What have you been working on recently? [October 02, 2021] learn programming |
- What have you been working on recently? [October 02, 2021]
- Thank you for helping me reach one million sign ups: Use code OCT2021FREE to sign up for the "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" online course.
- How do i learn programming efficiently?
- It's my cake day and I want to share this opportunity with all of you - If you're considering a job or career change or know someone that is considering entering the Tech industry -
- Those who started out self-learning, what’s something you wish you knew beforehand?
- Programming logic books.
- Function with no arguments in Python
- Have you found anything that will let you focus on programming in a noisy environment?
- I'm in a position to get paid to learn coding at a coding boot camp, which one should I go for?
- Is it worth learning wordpress to give admins an easy user interface
- GNU, GCC Comliper pow result -1 Issue in C
- What programs do I need to program on Windows?
- C# static site generator -- looking for criticism!
- Why Does My Python Kivy App Lag So Much?
- can someone reocmmend me practices, books, problem solving or just resouracrs about everything about JavaScript?
- Tasked with setting up an API for my job. Relative noob to any kind of coding.
- Best path to success?
- Same idea but now I have better computer and still no idea where to start?
- “Can’t query nosql database”
- This one is bothersome
- YT videos for HTML and CSS aren’t helping me
- [C#] how can i share this database with my project mates?
- How do you define the available methods for a class depending on a field?
- Nand2Tetris: can anyone give me a deeper insight about the ALU chip?
- Learning Quickly and Understanding
What have you been working on recently? [October 02, 2021] Posted: 01 Oct 2021 09:00 PM PDT What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game! A few requests:
This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Oct 2021 10:33 AM PDT Whoa. I'd like to thank everyone on Reddit and all the folks who have taken my course or read my programming books. I'm completely floored by the response I've gotten to this course. It's incredible and I feel so fortunate for being able to have such a large impact. As I write this, there are 999,866 folks who have signed up for my beginner programming course, so it looks like today, October 1st, 2021, will the day when I reach 1,000,000 sign ups. The vast majority of these are free sign ups. According to my metrics, only about 8% or so of students finish the course (about average for online courses). But knowing that I've been able to teach roughly tens of thousands of folks to program really... gives me a satisfied sense that I'm useful. As Muhammad Ali put it, "Service to others is the rent you pay for the room here on earth." It's something I worry about a lot, but the number of people telling me they find my stuff useful is a great reassurance. Thank you. Anywhere, here's the usual info: https://inventwithpython.com/automateudemy (This link will automatically redirect you to the latest discount code.) You can also click this link or manually enter the code: OCT2021FREE https://www.udemy.com/course/automate/?couponCode=OCT2021FREE Be sure to BUY the course for $0, and not sign up for Udemy's subscription plan. The subscription plan is free for the first seven days and then they charge you. It's selected by default. This promo code works for 3 days (I can't extend it past that). Sometimes it takes an hour or so for the code to become active just after I create it, so if it doesn't work, go ahead and try again a while later. I'll change it to OCT2021FREE2 in 3 days, and that code will work for another 3 days. Some people in India and South Africa get a "The coupon has exceeded it's maximum possible redemptions" error message. Udemy advises that you contact their support if you have difficulty applying coupon codes, so click here to go to the contact form. I'm also working on another Udemy course that follows my recent book "Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python". So far I have the first 15 of the planned 56 videos done. You can watch them for free on YouTube. Udemy has changed their coupon policies, and I'm now only allowed to make 3 coupon codes each month with several restrictions. Hence why each code only lasts 3 days. I won't be able to make codes after this period, but I will be making free codes next month. Meanwhile, the first 15 of the course's 50 videos are free on YouTube. Side note: My latest book, The Big Book of Small Python Projects, is out. It's a collection of short but complete games, animations, simulations, and other programming projects. They're more than code snippets, but also simple enough for beginners/intermediates to read the source code of to figure out how they work. The book is released under a Creative Commons license, so it's free to read online. (I'll be uploading it this week when I get the time.) The projects come from this git repo. Frequently Asked Questions: (read this before posting questions)
[link] [comments] |
