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    Sunday, November 28, 2021

    Do any of you pay for any programs or services that aid in your day to day? learn programming

    Do any of you pay for any programs or services that aid in your day to day? learn programming

    Do any of you pay for any programs or services that aid in your day to day?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 08:06 AM PST

    I'm a beginner so I have no need for anything besides free resources like Odin project and vs code. But just curious if once you do more advanced things or giant projects if there's anything to take advantage of even if it's not free.

    Or maybe there are paid programs but it's usually provided by an employer lol.

    Or maybe it's just on you to automate things idk lol

    submitted by /u/RevenantFlash
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    Hi everyone. I recently want to start learning programming but I can't concentrate and I can't overcome this feeling that it's too late for me and I must started earlier. I feel scared. I dont know what to do with this feeling.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 12:27 PM PST

    Hi everyone. I recently want to start learning programming but I can't concentrate and I can't overcome this feeling that it's too late for me and I must started earlier. I feel scared. I dont know what to do with this feeling.

    submitted by /u/mindflyingrabbit
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    Give examples of really cool software made by a single developer?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 03:53 PM PST

    Also is it too much to ask that the software is also maintained by a single developer? It could be anything from mobile apps to websites...

    I just want to see what a single developer is capable of since most software we know is made by teams of people working together.

    submitted by /u/chickenekcihc
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    Just too dumb for programming?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 02:41 PM PST

    I am tired. I am trying to learn how to code since May this year. I have many reasons to want to learn programming. Of course, money, because i spend too much time in low paid job with people i want have nothing to do with them. But i need money, not only for me. I tried it to find out if i can enjoy programming. And yes! During my shift i often think of tasks like finding prime numbers or translate roman ciphers to arabic. I found out i just love problem solving. I like old games like SNES jrpg and i desire to code my own game one day. With story and music and that all stuff. This is another reason to learn programming. So money is not my only motivation, i would program in free time, if there was no option to earn money because of coding.

    But reality is... meh. When i start something bigger, like API for my library app (educational purposes, i love catalogs and books and i have many books home and many issues of them), I started to do one thing dumber than another, especially when i want to create program divided to more scripts and modules. I feel my head exploding. I am unable to concentrate myself and create good "scratch". I can solve straight problems, but i deal with complex tasks, especially with their structure.

    I think i am too dumb for it. When i ask, what programmer must know for his entry job, i see simple tasks on many webs, but when i ask in programmers group, everyone talks about having a meaningful project on github, like web scrapers with complicated analysis of data fetched from somewhere. Its overwhelming. My github contains only poor try of Pong (with no sprite graphics, only geometry), simple Brainfuck code interpreter (because interpreting only 8 statements is nothing hard) and unfinished CLI game which fell because of my complex project abilities. I have feeling everyone is further in coding and i am the slowest in the world. Still writing simple scripts because i love it and enjoy it, but i don't know what to do to improve my abilities further or if i should give it up, because i am not good enough to build anything meaningful myself, right now.

    I just want to know, what should i do with it. I am tired right now.

    submitted by /u/Anyomancer
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    How long does it usually take for code to start feeling "natural" and being able to solve things without looking it up?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 04:25 PM PST

    I can stress enough I want to be able to programming and fill in the blanks naturally. But how long does that take?

    submitted by /u/VirtuaBlueAm2
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    Looking for some serious advice, please. I have given myself 3 years to become a decent developer, create projects that will look impressive and hopefully land me a job by the end of the 3 years. Where do I begin?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 05:45 AM PST

    Hi All,

    I hope you are doing well.

    As the title says, I have given myself 3 years to learn how to program and become a competent developer that can land a job after 3 years of self-studying. I am not necessarily in a rush, I want to take my time and put in the work to become a decent developer at the end of those 3 years. Coming from where I'm coming from, 3 years is not much. I am ready to put in the work and persevere.

    Why 3 years? Life has been very hard for me for the past few years and the years have flown by. It's only in the past year where I have been able to see some kind of light and a direction for my life. After years of grinding and doing hard labour with poor pay, I've landed myself a permanent job that pays a decent salary. I am 30 years old, single with no kids. I'm not keen on marriage or starting a family any time soon. I have time on my hands to learn how to code.

