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    Monday, August 30, 2021

    What is your best non-programming skill that you apply to making games?

    What is your best non-programming skill that you apply to making games?

    What is your best non-programming skill that you apply to making games?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    Let's discuss the various skills required to build a game!

    I will go with Technical Writing. I'm good at planning out, scheduling and documenting the process of my business in games. This allows me to find the right game idea and stay closer to the optimal path instead of wandering off target. What is your best skill?

    submitted by /u/timbeaudet
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    r/DestroyMyGame has hit 5k subs!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    About three months ago I started r/DestroyMyGame as a place for Game Devs to show off their work and get honest feedback, even if it hurt to hear. Today we have reached 5,000 subscribers, which means that devs are hungry for this kind of feedback.

    This has already proven to be a great resource for those who have submitted. It always helps to get fresh eyes on your work.

    So if you are hearing about this sub for the first time, or maybe you saw my announcement post from three months ago but were skeptical, I encourage you to check it out. A lot of devs have been helped in that time.

    We have a couple rules on submissions:

    • Submissions should be in video format. You may include links to a playable build of the game as well as any other details as a comment, but do not expect users to play it unless they are enticed by your video.
    • Savage Screenshot Saturday Megathread. Every Saturday we encourage devs to post screenshots and other small updates to their projects that don't otherwise warrant a full post. Then we get a little more wild in the comments.

    And remember that all feedback is subjective.

    submitted by /u/prog_meister
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    Learn the fundamentals of the State Pattern and Finite State Machines to keep our code effecient, organized and expandable as our games increase in complexity! With a guided project walkthrough and accessible examples, let's take our programming skills to the next level! (Full tutorial in comments)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    Sabastian Lague I Spent a Week Making an AI's Video Game Idea

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Is there any good book about video game industry? I've just read "Blood, sweat & pixels" and "Press reset" (these are brilliant imho)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    Title says it all. Do you have any favourite books about video games? Mapping history, behind the scenes or about specific game genre? Form doesn't matter. Could be a book, web or blog. Any consumable text is fine.

    I've just finished Blood, sweat & pixels and Press Reset and these books are great. It really puts game industry into perspective. And I want more of this. I played games since I was a child (I'm 33), but I've never been a hard core gamer sucked into a video game vortex. Some of my friends have incredible game knowledge - every game, studio, rumours and I want to know this too.

    submitted by /u/FonoLabs
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    sometimes I just can't get back to my main project because of how "big"/"complicated" it is, even though I know what to do to fix it.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    can someone please help me with this very annoying road block?

    submitted by /u/Likes_Monke
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    Contribution to Unreal community. LSS I shared my project I still use for tutorials on my channel via GitHub so everyone can use what I've done in 10 months without following tutorials or to complete tutorial where they encountered problems. Details in comments.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Full list of features You can find here:


    Quick summary:

    1. Dynamic weather system with day/night cycle that supports landscape auto-material.
    2. Interaction system with grab and carry items, consumables etc.
    3. Quest system with storable progress.
    4. World and minimap with dynamic navigation system.
    5. Save system that support everything from inventory to quest steps, weather conditions etc.
    6. Reactive water, ambient.
    7. Storytelling feature, Points of Interest and more

    Link to GitHub here:


    submitted by /u/JellyBeanCart
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    Tutorial: AI - Behavior tree part 1/2 - Unreal Engine 4 + Unreal Engine 5

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    How to make players uncomfortable?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    (Apologies if this is the wrong sub.)

    I'm making a game where the tone shifts halfway through. Before, it's bubbly and cartoony and bouncy. But a certain event occurs that changes the tone of the game. Any suggestions on how to make the player feel put off or uncomfortable?

    So far I'm having a fight between two of the main characters, there probably won't be any music during the battle, and the characters will have much less than their normal hp, to symbolize how the game isn't as "fantastic" as it used to be.

    submitted by /u/ENateFak
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    The Python 2D game library Arcade 2.6.0 has been released

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    Arcade is a fast, full-featured OpenGL-based Python library. It is incredibly easy to use, yet supports advanced functionality like tile maps, shaders, and more.

    Check out what our volunteers have been working hard on all summer! Arcade 2.6.0 release notes.

    This is a huge release for us, so if you've ever wanted to create your own 2D platformer, a card game, work with OpenGL shaders, make an adventure game, an arcade game, or more, check out the project.

