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    Tuesday, October 5, 2021

    Is "It's not the idea it's the execution." really true?

    Is "It's not the idea it's the execution." really true?

    Is "It's not the idea it's the execution." really true?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    I frequently hear the statement "It's not the idea it's the execution" and I've always wondered if it actually rings true.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/WyvernAllow
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    Steam Wishlist marketing scheme for indie devs - beware

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I've recently fell for a scheme while trying to promote my game's launch and I wanted to share what happened here so nobody else falls for it as well.

    I was finishing up prep to launch my first game on steam, and I had decided not to spend on marketing (I did several experiments in the past for mobile games and never seemed worth it). Plus, this game is very niche so I thought the volume of sales would be very low anyway and I would be better off just doing my own shtick.

    A little over a week before launch I stumbled on this twitter profile "@IndiePromoLive"."Indie Game PR - Affordable - Supreme Support - Promotions at its best - Made by indie gamers"

    Good amount of followers, seemed legit, right? Ok, sounded good, so I decided to shoot an email and see about prices and if there was anything interesting to be done in time for the launch of my game.

    Someone promptly replied to my email. The whole DNB media logo and all made it look like a real ad company rather than a random dude making marketing for indie games. Again, looking legit, at least to me. As soon as I asked about prices, the person asked to continue the conversation on Telegram or Skype. I chose telegram.

    The first red flag for me was that the person did one use their photo on telegram, or a company logo, it was just the portrait of an Actress. But ok, after seeing my game's page he quickly suggested a Wishlist boost promotion.

    On the following day he sent me the prices. I was very skeptical of the high number of users and whether they would be real, but not only that, he promised a minimum 34% conversion rate.So I did some quick math based on average wishlist number convertion (2 - 7% for the first week), 10k visits meant 3.4k wishlists, which would easily cover the 150 euros price. I did not want to go any higher because I was not fully believing the guy, but thought it was a gamble worth taking (and by this I mean I thought the campaign could go bad and deliver a worse conversion, not that I would be robbed).

    But still, there was one very important question, in order for this to be worth it, I needed those wishlist before launch, and there was only 1 week remaining. So I asked him, and he said yes (this is at the very end of the screenshot above).

    So when I decided to go with the 10k visits, he made me a new offer of 200k visitors for 250 euros. 250 was a bit beyond my plans so I asked how many he could do for 200, and there came red flag #2, the sketchy payment option. Paying with a gift card seemed like a sure way to not leave traces and make sure there's no way to undo the transaction. At this point I almost called the whole thing off, and I wish I did, but I was feeling insecure about launch, I had worked for many years on this game and I wanted it to have a good shot, in other words, I was very vulnerable to fall for this, as I imagine a lot of people who ever launched a game will know.

    He offered 135k visits (again, with 34% conversion) for 200 euros, so I took it, and made the payment.

    I soon as I made the payment, he started taking at least a day to answer any message. In the end the campaign only started 1 day before launch. So I though ok, at least I will get one day of boosted wishlists. But when I saw the stats, there was just nothing there.

    When I complained, he said the campaign would go on for 1 month. At this point I was very angry because I specifically asked if it could be done in time for launch. I proceeded to ask how many people had been redirected and he said he could not disclose it.

    One week after launch I looked at the data and asked him how the campaign was going, to which he replied "seem to be doing pretty good". Then I showed him the very low numbers of external visits, which seemed to mostly be coming from my efforts. He than said it could take longer.

    He basically asked for more time for the campaign to perform, and said that if after a month the results were bad, they would "issue an investigation". At this point I was getting 50 external visits a day, which seemed like either there was no campaign or it would be running for a decade.

    So I waited for a month to complete, and then came at him again with the numbers. There were up to 4k external visits that could be from the campaign, best case scenario. He kept refusing to show any proof.

    So since the campaign was not working I decided to ask him to stop it and give me back the money remaining (which would be most of it, since he delivered less than 4k from promised 135k).

    He refused, as expected, saying he paid the partners upfront and that he couldn't take the money back. This was our last interaction.

