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    Thursday, September 9, 2021

    Regarding Unsolicited Direct Messages on /r/learnprogramming learn programming

    Regarding Unsolicited Direct Messages on /r/learnprogramming learn programming

    Regarding Unsolicited Direct Messages on /r/learnprogramming

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Recently, we've seen an uptick in reports that users have been receiving direct messages advertising tutorials, courses, or other services. The moderators would like to make it very clear that we have no affiliation with these messages, nor do we endorse or support them.

    Unfortunately, Reddit does not provide us (moderators) with any real means to combat this that we are aware of. Banning a user does not stop them from being able to view a subreddit or scrape a list of users from recent posts. Even if it did, creating new users is trivial.

    However, we'd like to encourage you all to report these DMs using the "report" button on the DM itself. When you do, first select "Spam", then for the sub-reason, select "Unsolicited messaging". This should send the reports to the Admins who might actually be able to do something about it.

    submitted by /u/insertAlias
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    I don't enjoy coding. Should I back out of my CS degree?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    My friends and family are telling me to pick CS because it will leave me open to many kinds of jobs anywhere. But if I don't like coding, how many of those jobs will even appeal to me? What's my work experience going to be like if I don't like coding?

    I honestly feel like I should just pursue Economics, which is what I am actually keen on learning.

    submitted by /u/danielgolding
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    Reconnecting with programming after years of depression… having a hard time staying motivated and finding my place.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, hoping to get some guidance on some personal issues and what my future in programming could look like.

    A few years ago I graduated from high school with an IT and Networking degree, I had a passion for Python and C#, helping out other peers with their projects, working on dumb little projects in my spare time, I just couldn't stop trying to improve myself and get more skills, I literally spent all my time behind the screen working on stuff.

    I went through a really bad depression for the last few years though, and I still am in a way. But as soon as I lost the stability of school, I kinda lost the drive and motivation to code too. I spent atleast 3 years hardly looking at a single piece of code, let alone write anything. 3 years of no practice and bad mental health feels like it's put my coding knowledge in a past life, I can hardly look at my own code, I don't remember even half of what I learned, etc.

    I recently went through a big move overseas, and I told myself I wanted to get back into the world of coding, and try to find an entry level job to make some money while I hone my skills.

    Lately though, I've had a hard time finding what's right for me and I get discouraged by seeing all the people I went to high school with with way better jobs, much more experience and just in general… a better sense of what they're doing in the industry.

    I can't decide what I wanna do, I know it's IT related, but is it coding, graphic design, hardware, networking? I have no clue.

    Does anyone else feel like it's so overwhelming to know where to start? What motivates you? How could I find a job to do on the side to keep myself fed, but also get some experience?

    Any guidance would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/EscapeFate3
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    Sharing an awesome note-taking app for CS students that I found today called Codex!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    I've always struggled to find a good note-taking app that allows you to easily organize sections and write both text and code blocks. I ended up using the Outline app because it's basically a better clone of OneNote where you can more easily create a hierarchy of pages and sub-pages, plus there is a way to add a "code" format. But it's all black and white text, so the code doesn't really stand out from your text.

    But I just discovered Codex today and I'm so impressed, I had to share!

    It's free and was specifically designed for CS students. You can enter specific code blocks that use any one of like 100 themes, so you can pick whatever theme you use in your code editor. It makes it so much easier to read. Plus you can specify the programming language you're using, so it'll format as you'd expect.

    You can download it as a native app on Win and Linux. On Mac, you can download the project from github and then install and compile it yourself using npm. There's instructions to walk you through it, and as someone who just learned npm a week ago, trust me, I was able to follow along easily.

    Make sure to read the "getting started" and keybinding notes. The one thing that tripped me up at first was that if you want to write plain text below a code block you formatted, you have to type Cmd+Enter (or Ctrl+Enter) to "escape" the code block.