    Life has beaten me to the core and ever since I discovered programming, I have never been happier or more focused on a goal.

    I enjoy my current job but I can't see myself doing this for more than 3-5 years, so for the time being, I would like to acquire a different skill set. I am currently learning Java through Java MOOCfi. I understand the basics so far and I can code things basic things like a BMI Calculator, GPA Calculator and Hangman in an IDE console. I plan on reading more textbooks on Java and signing up for a few Java courses when I am done with MOOCfi. I plan on picking up Python after getting comfortable with Java.

    I am keen on learning Android Development or web applications such as being able to create things like ePrescription web applications or some inventory management system. I also find the field of robotics, machine learning or Artificial Intelligence interesting, but that's not my main goal for now. I don't have a solid maths background so I have started brushing up on my maths skills through Khan Academy and YouTube videos.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm open to answering any question y'all may have.


    submitted by /u/KluconPharmer
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    Psssttt - you guys want a quick stats primer? Here's a simple guide with the R - from a friend

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 04:20 PM PST

    If you all need some simple stats here's a go-to. Hope it helps.

    This was presented to graduate students in the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Toronto.


    First, a general introduction to probability, assumptions of inference, and hypothesis testing. The second requirement is to perform the analyses, including managing the data using some statistical software.

    At the vanguard of such software is the R statistical software https://www.r-project.org/;​ and its integrative environment Rstudio https://www.rstudio.com/​. Few programs constitute the virtues of open-sources highly integrated and powerful programs as the R statistical software - taught to the modern student in most institutions.

    The following video comprises the time-stamped functions and analyses:

    1. Intro to data management, probability, and data presentation (0:00​-13:00​ min)
    2. Intro to producing graphs with R studio (13:15​ - 17:00​ min)
    3. Subsetting the data (23:20​)
    4. 'attach' function in R (23:47​ min)
    5. 'summarySE' (24:45​ min)
    6. Using the plot function (28:00​ - 34:00​ min)
    7. Package 'sciplot' for bar graphs 'bargraph.CI' function (34:00​ - 36:00​ min)
    8. Analysis of Variance including Tukey HSD (ANOVA) (36:00​ - 40:00​ min)
    9. Creating Line Plots and Scatter plot ( 42:00​-45:00​ min)
    10. Regression analyses via 'lm' function - linear - (45:00​ - 48:00​ mins)
    11. Correlation analysis (48:00​ -51:00​ mins)

    The video finishes with a summation of what we've learned. If you like this material, then please like and subscribe to this channel.

    submitted by /u/In_Robarts_We_Stand
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    Which one of these plans should i take to make my game multiplayer?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 11:44 AM PST

    I made a small game. The game is for now single player, and now to start working on how to make it multiplayer and make players connect with each other in the game.

    This is of course a complex process. So i'd like to know if these APIs are suitable for that objective and what do you recommend me:

    EOS : Epic Online Services. Make a server and connect the players. I have looked into it, it seems quite complex to implement.

    ZeroTier: I was suggested to use ZeroTier to connect players. I have no idea how that would be done. And all the tutorials i saw online seem to be directed at games that already exist with the LAN option. So i dont know if this would be suitable for my case.

    C++ and SFML: I saw some tutorials online that dont seem that complicated, and enable the connection between players using IP address.

    Please help me. Im almost finishing it.

    submitted by /u/SophiaCalmStorm
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    Advice for starting out in career programming

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 02:08 PM PST

    Inspired by an old comment I wrote on this subject here in /r/LearnProgramming years ago, I decided to formally write it up in an actual article. If you prefer to read it on Medium (here's the link: https://medium.com/@podrezo/advice-for-starting-out-in-career-programming-8690b6f61399) but I copy-pasted it here for those who prefer reading on Reddit.

    My first exposure to programming was when I was thirteen years old and started trying to build Flash games. By the time I was deciding on what program I was going to take in University I was already able to write working code in several programming languages which I had basically learned from a couple books and a lot of Google searches. I was what you would call a "self-taught" programmer. At the time, I felt like I already knew so much that doing a Computer Science degree and subsequently working as a programmer would be a breeze, but I was very wrong.