    He can't disclose his partners, he can't send any proof that the campaign is running, he can't disclose any numbers, he can't show any results. What kind of business model is this?

    This is all very frustrating, I am glad I did not spend more but I am very angry of someone taking advantage of indie developers. Luckily I have a day job so my livelihood does not depend on this.

    Anyway, hope this serves as a word of warning for people looking for marketing alternatives for their games.


    TL;DRPaid 200 euros for a self proclaimed indie marketing specialists to boost wishlists, there was never any campaign running, lost my money.

    Edit: add scammer's twitter account name so it appears on eventual search

    submitted by /u/ixidor56
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    If you require pixel art assets check my asset library for the free versions of each of my packs

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    Link to the latest update (SKILLS PACK): LINK

    Link to my complete asset library: LINK

    I hope you guys like the sprites, any suggestions or feedback do not hesitate to contact me!

    submitted by /u/Admurin
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    What steps to take after publisher is not paying developer revenue share?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 08:20 AM PDT


    I'll skip right to the point. Unfortunately the publisher has not paid my rightful revenue share after 7 months. Our contract states a 70/30 (70% developer) split that must be paid within 60 days of receiving revenue from Steam, so they are in direct violation of the contract. Very disappointing.

    After months of being given the run around and constant excuses, I've been advised to retain a lawyer from other game developers who also had similar experiences with this very same publisher.

    Is that the right move to make? Does anyone have any experience in this situation? Any info will help.

    submitted by /u/xwilkinx
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    What are game development jobs like?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    I was thinking of getting a job in game development, as that's something i'm really interested in, but I wanted to know how the pay was, and how some of you who had/have a job in game development worked with others. Is it worth it? Or should i just try for a different, programming-related job?

    submitted by /u/TravisScottPenis
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    I need help naming my game.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    I have a sort of fighter arena type game about fighting shapes

    and I don't know what to name it. "geometry arena" and "geometry fight " are taken.

    here some I came up with if you like on or have suggestions please write them in the comments.

    thanks for your time :).

    shape master

    geometry master

    geometry knight

    geometry weeb

    shape clash

    geometry hunter

    The geometry method

    shape chop

    I know they suck

    submitted by /u/Mitzitheman
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    So, you don't play your own games?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    There is a running joke in the World of Warships community that their devs don't play their own game because the lack of adjustments made to ships/classes that are obviously broken to anyone else but the devs. Recently a Community Contributor actually got proof that all of their devs together played less than 300 games and this is really too few games under their belt. Are there many game devs that doesn't like to play the game they work on?

    submitted by /u/TheFundamentalFlaw
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    What is your objective with your game and why is that important to you?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 03:49 AM PDT

    Going first, the goal of my current project is to explore a potential opportunity to make money from my business in games, increase my experience with online multiplayer game creation, build a few small tools for my engine and of course going through the release cycle for another project of my own.

    How about you?

    submitted by /u/timbeaudet
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    I will be releasing a Free Music Asset Pack

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Hi there everyone. My name is Azakaela, and I make lots of music. I decided about exactly 1 week ago that I was going to create a pack of 30 songs (rendered as loops) and about 50 UI sounds to release for game devs and other people to use for free! I'm licensing this under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 so the only requirement will be that I, Azakaela, am credited.

    The pack itself has a theme; The Wild West of Another World -- so all the tracks were written with this in mind. I envisioned a game that did not exist that combined elements of Westerns and Sci Fi and put the concept to work for this.

    The pack will contain

    • 30 tracks created using powerful orchestral and synth samples, fully mixed and mastered
    • Stems for each of the tracks
    • File formats of wav, ogg, and mp3
    • 47 UI sound effects (modeled after western instruments like guitar and banjo)

    You can listen to most of the tracks that will be available in the pack here on my soundcloud.

    Aza's Free Music Pack 2 - The Wild West of Another World

    I will be releasing the pack on Itch.io and alongside the release, I will be hosting a game jam.

