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    Wednesday, September 8, 2021

    How far will i get if programming isn't a "burning passion"? learn programming

    How far will i get if programming isn't a "burning passion"? learn programming

    How far will i get if programming isn't a "burning passion"?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    First of all, I am not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this question, if not then remove the post.

    One clarification, I personally don't think i am a "beginner" in the sense of wanting to learn programming, since i'm currently a backend developer. However my doubt comes because i'm struggling on how much time should i be expending on "hobby projects" after my job. Don't get my wrong, i do enjoy programming, but i also have other interests/hobbies that i practice in my freetime. I think i will get stuck on my current level if i not practice other software development areas (or other languages, frameworks, etc.) But it is exhausting having to code 10-12 hours if around 8 of those hours are involved with my job.

    So as the title says, will i or anyone get stuck in a "basic" job if i simply don't code every single freetime i have?

    Thanks in advance

    Update: Didn't expect this post would get much attention. Thanks all for the responses. I see great points made and i feel more relieved, lol. Thanks again

    submitted by /u/OlecraMarcelO
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    Self-teaching beginner in serious need of some advice

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    Hey guys. You probably come across a lot of these posts and I'm sorry to be a bother but I'm really struggling with my programming journey right now and am in some desperate need of some direction and clarity. If nothing else it will feel good just to vent to others who have gone through (or are currently going through) the same thing.

    Quick background:

    I'm 35 with 3 kids 5 & under and working full time as a service advisor at an auto dealership. I got tired of waiting for "the right time" to jump into programming and just did it one day, and here I am about 8 months in.

    My ideal field is cyber security. I toyed with the idea of a programming boot camp and decided that it wasn't for me, and that I could use online resources and friends who have tons of experience to guide me along the way. One of those friends is even owner and CEO of a company and has essentially told me I have a job when I'm ready and he has the funds to bring me on. I understand this in itself is a blessing many in my shoes don't have and I don't take it for granted.

    So far my main learning resource has been Udemy and I've mainly focused on Python (surprise!) and also took some Linux courses and a compTIA A+ course to get some basic fundamental learning. I try to spend at least 2 hours studying on at least 3 nights out of the week every week. With my schedule even that is a stretch but I'm trying my best.

    So the real problems that I'm running into are:

    1. Determining how to make the most of the very little free time that I have to study. I find myself bouncing from video to video or video to course or course to practical exercises or any combination of those because I second-guess how useful what I'm currently doing is to my progress. I do much better with structure and a clear path forward, but decisiveness is not my strong suit. Do I need to bite the bullet and enroll in some type of college course or program to give me that structure and direction?
    2. Difficulty gauging where I stand in my progress. At certain times I feel like I've got this down, I can handle what's thrown at me in whatever subject I'm practicing. Then comes my problem 1(above), and when I go to test my skills with some practice (ie hackinscience.org etc) , I struggle to solve even the first few exercises without googling. I know every programmer googles syntax throughout their career.. but at a certain point shouldn't I be able to spit out code from my brain to solve a basic problem?

    Sorry this dragged out this long and if you made it this far thank you just for reading my rant, but I'm starting to feel lost and if I'm honest some of it is my own personal life struggles and I acknowledge that. Any advice/support/direction/clarity you may be able to provide is greatly appreciated. TIA

    submitted by /u/0nly0bjective
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    Is the Harvard CS50 course worth it for someone who has no programming knowledge, or should I look into another course for introduction?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    I was looking at the harvard cs50 extension course as a great introduction to programming concepts. I prefer a regimented approach to learning, but I have no problem being recommended a book or two. I want to teach myself c++/Java, but I am having a difficult time finding anything that introduces the basic concepts. What would you suggest? I had been recommended python before, but I can't seem to wrap my head around things like arrays, strings, etc. and want to focus solely on building a strong foundation first. Also, I really don't want to dive into python, as I'd rather start with my target languages first.

    submitted by /u/Spectrum-Code
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    I understand the concept, but cannot actually put it into code

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    How do I address this dilemma? For example, right now I'm studying basic data structures like linked lists. I understand how it works, but I cannot write it by myself. Maybe I'm stuck with syntax? Is there anything that can help me translate what I understand into code better?

    submitted by /u/PNG-
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    Didn't exactly try my best in School...

