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    What is Functional Programming ? What other kinds of programming are out there ? Ask Programming

    What is Functional Programming ? What other kinds of programming are out there ? Ask Programming

    What is Functional Programming ? What other kinds of programming are out there ?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    I just came across a Flutter plugin for functional programming and wanted to know more so here I am on Reddit !

    Thanks in advance, have a nice day/night :)

    submitted by /u/EquivalentThink2928
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    Noob here looking for advice on what language to learn

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I can only imagine how many of these types of posts you get here, it would be much appreciated if you could offer some guidance! I'm pretty good with teaching myself new software, but I'm not sure where to start and I don't have the time to spare right now learning the wrong thing. My definitions may also be a little off, but I'm hoping you get the idea.

    This is what I need to create, from scratch:

    - 3 (separate?) databases that the user can add/edit through a simple GUI: one would be an address book with client information, one would be an address book for employee information, and one would be for incoming "tasks".

    - a GUI search/filter page that can order all the tasks by active/inactive status and their due dates

    - for each client/employee address book entry (typical contact info fields), I'd also like to auto-populate a list of previous tasks assigned to them below the contact info fields

    Does that make sense? Please let me know if it doesn't. All I'm looking for right now is someone to tell me what software or coding language I should teach myself to design this monstrosity (which I'm assuming any programmer could probably create in less than an hour haha). Any feedback at all appreciated. Thanks so much, everyone!

    submitted by /u/blinkingnintendo99
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    Why can't you digitally search Hindi in a pdf I tried but it shows some wierd "1;283(#" when the select the text from pdf & paste it on search. Is something I am missing??

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 09:55 PM PDT

    I can't digitally search Hindi words in a Hindi pdf file in Google Chrome, & I haven't Tried in ms edge. I tried copying text from the pdf itself and search that pdf text, but when I enter it in a search bar it is something wierd "12:3(#;", and that thing is searchable in the pdf, What is this some sort of intermediary bytecode, what is this guys, help out?

    submitted by /u/ImRajIndia
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    How often do you flow chart?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 09:31 PM PDT

    I'm currently a CS major and i program as a hobby. School assignments are usually easy enough for me to get away with coding straight from my head. However when I work on my personal projects that exceed over a 1000 lines of code. Maintaining my codes and updating/implementing new features becomes a nightmare. I feel like its because the main structure/foundation of my code isn't solid if that makes sense, so changing or adding anything produces a billion child problems.

    So my question is how necessary is it to flow chart? and if i do flow chart how detailed does it have to be? Also what are some good programming habits that would help me write programs that I could update/maintain without producing a million child problems.

    also my skill level is basic object orientated programming with C++ and python. I also took data structures last semester

    submitted by /u/Anthonyc567
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    Is there a server I can just dump text into it and then use a GET request?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    I wanted to do something like this

    submitted by /u/Czekraft
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    What instruction do i have to add to a batch file to direct it to where a program is located?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    I'm trying to open a program at startup through task scheduler

    submitted by /u/drummerene
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    Dexie vs localforage: what indexedDB wrapper do you recommend?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    I see that they are the two most popular tools but I did not find any comparison. Could you tell me which one you prefer and why? what are the pros and cons of each? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/carlpaul153
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    How do I decide what to learn?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    So this is a bit of an odd question. I recently got a comp sci diploma and was able to find a job(very very VERY lucky). From my understanding and what my coworkers have told me it is always good to continually learn new things. So my question is how do I find/decide what would be good to learn?

    submitted by /u/Crixdec
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    Question for the experts.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    Ok, so I have a issue that I need some expert input on. At my job I am the training coordinator for my department. Part of my job entails creating training material. We have certain programs (cannot say due to legal) that we use to run our machines. For training I asked to purchase a simulation, but was denied due to cost.

    So what I am trying to do is make it myself. My idea is halfway complete but I need input on my next step. I have recreated the screens we use in Power Point, but I would like to be able make it interactive. For example, some systems are interlocked. If I get the operator to start one motor I would like the next one in line to change to the appropriate color showing that it has started. Normally I would just create slides with hyperlinks. But the problem is certain motors are on multiple slides (screens). I therefore need one slide to interact with multiple other slides. Some pages can have up to 10-15 different objects that can be changed. I figured I could do some coding to get this effect. I know this is not simple, but I do not have any time constraints so I can learn the language while at work and get this task complete.