    The pack should be ready, either tomorrow or the day after. There's only a couple of songs left to create, and then I have to export the stems and fiddle around with meta data.

    Lemme know if you have any questions: Additionally, I have a discord you can check out the songs as I create them and talk to me directly.


    Hope you enjoy,

    Love, Azakaela

    submitted by /u/Azakaela
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    Are you guys setting aside money for marketing?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    I know this might be a touchy subject for some but from a few months of speaking to indie game developers on discords and forums I noticed that a lot of people don't really seem to even consider putting money into marketing. They spend their money on music and high-quality art and then when the game is released they realize that they have 0 sales as a result of nobody knowing their game even exists. Now I know some people do this just as a side hobby or some people simply make games to put on their resumes or to get bought out by bigger companies but if you're actually trying to make indie games for the sake of building your own business you have to consider marketing.

    Now there are two ways to market and they both have their pros and cons.

    1. Having a brand: Brand building takes a lot of work. You don't get millions of followers on tiktok, youtube, or Instagram overnight without having to put in a lot of unpaid hours of work to actually build a following. The benefits of having your own brand however are huge, because you already have a target audience who will most likely be interested in your channel. For example: If you have a Horror YouTube channel that talks about horror movies, games, etc. then you announce the new horror game that was created by you, your followers will most likely go check it out. Also from personal experience YouTubers like to socialize and collab with each other so you can bet that other bigger or smaller channels will check out your project or may even want to do collabs where you guys discuss your project. So for this way, I would say: the Cons is it costs a lot of unpaid time however the Pro would be having your own audience.
    2. Ads: You know what Raid shadow legend is right? I'm sure everyone has heard of this meme of an app game. Raid Shadow Legend is famous because every youtube who reaches a certain subscriber account can expect to get an email from them to offer a paid promotion. Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, or even talking to twitch streamers and gaming channels directly is the best way to get your name out there and to get sales. The downside to this approach however is money, you can expect to pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars just for the chance to get your foot in the door. Also, you'll have to be conscious of if your ads are reaching the right demographic and target audience for your games. For example, you wouldn't want your indie horror 18+ game to be advertised to a bunch of young kids who wouldn't play it nor would their parents buy it for them. So you have to take conscious of that because you don't have your own brand with a target market audience already reached.

    I'm not going to say I'm an expert on marketing, this is just things I have learned from experience and talking to people who are in the marketing industry. I'm just curious to see if other people in the subreddit are conscious of these things and are considering having marketing budgets built into their goals. In my opinion, I think getting twitch streamers to play your games is a very good approach because not only do you showcase the game but similar to what happened to Among Us it might go bigger than you expected. Now I'm not going to say that marketing is the end all be all to the success of your game, of course, high quality and offering the best is important I just think we should have a discussion with game developers who don't even consider doing any marketing or advertising for their games at all. I spoke to a guy who claims to have been making indie games for 10 years and has totaled in sales of $25 and I asked him about advertisement and he gave me a confused expression. And that's the reason I made this post. As indie game developers if we want to compete with AAA companies we are going to have to stop just pushing games to steam and hoping they make a decent return in the long run and start tackling this with more tack and strategy.

    submitted by /u/FallenPrinceAlastor
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    need help remembering random quest and item generator webpages

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    Hello a long time ago I remember there was this two pages or more that were really cool

    One helped to create random items with random effects other also helped design random quest and there was another one for skills and effects

    All were for free

    I had saved them on my past computer but had to wipe my hd due to error years ago

    Do you guys happen to know which websites those were the item maker page was like a random name generator with the ability to add another suffix or effect at random at the click of a button very cool

    submitted by /u/Dxiel
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    Am a bit lost with some mechanics I'm trying to put into my school project

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    I'm working on a game as a school project on Unreal Engine, since I don't know how to code, I've been doing everything with the Blueprints for the past 6 months.