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I need some advice from fellow programmers and CS graduates. I have one more year left of college for computer science and I'm not exactly ready (at all) for a career. I, unfortunately, took the easy way out in pretty much every class after data structures (which I took in spring of 2020). All of my classes after that were partner-based and I was pretty damn good at finding a partner who was pretty damn good at programming, resulting in me not really learning anything and BARELY touching any language (we mostly used java which I have a tenuous grasp of rn) for a WHILE. The end result is I'm a very mediocre CS student who barely remembers my data structures.

    I've made a lot of changes in my life recently, and have turned myself around. I'm more active, I attend lecture, and I've decided to become sober. I realize I have dug myself into a hole, but I'm prepared to do the hard work of digging myself out. I just need to devise a game plan (which I wanted to ask you guys about).

    My approach to be job ready as soon as possible was to 1) do the Harvard CS50 course followed by the CS50 web programming with python course. I was then going to follow that up with either the odin project or full stack open. From there, it will be projects projects projects. My only concern is a lack of rigorous data structures refreshers and a lack of another programming language like java.

    Do you guys have any suggestions as to a step by step path to get me out of this hole? Is my plan a solid one, or should I include/remove one of those resources.

    Thanks so much guys! I'm excited to actually start putting in the work towards my goals.

    submitted by /u/Pillsbury_Flow_Boy
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    can you learn programming by repetitive coding?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    Let's say you pick a tutorial video off of youtube.And you literally copy everything that you watched in that video into your IDE.And you do this everyday again and again for hours while watching different videos, would you be able to learn programming this way as long as you are learning the fundamentals and different commands as you code?I personally learn best by repetition and i am not that great at memorizing or remembering things lol.

    submitted by /u/Entire_Mind4439
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    Books for Ruby

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Hello! I am starting an internship next week using Ruby and Rails. While I do have resources for Rails, I would like some books on Ruby. I finished Chris Pine's Learn to Program book, but I'd like one more a bit more advanced and in-depth. I don't really have the time for a project so a book would be nice. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/F1guy_5
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    how can I make an executable file out of the source code?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    idk if I used the terms right but I'm trying to grasp the basic knowledge regarding programming by making an ".exe" file out of the source codes.

    This time, I was confused on how to make Aseprite executable through its code from Github. Can someone explain the directions to me in a more "beginner-friendly" manner? thank you :>

    submitted by /u/Odd-Cat-1716
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    what does f(n) is an element of O(g(n)) mean in simple terms

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/NegativeCry5
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    Into C or away to C++

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    Hi there. I'm just finishing my first C textbook (Programming in C, Kochan). Some say that then I should start doing projects. However my really aim is to learn C++ (and maybe C#, or Java) and my main language is Python. So is it worth to do projects in C or should I bend all my efforts on C++? And if not so, should I read something else in C before I start doing projects (currently all my experience is solving exercises from the book)?

    submitted by /u/Mike_Paradox
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    Would GitHub pages be appropriate for my project? Is it possible to achieve this with JS?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:03 PM PDT


    I want to make a basic typing test that displays some kind of random text (perhaps there is an API for this?) which the user must type. After about 15 - 30 seconds the test ends and displays average WPM and accuracy.

    My question is, is this all possible to do with just JS alone, using GitHub pages? Also, I really like the feature in MonkeyType where the letters change colour as you type them and would like to incorporate something similar.

    Just to be clear, I'm not asking for someone else to do the work for me, I just want to be sure it's possible before I really get stuck into doing it.

    I really appreciate any help!

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Hour-63
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    Chess engine writing: Hitting a wall at ~2000 Elo

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    So within the past several months, I've been working on programming a chess engine, and from testing, its strength rating is now 2038 Elo.

    Which is pretty awesome, as reaching 2000 Elo was a personal milestone of mine from the start of the project, and I never imagined I would've been able to do that when I first started. Of course, I didn't plan on stopping at 2000 Elo, but from the work I've done these past couple of weeks, it seems that's exactly where I'm stuck.

    I've tried adding a variety of features to the engine which should be increasing its strength, but no matter what feature I try to add, it always either gives no strength gain or makes the engine start to play awful chess. Some of the ideas I've tried:

    • delta pruning => no gain
    • futility pruning => negative gain
    • principal variation search => no gain
    • late move reductions => negative gain
    • aspiration windows => negative gain
    • bishop pair evaluation => no gain
    • passed pawn recognition => negative gain
    • pawn structure => no gain
    • etc.

