Feel like an Imposter? Tips from an Aged Care Nurse that launched a Desktop App (Python/Tkinter) learn programming |
- Feel like an Imposter? Tips from an Aged Care Nurse that launched a Desktop App (Python/Tkinter)
- YSK if you have a library card in the US that Udemy is almost always free through Gale Presents!
- Self-learners who got a job, how do you deal with feeling you constantly have to be studying in your spare time to hold your own against CS-grads at work?
- How do you get yourself out of a slump from feeling like you suck at programming?
- Question regarding User Authentication with Google's Firebase
- I want to change careers and start programming with real expectations with C++. Is 6 months enough time to learn the very basics of the language?
- C code
- [Python] What is going on in this dictionary object?
- Possible bug with Java scanner.nextLine()?
- Database Management
- Feeling dumb in Nodejs. How do I pass 'Hello Reddit' to check(); ?
- What path to choose?
- Anybody Familiar with building Ios-Apps? Requiring guidance for a project
- Where to start
- Not sure what to title this
- Programming tips for beginners and tutorials. Please.
- CS or SE
- Multiple Notifications for Python Desktop Notifier
- QR code opens camera
- [Javascript] Unable to print right-angled triangle pattern of stars in JS.
- I want to create a timer .exe, that act similar to "Restream Chat" where it always appear ontop on the desktop view and I can lower the opacity, and could only access with a hotkey? Video demonstration in commnet
Feel like an Imposter? Tips from an Aged Care Nurse that launched a Desktop App (Python/Tkinter) Posted: 29 Sep 2021 05:14 AM PDT Short version because time is money: You may feel like an imposter comparing yourself to Senior Software Developers. But if you knowing more than someone else helps that person/customer/client with their problem, then you are still valuable to them. You are helping them with your knowledge and you are not a fake. Try to re-frame it if feeling like an Imposter is blocking you from moving forward. A little bit is normal. (I still get a bit after 10 years of Nursing. We are all human). Longer version: I'm an Aged Care Nurse that first stumbled across programming 18 months ago. I wanted to complete our documentation audits more efficiently, they were far too time consuming and Google led me to this thing called SQL and then Python. Never seen coding before, didn't know anyone who could code etc. Decided to learn to code. I played with the Python for Everybody(PY4E) course. Dr Chuck is awesome. After nearly having a Stroke for 2 days, I worked out a ".py" file is run in a thing called a "terminal".... FML.noobs. Since then, I am totally captivated by the whole thing. I would get up at 4am every morning to study a few hours before work each day for more than 12 months. Loved it. Then I learnt about Tkinter - the Python GUI tool. That was HUGE for me. I could see what i built, It did things when I clicked, like a 'real' program. It worked too. So cool!! I had some 'tools' I wanted to make to speed up/automate Nursing Home tasks. I spent the next 2 weeks inhaling everything Tkinter and building an App that would read a CSV file, look for certain words and return that line when the word was present and export the results. BUT...... I have no I.T/Comp Sci qualifications or experience :-( After 2 weeks of building my first tool day and night (and loving every minute of it), Imposter Syndrome started to take over. I am just an Aged Care Nurse who has only been learning to code online. I don't know anything, I can't launch an Application like this. Then i thought to myself- "Why not? Who says I can't?" It works, it's free, open source, secure, it will save staff time and increase revenue for the Nursing Home (better auditing = more $$ with this tool). So I said F#ck it, nearly crapped my pants and announced it to my network (includes CEO's) for interested Nursing homes to trial this tool. I felt like a fraud, an imposter, a wanna-be, i have no right to put this garbage out there. Who am i? Then I realised - it doesn't matter because it will still help the staff and business regardless. It may not be pretty or polished like a pro would, but that comes with feedback and refinement. I can start that process now and it can still help staff though, which is the main point. The response has been very positive but we are also at the peak of the pandemic here in Melbourne, Australia, with Nursing Homes locked down. So challenging timing on my behalf... If you can learn programming with what you have already learnt - why do you doubt that you can't learn more if something goes wrong or gets hard? You have already shown to yourself that you are capable of learning. Back yourself in your ability to learn and problem solve, not so much your knowledge on hand. That gives you room to go around the "Imposter" theory and keep moving forward. Know that when you come across a problem, you can Google or StackOverflow your way out of it for the most part. All the best to you guys and thank you all for the posts you make in here. I do apologize, I am a chronic lurker. I will work on that. (Sorry this ended up long. I haven't really spoken about this journey much. Just been quietly working away myself & lurking in this sub, r/learnpython and StackOverflow really. I get pretty excited talking about it..lol ) EDIT: This was a late night post after reading many people here doubting themselves. I thought I would share what a shitshow I am, as to give you guys some forward momentum if you are feeling stuck. Thank you for all the kind words and awards. You all have me excited too now - I am going to start working on my second tool so when the lockdown ends and I can go into Nursing Homes again - I can have two tools to do 'show and tell' with! *grin\* [link] [comments] |
