• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 30, 2021

    DNS record types web developers

    DNS record types web developers

    DNS record types

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    Am new to using APIs, can someone help me figure the problem out?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Digitalocean released wildcard certs for their load balancers

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    Let's Encrypt wildcard certificates support for Load Balancers and Spaces

    We have added the ability to create wildcard certificates using Let's Encrypt to simplify the experience of certificate management.

    Can't find a post to link to, but received this from their newsletter

    submitted by /u/DeusExMagikarpa
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    Faster WebGL load?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    I have a rather large unity webgl game. It takes forever (a minute or so) to start up on page load, so I'm worried most users won't be patient enough to stick around. Are there any tricks to drastically decrease the loading time of my webgl build? Maybe something to do with server hosting? (I'm a rookie to web dev) Currently it's hosted by gitlab pages. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/wafflewrestler
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    Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 133

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Any suggestions for a web hosting?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    Want to deploy my personal portfolio and need a host.

    submitted by /u/arao2113
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    Can you really make a money with a web development career?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    I really love building websites. Its the few things I'm passionate about besides photography/videography.

    Anyways I was wondering if I could actually get a decent job with web development. I'm not even talking being rich, but just a decent living where I can take care of myself. I already know html and css and learing JavaScript at the moment. But have built full workable websites and apps with just these codes alone and even made a little money off it so far. I didn't go to college for it I just taught myself.

    Is the web development field too competitive? What else do I need to learn to get a stable web development job instead of gigs or self projects here and there?

    submitted by /u/purpleflowers55
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    MiroTalk-SFU: Video calls, messaging, screen sharing, recording and more...

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 01:36 AM PDT

    How To Estimate Pi Precisely in Code Just Through Using Random Numbers

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    How To: Speed up your Shopify store with prefetching.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Cheap iphone for testing?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Will any iPhone work for mobile iOS testing or do you guys recommend not going below a certain number?

    I'm buying a physical device because I was told Apple goes after emulators under the excuse that they are simulators. I see a few emulators on Google but this is what a senior dev who works on mobile apps told me.

    submitted by /u/vixayam
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    PostgreSQL 14 released

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    Is it worth switching to webdev?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    Hello! I am at sort of a crossroads in my career. Almost a year ago I left my first job out of college after doing data engineering for them for two years. While the company and co-workers were great, I realized I didn't have any passion for data science and the fact that we kept switching projects every few months was jarring (we were consultants). It was my first ever time I doing data engineering and a lot of times I felt in over my head, but it was the firsts serious job offer I got out of college and the pay, benifits and working environment were really good. By the end, I was having a hard time keeping up and I was anxious all the time and it was increasingly obvious to myself and my manager that this company probably wasn't the right fit for me, so I left. I wanted to wait out the work from home trend, but it's taking so long for covid to end that I feel like I definitely need to find a new job.

    Data engineering is the fastest growing area in tech, pays very very well, and I technically have a foot in the door. The issue is I still feel very green at it and am not sure I could get another job in it without months of studying and practice.

    That said, I was thinking about the last time I actually felt good about the work I was doing and that was in webdev. Specifically I did a three month internship where we built a full stack from scratch (Golang, vanilla javascript, html and css). But that was back in 2016 and I haven't done webdev since.

    So basically I am pretty green at two industries, one that I'm passionate about and the other which has more opportunities and potential pay. If I'm going to dedicate any significant amount of time to learning one, I probably wouldn't have enough time to learn the other before my financial situation starts looking bad.

    So I want to know, is it worth it for me to switch to webdev? Are there enough opportunities? Could I get up to speed quickly enough to start applying soon? etc

    submitted by /u/CaptainJackWagons
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    How to Use Vanilla JS Routers with React

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    How to animate/transition a list that gets reordered without elements being deleted/created?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    I have an array of data rendered in a list of Vue components which I can reorder with a button click so that one swaps with the one above/below it.

    Since I'm not actually deleting the elements, just updating the data in each component, is there a way to add some subtle CSS transition to this?

    I know about fade in and out but they don't seem to work since there's no element being created/destroyed?

    submitted by /u/imnos
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    Media Queries aren't always enough! A guide to container queries

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    What is the best way to build an e-commerce site?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I'm a new freelance web developer. For context, I have one client and one Django site under my belt. I am learning React and getting really comfortable with it and plan on using it for most if not all of my projects in the future. I am also comfortable with Django and plan on learning Node Express and MongoDB in the near future to complete the full MERN stack. I'm trying to cover all of my bases and I have been thinking about how I would build an e-commerce site for a client if they wanted one. Could I build my own API or would that be a huge undertaking? Would it be easier and more secure to use something like the Shopify API and connect it to a React web app? What about just using Shopify and modifying it to the client's needs? I don't know or care to know WordPress. What are the best practices when it comes to freelance e-commerce? I know this is kind of a mess of a question. Thanks for your patience and any info you can offer.

    submitted by /u/MadThad762
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    One last time: custom styling radio buttons and checkboxes

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    JavaScript- Every time I save, additional blank spaces are added after each comma. How do I stop this?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Design approaches to load-balanced web socket with fast small state temporary database

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    I don't think I'll get to that scale where a single NGINX on an EC2 small as a proxy is not enough to then dish out requests to multiple clones/containers of some service.

    One of the things mentioned (database) is some state management, I don't know at what scale is an in-memory vs. disk database relevant... the use case is real time collaboration think mirroring events between two people.

    For example, would you have multiple endpoints in the web app as possible places to hit if one goes down (the NGINX balancer) and with regard to the messaging, if one container receives it/responded to client, do the others (containers) try and respond as well.

    And then just general syncing between the copies.

    I'm using EC2, Node, Postgres currently no containers yet.

    submitted by /u/post_hazanko
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    Vue quasar environmental variables not working

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    I have a Vue, Django integrated project. I hosted the Vue project on Netlify and the Django project on Heroku. A python script (integrated into Heroku) is called on certain buttons which extract data and posts this to the Django API and PostgreSQL database to be viewed on the frontend.

    Now i have some variables which i would like to not be accessible by others, so putting them in .env files. Now i did this with quasar/dotenv extension. It works locally, and when i run it from my project in production (within dist/spa). However, when i then push it to my branch and to the netlify site i have hosted, the .env variables can't be accessed somehow.

    So when i run it in production from vue itself, it does work, but from the published site it doesn't.

    Appreciate the help!

    submitted by /u/aubamejan
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