    Now, I am well over a decade into being a professional software developer and looking back, if I could give my younger, cockier self some advice there's definitely a few things I would mention. The following are things I wish I had known when making the leap from self-taught hobbyist programmer to being one professionally. I hope these words will be useful to people out there in a similar situation.

    Try to understand how little you know

    Compared to my high school peers, even ones that were technically-inclined like me, I felt like I was miles ahead. After all, I knew how to program (in the most basic sense) in multiple programming languages at that point in my life and I didn't know a single other person my age who did any coding at all. I figured that when entering University I'd be a top student instantly and well ahead of the competition. However, during my first semester of Computer Science at the University of Toronto I encountered my first major "reality check" to dispel that illusion. I almost failed my first year, and not just because of non-technical courses like Calculus.

    I took the "accelerated intro to computer science" as my first year computer science entry course. In this course it was assumed you could already code and most of the people there were coming straight out of high school. As such, you can imagine my surprise when coming to class on the first day I saw a fairly large and full lecture room. In my high school, which was not small, I was probably the only one in my "circle" who did any programming, and my circle was pretty nerdy! Yet here I was in a room of maybe 100 other similar individuals - I was not special.

    The real difficulty in software development as it turns out is not a matter of just building out a website or building a game. That is, just being able to write working code does not mean you are a good software developer. There's so much more you will need to learn like data structures, algorithms, optimization, writing maintainable code, and learning how to build complex software in a team rather than tiny side projects as a lone wolf. There was so much more to making software that had never occurred to me because it was a blind spot.

    Even later, after graduating, I was constantly surprised at how much more other people knew compared to me. For some, this realization this can lead to imposter syndrome or just general feelings of inadequacy but if you're able, then you can use it as a motivator: strive to be like those smart people and try to learn from them. The key is knowing that there's something to learn in the first place.

    Get good at tooling

    Writing code is great but one thing that will really set you apart from other developers, especially as a junior, is a good understanding of tools like git which are basically assumed to be known by any professional developer today. I'm not talking about simply being able to check in code and push it up, that's fairly easy to do. I'm talking about the various collaborative aspects of it like

    • Being able to deal with merge conflicts
    • Rebasing branches
    • Using git bisect to track down bugs
    • etc.

    These are not really things you can learn in a 'solo' environment either because those things don't matter as much for smaller projects. Trying find others to work with will go a long way.

    Another great thing to learn is how to use a debugger. So many newbie programmers are content to just use "print" statements and leave it at that. While this can be good enough in a small project you're doing by yourself, you will quickly run into limitations in more complicated code bases. It can save you occasionally, but being able to use a real debugger will save you many hours of time and set you up for success.

    Being able to understand the need for and being able to write automated tests like unit tests is also a highly prized skill for most employers looking to hire developers.

    Read books

    I'm not talking about just reading those "learn java in 24 hours" type books that cover syntax and basic snippets but books like Sandi Metz's "99 Bottles" that teach you refactoring. Books like "Clean Code" by Martin Fowler that teach what good code actually looks like. Books that teach you about working with legacy code, that sort of thing.

    Build a portfolio

    When you first try to get a job in the field you will have very little to back up your claim that you know how to actually do software development. One of the best ways for a junior developer to differentiate themselves from the competition (in my opinion anyway) is to provide code and demos for any pet projects they've done. To that end, it literally doesn't matter what you write as long as it demonstrates your coding abilities. Keep in mind if your code is a nightmare to read (see "Read books" above) this may actually turn prospective employers off from hiring you. Obviously they will be aware you're new to the field and should factor that into their decision, but having incredibly sloppy and hard to follow code may still be a red flag. It may be worth it to find someone with experience to review your code and offer suggestions on how to improve it before you show it off.

    If you're wondering what to build, there's a myriad of possibilities out there. Googling around for "beginner programming projects" can give you some inspiration.