YSK if you have a library card in the US that Udemy is almost always free through Gale Presents! Posted: 29 Sep 2021 11:26 AM PDT Check out: https://galeapps.gale.com/apps/udemy/ Also works for students (college and HS). I'm currently using it to do Colt Steele's Data Structure and Algorithm course using a library card from a library in the CA bay area. edit: it might be easier to google 'your library name' + Free Udemy to see if your library offers it! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Sep 2021 08:30 PM PDT I feel like every waking moment outside of work needs to be playing catch up. I know this career is one where you are always learning but I want to be able to focus on other things without feeling guilt that I'm going to be stuck behind colleagues that studied CS. Am I destined to have to spend all of my spare time immersed in code in order to improve? [link] [comments] |
How do you get yourself out of a slump from feeling like you suck at programming? Posted: 29 Sep 2021 09:14 PM PDT My title is a "mid" level developer, been programming for almost 3 years. But I work with a principal engineer who has been doing it for 20 years. I take on implementing a feature and lately he has had to change my code a lot during reviews latley. He explains why and is a good mentor and is a wizard. But I have been feeling like I've been not coming up with the best solutions to designing the features and implementing all the edge cases. Just feeling like I really suck lately and I'm sure he feels that he has to "hold my hand" for this stuff. I have been trying to learn more stuff and get better but it's been frustratingly slow. And I am usually really quick at getting a working solution together but just isn't good enough. I want to be better, so do you have any advice or period in your career when you may have felt this way? [link] [comments] |
Question regarding User Authentication with Google's Firebase Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:26 AM PDT Hey, I wanted to ask if I can get your input on something! I am in the middle of building an application with Google's Firebase that will have chat between users, and I am confused about what type of authentication system I should implement. I am looking for an authentication system that: 1.) Prevents users from creating multiple accounts on the same device, like a spam bot 2.) Allows them to sign on the app with a different device I've been browsing online for a while now and am getting mixed answers on this problem. The first solution I found is to use phone authentication, but apparently that's a very insecure approach. The second solution is to add phone authentication on top of email + password (2FA), but I do not know if this is the best approach. Currently I am leaning towards the latter. What do you guys think? Thank you so much for taking the time to read my message, and I hope you have a great rest of your day! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:45 PM PDT So i dropped off college recently. I was studying chemistry but i came to realize that what i always wanted was to develop videogames and learn how to be a decent programmer. So the thing is, i have almost no coding experience and i want to start learning C++ and i was wondering if 6 months is enough time to gain a good basis of this language? Considering that i plan to have 4-5 daily hours to study and my goal is to be able to be "acceptably good" after 1 and a half year from now to try to make my first commercial (yet simple) 2D videogame. Is my goal unrealistic or possible? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:02 PM PDT int p=2, *pointer_var=&p; From the above declaration: I was wondering if: pointer_var=pointer_var+2 is valid and what it means (what i think: pointer_var+2 evaluates to the address of the integer stored 8 bytes ( 2 integers) after &p) [link] [comments] |
[Python] What is going on in this dictionary object? Posted: 29 Sep 2021 08:46 PM PDT P.s: Am I right in calling it an "object"? Does anybody know why someone would set the table to {0: -1} in this function? Where did that come from? Any idea? Its counting the longest "contiguous binary array" in something like this "[1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1]". Im doing leetcode and this came up and I know everything else but idk where the {0: -1} came from, everybody else put an empty dict like this {} and filled it as the loop ran, but this guy immediately puts {0: -1} and it helped a lot. The table is storing the index position of a particular sum. If you had [1,0,1] the key value pair would look like {1: 0}because the sum at index 0 is 1. Doesnt the dict in question say the sum at index -1 is 0? Thats not true but it still works somehow. The rest of the table ends up getting filled normally, however the function is always off by 2 if you start with {} instead of {0: -1}. Anyone know what's happening? I don't get it. [link] [comments] |
Possible bug with Java scanner.nextLine()? Posted: 29 Sep 2021 08:22 PM PDT My program keeps throwing the NoSuchElementException when I try to read a string into my scanner. It is worth noting that earlier in the program I am able to use a scanner and it successfully reads the string. Does anyone see where I could be going wrong? It seems pretty straight forward and I read about a bug like this in a previous Java version. My code: the error: Thanks! edit: Solved* a call to close the scanner earlier in the program closed System In stream, rendering further scanners with no stream from which to gather input. Changing the program to utilize one scanner across methods fixes this problem. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:05 AM PDT I have currently taken database management course and our professor wants us to make a project using frontend and backend using some sort of sql. And it also must be a web application it doesn't have to be dynamic though. I only know c++, java and all this talk professor said about frontend and backend as well as using python+django combo or php+ laravel combo has gone over my head. So can someone kindly give me a tutorial that i can follow to make a project like these. Thank you. [link] [comments] |