    I have looked at VBA but after talking to my IT manager, they were not sure which language would be the best. But I have their backing to do this as they would like to see it completed.

    For my background, I am going to school for Cyber Security but I will admit I am not a programmer. I do know basic Python but I am not sure how well it will integrate.

    One other thing, whatever language I use it must be able to run the file from any computer on our site. Which is why I am doing the bulk of it on a simple Power Point document.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you

    submitted by /u/silentsnak3
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    Detecting a known company logo on a website

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    Hello, I want to write a small script that checks if a website includes the logo of a a list of well known companies (like Amazon, Apple, Google, ...). Do I have to use machine learning or is there a more simple approach to this?

    submitted by /u/vowie92
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    Development of Flutter apps on Android Go phone

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Does Android Go operating system support the development mode you get when tapping seven times on the build number in settings > software info?

    If yes, do I need to download a special virtual device in the android studio as well?

    And what about Flutter apps? Will a device with 1gb ram run a simple app that connects to the server via rest api run ok?

    submitted by /u/JiriSpax
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    What server specs needed for API calls?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    I am building an application that has a potential to have 1k-5k daily active users. There are multiple API calls that happen during a single run of the application (I haven't counted but it will vary on how the user would use the app). Given this, what kind of specifications should I look at when getting a server. I understand storage is basically the local storage of the server but I do not understand the rest of specs. All help would be greatly appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/clueless_robot
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    Techniques for robust job scheduling?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    I am using job scheduler (redis based) for revoking rights of users. It's pretty critical logic, so it's not acceptable if some job will fail (or fail without notice at least).

    Is there any techniques, best practices etc. you know or can share resources where I can read about them?

    submitted by /u/salkcid
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    When and how should you check for a new access token using a M2M connection from my API with Auth0

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    Hello r/AskProgramming, I'm currently working on making a web application that uses a M2M connection between an Azure Functions app using .NET Core 3.1/C# and Auth0, my chosen identity provider. I'm using some API endpoints to allow users to manage/create/delete roles for users within the application using Auth0's Management API

    I'm relatively new to authorization and authentication using JWT's/access tokens/etc, specifically for when I need to check and re-request an access token, and how to store the token in my Functions instance for re-use when another request is made that uses the management endpoints.

    According to Auth0's documentation on the topic, you can request an access token using your client ID and client secret, and in return you receive an access token in the following format: { "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cC...", "token_type": "Bearer" }

    That's all well and good, but do I need to get another token every single time I want to hit the management endpoint? I know that these tokens only expire once every 24 hours, but since there's no issued date that comes with the token, how do I check if it's expired? I'm really confused as to what the best practice is in terms of retrieving new tokens and storing them for later use.

    If anyone has any experience with this or is familiar with auth concepts and could chime in, I would really appreciate the help!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Fluxriflex
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    Learning Java from basic to advance

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Hi I want to learn java but not able to find any good sources from where I can start...I have a time limit of 6 months and I want to understand all the basic to advance concepts...time is not the issue, I can dedicate 60-70 hours per week. Can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/Celleron22
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    Need help with a simple code

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    I want to create a text box with a submit button on the website, which then redirects to the https://seo.uprankd.com/EXAMPLE.com

    Where "EXAMPLE.com" would be the variable that is added within the text box.

    I have the subdomain where I can check the website SEO score by adding the domain name after the "/" manually. I want to create a page on the site where you can write the website for which you'd like to know the SEO score.

    Can someone help or direct me where to look for this?

    submitted by /u/MartinsSulcs
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    Better one statement with all calculations are multiple statements with easier calculations?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:27 PM PDT

    I'm learning c# and working on a little project i have been thinking about for a while. In it variables are influenced by different inputs and calculations. I was wondering for running more smoothly, is it better to update the variable in different lines of code with easier calculations, or to have one line of code that combines all the influences and combinations?

    ex1: variable1 = variable1 + variable2*3.1415;

    variable1 = variable1- math.pow(variable3,2)

    variable 1 = ...

    ex2: variable1 = variable1 + variable2*3.15-math.pow(variable3,2)...

    submitted by /u/bullpopbearpup
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    What is the best way to think of the other stuff changed by thenfunction?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 12:55 PM PDT


    An example is the merging procedure of the merge sort. Just to refresh it. You have two arrays or lists, each is sorted. Now you want to construct out of it a third list/array that would be fully sorted and include items from all of them. The logic to do it is very simple: two indexes (for each of the arrays) that start from 0 and go until size - 1. Compare elements on those indexes, add smallest one to resulting array, increment that index. If one of the indexes is bigger than size - 1 then just pick data from the other array incrementing index after that. Repeat until both indexes value is size.