    In conclusion, to become great at being a programmer you need to be aware that it it's more than just being able to hammer out code. If you learn those additional skills I mentioned earlier, you will distinguish yourself from the massive amount of bad developers out there who make awful buggy software and instead set yourself up for a long and fulfilling career as a developer who writes great applications. Those additional skills are often blind spots that you can only find from others - whether that be books, mentors, or simply working with other people. Good luck!

    submitted by /u/stdlib
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    Any resources similar to Odin Project?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 03:06 PM PST

    Do you guys have any resource recommendations like Odin but for App dev and ML?

    Ps: when I say ML I mean the any thing related to ML like MLOps, time series analysis ,Deep Learning etc. etc.

    PS: GitHub Repositories link would be great as well.

    submitted by /u/Pt4875
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    Bachelor in Computer Science or sth alternative?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 01:01 PM PST

    Hello Team, I have a Physical Sciences background and at my 40s i would like to kind of change my field of work. I have been very attracted by Programming and IT-Security and i would like to find a way to move that direction. As I work full-time, I have no unlimited time to offer to that. So, my dilemma/question is: should i go for a 3 or 4 year Bachelor in Computer Science in order to have a good theoretical basis and then proceed maybe to an MSc in Cybersecurity etc. or is there some course, i.e. from Microsoft let's say, where you spend an intensive 3-4 months and you learn right away with hands-on experience? And if there are such courses on Programming (not Coursera, EDX etc, but sth more complete), could you recommend some? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Cat-Lower
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    Dijkstra’s algorithm number of relaxations done with n nodes and m edges

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 07:40 PM PST

    I thought the answer would be n-1 relaxations because we have to relax every other node other than the starting node.

    I just went through a dijkstra example with 8 nodes and 12 nodes and I counted 9 relaxations which contradicts my previous statement unless I counted the relaxations wrong. Is there a way to pinpoint it that I'm not seeing?

    submitted by /u/2kfan
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    I'm trying to learn C++ and I am working on building a simple guess the number program to practice using functions. I can't seem to get this program to work.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 06:58 PM PST


    The main issue I'm encountering is no matter what you guess it will always display the same thing as it displayed for your first guess.

    Cin commands don't work with the compiler that is linked for some reason so copy paste the code into your own compiler to run it.

    submitted by /u/radiantstuckiniron
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    How much code do you copy from other people?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 01:10 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    i'm fighting my way trough a java course (mooc) and at the moment i'm at the stage where i have to compare objects. I learned a lot of stuff and now i can easily build loops, simple classes, setters/getters and all that jazz...but oh boy, this comparison thing i have to copy the whole time from another exercise, to edit it and make it work.

    I feel like shit if i do that, but yeah, cant help myself with that so i ask here, how many you guys copy, so i maybe feel a bit better

    submitted by /u/Kranoras
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    I want to quit being a firefighter/paramedic to pursue software/web development

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 10:28 PM PST

    I'm 27 and have been a firefighter/paramedic for 4 years now. I dread going to work every 3rd day for my 24 hour shift. The best part of the job is getting off shift. But then the next day I dread going back the following day. It's a continuous cycle. I just really don't enjoy the job. There are many things about it that not many people realize. The only thing that is keeping me here is I make decent money (80k roughly). I've been researching coding boot camps and am leaning towards the full stack web development program. I know there are free tools and resources but I know that I learn better in a structured environment. All I know is that it feels awesome being so excited about starting a new career. Any advice would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/FiddyZee
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    Been programming for a while but still don't get how larger programs actually come together.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 05:39 PM PST

    So I've been programming for a while. I started before school working through books like "Nand to teritis," and learning the ins and outs of Linux. This expirence was amazing because I really begain to feel like I understood how computers work. Now I am a few years into a degree and have covered basics of algorithms, databases, networking, operating systems, assembly, oop, etc. I've built some half finished okay projects, and I've written some pretty decent code for school (I got good grades). But Idk what it is about the practical frameworks used in everyday coding but I can just never seem to it figure them out. I should have the prequist knowledge and I kill the averages at school but building even a not so complicated Android app just goes so far over my head. So what am I doing wrong? How do I learn a framework like Android to a level I can actually develop a working reliable application? My goals aren't super unrealistic. I am trying to build a retro looking 2d game with something like this https://o7planning.org/10521/android-2d-game-tutorial-for-beginnerswant . Basically I am facing several issues I just don't understand how to solve like how do I get the background music to stop when exiting the app, how do I get the app to stop crashing, and most importantly how do I get me app to run on actual phone? At this point I would say if I knew it was this difficult to develop a basic app that connects to the internet, has stored data, sound, animations, and interactions, I don't know if I would have gone into this career path.