    The only things I miss from Outline are highlighting and the page hierarchy. All pages are at the top-level of a notebook as far as I can tell, so instead of putting "chapters" under a topic, you either have to keep everything at the same level, or start a new Notebook for each chapter. But the code blocks are so much easier to read, plus it has Chrome Dev Tools so you can run the Console and test your JS code right there.

    submitted by /u/SamadhiBear
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    Should I continue learning CSS or move on to Javascript?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    So I've been learning CSS for around 3-4 months now. I've honestly learned a lot compared to when I first started. The issue is I'm still having trouble actually creating a website. I find no matter how many videos/tutorials I watch especially about positioning (relative, absolute) I can't seem to actually build an actual webpage.

    Currently, I've been stuck on the Odin Project's Google Homepage for nearly two months (I've also been practicing making other webpages as well) but positioning every element in the right place has been difficult. I find if I minimize the page, the element may disappear or end up somewhere besides where I placed it amongst other issues.

    I would love to pursue a front-end coding job but I know without learning the ropes, it would be basically impossible. I definitely don't want to give up but I'm kind of lost as to how long I should be learning CSS and how to continue moving forward (but ensuring I know at least CSS).

    Other sites I've used : FreeCodeAcademy, CodeAcademy (currently working on the last few courses), Angela Yu on Udemy (I have to start her Javascript portion but I want to be comfortable with CSS).

    Any advice? If someone has started basically from the beginning (no CS degree for one) I would love to hear the steps you took to learn and move forward as well as if you were able to secure a position after learning and gaining experience.

    submitted by /u/ari_d
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    Placeholders and values both = 6, what could be causing this error?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:44 PM PDT

    Here is the SQL query (through Python). This is being used to insert stock purchase data into the history database:

    db.execute("INSERT INTO history (orderType, symbol, shares, price, total, userID) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ("buy", symbol, shares, curr_price, transaction_total, session["user_id"])) 

    and here is the error:

    RuntimeError: more placeholders (None, None, None, None, None, None) than values ('buy', 'amzn', 1, 3525.5, 3525.5, 2) 

    Solved - I realized that the issue was the fact that all my insert values were inside one set of parentheses, which was counted as a single argument.

    submitted by /u/red__righthand
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    What's your scenario after having a full-time job as a developer?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:16 AM PDT

    I haven't worked as a developer for a company, but now soon I am going to work. I want to know what changes you feel when you have full-time job. Can you study new technologies with that ease after getting a job compared to before? Does mental exhaustion stifle your learning time? How much hard it is to make a transistion to a new technology as a programmer? And how you manage your mental health? What do you do in your free time? And what suggestion you would like to give me as I am going to start job hunting very soon. I am curious to hear!

    submitted by /u/dark-horse-1402
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    Senior software developer wanting to mentor native german speakers.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    I'm a senior software developer who uses Node.js, React and SQL on a daily basis and I want to mentor native german speakers who are interested in learning more about software development. I'm around B1 level in german, so we could use a bit of english and german while conversing :).

    submitted by /u/redyellowbluered
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    How Do All Languages Manage To Work Together?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    Hello All!

    Apologies if my question is a little boneheaded, I'm still quite the beginner.

    I'm just confused on, when developing software/applications/etc., how are different languages able to be utilized for different purposes and then woven together? For example, we have "stacks" for front end & back end, but then eventually come together to form what the end user can see,store,and control. But even in a respective stack, how do those languages interact with each other as well?

    • Do certain languages have functionality to work with other languages?
    • When using multiple languages, do developers face any "compatibility" issues?

    I'm currently learning python and going through its concepts and functionalities VERY SLOWLY. So the thought of having to juggle so much knowledge of different languages and knowing when to utilize each of them sounds daunting and confusing haha.

    Thank you once again!

    submitted by /u/BrentBQ
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    Bootcamp Grad attending virtual career fair tomorrow — advice?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    Hello! I'm finally at the finish line with my full stack dev bootcamp (ends next week), and my school sent me info for a computer science career fair for interns and full-time positions tomorrow.