    I've been having a tough time with two specific ones that I can't seem to get right:

    • Making the player character grab something with his hands: right now I have it as when you press E, it shoots a box trace that targets physics objects, and then it attaches it to a scene component in front of the player. But this is really buggy and not precise, as it goes through geometry and you can't really choose where to drop them.
      • I tried attaching it to the player hands with sockets, but I couldn't get it to work.
    • And a follower AI, I got the Ai to follow the player around, but I want to be able to toggle between two modes with blueprints, one where the AI follows the player and another one that keeps the AI standing still.

    Does anyone know of a way to do this? I would really appreciate the help.

    submitted by /u/New_Confusion3393
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    Is a sim game (like Rollercoaster Tycoon or Prison Architect) a terrible idea for a first project?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    I've been tossing an idea around in my head for a few weeks, and run it past some game dev friends who've told me it could totally work.

    I've coded before, some in college, and I dabbled in C# and Unity a few years ago while working on another project that was abandoned, but that was a simple 3d platform thing.

    The idea of coding AIs - little people wandering around the game fulfilling their needs - seems a massive step. I wouldn't even know where to start with that.

    I presume there's libraries and packs you can download that do a lot of the heavy lifting for you, but are they easy to understand and modify if you don't have a lot of experience?

    submitted by /u/peon47
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    Experienced game developers, what do you wish you'd known when you started making games?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    I've been developing for about three months now, I have yet to complete anything that I can show off to anybody that's good. For the short time I've been doing this, each day I'm learning new things that I wish I knew when I first got started

    submitted by /u/OddballV205
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    What should I do to be good at programming?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    I understand that this question is not a very good question

    1 .What should I do to be good at programming?

    2 .I can make some games, but when I try to write the code for a game from scratch, sometimes I can't think of what code to write!

    What should I do in such a case?

    Do I look at tutorials to get some hints and make it?

    Or take some time to think about it?

    I'd like to know if you have any kind of tips or tricks.

    I am able to create games to some extent, but I don't know if my code is optimal, and trying to achieve optimal code takes a lot of time!

    I'm sure this will resolve itself over time.

    submitted by /u/User012340
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    Tools for developing narrative choice based games?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    I'm looking around for the best sort of tools we can use to develop a game revolving around branching dialogue. So far the most promising seems to be Ink, but I have some questions:

    1. Why choose this over node based tools?
    2. This was designed for Unity, but it exports .json's. I'm not super savy in creating a parser from .json files, actually I know next to nothing about it. If I export a .json from Ink, could it be parsed in Unreal even though Ink was designed for Unity?
    3. Are there other tools I should be looking at or considering? We haven't decided yet which engine we want to use, but my programmer leans towards Unreal. We're all beginners so we are looking for a relatively simple system.

    Any info is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/0rionis
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    13 tiny and terrific entries + source from the js13kGames competition

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    Anyone know any good YouTube channels for Unity 2D particles/shaders?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    I can find a lot of 3D stuff, but not 2D beyond basics. Looking for someone who can teach me to do really cool stuff.

    submitted by /u/Syckobot
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    Do I have to be very good at coding to work at even entry level gamedev jobs?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    This will be a very personal question but if you don't want to know just read the title please. I am using Unity for 1.5 years and developed 7 mobile games and some jam games (also will release a Steam game in 4 months). I can do most of the things I want in Unity when I research it but I still can't figure out some complicated codes or can't program using OOP or I don't write super clean code. Of course i will improve myself more but do I have to be an awesome coder to get an even entry level job in the industry (mobile games, indie - doesn't matter) or my current skillset and portfolio would be enough in the future? I am feeling a little insecure about my coding skills

    submitted by /u/asdasfadamas
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    Which programs for sprite animation for a noob?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    I am in the midst of trying to make my first game, a 2D turn based rpg. But I struggle to make any good animations for my characters. I would like my style to be somewhat like FF6 and Golden Sun, but more 2D.