    There is a TON of example code here and tutorials. Even a whole book if you are new to programming.

    submitted by /u/pvc
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    Where can I find people to make games with?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    I like making games as a hobby although I mostly like the art aspect. My question is what would be a good place to look for people to participate in a game jam for example. Or just make something for fun

    submitted by /u/NudelNils
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    How Do I Overlay a 2D Minigame in my 3D Game in Unity?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Hey, everyone! I've been trying to create some sort of Minigame in my 3D game, which utilizes 2D assets. The minigame itself is basically a small skill check, which is supposed to be visualized ontop of the 3D gameview. So you can still see the character and your surroundings and still turn the camera around the player. I have programmed the minigame as well as the situation in which it is supposed to be triggered, but I don't know how to properly display it.

    What exactly is the theory or the logic behind such a scenario? I have tried additive scene loads, but the minigame isn't properly displayed because of its position and I'm looking for a different way to do it or a solution to that.

    I'm grateful for any help.

    submitted by /u/sleepwalkinglover
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    Web app to play around with composite homogenous 3D transformations

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    I am currently working a lot with composite 3D transformations using homogenous matrixes and sometimes I get stuck way to long with certain issues because my intuition is just not right. Does anyone know of any web app where I can play around with these transformations in order to improve my intuition?


    submitted by /u/RevolutionarySpace24
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    Term vector in programing different? In physics, a vector carries direction and magnitude. In programming, it seems to just be a 3D point in space. Just want to confirm this.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Same as the title

    Term vector in programing different? In physics, a vector carries direction and magnitude. In programming, it seems to just be a 3D point in space. Just want to confirm this.

    submitted by /u/HeroTales
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    What should I focus on if I want to learn how to develop a political sim?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    I mean turn based 2d games like ''The Political Process'' or ''Crisis in the Kremlin'', which are basicly just a bunch of static UI screens with modifiers to play with when it comes to the economy/ministers/policy choices/etc.

    Considering that I'm new to game development and it's a vast and confusing field I was wondering what should I focus on when it comes to learning how to make those types of games. Cheers

    submitted by /u/Kowalski18
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    Just watched game dev unlocked "how making an indie games changed my life" I havent finished it yet but I'm inspired, I just want to know, unity visual scripting vs blueprints?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    I'm currently taking the cs50x course so learning day by day. But I also did a course on unreal engines blueprints and I loved it, I truly did.

    I just want to know what the differences are exactly between visual scripting and blueprinting?

    Also, how did you start your game dev journey and how is it going?

    I'm currently also doing my masters (commerce) and also working so basically packed with work. But man, I keep thinking about practicing unreal engines blueprints every single time lol (you can tell I grew up around games, just not people who make em)

    Any suggestions, advice, thoughts would be great!

    submitted by /u/icry4real
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    Do you use a social media scheduling tool to post about your game?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    If so, which one and why? Why not, if you feel like it is not worth it.

    submitted by /u/mpbeau
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    What hobby or field of activity (not gamedev) inspired you to create a game with a related theme?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    The idea behind the question is inspired by the topic below and a project that I recently found - a psychologist has developed a game about fighting phobias (Fearmonium).

    I think there are a lot of different author's projects, one way or another inspired by the specific professions or interests. I love science and nature and have long thought about the game concept about the exploring of different types of plants and animals in a near-SciFi setting.

    But this is still at the concept stage, thinking about the main game loop and some other questions (for example, will people be more interested in fictional flora and fauna or real ones?). So now I'm doing an adventure ARPG about the lost school of sorcery, but maybe I'll come back to this concept later. How are you doing with this? Is there a hobby that formed the basis of your game design? Maybe just a concept or an idea

    submitted by /u/ArtistDmitry
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    What should I use to create a customizable game bible ?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    As my previous OS was Linux, I used the freeware Tellico, a collection management software, to create various cards about my game (characters, events, items, locations ... etc). I used a dozen Tellico files as a central data bank, transferring the info of my drafts into them. Each file had customized fields, that allowed me to create entries with said fields. Also, you could sort and filter the entries.

    An average Tellico window looks like this. It doesn't look sexy, but it was great to store data.

    However, I don't use Linux anymore, I recently switch to Windows 10. I feel creatively blocked by the lack of collection management software, as I can't find any on the Microsoft store and on the internet. Any software/site will do, as long as you can customized fields and sort/filter entries.