How do i learn programming efficiently? Posted: 01 Oct 2021 07:05 AM PDT Hello! basically, I learned HTML and CSS about a year ago, and i have been practicing it for a long time, but i feel like its not really my thing, i like making HTML and CSS websites, but i felt like its not what i REALLY want to do from within, so i decided to learn an actual programming language, and then i will decide what i will do with it, the two most popular ones i found were python and java, I decided to learn java. nows the real problem. I know, learn by doing, which i am practicing, but the thing is, when i make a new java file just to practice, and i keep practicing, soon the file will look really ugly, and it will be a mess, I will have used common variables i use to practice like 'age' 'name' and i start using xy xyz ab abc and stuff, I need a way to be more organized and efficient at practicing, what do i do? My problem is not understanding, I can understand what i learn at a decent pace, but i cant stay organized and get frustrated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Oct 2021 05:32 PM PDT Techtonica's software engineering program is a FREE, virtual, full-time, six-month program (learning JS and React) that provides the opportunity for women and non-binary adults with low incomes on the West Coast to learn software engineering skills and start their first jobs in tech. #BridgeTheTechGap https://techtonica.org/full-time-program/ The application for Techtonica's next FREE virtual full-time software engineering program (January 2022) is open NOW! Apply here: https://techtonica.org/full-time-program/ [link] [comments] |
Those who started out self-learning, what’s something you wish you knew beforehand? Posted: 01 Oct 2021 11:34 AM PDT I ask because I've decided to learn programming (still not sure which language) as I want to change careers. I'm going the self-learning route, and while I'm expecting it to be hard, I'm wondering if some of you here have any advice that, in hindsight, you yourself wished you knew? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Oct 2021 03:56 AM PDT Are there any suggestions for books to improve programming logic? My problem-solving skills and logic need great improvement more than the syntax side of things. I appreciate any recommendations. [link] [comments] |
Function with no arguments in Python Posted: 01 Oct 2021 06:12 PM PDT I'm learning functions and I can't figure out what are that cases when you'd write a function without parameters/with empty brackets? def function() How should I know when it's time for empty brackets and when it's not? [link] [comments] |
Have you found anything that will let you focus on programming in a noisy environment? Posted: 01 Oct 2021 11:00 PM PDT I've been desperately trying to get some work done over the last two weeks. I was supposed to have the time to myself and was excited about being able to finally finish these projects. Instead, I ended up with someone in the room next to my office speaking loudly on the phone every day. I've been trying to push through it, but I just can't think with that much noise. I tried blocking it out with earplugs and noise cancelling earmuffs (3M Peltor X4, 27db) at the same time, but it's still not enough. I found music distracting. I was considering using some med-high-volume white or pink noise to try to drown it out. Does anyone have any suggestions? I assume a lot of people have to deal with this, but if I'm wrong and I'm just hypersensitive, I'm sorry. [link] [comments] |
I'm in a position to get paid to learn coding at a coding boot camp, which one should I go for? Posted: 01 Oct 2021 07:54 PM PDT Basically title. Preferably a part time but it doesn't matter much. Looking for the best coding bootcamp out there. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Is it worth learning wordpress to give admins an easy user interface Posted: 01 Oct 2021 03:25 PM PDT So, I have being practicing creating websites for the past year whilst in college. Ive gotten to the stage of looking for a few small jobs however i have noticed almost all the websites i would be willing to upgrade(most are extremely tacky and have no responsiveness) are created using Wordpress. I wont lie I am not familiar with Wordpress at all and from what I understand it is a "drag and drop" way of creating a site. Does this mean that all my front end knowledge is practically useless since most restaurant owners etc will just use this for the user interface. The website for the golf club I have part time work in is very run down and it is built in Wordpress. What would be the best way to go about upgrading this? [link] [comments] |
GNU, GCC Comliper pow result -1 Issue in C Posted: 01 Oct 2021 09:07 PM PDT Hi, I'm new and I managed to install a gcc compiler for C to use in SublimeText 3 The issue I'm facing is when using pow the result is always -1 I do not know the reason behind this, and when I use another IDE (CodeBlocks) the output is correct Is there any way to fix that? Sample Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> int main() { int R1,power,power_out; printf("Input : \n"); scanf("%d",&R1); power_out=pow(10,R1); printf("Out : %d \n",power_out); system("pause"); return 0; } The output of the .exe Input : [link] [comments] |