    I think most of the companies attending don't even have roles that apply to dev (weird?) but I found one company I like, and they have a ton of dev positions available! I managed to secure a 15-min slot with a recruiter and ... now what??

    How do I take most advantage of that finite time? I've done research on the company and position. Do I ask if they hire bootcamp grads? Do I avoid mentioning it and just show my projects? Do I mention I already have a bachelor's in Communications? Do I do the soft part of an interview and ask what type of person they look for and what their company is like? Do companies really hire grads after 15 min chat with them? Cos that's what my school is making it seem like.

    Thanks for reading my post. I've learned so much from this sub!

    One unrelated question ... Do people submit photos on their angelist profile? I don't want to be accepted or denied based on my appearance idk maybe that's irrational.

    submitted by /u/hauntedcode
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    (C++) Questions about for(a:b) and References.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    Firstly the use of :

    char msg [] = {'F','U','B','A','R'}; for (const char& word : msg) { cout << word << " "; } cout << endl; 

    After playing with it I realized that word didn't need to be a reference and it still had the same output. First thought is to think that it's just looping through msg once and setting word to be equal to the current (hidden) loop index of msg, but because of the way I understand references (See below) I don't think that's the proper way to think about it.

    Second is the use of a reference. Is that just to save on memory? The way I'm reading it is the &word is just going "THAT" and pointing at the current (hidden) index of msg, rather than being changed to "THAT" over and over?

    submitted by /u/itsgoingtobealtright
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    Sifting through coding bootcamps. Have a few questions.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    Hi all. I want to get a job as a data scientist/analyst. I have a BA in Economics. No coding experience.

    Do bootcamps translate to an actual job?

    If so, which ones are the best? It seems there are a lot of sponsored referral websites that can't be trusted to be transparent in their reviews or objectives.

    I'd be eager to hear anyone's experience going the boot camp route to becoming a full time pro. Thanks

    submitted by /u/84Swe
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    What languages do I need to learn to build my website myself. I have a project in mind but don't know how to get from no real coding experience to a functional website or project.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    I am looking for a plan or action steps to be able to make this project and I would like some direction from the community to get me on the right path.

    I want to code a home inspection website from scratch. I want it to have an integrated calendar with integrated scheduling. I also want people to be able to pay with paypal or square on the website. What I want is a website where people can read about services pick from a menu for a service and schedule it on the website where I can block out certain times and dates. Then it must update to block out days where other people have already scheduled the service.

    I figure HTML and CSS is a given. I want to integrate a google calendar into the website but have the added functionality I mentioned. This will be my first project and goal for my coding.

    submitted by /u/randomstudman
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    Not having a cs degree!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:16 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm just wondering if there is someone here who work within the field who doesn't have a cs degree. And what advice you may have for someone looking to go the same route?

    submitted by /u/KBHSV1312
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    Transfer data from a client to server and vice versa

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    How does software typically solve this problem? Ideally I would like to have a postgres database running on my vps, and a client that will connect to a server backend. I've worked with node, and databases before(a discord bot using Prisma to access a postresql database), and I've been learning mobile app development through react and react native. My main question is how do I get both the client and the server to transfer data with each other. In addition, I would also like to know if there's anything I should keep in mind in regards to sensitive data, such as passwords. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Cx-Overlord
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    tried to solve this question for a class, it works but not really (c++)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:27 AM PDT


    1) Do the following

    a. Input a string from the keyboard using getline

    b. Write and call a function that receives this string as input argument and display it one char per line (use pointers)

    attempted solution:

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    void printCh(const char * sptr) {

    for (; \*sptr != '\\0'; sptr++) { cout << \*sptr<<endl; } 


    int main()


    char str\[20\]; cin.getline(str, sizeof(str)); printCh(str); 


    so basically the code works but it's limited to 20 characters (or whatever i set the size of str to be).. how do i make it.. not limited to that

    submitted by /u/idkhbtfm-
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    Looping a method that creates tkinter widgets only works properly for the last iteration

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    hello! I hope someone here can help me or tell me why this occurs as i'm new to tkinter and not so used to OOP in python.