    As you can imagine, this has been a pretty frustrating process, going from one idea to the next, spending several days implementing them as bug-free as possible, and seeing no improvement.

    At this point, this engine has been the most difficult project I've ever worked on. But also the most rewarding, which is why I can't seem to stop tinkering with it. I'll visit half a dozen different engines, note how they implement a feature, and visit places like the chess programming wiki and go through the pseudo-code to really understand an idea, and I'll finally implement the feature myself, only for it to fail miserably.

    For other engine authors, since these are tried and true methods of chess programming, my only assumption right now is that I have some nasty bugs hiding in my program. If you have any experience with a problem like mine, any advice on where to start the bug hunting?

    And also for those who have worked on frustrating labors of love, are there any tips you could give me on persevering through these issues because right now, I'm very tempted to call it quits.

    submitted by /u/algerbrex
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    What to learn/do next? C++//C#

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    TL:DR - stick with C++ or learn unity C# for a possible internship next summer.

    Little context. I'm currently at community college about to finish and go to university next year. The language I leaned was C++ I have a lot of the core concepts down and know some OOP. I want to get an internship as soon as possible and get into game development. I currently work at a grocery store but one of my coworkers father works at fairly big game company in town as a manger so I might have an in for an internship and I've heard this company likes to get interns from the university I'll be attending. This company uses C# and unity to develop there games. Should I stick with C++ and get deep into it or learn unity and C# assuming I can get an internship next summer.

    Thanks for all the reply's in advance! I know everyone's time is precious these days!

    submitted by /u/dennybroo
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    Best websites to learn C#?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    hey! I know there's an awful lot of questions like this on the subreddit, but a lot of the threads seemed rather dated, and I didn't want to use one website when there's potentially another website that's out now that may be better,

    Basically, I am interested in learning C#, and eventually using it to move onto making some smaller games in Unity, I'm a very hands on learner and seem to grasp it more if I'm doing it myself, if that makes sense

    I am a complete beginner, would prefer cheaper/free websites, but still feel free to post anything you guys think would help.

    Thanks a bunch, really appreciate the amount of help you guys provide around here!

    submitted by /u/DesperateNeedOfName
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    Mastering CSS

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    Do I need to master CSS to be a full-stack developer/engineer?

    submitted by /u/Appropriate_Ad3327
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    What do I do now?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    11th grader here. I just finished my first book about introduction to programming in python and I basically know the basics of programming. What do I do now? The domains I'm interested in are video games, app development and probably machine learning and things like that. What should my course of action be now so that im ready for college

    submitted by /u/adi0428
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    Leetcode bitmask solution

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, first post here

    I'm trying to solve this leetcode problem:


    All 3 JavaScript solutions in the discussion used bitmasking, but there's one that I can't understand and was hoping to get clarification:


    He has a nested for loop which, in his words, is used to "check same binaryRepresentation and all the other binaryRepresentation with difference of 1 bit". I can follow the code up till that point but I'm unsure what this second for loop achieves. I understand that he wants to use bitmasking to represent the frequency of letters and memoization to increase efficiency, but what is gained from comparing bitmasks that are only 1 bit different? I've been stuck on this problem for a few days now and would appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/greatMalek
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    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    I just started programming and when I put away the PC I still find myself consumed by the problems in the code. Does anyone else feel this way? I can't get it out of my head?

    submitted by /u/demianfinkle
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    How do you solve issues with code in a timely manner?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    So I got this new job, and it's a lot more coding based than everything I've had before. So far, so good, but a lot of it entails fixing problems with code. The problem with that is it requires creativity and breakthroughs, and they want it done on a set schedule. It's like if someone told me to solve a rubix cube or finish this puzzle by the end of the day. I might have a breakthrough and figure out what I was doing wrong, or I might not. In some cases a solution might not even exist.

    I'm finding myself a lot of the time feeling like I need to be doing something productive, but when I look at the code, all I can do is stare at it because I can't force my brain to come up with an idea that'll fix the problem right then and there. These ideas tend to come when you walk away and come back, but there's only so much of that I can do.