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded8--D
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    basic Question

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 08:22 PM PST

    [python] Want to move on to focus on logic of program... I should get my notes organized.. Trying to save some time / stress


    Want to start at bottom of list and subtract row above from row below.

    500-410, 347-344

    410-392, 344-341

    please post some code or say how to frame the problem for google.

    edit: lost formatting

    submitted by /u/TheLoveJunkies
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    Wanting to collab with others but concerned for my privacy

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 08:22 PM PST


    I wanted to create some DSA projects with a team of 2-3 other people. I wanted to use github to create this and I wanted to proudly display these projects on my linkedin. However, even if my github is not tied to my name, someone could just look up the github name and very easily find my linkedin, thus not anonymous. My questions are this:

    Does it matter if someone I code with online knows my identity?

    If it does matter, how does one prevent your identity from getting doxxed?

    submitted by /u/Samurai__84
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 08:18 PM PST

    Hello gang! I have an app idea I want to pursue I'm starting with the Odin Project is that a great start! Also what programming language should be my focus? I have a dating app and chatroom app idea

    submitted by /u/GeniuslikeKanye
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    Best way to learn the logic / algorithms of programming?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 08:07 PM PST

    I've been programming on c++ for a couple of months now, but sometimes I find it very difficult to develop the logic

    submitted by /u/Macandcheeseilf
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    Would love to get into programming!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 08:04 PM PST

    Hi everyone! I've been taking in interest in programming and I'm not sure where to start. As of right now, I'm studying for the LSAT and I would like to have some background in programming so that I can help software developers and companies with legal problems in the future. Does anyone know if there are free resources that are good to use? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Maverick1128
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    Which programming language?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 07:58 PM PST

    Hey all!

    So, I'm wanting to get into programming, and as a starter project, I want to create a simple text editor application to replace the one I previously used (which seems to have been deprecated).

    Basically, my question is what programming language I should use. I want the application to be available across most operating systems with the possibly to have google docs integration.

    I'd love to hear any opinions or suggestions, thanks!

    submitted by /u/sethjey
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    has anyone attended FlatIron or LaunchSchool?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 07:49 PM PST

    I'm looking for a good program to become a front end developer. I'm currently a fraud analyst for my company, and they're offering 1/2 tuition costs for bootcamps for any employee who wants to change careers or move up in the company. This would be a huge salary increase for me ($20-$30k yearly minimum increase, even more once I get some solid experience in a couple years), and I want to take advantage of the opportunity and get out of fraud.

    But I don't know which boot camp to do. I've asked around and everyone has a different response, and most of my coworkers did theirs full time and didn't work while doing so. I don't have that option, I need to pay my bills, so I'll continue working full time and need something flexible and part time.

    I also have no coding experience. This is all new to me. One coworker recommended Launchschool to start then jumping into a self paced bootcamp. But I have no idea what to do.

    Ultimately, cost is not an issue - any recommendations for an absolute beginner looking for something flexible?

    submitted by /u/Reigh_ofSunshine
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    Failed puzzle

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 03:59 PM PST

    Hey, I was given a puzzle test by a friend some time ago, he sent me a zip file containing two .part files. now my mission was to somehow merge them to the original state (I don't know what type of file the end-product should be (not back into a zip file anyway)). I tried everything I could think of, from 7zip and winrar to powershell get-content commands to installing an ubuntu virtual machine to try out linux commands. I failed at everything and my time has run out. (he gave me a weeks time)

    out of pure spite I still wanna solve this, or rather, have someone solve this for me, since apparently I'm incapable of doing so.

    submitted by /u/GeistLife
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    Seasoned programmers, what are things, tricks, realities, and/or wisdoms, you would like junior programmers and recent Computer Science graduates to know/realize, as they are getting ready join your respective industries?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 03:53 PM PST

    As the title says. Can you share in the knowledge?

    submitted by /u/toolargo
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