    In this extracted piece of code I want to iterate over my port_str list and create a frame with the name for each element and some radio buttons in the frame;

    and for three of these buttons R1_wire, R2_wire, etc. I call another function sel_wire_1 with 'command' to either make the buttons (e.g.R1_discipline) active or disabled.

    The problem is now that if I want to print the value of the selected radio button in one of the first frames it always shows me the name of the last element in the list and the value(either 1 or two) of the last element of the port_str list and this depended on activation in sel_wire__1 also only works for the last frame (the last element of the list port_str). Also this dependend selection of sel_wire_1 does inly work for the last created frame.

    So I have several identical frames in front of me with different 'labels'(out of the list) but the command function only works correctly for the last frame(last element). How can i fix that? Especially i don't understand why iteratimg over a list and calling pins() for each loop is peferctly working when done in a non oop way?? Sorry but i don't know how to make the code piece lool like a python code?

    class MSM: def __init__(self,top): #create main frame, holds everything self.main_frame= Frame(self.top,width = 50, height = 100, bd = 1) self.main_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) #creat a canvas self.my_canvas = Canvas(self.main_frame) 
    submitted by /u/nda22
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    Good Lord, is learning to use Pandas and Scikit-learn supposed to be this hard?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    I thought I had quite a grasp on DSA and Python standard library stuff but this is really quite daunting. There are so many things to know and remember and making mental models of how everything works feels quite next level.

    submitted by /u/NovelAdministrative6
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    Recommendations for Python learning courses on Udemy

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    As the title states, I am interested in learning programming, Python to be exact as and I am looking for courses on Udemy that could assist me on this path.

    I am a beginner with no knowledge of programming but a basic understanding of how it works through watching a few random videos on YouTube.

    Since my main area of focus within the IT industry is Cyber Security/ Pentesting, i am currently subscribed to THM and have noticed how Python plays a big role within the industry and it broadens to the area of web development and machine learning, thus my eagerness to learn the language.

    I would appreciate any recommendations.

    Also, as much as i am mostly doing this to gain knowledge about the language, what are the chances of me getting a job as a Python Programmer with Udemy certification? As i believe hands on practice is what makes the knowledge stay.

    Oh and i am from a 3rd world country where the chances of me getting employed with Udemy certification is below 0, so i was looking at a remote job in a 1st world country perhaps.

    submitted by /u/Copasetic_demon666
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    How to self-learn this MIT generative art course ?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    Hey, I came across this link about this MIT course. I really wanted to learn this.

    So anyone who had attended this course or know about it, can guide me in starting this?

    submitted by /u/ankittkd
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    struggling beginner in need of serious advice

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    I've been trying to pick up coding, on and off, for about 3 years now (i started trying to learn online about 6 years ago, but only started physical classes with practical about 3). I've tried HTML, CSS, and Python, but despite learning online and even in the classroom, I can't quite get the hang of any of them. At the very best, I get through the bare basics and I start getting so confused at everything that I just cannot function anymore. I this would be easier than maths…

    To be very honest, I just don't see a structure nor a reasoning behind the codes used in these languages. As a designer, I thought it would be a good idea to learn to code so I can understand what my programmers need to do to implement my designs, so I dont accidentally design something that's too difficult for them to code. But honestly, I couldnt even make my own webpage designs into a webpage with html and css, I ended up having to substitute a good deal of my original designs, changing the webpage completely from my drafts.

    And with python, I couldn't even get my programme to run even if I copy pasted the text from my lecturer. Trying to write my own programme was even more of a hell. I couldnt get anything to do what I wanted it to do despite having been to regular lessons for a whole semester.