    I do not want photoshop, as I am not good at it nor interested in learning it. Besides that, I am open for suggestions!

    submitted by /u/Fegmdute
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    Poll on the Halloween Game Jam 2021 Theme

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Hey guys! it's your friendly neighbors over at r/SoloDevelopment

    We're hosting another game jam and are holding a poll for the theme of our jam. We'd love to see what others think and figure out what would be the best theme for our jam.

    you could vote here

    If you're interested in joining the jam you can also find that here

    submitted by /u/PracticalNPC
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    I released my very first android game, and you?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    Basically my very first game is on the Play Store and available for free, 2 weeks 4 hours/day of work; I didn't make any marketing for the project because I wanted to go straight from the beginning to the end at developing and releasing a game not caring about how many people will eventually play it.

    Until the time i'm writing this, I got 4 downloads and no life signal from admob (as expected haha).

    So I spent 25 Euro to have a developer account and pubblish my game on the Play Store and have e minimal experience in developing and releasing a game, it's worth (I hope so).

    I am thinking forward to second project, developing and releasing a different and maybe better game on Steam.

    Someone has got an experience like mine and want to share with others?

    p.s. I consider my game trash btw I like it haha (it's called Liminal Dungeon, for anyone who wants try it, best experience when sitting on the toilet, trust me haha).

    submitted by /u/dalien___
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    Recommendations for building rooms in 3D

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    Hello, first time poster here!

    I have this idea for a visual novel that uses backgrounds built using 3D objects. Basically, they just have to look good from a single camera angle. Anyone know any software that could let me select from a catalog of furnishing and build rooms? I have Unity experience so I also wouldn't mind if it was simply an asset pack where I arrange them in a scene. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/JunKakeru
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    Question about employment in the dev/art field. I received an offer.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    So, I am a Character Rigger, I have a BFA, yadda yadda. I have found myself in a kind of thankful pickle.

    Job 1) So I am currently a contractor working at a small studio and was just offered a 6 month contract at a substantial pay raise, since there are no benefits an extra 5k above my asking to cover those costs.

    Job 2) I have passed and "blown away" an art test at a small AAA studio and am going for the final interview. This will be a full time position at my asking price should I get the job (I believe that I will all things considered).

    So Job 1 I have worked at about 10 months and had solid work for about 3 of those. Summer was slow, knew that going in. But it's a place I have good coworkers and a healthy work life environment. It also uses the programs I am familiar with and my lead is also my college mentor and is renowned, so I learn a lot from him. This is also not exactly a game studio, which is where I want to end up.

    Job 2 uses older programs I have much less experience in and will require training to get up to speed (this is not an issue for the company). It's a good and stable opportunity but I will have to double up on work at home to keep up to date with the more modern programs. They also seem like a healthy studio.

    I have to give Job 1 an answer to their offer by the start of next week, and have my final interview with Job 2 at the end of this week. Since it will likely take a week or so to get an offer I am at a loss of what to do. Is it appropriate for me to mention the other from Job 1 to Job 2 and get an expected timeline going forward? Or should I just go with the flow, see how the interview goes, maybe mention it there and make a judgment call.

    I should also mention I am a recent College graduate (May) and am looking to move out on my own within 3 months of starting either of these positions. It took me 3-4 months to actually line up interviews since I've been looking around July.

    Trying to make the best choice and am looking for some input from people in the industry, don't think I'm breaking any rules here but if so, I apologize

    TLDR: I have to give Job 1, a 6 month contract at a place I currently work at and have good relations with an answer to their offer by the start of next week. But I have my final interview with Job 2 at the end of this week, a full time position that uses much older programs that I am unfamiliar with (training is expected). Since it will likely take a week or so to get an offer I am at a loss of what to do.

    submitted by /u/TraumaticPuddle
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    After effects in game dev for post processing effects

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    I see that a lot of games mention the use of it to make some great effects and its part of their work pipeline, but i never ever saw a tutorial or actual footage of someone actually using it in the game dev field , does anyone know anything of the such? I really want to start learning how to integrate the tool into my pipeline but i dont really know where to start.. (I already have most of adobe stuff from my work and i feel im wasting a lot of potential not using it in my game dev stuff) Thanks a lot.

    submitted by /u/Beginning-Record-908
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