Feeling dumb in Nodejs. How do I pass 'Hello Reddit' to check(); ? Posted: 29 Sep 2021 08:19 PM PDT I cannot get the variable 'Hello' to appear in check(); I feel incredibly stupid. I'm sure there's something very basic I'm forgetting. Script: Terminal: [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Sep 2021 11:48 PM PDT I've just finished foundation section on The Odin Project and now I am not sure what to learn next – it's either Ruby on Rails or JavaScript/Node & Express. So I need your help with this to dive into learning without looking back thinking whether I chose the right path to the "wrong" one. [link] [comments] |
Anybody Familiar with building Ios-Apps? Requiring guidance for a project Posted: 29 Sep 2021 11:37 PM PDT Hi Everyone hope everyone is doing well, I've been assigned a project to make an iOS app- a basic app which when opens a website and user inputs the login credentials and the app reads the data from the backend website/query and shows different charts/bar graphs - being a junior in ios development who's just started would love it -if somebody could guide and show me the ropes-Stipend received from the app making would be shared. Pls text me up for the same! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Sep 2021 11:36 PM PDT Okay I'll start by saying if I sound clueless it's because I am. Coding is something I have always been very interested in learning, I am hoping to start to learn a language and to take what I learn to college or a career potential. However the issue i have encountered is where do u start? I have bough a laptop which comes tomorrow so I'm hoping to throw myself straight into whatever recommendations this post receives. I'm just looking for a general path to take to teach myself the best way. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Sep 2021 11:32 PM PDT I wanna do a prompt in C and python that asks for 4 numbers to be entered but instead of doing the basic print(enter) four times I was wondering if I could have them enter all the numbers in the same line, read and stored in there respective variables. If it is possible can some tell me the terms I'll need to research it or point me in the right direction? [link] [comments] |
Programming tips for beginners and tutorials. Please. Posted: 29 Sep 2021 02:28 PM PDT I've been interested in programming for a while, and I decided to start learning how to program since it's fall break and I have time. I want to make my own videogame, but it's too difficult for me at the moment since I don't know anything about programming whatsoever. So, for the people that can help me, can you tell me what's a good programming language I should start with and what tutorials I should watch/read? Any other tips and help would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Sep 2021 04:52 PM PDT A bit of an unusual post,I am a newbie in programming ( just started learning the basics of programming a week ago kind of newbie) applying for a University......as the title states what is the major difference between the two. I am going make my decision considering your responses as I have no clue on what to opt for....... [link] [comments] |
Multiple Notifications for Python Desktop Notifier Posted: 29 Sep 2021 10:43 PM PDT I have decided to create a program that notifies my boyfriend's computer with cute messages for him to see. I've watched multiple tutorials and read many articles on this, and I was successful in letting it run. For using notification.notify(), I wanted to know how I could implement a second message (as I wanted to send two different ones in 1 day). Below is my code. I have a few questions:
I appreciate any messages about this, and I hope to solve it soon so I can surprise him with it. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Sep 2021 01:55 PM PDT Hi. I'm super new to programming. I want to create a QR code that when you scan, it opens your front-facing camera and shows you a text in front of your face (like a filter). Is it possible? And if it is, how? Is it hard? Thanks [link] [comments] |
[Javascript] Unable to print right-angled triangle pattern of stars in JS. Posted: 29 Sep 2021 10:08 PM PDT New to coding; I want to output a right-angled triangle stars pattern in JS (i'm using repl.it) using only one for loop (the standard solution over the internet is to use a double for loop). Luckily i stumbled upon a YT video that could print(in C++) the desired pattern with just one for loop but when i tried to emulate the code in repl.it it shows a different pattern, like this in the output screen- //first line * * * * *. //last line Desired output (this is what i want) - * ** *** **** ***** This is what i tried (copying from the YT video) - for (var i=0;i<15;i++) { if (i==1||i==3||i==6||i==10) { console.log("\n"); console.log("*"); } else {console.log("*"); } } My question is - what am i doing wrong here to get those single line of stars instead of the right angled triangle stars ? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Sep 2021 09:54 PM PDT Why I want this timer? I work only with my laptop view and I kinda wnat to see the timer running out so that I can better focus on work in certain amount of time. What is this timer different ? It will act similar to Restream Chat + where I will need a hotkey to be able to interact with the timer since I don't want to accidentally click on it while I'm working. + the timer could also be reduce its opacity so that I can see what I am working on. + the timer running out will be either vertical or horizontal Line (so that it could be resize on top or on the side of the screen view) What is my experiment? I haven't create any .exe file yet. (I don't know to be exact) I know a little bit about create website using html, css and javascript. Basic function and all. If there is another way or any other software that already have it, please comment down below. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
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