    Is there anything that could suit my needs ?

    submitted by /u/BEYOND-ZA-SEA
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    What should we be posting on Socials if we aren't ready to show off our game yet?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    The short version is the title, the longer version of this includes a couple of things. So I am the Social Media/Community Manager at a small indie game dev studio. We are making a co-op beat 'em up, and have are currently keeping things (gameplay) secretive for a plethora of reasons.

    So our current social "gameplan" involves a few things. A lot of it is centered around showing off our very talented team, whether that's doing shoutouts and showcases of their work, a weekly webcomic starring our employees, some giveaways, and asking A LOT of questions like "What is your favorite game to play on a rainy day?" That's about it.

    So we have been doing okay with that strategy but things have really slowed down, and we are not seeing all that much success with this current plan anymore.

    I am open to pretty much anything, a couple of months ago we tried streaming our Team "game Nights" but we didn't get that much traction on that front and it was exhausting for some of our members when they had to be on camera/were being recorded for 3 hours straight AFTER work.

    So my question still boils down to, how can I grow my Indie Devs socials, without being able to post anything related to the game?

    submitted by /u/Dolfinx
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    How do you lose a customer in the gaming industry?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    Current game developer shares his experiences and talks about the high-pressure of game development industry, what makes a game shatter records and specifically the ways a dev can lose customers.

    Do you have similar experiences of losing your customers?


    submitted by /u/caternoon
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    How viable is a mostly 2D game with a 3D segment?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    Let's say I wanted to make a traditional JRPG that's almost entirely 2D except for maybe zooming in and out during battles or certain attacks having 3D elements. But near the end of the game at the final boss, the perspective changes to full 3D where the characters walk around in a realistic full 3D environment and fight a 3D boss.

    I'm nowhere near actually making this happen, it's really just an idea, but if I did want to commit to this, which game engine do you think would work best?

    submitted by /u/PKGamingAlpha
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    Any luck with "seasonal/holiday" games?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    The question is in the title! What's your take on seasonal/holiday games? Have you ever made a game that caters to a season? How were your sales?

    I have a short whimsical Halloween game coming out this year and I am excited to see how people will react. It was made for fun and to get me out of my development rut. Not made with the intention of making tons of money.

    Share your seasonal games below to, because I will give them a look!

    submitted by /u/Zoltoks
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    A game-making roadmap

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Five days ago I posted on this subreddit about my intention to start developing a game, mentioning my doubts about which engine to use. Some kind people responded and spurred me to choose Unity. But I know there is a lot of work to do before even installing the engine, because at the moment all I have is a mock-up GDD 18 pages long, and there are tons of decisions still to be made. Therefore I decided to use Reddit as a minimalistic work log, for myself obviously, but maybe not only me. Here I will briefly state every next step I decide to take in this long and perilous journey, then update it in the comments with short remarks about difficults encountered (or goals achieved, hopefully) for that specific step. In the best case scenario, some redditors could be interested in giving their opinion, helping make this little log more interesting.

    The post number zero is here:


    I am aware of the possibility that this stuff is in the wrong subreddit, because (at least for this beginning phase) there is more to game designing in it than game development (but I'm not sure). So if am told to move away I will quickly do. But, for now, here are my next three steps:

    - parameter listing (maybe on a spreadsheet?). It's all about parameters and modifiers. My brigade of cooks will behave very differently depending on a series of parameters, some of which are character-related, others derive from the state and level of the restaurant. And because the restaurant parameters themselves are affected by how well the brigade can actually cook, it's like a network of intertwined modifiers, and I need to clarify each of these relations and dependencies and see how they "flow" from one to another. So the second step is:

    - parameter mapping (using a mindmap editor like Scapple, I guess), in order to see the flows and understand if there is any vicious circle (like modifiers reciprocally and directly affecting each other) or other flaws in the "logic circuitry" of parameters.

    - when everything looks fine, or at least not terrible, I will begin to conceive a rough prototype in which I can see in real time how the game parameters actually work on each other by letting the cooks act and interact, with me manually inputting the values (for example: quality of the kitchen gear, difficulty of the recipes, experience of the cooks and so on). The prototype will be made with Unity and – as the final game – will be in 2D. Obviously no art or sound will be involved in this prototype.

    submitted by /u/Skull_Jack
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