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    Tuesday, September 7, 2021

    Is it a bad idea to learn two programming languages at once? learn programming

    Is it a bad idea to learn two programming languages at once? learn programming

    Is it a bad idea to learn two programming languages at once?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    I'm looking at do javascript and python after I do HTML and CSS

    and then react and angular

    submitted by /u/sfitzresume
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    Shifting from windows to linux OS

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm a python developer. I've used windows all my life for gaming, multimedia, programming and everything. But now I want to shift to linux OS. So basically I need help selecting an OS and need some resources that can help me become a "linux pro". Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/shoaib_atiq1
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    Free Programming Lessons

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I've been a software developer for about 6 years now and i love teaching. I have taught or rather coached programming to more than 100 hundred students over the last past few years.

    I moved to the States not so long ago and ever since i started my full time job here I've been thinking of teaching programming again. Ideally I'd like to teach beginners and intermediate folks separately - focusing on fundamentals for beginners while maybe building a full blown app with dev ops and what not for intermediates. Given the pandemic and delta variant I'd like to do it virtually but hit me up if you'd be interested.

    I've always seen programming as a welcoming discipline and this is my way if giving back!


    PS: I'd like to use Golang as the language of choice!

    Update: I have created a discord server - everyone interested please join it. I will keep posting updates over here. I am fairly new to discord and don't completely understand how to use it. Any help is appreciated. See you guys there


    Update: Here's the first Lesson plan - it is incomplete but it should give you a brief idea of what I intend to cover. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/itsmavow
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    Mooc.fi stated introduction to programming with python .

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:38 PM PDT

    Most of you already familiar with universtity of helsinki https://www.mooc.fi/en/ website.They have some great course freely available.They are very famous with their teaching style(a lot of exercise). Now they have stared introduction to programming with python.Those who are interested can follow the link-

    submitted by /u/zahirulopel
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    Suggestions for how to make coding fun for new members of programming club

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    In a few weeks, a friend and I will be taking over our high school's programming club. Usually what happens is that a lot of people join, but then a good chunk of them leave out of disinterest, leaving only the more experienced programmers. This year, I want to change things up and I was hoping to get some tips on how to keep people interested. I feel like the main problem has been balancing getting people to learn to program while also keeping them engaged through projects and such.

    Any suggestions on how to make the club more engaging for new members would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/2s2e
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    Just finished a project that I was really struggling on. I feel excited to start the next one.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:27 PM PDT

    I made a post not too long about how I was struggling and how I felt lost when solving issues in a todo list. I finally found out how to solve the problem and everything started clicking. Thank you to everyone who replied to the last post with advice.

    submitted by /u/Duble0Dubstep
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    I am learning C right now and wanted to know when I should make the transition to a higher level

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:14 PM PDT

    I purchased one of the books (Head First C) shown under the basic section here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/562303/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list and wanted to know when I should make the jump to intermediate? Do you think just reading one book will be good enough or should I at least try to read one or two others to build up my fundamentals better?

    submitted by /u/boombata14285
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    How do i know i'm ready to apply for a job?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    I don't mean it like, okay i know this and dont need to keep learning, but it is impossible to learn everything, so how much is enough for start working?

    submitted by /u/Pedro_Urdemales
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    I want to help a beginner learn HTML/CSS/JS

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 03:24 AM PDT


    I have someone mentoring me into advance concepts of JS and react and I thought I should try to help some beginners at the same time to give something back to the community, so if you're a beginner and want some help DM me with what you have already covered and what you want to learn and your time zone.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Taro_Naza
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    Arrays, functions and C

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    How come when you alter an array created within the main function, in some other function the original array is changed evn if you don't use the * operator

    submitted by /u/NegativeCry5
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    Where to learn terminology and stay updated about tech

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    I've decided to take a year to learn how to program. I spend a couple hours a day working with python now. When I can't actually program, I like to browse subreddits like this to learn more or follow discussions even if they are way over my head.

    I've come to realize how big tech is and how easy it is to get lost. I kind of know the path I want to take: 1. Python to get my head around programming concepts and be able to automate tasks. 2. The Odin Project to delve into html, CSS, JavaScript, Git. 3. Learn some database, server side stuff as well so I am comfortable interacting with it. 4. Get comfortable with Linux and command line.