    Simple, right? But how to think of such a program? One way is to create a function that will take two arrays and two indexes as a parameters and return a third array and changed indexes values. This function will represent one step of a merge operation. Not very nice thing is since we need to return many values we will have to create an object containing them.

    Another approach is to make this function recursive and then we will not have to return new index values, as they will be immediately passed into the following step of recursion. We will have to have a resulting array as an extra parameter. So it's actually a procedure now rather than a function.

    Now whole another approach would be to instead of having a function for a single step of merge, to have a function for the whole merge and wrap a single step inside a while and make indexes and resulting array initialized before while and modified within while. Logically this is similar to a recursive approach, as what happens in a single step is a "procedure".

    Now, as you see there is a lot of ways to solve this thing and there are lot of ways to think about the same thing. And thinking about it in a way X does not necessarily mean you cannot later change the solution to be written in a way Y. But while thinking it's nice to have some "standard" proven way that allows you to quickly devise the solution in your head. Requirements for that way are: it should not be very complex (so you can run it in your head), it should work absolutely everywhere (so that you can stick with it and do it half-automatically).

    The reason I am asking is because when trying to build a solution in my head I frequently find myself thinking of the "technical" approach like I explained above instead of thinking of the problem and because I don't have a "chosen" way I jump from one approach to another, which leads to mistakes, makes it harder to solve the problem and makes you lost in "unimportant" details.

    From what I feel such an approach should probably be a recursion as being the natural and the least complex of all 9f them. Your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/gas3872
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    Price scraping project

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Hello, I am in an entry level programming class and we have been assigned a project of our choice. Me and a few classmates decided to make a program that can gather specific price data from websites and put it into an excel document. We mostly want to gather prices for products that are being discounted. I have looked a little bit into scrapy but we are not sure if it's the best route to take. Is there any guides or tips that anyone would be kind enough to share on where to start or if there's an easier way to do it. We have seen that there are price APIs for some websites but we technically need to make our own program.

    Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Chummycho1
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    I'm a beginner and I'm trying doing a software and need help with which language to choose

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    So basically I need to do a project and I've chosen to do a small Hospital management system. It needs a server for just the hospital where it can record the patient details but also it needs to have an online site where patients can view their medical history.
    I know a little bit of HTML, CSS and learning JavaScript along with them and I think this project also needs some SQL databases for backend. So can I actually create a local server AND an online platform and link the two databases by these WebDev elements I know and learning SQL or is there any other languages recommended?

    I'm sorry if this is the wrong sub to ask this question.

    submitted by /u/shawar420
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    Why doesn't Taboola ban traffic arbitrage sites from promoting on their platform?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    Given how traffic arbitrage sites bring down the quality of Taboola's content, why don't they just ban these kinds of sites? I'm interested in knowing if there is a technical limitation which prevents them from doing this.

    submitted by /u/jsandeep316
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    Need some help writing a simple code to perform. Some mathematical functions and print the results.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    1.Print the first 15 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.

    1. Take an string input from user and reverse each PAIR of characters and print them, if the length of the string is an uneven amount of characters leave the last character in its place.

    2. A statement that reads a string input from user checks to see if it's a palindrome and returns a Boolean.

    I'm asking for solutions as I'm just a beginner and find I learn better from seeing answers, guides on the net are kinda weird and super advanced or super beginner, I feel I'm neither but still stuck on these questions. Thank you to any geniuses that help me

    submitted by /u/Bdz-
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    How do I programmatically check for affiliate links?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    Is there a programmatic way to detect every kind of affiliate link that there is out there? I've noticed some affiliate links don't have an affiliate ID in the URL, which could make it tricky.

    submitted by /u/jsandeep316
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    Making a splash screen just to make the app look complex

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 02:24 AM PDT

    So, I have made a c# winforms application for a business that simply stores records etc.
    The app just opens right away, and I feel like it just doesn't look cool. I feel like If I add a splash screen at the start, it might make clients think the app is doing something complex.

    Have you ever made something like this? Do you think I should?

    submitted by /u/uniquebae
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