What programs do I need to program on Windows? Posted: 02 Oct 2021 12:23 AM PDT I've been learning C++ and Python on Windows and I'm getting confused on what I need installed. I've seen tutorials that suggest downloading big packages like Cygwin or Msys2 or Visual Studio 2019. I've also seen tutorials suggest installing programs like MinGW or MinGW-64 (not sure whats the difference between this either) but then Cygwin, Msys2, and even Git all hold their own installations of MinGW. Is there an all-in-one solution or should I just download them all? [link] [comments] |
C# static site generator -- looking for criticism! Posted: 01 Oct 2021 01:39 PM PDT Hello! I've been working in IT for a couple of years with no prior programming experience, I noticed we have a lot of small C# programs that we develop in-house at my current job and I wanted to teach myself C# to contribute and maybe take on a software development role in the future. To that end, I've been writing a small console application to generate static websites in my spare time and learn a little bit about C# and programming in general. I've had a good bit of fun throwing this together as my first real program, but I know that .NET is a massive ecosystem of tools and I'm not taking advantage of them to architect this project, so I'd like criticism specifically related to architecture. Repository is here: https://github.com/jokocide/stein Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Why Does My Python Kivy App Lag So Much? Posted: 02 Oct 2021 12:06 AM PDT Ok so i have an app i made with Kivy in python. It's laggy af honestly. I've put alot of work into the background code, and for the gui to be so trashy hurts my pride alot. The basic flow is...
- all that ^ is on a 10second interval
It uses multi-threading. So basically the kivy Clock.schedule_interval() calls the bots analysis cycle every 10 seconds. There are 5 different bot's doing anaylsis. They re-use each others stock charts within a time frame to reduce network usage. What I think is happening (Please keep in mind i am a self taught programmer with 1yr solid exp.)...
Any way I wanted to get a second opinion before i go altering too much of my bot code and those are the possible reasons why my app sucks that i can think of. Thank you very much for any help. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Oct 2021 11:38 PM PDT Hi everyone! I was seeing if anyone can recommend any books, youtubers, prcatices or anything to help me improve in understanding JavaScript Algorithm's more. I don't think i have a clear understading of it, it seems. When i get to challenges, i literally sit there for hours and think i knoe the things i learned, but i can barely figure out the solution. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE FCC and i'm learning so much from it! It's just that... Well i guess i need more practice lol Like right now I'm on the Counting Cards challenge and i get it, but i'm just lost. And i'm on the basic JavaScript! It might be my fault, i love programming especially JS no matter how frustrsted or pissed i get. And i still come back to lmao. Seriously, It's just... Idk maybe i'm a moron or something, but i don't want to quit. It just sucks sometimes that you practice all this stuff and take notes, and then you get wrecked by these challenges. So anyway, I am seeing if someone can recommend resources, or books, so i can just know EVERYTHING about algorithims in JavaScript. Thank you [link] [comments] |
Tasked with setting up an API for my job. Relative noob to any kind of coding. Posted: 01 Oct 2021 11:21 PM PDT Hey all, so I have been tasked with setting up an API to interface my company's SQL database to an online database. I'm looking for good resources to learn some of the basics and how to start here. Some background: the site is from an external company and already has a lot of resources set up for interfacing with APIs. It uses OAuth 2.0 authentication, and json or http language. I know a whole lot about SQL already so I'm not worried about that part. I have a little programming experience through some basic http web design, MATLAB programming, VBA, and dinking around with Arduino. A lot of things I find online about the subject either give a general overview or show troubleshooting for APIs that are already built. But I need to know where to start. Any suggestions? TIA. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Oct 2021 10:19 PM PDT [link] [comments] |
Same idea but now I have better computer and still no idea where to start? Posted: 01 Oct 2021 09:40 PM PDT Like I said before in my last post I have mentioned before I want to make a game with GUI. Let be more clear I want to make a text-based rpg with GUI and I mean mostly text with some graphics that shows character stats, mini map, level & health bar, I also want to add some fight mechanics (turn base), basiclly like Trails in Tainted Space but SFW. I have tried Ren'py but I find that to be not possbile to do. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Oct 2021 05:46 PM PDT Was asked in an interview what the major advantage of sql over nosql is, and the interviewer told me the answer is that you can't query a nosql database. Obviously you can ask a nosql db for data and get a response, which is what I thought querying meant, but clearly he meant something else. What was he referring to? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Oct 2021 05:16 PM PDT The first else in line 22. Whenever I run the it says error because of the curly brackets and when I remove them it's saying it cant find an if b4 it. Anyone one down to help? #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("You're pretty cool and you've got good taste"); else { printf("You had better have put in blue -_-"); } printf("You're pretty cool I guess..... I guess?"); } [link] [comments] |