    My question is, where can I go to read about tech from a beginner level so I can discuss and think about it. Right now I'm just in my problem solving bubble trying to code, but that is pretty far removed from the big picture. Maybe some tech blogs or youtubers that break things down and talk about where things are headed?

    submitted by /u/seouleo
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    c, arrays

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    when you modify an array inside a fucntion, why is that change made to the original array

    submitted by /u/NegativeCry5
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    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    I'm working on a Twitter react clone and was getting a bit frustrated that the code wasn't doing what I told it to do. For an hour it wasn't loading anything. Eventually, I decided to back track to the working version and notice the problem. I reverted the code to the old state, yet never changed the main, App.js file, and it some how worked. That's when I noticed

    import Tweets from './Tweet'

    I was working on Tweet **S** .js and I never imported it.

    It helped that I took a mini break to come back to this code. I'm a bit tilted that I figured out the solution this late in the night.

    I just wanted to share this, since I have no else that I can say 'I fixed the problem I created.'

    submitted by /u/Simba_0
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    React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency warning and how to deal with it

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:47 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I've noticed few warnings in my code because of missing dependencies in useEffect, but I do not need to run the function when those dependencies change (or they won't change). I do have quite a few useEffects with [] dependency, so it would only run on component load and that is fine with me.

    I do not want to lie to React and provide all non-braking dependencies which would not do any good. Or workaround in other cases.

    What is the right way to solve this problem? Would writing code to avoid these warnings would result in better code? Any good source regarding this?


    submitted by /u/mamapower
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    Database as code or manual database migration files?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    I'm starting a new project (web application with REST API) and am wondering what is a better way of managing my database. I have experience with EF Core which does the migrations from code but am wondering is there benefit of writing migration scripts manually (.sql files for both up and down migrations).

    What are the benefits of manually writing migration files? Is it worth doing or is database as code enough? The application will only have relationships such as many-to-many, etc.

    submitted by /u/domtheduck0
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    Anxiety/ Imposter Syndrome

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    Im currently a student learning software development. I get strong anxiety before starting any of my projects thinking I don't know how to begin or how I will get this done. Although when I do start projects I feel a bit more calm and I start feeling like just maybe I can do it but there is always a time when Im stuck for hours and I feel like I'll never be good enough to get a job in this field. How do I overcome this chain holding me down? How have you guys overcome it?

    submitted by /u/itsMillerGaming
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    I need some guidance

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    I'm taking up learning programming for about the third or fourth time, but now I have a product that I'd like to create that is really fueling the fire and I would just like some guidance so that I'm not wasting my time digging into something that won't actually help.

    I would like to know which language would be best to build a web app, I've started learning HTML/CSS and starting to get fairly comfortable and most of the tutorials seem to point toward javascript. The app that I want to build will basically take a users information and send them either a text or email when certain weather-related phenomena happen in their area based on their location, so there will have to be some database in the backend I assume and some way to reference like a weather website.

    I would also like to potentially be able to transfer to an actual mobile app (apple and android) at some point (not sure this is possible) though I think a web app is the best MVP to get things moving and ensure everything can actually work.

    There are so many languages to choose from Javascript, Python, Java, C++, and i've also read that it may require learning multiple, so I'm just reaching out to get some guidance and thank you, anyone, for your reply I greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Equal_Archer
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    Is there a way to get the geojson data for European municipalities (perhaps directly out of google maps)?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:59 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    so I am currently programming in Python and want to make a Choropleth map using folium (example instructions for this kind of map):


    Now in order to make such a map I need a geojson file which applies a layer to my map so these layers can then be coloured. Now originally when I was testing this feature I found that this github repository had quite some resources I could make use of:


    But the problem is that there a lot of countries don't have a municipal split but rather a provincial which is a too high level split for me to make it useful. But now looking at google maps I see that the municipalities are already there (example of a random Belgian commune):


    Is there perhaps a way to get this data directly out of google maps or alternatively is there a folium functionality or perhaps another add-on for Python that could give me this functionality?

    submitted by /u/De_Noir
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    How to build a backend REST API that allows to be consumed only by my website?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    I have a react app which is a website. I want to add some functionality to it so I decided I could build a node JS rest api that exposes the data I want. The thing is that I only want this data to be available to my website only, so no other client can consume my API.

    How can I do this?

    Edit: the website is public for everyone, not only in my localhost.

    submitted by /u/aquierick
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    How to design an API for updating a single field on an object?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    What's the most RESTful way of updating a single field on a large object?

    So suppose I have a user object with a membershipType field. This field can have multiple values represented by an enum.

    Would this work?

    PATCH user/{userId}/membership-type body: new-value 

    or would I put the new value in an object? If I do it this way do I have to create a load of DTOs for every possible field that can be updated (I'm using Spring Boot if it makes a difference)?