    I'm stumped, really. I don't know how to even start without hitting a roadblock. I've tried quitting a few times, but everyone keeps pushing programming onto me again and expect results. Any tips for someone like me, a beginner stuck at the beginning stages unable to comprehend anything? Thank you in advance!!

    tl/dr: i've been stuck at the beginning stages for years and still cannot comprehend anything nor write a fucntioning programme even in the supposed simplest languages.

    submitted by /u/Aquilae7
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    Programming is an “acquired taste”

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    When I started my first coding class in college, I hated it. For the life of me, I could not understand how Java works. My professor said if we are struggling in Programming Fundamentals, the very start of the degree, then we should probably switch majors. I got discouraged and changed to Business where I thought I would be safe from coding. There I met another professor that told us that coding languages are kind of like beer. The first beer you taste will probably not be your favorite, but when you try out different types of beer, you'll start to understand and appreciate it more until you find one that completely changes your mind about it. Then when you go back to your first beer, it isn't so bad. It may still taste terrible, but at least you're more accustomed to it. If you just can't tolerate beer, then it's just not for you, but before you completely give up on it, try a different kind.

    TLDR; It took learning how to put together a bunch of excel formulas to somehow open up my world to programming. So don't give up on learning guys!

    submitted by /u/BoredSuki
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    In Linux device driver development, how does a programmer know what data to send to the device?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:33 PM PDT

    Not sure what the proper terminology is for this so please correct me.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but from what I understand is that a kernel module sends hex data to the device address and that makes the device do something. How do you know what data to send to the device?

    submitted by /u/ThisIsAnglerTV
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    Trying To Put Two Loops Into One Arduino Code

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    Im trying to make two seperate loops in the vode loop but its not seeming to work, any ideas on what i could change? Im very new to coding with arduino so this may seem like a simple task to most but im just trying to get a simple code to work and its not working so my last resort is reddit :)

    #include <Servo.h>

    const char fanButton = 2;

    int pressed = false;

    int lightpressed = false;

    int fanServo = 11;

    Servo FServo;

    int fanState;

    const char lightButton = 4;

    int lightServo = 10;

    int lightState;

    Servo LServo;

    int j;

    int m;

    void setup() {

    // put your setup code here, to run once:

    pinMode(fanButton, INPUT_PULLUP);

    pinMode(fanServo, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(lightButton, INPUT_PULLUP);

    pinMode(lightServo, OUTPUT);





    void loop() {




    void fanLoop() {

    fanState = digitalRead(fanButton);

    if (fanState == pressed) {



    while (digitalRead(fanButton)) {

    //do nothing



    if (fanState == pressed) {

    FServo.write(90 );


    while (digitalRead(fanButton)) {

    //do nothing




    void lightLoop() {

    lightState = digitalRead(lightButton);

    if (lightState == pressed) {



    while (digitalRead(lightButton)) {

    //do nothing



    if (lightState == pressed) {



    while (digitalRead(lightButton)) {

    //do nothing




    submitted by /u/Appropriate-Winter-9
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    I want to become self taught programmer but...

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I've read many articles from other sources and too many reddit posts I seen when becoming self-taught (no degree). I'm 21 yr old currently, born and living in Turkey. I didn't go to university even though I could the reason is economy isn't good or stable and my family is always had issues with money etc. if I go to university in another city I can't afford going and living there while studying also education isn't good too. I always wanted to learn programming / coding you name it so I started to learn from tutorials, reddit posts about how to begin it's going great currently but the thing is if I succeed I don't want to live in this country, just want to go Europe no matter what even if it takes too much time. I learned that I can't get job in some places if I don't have degree, is it really true? cause I'm non citizen and not having a degree isn't good for the employers cause of work visa I think. can I achieve my goal of working in EU if I can do the job?

    note: if I did any mistakes about grammar and so on. I didn't get any education about english. sorry for mistakes.

    submitted by /u/Enamelings
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