YT videos for HTML and CSS aren’t helping me Posted: 01 Oct 2021 05:12 PM PDT I thought watching and copying the code in YT videos for HTML and CSS would help me. I honestly forgot alot of HTML. Is there any courses for both HTML and CSS that will help me alot. There's alot to choose from. Any help is appreciated! [link] [comments] |
[C#] how can i share this database with my project mates? Posted: 01 Oct 2021 08:45 PM PDT (.NET Framework, Console App) for our group project, heres our instructions: It is now time to create a database that will hold all the programs information. Each Object should be created from the information stored in this database. While this does sound like a simple thing to do there are some things that need to be considered. The "Player" Object is going to have some sort of inventory and that inventory is going to hold a list of Objects (which are created from the database). How will this be saved in a database? How are these Objects gong to be connected to that "Players" inventory? There are also other problems that must be planned out also. GitHub does not play well with databases. When Committing the project, it has been known to leave the database out of the Commit. Planning is everything at this point. Then there is the fact that working as a group several members will have a copy of the program on their computer, so the connection string will present a problem if it is not planned out beforehand. If the program is going to use technique like Entity Frame work, how well will that work with Interfaces? Will the program be "Data-First" or "Code-First"? If not, will the program have a Class that is nothing but SQL statements? This is only a short list to consider when planning this iteration. This iteration should also contain a data modal of the database. Each member will be responsible for creating and populating 2 tables. They must then create a script (text file with sql code) that creates and populates the table. This script will be loaded into the group's file share in BlackBoard. One member will be responsible for the database as a whole and should ensure that if the database (or tables) are updated that a new backup is created and saved to the shared file. This member can not also be the GitHub owner. i have never worked with a database like this before, and am not sure how to approach this problem. I was thinking that I could remove the .mdf flag in the .gitignore and then commit it normally with github desktop. however Im not sure how that will affect connection strings for each of my partners/professor. also im not sure how to run an sql script on a database in visual studio. I would really appreciate some insight into how i could tackle the problem. thanks! [link] [comments] |
How do you define the available methods for a class depending on a field? Posted: 01 Oct 2021 07:50 PM PDT Hey, guys. I recently began my AP in computer science and Im currently working on an assignment where i have to create a tamagotchi game in Java, where the user can choose between a dog or a cat. I want to implement a feature where the user can also pick a gender. My question is: How do i give the object acces to methods Which are unique to that specific gender? [link] [comments] |
Nand2Tetris: can anyone give me a deeper insight about the ALU chip? Posted: 01 Oct 2021 07:26 PM PDT In regards to the Nand2Tetris ALU, I watched the video from the course and read the corresponding section on the book and both feel lacking, to say the least. The explanations feel rushed too. So, in this section's introduction they talk about the ALU in a way that gave me the impression it did basic math and that was it. However, when they "explain" the ALU, they show how it operates internally, and it does a couple of peculiar operations, whose purpose is neither explained or even talked about (if I remember correctly). In the end, I saw a couple of functions being performed, but don't know what this will end up doing and why the individual parts work the way they do. The purpose of the ALU itself and what is "required" of one such chip didn't stay clear to me either. Anyways, any help on this is appreciated. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Learning Quickly and Understanding Posted: 01 Oct 2021 07:01 PM PDT So I have pretty sound programming fundamentals but whenever I try to make personal projects with different frameworks or technologies eg React I end up just copying and pasting different stuff from stackover flow or stuff online and somehow making it work. But i have no understanding as to how it's all working and I would have no clue what to do if I were to create the same project from scratch without the internet So how do u guys fully understand new things quickly? [link] [comments] |
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