    PATCH user/{userId} body: { membershipType: "new-value" } 
    submitted by /u/Muted-Editor8929
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    Finished my first program with lists, how did I do?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    Hey guys I just finished my first program involving lists. I wanted to see how I did. The program is a contact book that can save to CSV. I think it works well (although saving to CSV can be janky) but I wanted to hear some feedback from you guys. Well here you go:

    # This creates 3 empty lists that will be used, if a CSV file is imported these lists will be overwritten. This also imports CSV import csv import sys contact_names = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""] contact_numbers = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""] contact_email = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""] handler_list = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""] selection = "" selection2 = "" selection3 = "" # The 'main' function exists so other parts of the program can return to it so the user can make another selection, it has to be at the top to reduce errors def main(): global selection print ("Would you like to (V)iew contacts, (C)reate contacts, (D)elete contacts, (E)dit contacts, (I)mport CSV or (EX)it?") #This is a while loop that 'traps' the user until they make a valid selection (V, C, E, I or EX) while (selection != "V") and (selection != "C") and (selection != "E") and (selection != "EX") and (selection != "D") and (selection != "I"): selection = input() if (selection != "V") and (selection != "C") and (selection != "E") and (selection != "EX") and (selection != "D") and (selection != "I"): print ("Incorrect Entry! Retry") # The if statements below direct the program to the correct function depending on the letter entered above if selection == "C": create_contacts() if selection == "V": view_contacts() if selection == "D": delete_contacts() if selection == "E": edit_contacts() if selection == "EX": exit() if selection == "I": file() # This is the functon for importing CSV file, IDK how this even works def file(): global selection global contact_names global contact_numbers global contact_email try: with open('data.csv', mode ='r')as file: csvFile = csv.reader(file) contact_names = next(csvFile) handler_list = next(csvFile) contact_numbers = next(csvFile) handler_list = next(csvFile) contact_email = next(csvFile) print ("SUCCESS!") print ('Press ENTER to continue') selection = "" main() except: print ("ERROR. COuld not open file. Make sure that file is named 'data.csv' and that it is stored in the same directory as this program.") input ('Press ENTER to continue') selection = "" main() # This is the function for editing and saving to CSV def exit(): global selection3 selection3 = "" print ("would you like to save to CSV? (Y/N)") while (selection3 != "Y") and (selection3 != "N"): selection3 = input() if (selection3 != "Y") and (selection3 != "N"): print ("Incorrect Entry! Retry") if selection3 == "N": print ("Thank you for using my program!") input ('press ENTER to exit') sys. exit() if selection3 == "Y": try: f = open('data.csv', 'w') writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(contact_names) writer.writerow(contact_numbers) writer.writerow(contact_email) f.close() sys. exit() except: print ("SUCCESS") sys. exit() # This is the function for editing contacts def edit_contacts(): global selection global selection2 selection2 = "" count = contact_names.count("") if count == 20: print ("ERROR you have no contacts saved") selection = "" input ('Press ENTER to continue') main() print ("Would you like to edit (N)ame, (P)hone number or (E)mail?") while (selection2 != "N") and (selection2 != "P") and (selection2 != "E"): selection2 = input() if (selection2 != "N") and (selection2 != "P") and (selection2 != "E"): print ("Incorrect Entry! Retry") # These 3 if statements handle the editing of names, phone numbers and email. They are all really similar though if selection2 == "N": global selection3 print (*contact_names, sep = "\n") overwrite = input("Please type out the name of the contact you would like to change the name of\n") print (*contact_names, sep = "\n") try: index = contact_names.index(overwrite) new_contact_name = input("Please input the new name of this contact\n") contact_names[index] = new_contact_name print ("SUCCESS!") input('Press ENTER to continue') selection = "" main() except: print ("ERROR, no contact exists by that name.\nReturing to selection") selection = "" main() if selection2 == "P": print (*contact_names, sep = "\n") overwrite = input("Please type out the name of the contact you would like to change the phone number of\n") try: index = contact_names.index(overwrite) new_contact_number = input ("Please input the new phone number of this contact\n") contact_numbers[index] = new_contact_number print ("SUCCESS!") input('Press ENTER to continue') selection = "" main() except: print ("ERROR, no contact exists by that name.\nReturing to selection") selection = "" main() if selection2 == "E": print (*contact_names, sep = "\n") overwrite = input("Please type out the name of the contact you would like to change the email of\n") try: index = contact_names.index(overwrite) new_contact_email = input ("Please input the new email of this contact\n") contact_email[index] = new_contact_email print ("SUCCESS!") input('Press ENTER to continue') selection = "" main() except: print ("ERROR, no contact exists by that name.