with Rbacon

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Hi all, I'm looking for help creating a Bayesian age model on marine samples. I have radiocarbon dates and reservoir corrections that I need to incorporate as well as a hiatus period. If anyone is willing/able I'm more than happy to negotiate a price to pay you for your help.

    submitted by /u/Rclimate
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    Is there a free alternative to youtube for programming tutorials?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:53 AM PST

    Removing the dislike button makes it so much harder to find good tutorials and it's pretty frustrating.

    submitted by /u/nihow69b
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    How can I encrypt user files on my server so that even I can know what they contain?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:45 AM PST

    **Error in title: ...even I can't know***

    We want to store user files in PDF or any other text format on our servers. We would like that the contents of these files are inaccessible to any other party including us, the server owners. How can this be achieved?

    Basically, we want to help our clients convert old paper documents to PDFs and store them securely on our servers. We currently build with React on the web and Flutter for mobile and our backend is Firebase.

    submitted by /u/corporatecas
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    Learning front end web development...what exactly do I need to know and/or build to know that I am ready to start applying to positions???

    Posted: 08 Dec 2021 10:51 PM PST

    I have spent the last year learning to code. Sometimes I went months averaging about 8 hours of studying per day, other times not so much. I know consistency is key and the entire time I have had imposter syndrome. Basically doubting if I can even do this professionally, wondering if I am just wasting my time to become another code monkey or cog in a big machine and that maybe this won't even pay off.

    Regardless, I have been back on my coding grind. I use Codecademy as kind of a structured curriculum then I supplement those paths with the documentation and building various things (though the Codecademy paths have you build along the way which I like).

    I have completed the following through Codecademy:

    -HTML path

    -CSS path

    -Javascript path

    -Command Line path

    -Git/Github path

    -Regular Expressions path

    -and mainly have been working through the **pro** front end "career" path that includes data structures, algorithms, interview prep, as well all a lot of the above (html, css, javascript, react, etc)-supposed to be a path targeted to you get ready for an actual working position.

    Anyway, I was curious to hear from working developers to try and see at what point am I ready to start applying? My next step(s) are to take everything I have been learning, make a personal website to show off a portfolio, and start cranking out my own projects that aren't ones I did from tutorials or sites like Codecademy.

    submitted by /u/bentarmsorethumb
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    I (23M) just got a scholarship for a 3 month Coding Bootcamp, should I just leave my Customer Service job or should I wait?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 06:24 PM PST

    Apologies in advance if this post is not allowed in the sub

    I'm sorry if the answer for this question seems to be really obvious, but I've been really anxious about the idea of leaving my job to join a full time 3-month long coding bootcamp (l'm self-learning for 2 years but I think that this course could help me to network and find a job) even though I got a scholarship and I have the financial conditions to support myself for 6 or 7 months.

    However, both of my parents (living in my home country) are kinda skeptical of this idea. They think it's too soon for me to quit my job because this is just my first year in the UK (and the most stable job I got so far for about 6 months) and that I should have more savings in order to even consider a career change.

    Even though for me it sounds like a really sweet deal and a way-out from a dead-endish job, I do have to say that I'm fearful that I might be making the wrong decision.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/inconvenient_walrus_
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    Help me spend some money!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:17 AM PST

    I know free resources exist and are equally as good as (and often better than) their paid counterparts, but I've got $300 to spend on only courses or certificates by the end of the month.

    I've searched around and so far the paid certificate from CS50 edx, or w3school courses with their certificates interest me.

    Any better suggestions?

    submitted by /u/soulforsoup
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    Developer interview_Questions on logic

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 07:16 AM PST

    Does anyone know which kind of questions on logic interviewers asks in job interviews? Any source/advice on the matter is highly appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/hattorihanzo14
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