    Do you guys deal with this too? How do you get around it?

    submitted by /u/son_of_tv_c
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    Learning and proud.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    I have always wanted to be a programmer. And have dabbled here and there but I am trying to buckle down and actually make it happen. I am using the headfirst javascript book. I know its nothing much and anyone who gets the book does the same thing. But having started with the battleship project and even fixing things the book hasn't told me to yet feels good. Feels like progress. And I'm excited for the future. I just wanted to tell someone. As cringe as it may be.

    submitted by /u/ghastlypampano
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    what do you prefer

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    you start to code in python, what software or programs do you download that's going to be useful or helpful to your journey? do y'all have any necessities or preferences?

    submitted by /u/brainer1000
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    Need Advice for Changing Careers

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Hi friends! I hope you're all having a good week so far. Sorry in advance for this somewhat longwinded question. So, I have a bachelor's degree in Creative Writing and have been working in marketing/content writing for about four years now. I just realized recently that I ****ing hate it and I can't imagine doing it for the rest of my life.

    Coding is something that I've been passionate about recently, and I'm hoping to become a software engineer in the future. But there are so many options and paths and it's honestly super overwhelming. I have a solid background in HTML5/CSS and have been learning Python on the side through CodeCademy.

    For someone who already has a degree (in something completely unrelated), does it make more sense to go through a boot camp like Thinkful or a Computer Science degree? I can see the pros and cons with both, but here are some things I'm personally concerned with:

    With a Degree:

    • Takes a really long time, especially since I would have to go part-time
    • It may not teach exactly what I'm hoping to learn
    • However, it will give me the math knowledge that I'm missing

    With a Bootcamp:

    • More expensive (for some reason)
    • No math classes, which I don't know if I should be concerned about or not?
    • I wouldn't be able to pay for it upfront
    • The deferred tuition plans seem kinda sketch
    • However, I like the idea of an immersive program that can be completed in 6 months (although I would probably have to use the living stipend to afford to take time off work)
    • Are they actually all they're cracked up to be?
    • The career guidance seems super helpful, but I don't like the idea of having to take "any qualified offer" and not being able to work throughout the program + afterward

    One of the main problems is that I'm already very in debt from my first bachelor's degree. I made lots of mistakes when I was younger, and I don't want to do that again. I know there are tons of people who boast that both sides are perfect, so I'm left feeling really conflicted about which one to choose.

    TL;DR: If I'm looking to go into software engineering, should I choose a boot camp or a computer science degree program? I have a BFA, but it's unrelated. I'm open to both options, and I would love to hear the pros and cons from people who have gone through the process!

    submitted by /u/notagirl_24
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    Review my solution

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    Hello. I was going through some good to know python set interview questions from here, and came across the following challenge:

    Given a list of words, return the words that can be typed using letters of alphabet on only one row's of American keyboard. You may use one character in the keyboard more than once. You may assume the input string will only contain letters of alphabet.

    Basically this mean create a function that returns words from a list of words that you can type using characters from the same row on your keyboard. For instance "tour" can be typed using only the first row of letters on most keyboards. Here is the solution for it:

    # Given a list of words, return the words that can be typed using letters of alphabet # on only one row's of American keyboard. You may use one character in the keyboard more than once. # You may assume the input string will only contain letters of alphabet. # Hint (letters on each row): # row1 = "qwertyuiop" # row2 = "asdfghjkl" # row3 = "zxcvbnm" words = ['Type', 'Router', 'Pine', 'Dash', 'Top', 'Rower', 'Freedom'] def solution(words): result = [] for w in words: ws = set([c.lower() for c in w]) if not ws.difference("qwertyuiop") or not ws.difference("asdfghjkl") or not ws.difference("zxcvbnm") : result.append(w) return result solution(words) 

    and here is my solution:

    def words_from_keyboard(words): rows = ['qwertyuiop', 'asdfghjkl', 'zxcvbnm'] result = [word for word in words if any(set(word.lower()).issubset(row) for row in rows)] return result words_from_keyboard(words = ['Type', 'Router', 'Pine', 'Dash', 'Top', 'Rower', 'Freedom']) 

    Is there any benefit or disadvantage in my code vs the posted solution just curious? Is there any issue with my structure, implementation, general algorithm, syntax or anything else I could improve with my code.

    submitted by /u/Nabstar333
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    How important is the command line in the early stages of programming?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 10:52 PM PDT

    I'm new to programming and I've started the Odin Project to get in to it. I'm getting the HTML and CSS parts and will soon move on to JavaScript. However, what I'm struggling with is using Terminal in an efficient way. Is this something I should put my focus on now in the beginning before continuing the Odin Project or how "beneficial" is understand the command line at this point of the learning process? Would really appreciate some input and also if anyone has some good advise on how to understand the command line please let me know. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/sannawellmark
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