\nReturing to selection") selection = "" main() # This is the function for deleting contacts def delete_contacts(): global selection # This counts the amount of time "" appears in the list. If it appears 20 times that means there are no contacts saved and it will give you an error and boot you out to selection count = contact_names.count("") if count == 20: print ("ERROR you have no contacts saved") selection = "" input ('Press ENTER to continue') main() # This section handles the selection and deletion process print (*contact_names, sep = "\n") view = input("Please type the name of the contact you would like to delete\n") try: index = contact_names.index(view) contact_names[index] = "" contact_numbers[index] = "" contact_email[index] = "" print ("SUCCESS!") input ('Press ENTER to continue') selection = "" main() except: print ("ERROR, no contact exists by that name.\nReturing to selection") selection = "" main() # This is the function for viewing contacts def view_contacts(): global selection # This counts the amount of time "" appears in the list. If it appears 20 times that means there are no contacts saved and it will give you an error and boot you out to selection count = contact_names.count("") if count == 20: print ("ERROR you have no contacts saved") selection = "" input ('Press ENTER to continue') main() print (*contact_names, sep = "\n") view = input ("Please type the name of the contact you would like to view\n") try: index = contact_names.index(view) print ("This contacts name is:") print (contact_names[index]) print ("This contacts phone number is") print (contact_numbers[index]) print ("This contacts email is") print (contact_email[index]) input ('press ENTER to continue') selection = "" main() except: print ("ERROR, no contact exists by that name.\nReturing to selection") selection = "" main() # This is the function for creating contacts, when you select 'C' on the main selection this is the code that actually get's executed def create_contacts(): global selection # The program will first try the 'try' section and if it delivers an error it will execute the code in 'except' instead. 'Except' is for when all contacts are filled so the user will be prompted to overwrite a contact to create a new one try: index = contact_names.index("") new_contact_name = input("Please input the new name of this contact\n") new_contact_email = input ("Please input the new email of this contact\n") new_contact_number = input ("Please input the new phone number of this contact\n") contact_names[index] = new_contact_name contact_numbers[index] = new_contact_number contact_email[index] = new_contact_email print ("SUCCESS!") input('Press ENTER to continue') selection = "" main() # This code handles when all slots are filled and one must be overwritten to add a new contact except: if selection3 == "Y": print ("Thank you for using my program!") input ('Press ENTER to exit') sys. exit() print ("Sorry, all slots are filled, in order to make space you must choose a contact to overwrite") input('Press ENTER to continue') print (*contact_names, sep = "\n") overwrite = input("Please type out the name of the contact you would like to remove\n") # This handles the actual overwriting section where the old values are replaced with the new values try: index = contact_names.index(overwrite) new_contact_name = input("Please input the new name of this contact\n") new_contact_email = input ("Please input the new email of this contact\n") new_contact_number = input ("Please input the new phone number of this contact\n") contact_names[index] = new_contact_name contact_numbers[index] = new_contact_number contact_email[index] = new_contact_email print ("SUCCESS!") input('Press ENTER to continue') selection = "" main() # This is an error handler in case the value entered in to be overwritten does not match any of the contacts. It simplys boots the user to the main selection except: print ("ERROR, no contact exists by that name.\nReturing to selection") selection = "" main() # This is the starting screen, when you start the program this is what pops up first print ("Contact book") print ("MarketingZestyclose7") main() 
    submitted by /u/MarketingZestyclose7
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    What do entry-level back-end programmers in your company do?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm starting my first job soon, and I'm probably going to be focusing on the back-end. The manager said he'll drop me in deep waters on my first day and I'm a bit worried, I have no idea what to expect, and I'm more on the anxious side of the spectrum... So I'd like to know, what do entry-level programmers in your company do in their first days? Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/TheLeonsver1
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    I'm an undergraduate software engineer looking for some advice.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    I'm a computer engineer on the 3rd year of my degree, I know a lot about the basics of CS but I'm having problems choosing a career path, everytime I try to learn a new topic (e.g. machine learning) I just start wondering if this is the best move for my career and end up paralyzed and doing nothing, so any advice would help.

    submitted by /u/Aloush-AA
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    C++ or JavaScript, which one to focus on first?, Positive and negative side of each.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    I will start a course in my country and after the first semester it will use C/C++ as a language, I will need an internship, so I thought about JS, but I'm afraid of having difficulty understanding concepts like algorithms, memory, data structure since people say that C++ would be easier to understand these concepts.

    Should I focus on C++ for 6 months and then move to JS, HTML, CSS ?

    will it be easier with programming in general if I start with C++ or does it make no difference?

    submitted by /u/k6yne
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